Children and depression_ppt


Transcript of Children and depression_ppt

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What is depression?

The Bing dictionary describes it as:

sadness: a state of unhappiness and hopelessness

psychiatric disorder: a psychiatric disorder showing symptoms such as persistent feelings of hopelessness, dejection, poor concentration, lack of energy, inability to sleep, and, sometimes, suicidal tendencies

But can children get depressed?

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The answer is YES!

But it looks different in children

than in adults.

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In the book “Is Your Child Depressed?” it states that depression looks very different in children than in adults. Children do not sit quietly in a room and cry; instead they may yell, scream, use foul language, be defiant, and throw temper tantrums. Children tend to exhibit depression by displaying anger and irritability, especially with family members. When they’re at home, depressed children might argue with parents, pick fights with siblings, or become annoyed at requests to help around the house. Children who are depressed try to avoid doing things that make them feel more irritable, such as chores or homework. Moreover, it’s unlikely that a child will be able to tell anyone that she’s feeling depressed.(Naparstek)

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Here is a video on the signs of childhood depression, some causes, and things you can do to help your child.

Also, check out this website for more information.

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2.5% of children sufferdepression in the US

8.3% of adolescents sufferdepression In the US


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Genetic Loss of a family member Divorce Sudden loss or rejection by a peer group Low self esteem(Dwivedi) Abuse(Naparstek)

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An impairment must exist. The impairment must be severe enough to interfere

frequently with a child’s functioning. The impairment must have been present for a period

of time. The impairment must exist across different


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Depression strikes many parts of the brain: Cerebral Cortex Amygdala Hippocampus Hypothalamus Other Regions

A common symptom is the shrinkage of the hippocampus. But it is unclear if it shrinks before or after depression strikes.

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According to the Journal Psychiatry Neuroscience’s study they found a significant reduction in the volume of the hippocampal tail bilaterally, right hippocampal head and right total hippocampus in people who have a MDD (Major Depressive Disorder). So there is proof that depression can affect the brain.

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When your child talks with you, listen carefully. Listen to their music. Be involved in their activity. Spend as much time as they want. Keep in touch with his or her friends. Do not try to solve their problems, just share their

feeling and sadness. Do not try to compare your child with other


Page 12: Children and depression_ppt This is a picture of a sad child.

This is the definition of Depression. Signs Your Child is Depressed YouTube Broadcast Yourself Retrieved February 13, 2011 from You Tube was used for materials for more information regarding children and

depression. Healthwise for every health decision. May 24, 2010 Depression in children and teens

– Topic Overview. Retrieved February 13, 2011. This website added more information that was a little more specific on the topic.

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This is a picture of the Hippocampus, the lateral view. This website added statistical information regarding children and depression. Retrieved

February 13, 2011 This website added things that you can do to help your child if you think they are depressed. Retrieved February 13, 2011.

Dwivedi, Kedar Nath and Ved Prakash Varma. Depression in Children and Adolescents. 1997

Singular Publishing Group, San Diego, CA.

This was a book that covered the topics or Depression in Childhood. It covered the basics along with assessments, treatments and other information related to the topic.

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Naparstek, Nathan, and Marilyn Wallace. 2005. Is Your Child Depressed? McGraw Hill, New York, NY This is a book designed to help parents and other concerned adults navigate the

way of childhood depression. It will help parents understand childhood depression, treating it, and parenting the depressed child.

Sweeney, Michael. Brain: The Complete Mind. National Geographic, Washington D.C. This is a book that describes what goes on in the brain and how it works.

Journal of Psychiatry Neuroscience, September 2010, 35(5):337-43. Dept. of Psychiatry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta. This is a peer reviewed journal from EBSCO that did a study on the structural changes

in the hippocampus in major depressive disorder: contributions of disease and treatment.