Chiara Chiappini - Swift and the future of iOS app development

Swift and the future of iOS Chiara Chiappini @chiarachiappini

Transcript of Chiara Chiappini - Swift and the future of iOS app development

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Swift and the future of iOS

Chiara Chiappini @chiarachiappini

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Jun 2014

June 2015

Some point this


Swift announced at WWDC 2014

Swift 2 announced at WWDC 2015

Swift will be open source

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4 key features of Swift



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4 key features of Swift



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4 key features of Swift



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4 key features of Swift



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Swift Playground


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Swift and Objective-C Swift let name ="Chiara"

print("Hello \(name)")

Objective-C NSString*str =@"Hello Chiara";

NSLog(@"%@", str)


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Xcode vs Appcode


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Dependency managementCocoapods vs Maven vs Gradle


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sudo gem install cocoapodspod init

edit PodFile (similar to editing pom.xml)pod install


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platform :ios, '8.0'use_frameworks!

target 'SwiftTalk' do pod 'Alamofire', '~> 3.1'end

target 'SwiftTalkTests' do pod 'Quick', '~> 0.6.0' pod 'Nimble', '2.0.0-rc.3'end

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Protocol vs Interface


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protocol Sweet { var sugarQuantity: Int { get }}

class BlackChocolate: Sweet { var sugarQuantity: Int = 10}


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Unit Tests


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XCTest vs JUnit

testing framework integrated with XCode


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XCTest exampleclass MyTestsXCTests: XCTestCase{ let myNumbers = [1,2,3] func testNumbersWithXCTest() { XCTAssertEqual(1 + 1, 2, "expected one plus one to equal two") for number in myNumbers{ XCTAssertLessThan(number, 4) } }}


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Use @testableimport XCTest@testable import CodemotionExamples

class CodemotionExamplesTests: XCTestCase { func testBlackChocolateHasSugar() { let blackChocolate = BlackChocolate() XCTAssertEqual(blackChocolate.sugarQuantity, 10, "Expected sugar quantity is 10") } }


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Quick and Nimble

Quick:behaviour driven testing frameworkNimble: fluent assertions


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func testNumbersWithNimble() { expect(1+1).to(equal(2)) expect([1,2,3]).to(allPass(beLessThan(4))) }


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func testStringWithNimble() { let myString = "Hello!" expect(myString).to(equal("Hello!"))

expect(myString)==("Hello!") expect(myString).to(beginWith("Hel")) }


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Quickclass MyTestsQuick: QuickSpec { override func spec() { describe("Testing numbers") { context("when adding 1 and 2"){ it("results as 3") { expect(1+2).to(equal(3)) } } }


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Testing and CI


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Continuous Integration

early feedback


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Continuous Integration

early feedbackteam peace of mind and alerting


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Continuous Integration

early feedbackteam peace of mind and alerting

standardized build


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Continuous Integration

early feedbackteam peace of mind and alerting

standardized buildrecord of results


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Continuous Integration

early feedbackteam peace of mind and alerting

standardized buildrecord of results

support release process


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Continuous Integration

early feedbackteam peace of mind and alerting

standardized buildrecord of results

support release processfirst step to continuous deployment


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CI for mobile

maturityemulators and real devices


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CI for iOS

Xcode server


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CI for iOS

Xcode serverJenkins


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CI for iOS

Xcode serverJenkins



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Xcode service and bots

Xcode service integrated in Xcode


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Xcode service and bots

Xcode service integrated in Xcodemanage bots from Xcode


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Xcode plugin or Xcode tool


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Jenkins Jobs

build and unit test the app


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Jenkins Jobs

build and unit test the apprun functional tests


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Jenkins Jobs

build and unit test the apprun acceptance tests

build application archive (ipa)


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Jenkins Jobs

build and unit test the apprun acceptance tests

build application archive (ipa)tag and archive the ipa


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Jenkins Jobs

build and unit test the apprun acceptance tests

build application archive (ipa)tag and archive the ipa

send to TestFlight@chiarachiappini

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What we learntWhat is Swift

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What we learntWhat is Swift

How to practice

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What we learntWhat is Swift

How to practice Some Java-Swift language equivalences

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What we learntWhat is Swift

How to practice Some Java-Swift language equivalences


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What we learntWhat is Swift

How to practice Some Java-Swift language equivalences

ToolsTesting and CI

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Go for Swift!