Chevy Chase Ward History

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Thirty-year history by Merlo Pusey.

Transcript of Chevy Chase Ward History

  • IHlflstorv,^n \9) Il.^,Glh@vs/tl.Lilas@1ryard

    by Merlo J. Pusey




  • THE CHE\I1 CHASE WARDBY Merlo J. Pusey

    Nearly a century and a hall of history lies behind lhe well-known ChvyChase Ward of the Washinston, D.C. Stake, Church of Jesus Christ otI-atter-day Saints. So Iar as is known, the 6rst to expound lhe restoredgospel in Washington was none other than the Prophet Joseph Smith. Justnine years attr he had presided over theorganizationoltheChurch in 1830,the Prophet and Judge Elias Higbee came to ih Capital and spent threemonlhs here dnd in Phrladeiphia seeking help from President l,,lartin VanBuren and the Congress againsr expulsion ol the Sd,nts lrom MissounMeetings were held here and one ol the Prophet's sermons to a largaudience, including members o{ Congress, was favorably reported in thepress. No members of the Church lived in the area at th time.

    In 1841 Samuel James was called as the first missionary to preach thegospel in Washington. Then came Apostle John E. Page. By 1843 a fewprsons had been converted- In subsequent decades other missionariescame, and on several occasions high authoritisol theChurch petitiond thgovernmnt for redress of the Saints' grievances. It was not until after iheturnoithecentury, holrever,thattheChurchreallvtookrootintheNation,sCap tal. The fi,sl regular meeirngsappedr ro have Len held m the homesojI.E. Willey and Frank J. Cannon beginning in 1901. When CongressmanJoseph Howell took his sat in March, 1m3. meetings were shilted to hishome at 1828 Calvert Street, N.W., or to the aparlment of the A.B. Hodgesfamily.ln 1907 Senator Red Smoot, a memberol the Councilof the Twelvewho had won a Senate seat in 1902 and survived a furiousfiqhttounseathim.rook the rpspons,brlily ol provrdrng a meerrng place tor rhe Saints.Temporarily he livd on Conncticut Avenue, just north ol R Street. andwhen his new home at 252l Connecticut Avenue was complted it served asa gathering place for ihe Saints in Washington ior more than ten years_

  • Havins outsrown the capacity of a private home, the L.D.S. sroup hererented a hall ai 1731 Eye Sheet, N.W., in 1920. Seven yars later anoihermove became essential, and this time the growing body olworshipersmovedinto one comer of the old Washington Auditorium at New York Avenue andE Street where compiition wiih automobile shows, maraihon dances,lectures and grand operas sometimes became a problem. The nexi movewas into the Washington Chapl,astrikinsediilceof Utah birdseymarbl atSixteenth Stret and Columbia Road, which becam the lirsi buildingownedby the Church in Washington. It was dedicated in November, 1933, byPresidnt Heber J. Grant.

    Organization kpt pace with the expanding mmbership. A branch waslormally created in June, 1920, with Elder James Byron Barton as president.It was a part ol the EastrnStats Mission.In subsequent months and yearsauxiliary organizaiions conlorming to the general pattrn {ound very\xhrein ihe Church were brought inio being. President Barton ol the WashingtonBranch was succeeded by Louis E. McArthur, and the third presideni wasHush W. Colton. When th Washinston Chapel was dedicaied the branchpresidency consisted ol Dr. EdsarB. Brossard, president; Melvin C. Merrill,firsi counselor; Merlo J. Pusey, second counselor. Dr. Brossard, amemberol th United States Tarifl Commission, becane a pillar of strength to thChurch inWashinston, holdinshish positions ihroush most olhisihiriy fiveyears in th Capiial. Alongwith Senator Smooi, he is entitled tomuchoiihecrdit for layingasecure Ioundation on which sound and Iaithlulunits ol theChurch could be built. Senator Smooi's inlluence was, ol course,predominant. Not oniy did he assist hundreds ol young people from Utah toestablish themselvesin Washingion durins his thirty years in the Senate, buthis unbending intgrity and adherence to Church standards sreailyenhancd the imaqe oi ihe Church at a time when persecution was still

    Another stalwari during the priod afier the Washington Chapel wasdedicated was Tabernacle Organist Edward P. Kimball. From 1933 uniilhisuntimely death in 1937 he gave lree orsan reciials in the chapel six nights aweek and conducted iours through the atiractiv buildins.

