Chinese principals from Jiangsu Province 9.29.2013

Innovative Pedagogies in American High Schools 美美美美美美美美美 Dr. Hiller A. Spires Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor September 29, 2013


Presentation at the Friday Institute in collaboration with the Center for International Understanding

Transcript of Chinese principals from Jiangsu Province 9.29.2013

  • 1. Innovative Pedagogies in American High Schools Dr. Hiller A. Spires Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor September 29, 2013

2. Overview My Connection with China Innovative Pedagogy in High Schools --How Do You Collaborate & Problem Solve? --The Flipped Classroom --Blended Learning 3. CED Delegation to Beijing 2007 US Asia Conference Board 2008 NC/China Summit 2008, 2010, 2012 Chinese Scholar Junzheng Zhang 2009 New Literacies Institutes Beijing 2010, 2013 Student Summer/Winter Camps 2011-2013 Beijing Inst. for Science & Technology 2011 Chinese Scholar Professor Dan Li 2013 Involvement Since 2007 4. Having Our Say: US & Chinese Teachers Perceptions Spires, Morris & Zhang, 2012 5. Spires, Morris & Zhang, 2012 6. How Do You Collaborate & Problem Solve? 7. A New Learning Ecology 8. TPACK, PBI, global competence, performance assessment, professional learning communities Spires, Wiebe, Young, Hollebrand, & Lee, 2009 New Learning Ecology 9. Old Learning Ecology 10. Educational Challenges?? 11. Any Value in Inverting Revised Blooms Taxonomy? Anderson & Krathwol, (2001); Spires et al (2009) 12. Ask a Compelling Question Gather & Analyze Information Creatively Synthesize Information Critically Evaluate & Revise Publish Share Act Design Studio Showcase A Project Based Inquiry Approach to Learning. Adapted from Spires, Lee, Young, Leu, Coiro, & Castek, 2009 13. 14. 15. References Images prepared by Ethos3: Li, J. (2012). Cultural Foundations of Learning: East and West. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Ministry of Education (PRC). 2001. Guidelines for curriculum reform of basic education (Experimental Draft). BMoE Document No. [2001] 17. Beijing Ministry of Education, The People's Republic of China (PRC). Ryan, J., & Slethaug, G. (2010). International Education and the Chinese Learner. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Spires, H., Morris, G., & Zhang, J. (2012). New literacies and emerging technologies: Perspectives from middle grade teachers in the US and China. Research in Middle Level Education, 35(10), 1-11. Spires, H. & Zheng, M. (2012, December). New literacies, new complexities: A model of professional development with Chinese teachers. Paper presented at the Literacy Research Association Conference, San Diego, CA. Spires, H. (2011, October). New literacies and global learning: Implications for higher education in the US and China. Invited keynote for the Beijing Institute for Science and Technology. Beijing, China. Spires, H. (2011, October). Invited Remarks for Opening Ceremony, Beijing Institute for Science and Technology, Beijing, China. Spires, H. A., Wiebe, E., Young, C. A., Hollebrands, K., & Lee, J. K. (2012). Toward a new learning ecology:Professional development for teachers in 1:1 learning environments. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 12(2). Retrieved from (Reprint of the Friday Institute White Paper. NC State University: Raleigh, NC.) Zhoa, Y. (2012). World Class Learners: Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial Students. Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin. 16. Email: [email protected] Web: Hiller A. Spires