Chicanos Por La Causa-Tucson: 2005 NCLR Conference Workshop Presentation

Chicanos Por La Causa Tucson Corazón De Aztlan


Chicanos Por La Causa-Tucson: 2005 NCLR Conference Workshop Presentation

Transcript of Chicanos Por La Causa-Tucson: 2005 NCLR Conference Workshop Presentation

Chicanos Por La Causa TucsonCorazón De Aztlan

Main Stream vs. Chicano Pedagogy

EDUCATION would open up

ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES which would lead to

SUCCESSwhich would then translate to


KNOWLEDGE which can lead to WISDOM

which will developSTRENGTH

that may achieveHARMONY

within and without

Chicano Paradigm

Nahui OllinCenter of Aztec Sun Stone

Nahui OllinActivity