    A sepaEte congregation of Latter'day Saints in Chevy Chase came iniobeing onAugust 28,1938,with ih orsanizaiion ollhe CapiialDistrict of ihEastern StatesMission. At ihe iime ii seemed a painlul separation lor th nwbranches which found it ncssary to rent meeting quarters and to giv up


    cherished associaiions at "the Chapel" where allhad been one happy Iamily.The new Chevy Chase, Arlingion, Washington, Baliimore, Fairview andGreenblt Branches in ih Capiial District gre\r rapidly, however, and trroyears later they becam wards in ihe Washington Stak, one ol the firstStakes ol Zion io be organized outside th wsiern states.

    The first prsidnt ol the Capital District was Abram H. Cannon, wiihHarold G. Clark and Gerald G. Smith as hiscounselors. The first presidencyof the Chevy Chase Branch was Jesse R. Smith, a Washington corporatelawyer, with W. tiMarr Webb and Rosel H. Hyde as hiscounselors. WhenElder Webb moved toNorth Carolina toaccpt an important position in thelargesi bank in theSouth, he was succeeded aslnst counselorbyElderHyde,and Captain Mervyn S. Bennion ol the Uniied States Navy became secondcounslor- Less than two yars latrCaptainBennionwas to becomeone thethe hero victims of the Japanese attack on PearlHarbor which plunged theUnited States inio World War II. SecreiaryollheNavyKnox cited him as the"outstanding hero" ol that tragic baitle and he was awarded theCongressional Medal posthumously. Captain Bennion was honored ai amemorial service in the Washinston Chapel with an overllow attendance.includins many high miliiary officrs.

    The translormaiion of the ChevyChase Branch into a ward took place onJune 30, 1940, and anoiher period of rapid grc,v,,th besan.ln retrospect, theorganization of the nw stake and the new wards seemed to have beenprovideniially ordained to accommodate th Sreat inllux ol Church membersto Washinston during the war years that quickly iollowed. At firsi theChevyChase Ward met in ih Chvy Chase Women's CIub on ConnecticutAvnue, which, for a lime, afforded fairly commodious quarters. During thewar ii bcame necessary Ior the ward to shift its meetings io a hall on thesecond lloorolth Garlinkle sior at Massachusetts Avenueand Forty ninthStreet, but the ward later returned to the Chevy Chase Women's Club forsome years before its own chapel was built.

    The iirst Chevy Chase Ward bishop was Riley A. Gwynn, a lawyer,Mervyn S. Bennion, llrst counselor, and Maurice R. Barnes, secondcounselor. Ralph S. Robertsjoined the bishopric as second counselor whenCaptain Bennion llt for sea duty, and EldrBarnesmoved up lo th positiono{ first counselor. This organization had skons support lrom the Iirst stakpresidenca in the area, consisting olEzraTalt Benson, president; SamuelR.Carpenier. first counselor; Ernest L. Wilkinson. second counselor. Elder

  • Benson was soon to be called into lh Council of TUJlve Apostles and waslater lo serve as Secretary of Agriculture in the Cabinel o{ President DwightD. Eisenhower. In professional life, Bder Carpenter was seneral screlary olthe Federal Reserve Board and after his relirement became president of thCenlralStates Mission. ElderWilkinson laler leftWashington to become aneminent presidnt and devloper ol the Brigham Young Univrsity.

    The Relief Society had begun ils operations in the Chevy Chase Branchunder ihe presidency ol Alice Wilkinson. Her successor after the branchbecame a ward was Anna Laura Cannon who was succeeded by EleseLundberg. Lucile Cooley was presidenl while lhe chapel was underconstruction, and Myra Ellsworth when it was dedicated.

    Other auxiliary heads at the time of the dedicationwere: SundaySchool,Dean Dinu,oodey;Y.M.M.l.A., Donn E. Cassily;Y.L-M.1.A., PhyllisMarriott;Primarg Association, Annis Murdock; Temple and Genealogical Committee,Ancil Taylor.

    On May 16, 1943, the Chevy Chas Ward was reorganized. Abram H.Cannon, personnelexperl for the Inlrior Deparlment, became bishop, wilhRalph S. Roberts and Dr. Willord N. Johannessen as counelors, Elwin A.Potter as ward clerk and Rosl Hyde as linance clerk. Dr. Johannessnmoved up to the position of firsl counslor when Elder Roberts was releasedand Rayrnond L- Margetts cam in to complete the tno. Melbourne Steelereplaced Elder Hyde as finance clerk, but Elder Hyde continued to srve inmany other positions in the ward even aiter he was named a mmbrol theFederalCommunicationsCommissionand twiceservedaschairmanof thatimportant rgulaiory agency.

    Anoiher rorganization ol the ward iook place on January 18. 1948.SamuelR- Caeenterbecame bishopand chose as hiscounselors HaroldA.Candland and Raymond L. Margetis.

    The [irst stps toward construction of a home ior th ward were takenduring ihe Gwynn bishopric. With lhe approvalof lhe general authorities inSalt Lake City, a site was purchased on Weslern Avenue al Kirkside D ve.Early planning lor the construction ol a chapel was undertaken by thCarmon bishopric, with advice and assistance lrom Presiding BishopLeGrand Richards both in Sah lakeCityandWashingtonandwith Gilbert S.Undeywood serving as archilcl. When architecl James O. Rasbandreturned to th ward alter a tour ol mililary duly, he bcam associaledwilhMr. Underwood in the preparation of plans. lt was Bishop Carpntr who


    wrote the letter lo th Presiding Bishop seeking Iormal authorization to goahead with the preparation ol plans for the building. His action was reportedto a meeting ol lhe bishopric council on Octobr 12, 1948- Achievement oflhe ward's cherished dream ofhaving a home ol its oum was to be realized,however, under still another bishopric.

    Bshop Carpenter was called back into the stakepresidencyonJanuary9,1949, and Harold Candland of the Marriott Corporation became bishop,takinq Jesse R. Smith and Raymond L. Marqetts as counslors and ElderSteele as clerk. Wells E. Ludlow was made assistantclerk. Harvard Osmondassistant clerk lor ward teachingand Lawrence L. Epprson, assistanl clerkfor welfare. Within a few weeks the newbishopric setupcommitlees tocarryout the building project, with Franklin D. Richards (later First President olthe First Quorum of Sventy) chairman ol the Planning Committee;Ferdinand Kaulholz, Jr., chairman of the Building Committee; Jesse R.Smith, chairrnan ol the Finance Committee, and Balmond L. Margetts,chairman ol the Work Commillee. Blore th end ol 1949 architectural planshad been completed, bids had been solicited and the lowesl bid had beennegoliated dorn lo $222,m0, o( which the Presiding Bishop's OIIice was topay one half. Members ot the ward contributed generously lo the building[und, and additionalsums were raised by means ol gala nishts, dinners andother forms ol entertainment.

    The firsi meeiins in the new Chevy Chas Ward Chapel, locatd on lhMaryland side of Western Avenu at a choice spot about midway betweenConncticut and Wisconsm Avenues, look place at 11:30 A.M. on Sunday,August 5, 1951, with Bishop Candland presiding. Even in its unfinishd slale.ihe building brought joy to the heartsolward memberswhohad for so longyearned lor a spiritualhome oi their own. Il consists olan atiractive chapelIor worship which seats 300, with a cultural hall separated by a movablepartition which seats about 400 more. In iis original status the buildins alsohad a Relil Society room, Boy Scout room, Junior Sunday School room,kitchen, more than a dozen class rooms, olfice space, a librarv and bookstore, with a parking lot thal quickly proved tobe too small- The buildingisofpleasing Colonial archilecture, with an appropriate spire in lront and anattractive inscription admonishing all who worship here:

    Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind . . .

    Matthew 22,31

  • About 270 prsons attended thal firsi meeting, which mant that thechapel was nearly lilled before it was completed. The congregation sang"How Firm a Foundation."Th invocationwas offeredbv Ralph S. RobertsT\ ro babies were blessed, one new memberwas confirmed and thirteen newmembers wre accepted into the ward. After th congrgation sang "We'llSing All Hail to Jesus'Name" the sacrament was passed and fourtenmembers, led by the bishop, bore testimonies. "Corne, t?t Us Anw" wasthe closing song- Mark Austad pronounced the benediction.

    A 6ne Moller pipe organ of seven ranks was installed prior todedicaiionolrhe chapel. The organ wa: ldrpr lo be mo'e Ihdn doubled n rze through thegenrosity of Alice Shts Marriott. Sistrs Marriott and AIton Margeiiswere largely responsible for the interior decoration ol thechapel,and sisterMarrioti selcied the pews wiih lhe concurrence of the bishopric.

    More than fourteen months were io pass belore the newedilice could bededi.aied under lhe rule that Church buildingsmust b paid for belore thavare dedicated to the Lord. During ihis period ther \rere addiiionalcampaigns for lunds to buy pws, kitchen equipmnt and so forth, reachingaclimax with an "Over the Top" dinner in the culiural hall on December 8,1951.

    The dedicaiion took place on November 16, 1952, under ih directionofPresident Stephen L. Richards ofthe First Presidency.JudiihMarriott ledthe congregation in singing "Now Lt UsRejoice,"withJoanneHyde Kuttleraccompanying. Afton Margetts directed the Junior Chorus in rendition ol"Bless This House," with Ellen Barnes as accompanist. The invocationwasoffered by Ralmond L. Marsetis of the bishopric, and the Chevv ChaseWard Choir then sanq a beautiful Brahms Hymn, "How Lovelv Is ThvDwellins Place."

    The first remarks were appropriatly made by Bishop Candland, who wasfollowd by his Iirst counselor, Jesse R. Smith. These brethren, wiih ElderMargetts, had carried the heaviest burdens in getiing the chapel built andpaid for, aid iheirremarks reflected the rejoicingo{ theentireward thai thetask had been successfully completed. The choir and AIton Margetts, soloist,sang"The Beatitudes." Remarks were made by President J. WillardMarriottol the Washinqton Siake and Elder Ezra Taft Benson ol the Council of lheTwelve. The congregation sang "Come, Come, Ye Saints" and the choirrendered Evan Stephens' dedicatory hymn, "Holiness Becometh the Houseof the Lord." President Richards brought a most impressive service to a


    climax by an inspiring address and prayer ol dedication. AIter thecongregation sang "The Hosannah Anthem" th benediction waspronounced by former Bishop Abram H. Cannon.

    The new chapelhelped to stimulate rapid growth in theward. Only lilteenmonths alter ihe dedication the ward had a membership of 1.200 and wasdivided on February 28, 1954, by creation ol the Silvr Spring Ward. Thedivision ncessitatd reorganization ol th bishopric. In February, 1953Bishop Candland had been succeeded by Robert W. Barker, an eminentWashington lawyer, with J. Ridse Hicks as his firsi counselor and Don E.Corbtt as second counselor, with Richard Wst as clerk and Robert Bondas assistant clerk. Wiih th creation ol the new Silver Spring Ward, ElderBarkerwas sustained as its bishop, with Serge N. Benson and Lyle S. Curtisas counselors. The new bishop of Chevy Chase Ward was J. Ridge Hicks,with Ira Bockwood Telford and Don Corbett as his counselors. EIdrCorbett was later rplaced by Homer M. Jensen. Both wards continued tous the chapelon Western Avenue. Two projecis thaiwere pressed duringthis priod wer completion ol the chapel organ and installation ol air-conditionins in the buildinq.

    ln 1956whn BishopHicksmoved toArizona hwassucceded byhis lirstcounselor, ha Telford, whochoseStephen H. Fletcherand Keith H. Jaqusas his counselors, wiih John Middleton as ward clerk, Lynne B. Lundbergas{inancial clerk and Gorg Young as assisiant clerk Ior ward teaching. TheIour years ol Bishop Telford's administration were marked by intnsemissionary activity and steady growih. Stake missionaries were especiallvsuccesslul in convrting non-member spouses of ward members, and theward maintained lrom ien toighten lulltime missionaries in ihe lield mostof the time. The auxiliaries were blessed with extraordinary leadership:Judilh Marriotl, president of the Reliel Society; Lynn Lundbrg and RoselHyde, superintendents ol the Sunday School; Nona Dyr and Grace Allen,prsidnts ol the Young tadies Mutual Improvement Association; CarlDorny, suprintendnt of ihe Y-M.M.l.A.;Kathleen Carpenter, president olth Primary Association.ln this pericd {ournew classrooms were created inih chapl; th parking Iot was enlarged and connecld with the chapelbycement walks. and draperies were huns in the chapl.

    When Stephen Fletcher moved to New Jersey, h was succeeded byDr.Marcus H. Burion. With the death o1 Lynne Lundbers, Richard Bondbecame financial clerk, and later Leigh Miiler replaced George Young as

  • I)

    assistant ward clrk Ior ward teaching. Bishop Tellord was released inFebruary, 1 0, because he had been granted a sabbaiicalleave trom GeorgWashington University and was about to leave for a yearasvisitingprolessorof anatomy at St. Andrews University in Scotland and Fulbright Scholar toGreat Britain-

    The bishopric suslained on February 21, 1960, consisted ol Arch L.Madsn, bishop; Milton A. Barlow, Iirst counselor; Glendon E. Johnson,second counselor. Bishop Madsen contributed much lo the spiritualalrnosphere in the ward and provided an example olellicient administration.The Bishopric Council laid great siress on good teaching in th beliel thatpeople who really understand th gospel experience lew real problems intheir lives. The Madsen bishopric starledaweekly neusletterand atone timehad nineieen missionaries in the field.

    When Bishop Madsen moved to Salt Lake City lo direct the Church'sbroadcasting aclivities, Milton Barlow (latr president ol the BarlowCorporation and president of the New York Rochester Mission) bcamebishop on March 12, 1961. HechoseGlendonE. Johnson(lawyerand latertobecome an insuEnce company execulive), and Dr. James E. Hansen as hiscoirnselors. On November 8 o[ the same year Dr. Hansen was succedd byDean Dinwoodey, Iounder and prsident of the Bureau ol National AIlairs.This bishopric, which was especially strong in adminislrative talenl, thncontinued to serve for nearly five years a period of continued grov./lh,eflicient service and good feeling in the ward.

    The early sixlies brought an abundance of new talent into theauxiliariesolthe ward: John S. Daniels, GrantMoon, L. Ralph Mecham, Sidney Foulger,Charles Butler and Melboume Steele to head th Sunday School; John L.Harmer, Ronald E. Madsen, John S. Daniels and Walter J. Berg lo lead theYor.rng Men; Arlene Potier, Wanda Painter, Barbara Tatham and MaryFoulger, presiding over the Young Women; ArdellThomas, LaMona Bro',pnand Donna Marriott, heads of the Primary. Lucile Peterson was brieflypresident ol the Relief Society and Mary W- H. Hyde then srved in that vitalrole for a much longr period.

    Along with its compassionate services and rligious teaching, the RelieiSociety mad a specialty ol bazaars in this period, and one of these directedby Vrginia Cameron, with elaborate displays and artistic decorations,remains especially memorable.

    Scouting became an especially important activity in the ward during the


    lale 1950's and early 1960's. The Cbvy Chase troop u/on theEaslernStatesbasketball championship among L-D.S. troops for six gearsandparticipaldin the Church-wide linals inSak tnke City four limes between 1962and 1965.George Green and Alan Moorehead u/ere the coaches. During thecentennial o, the CivilWar the Scouls re enacled battles in various places.On one occasion seven Eagle Scout badges were awarded to boys in thChe',y Chase ward explorer and scouting units at one iime,makinga totalollhirteen Eagle Scouts for lhe ward. The Boy Scouts ol America gave ilshonor medalwith crossed palms poslhumously to John L. Baker lor heroicacts in which he losl his own life tryingto saveothers in a boatingaccident onNovember 3. 1968.

    During all of th 1!X0 s and for three years ol lhe previous decade theChew Chase ward functioned under the general suprvision ol Milan D.Smith, president of lh Washington Stake, a prominent businss man. OnSeptember 13, 1970, Wendell G. Eames became president of the stake. Atthat time h was dirclor ol highway salety in the Department ofTransporlation and later became president oi ihe Washington Temple.

    Despile numerous divisions, the Chevy Chase Ward had grown to amembershipolmorethan450(347families)by1 5.InJuneollhatyear92ofits members were iransferred to the Rock Creek Ward, but Chevy Chasestill held its place as the largest ward in the stake. Throughout its history ithas been well known as one of lhe ,inest wards in the Church in terms olachievements on ihe part ol iis members as well as spiritual dvotion andiriendliness in the congregation. The good feelings among Chevy Chaserswere footerd not only by thqualityofitsservicesbut alsobyitsrecreationalprograms, including many dramatic productions, social evnls, athleticcontests, an annual picnic usually held at the Marrioti Fairlield Farm inVirginia and an annual Chrislmas dinner or rception.

    On January 9, 1!X6, the Barlou.r bishopric was replacd by a new regimeconsisting of Sidney W. Foulger, bishop; Kenneth L. Scott, Iirst counselor.and Woodrow D. Marriott, second counselor. Three years laier thosecounslors wre succeeded by Wells E. Ludlou,, and Orrin D. Parker. WhenElder Parker returned to the Middle East on an important assignment inSepiember, 1970, John D. Baker became second counselor.

    Bcause o{ the dilliculty of finding new membrs of the ward who hadbrought its total membership to more than 1,000, Bishop Foulger appointed aspecial clerk Ior this purpos and nhanced the ward's leputation lor



  • {riendliness by giving the new members a warn welcome. The size o, lhecongregatbn shrank somewhat when th Potomac and Kensington Wardswere organized, taking parl ol lheir membrs lrom Che\,y Chas.

    Bishop Foulger, a successlul bt-rilder and lamily nEn, gave specialemphasis io activities and guidance for the yourEer members ofthe ward.lnthis counseling of young people and their parents he pointed to th sreatopportuniiies available at th BrighamYoungUniversitywherestudentslindsecure grounding Ior thir faith and preparation for missionaty calls inaddition to scholastic training. At one iimeduring the Foulgeradministrationmore than {orty students lrom Chevy Chase Ward wer resistered at th"Y", with notable benelits to the ward and the Church whn these youngpeopl retumed to their homes and wenl on missions. The ward kept lromtwelve to t'renty missionaries in the field during this period.

    A new crop ol auxiliary heads carried on numerousactivities in the years1966 io 1971, including Nona Dyer and Wanda Painter, Relief Sociely; FaeBaker, Bosalyn Merrell, and Peggy Coburn, Primary Association; GaryTheurer, Sundag School; Stephen A. West, Maurice Barnes and Stephen H.Bennett, the Young Men! activities; Rita Parker, Bliss B. Ream, LuannaBowe, and Elearor Roderick, the Young Women's activitis.

    Another new bishopric was sustained on Octobr 10,1971, consisting olo\pm D. Jacobsen, bishop; Sieven D. Kohlert, first counslor; John D.Baker, second counselor;C. Leigh Miller,ward clerk;Donald Hyde, WilliamAIIison, Emery T. Snyder, assislant ward clerks; and William H. Bray,executive secreiary. Despite his comparalive youth, Bishop Jacobsenprovd to b a lovable and elfective father of the ward. Afier only eighlmonths of service, however, he was released because ol a iransler to theWest Coast.

    On June 11, 1972, JohnD. Bakr,a Washinston businessman as wellasanardent worker in the church, was promoted from second counselor tobishop. Elder Kohlert continued as firsl counselorand leeRoderick becamethe new second counslor. When Elder Kohlert moved to the West a yearlater, Eder Roderick was named first counslor and Frank J. Johnsonsecond counslor- After a division put Elder Johnson outsid of the ward, hewas succded in the bishopric by James L. Tare. At first William H. Brayand David M. Bond shared the work of executive screlary and lhat positionwas then assigned lo Emery T. Snyder.

    On June 23, 1974, Wanda Painler completed six years ol srvice as


    president ol the ReliefSocietyand that imporlanl assignmenl unt toMiriamSundell. The Primary Association during this period was directed byNancyMarriott, Barbara Bond and Barbara Bingham; the Sunday Schoolby MerlonRichards, J. Alden Bowers and Ronald O. Dixon; the Young Men'sorganization by Dale B. Robertson and Bruce Kirkham; Ihe Youns Women'sby Eleanor Roderick, Vicki Clark, Judith Imlay and Emily Grace Funk.Former Bishop Ira Telford was made a stak patriarch.

    During the Baker bishopric ihe ward was deeply involved in thconstruction o{ th Washington Templ, in lhe reception olthre quartrsola million visitors at the lemple belore its dedication and in the calling oftemple workrs. At one time lorty.five members of the Chevy Chase Wardwere assigned to this work. Missionary service and Iamily home eveningswere also siven high prioriiy, along with Iood storage, linancial slabilily ofthefamily and good social relalions as means ofhelping individuals and lamiliesenrich their livs. Dr. Thorval Hickman and Dr. Weston Clark were calledupon lo advise the bishopric and individual members o, the ward in regard tomedical and psychological problems, lhus supplementing th spiritualadvicethai is always available Special emphasis was also given to home teachingwith increased use ofjunior companions and improvement in the quality olteacher family relationships.

    One importantchange ihat took place during this period was the Church.wide rplacemeni of the Mutual Improvment Associations by ihe A-P.Y-W.(Aronic Priesthood.Young Women) programs, involvins a shift lrom adultleadership to youth leadership, wilh adull advisers in th backsround.Stanton Halland Grace Funkgave valiant service in putlingthe newsyslem

    Boundary lines were again redrawn, shifting Iamilies outside theWashington Bltway to other wards. Chevy Chase shared iis chapelduringthis priod with Kensington Ward, meeting at separate hours, until 1976when Kensington moved to the new Washington D-C. Stake Centeron thelemple grounds.

    On June 15, 1975, a new bishopric headed by J. Willard Marriott, Jr., arising slar in the business world as presidenl ol the Marriott hotel andrestaurant chain, was suslained with M. Dale Ensign and Stephen A. West ascounselors and Davil B. Fell, Jr., as excutive scretary. Lane K. Staplesbecame ward clerk; Donald Hyde, T. Leland l^/illis, Dirk P. Klassesz, EmeryT. Snyder and Robert E. Hansen Il,assistant clerks. Former Bishop John D.


  • Baker was ordained a stake pairiarch.The Marriott bishopric initiaied numerous changes and improvements,

    including restoyation of the chapel and rehabilitation ol the grounds. InNovember, 1975, a new flagpole on the grounds was unveiled as part oltheWard s xtensive program commmoraiins the United States Bicentennial.

    The membership of ihe Chevy Chase Ward was substaniially increasedwhen the Washington Ward was dissolved in September, 1975, inanticipaiion o{ ihe sale of its chapel. Chely Chase absorbed 200 memberslrom ihe Washington Ward and 27 Spanish speaking members from lheWashington Second Branch. Because ol this increase, giving the ward 110elders, ih lders quorumwas split inlo twogroups, and the ward's aciivitiesfor single members were greatly expanded. Iis sacrament srvices wereenriched by devoting each one to a spcial theme for the guidance of thespeakers.

    One ol the notable events of 1976 was a luncheon given in ihe ward'sCulturalHallin honorolEllen N. Barnes who had benelectedas DistrictolColumbia Mother of the Yar a signilicant recosnition of the Church'sgreat contributions io family li{e. For many years Sister Barnes was amember of the GeneralBoard ol the RlielSociety, with a special assignmentto direct activilies Ior marrid coupls and to train Singing Mothers groups.She was also a devotd participant in musicaland oiheraciivities in the ward.

    Whn th Washinston D.C. Stake was rcoryanized on May 22, 1977,Bishop Marriott was called to serve as first counselor to ihe new stakepresident, L. Ralph Mecham, who in the businss world is Washingtonreprsentative ofthe Atlaniic Richlield Company. Elder Mecham succeededPresident William D. Ladd, then an ofiicial in the Department olAgriculture.The change necessitated another reorganization ol the Cher,y Chase Wardbishopric, and ii was brought about ihe same da9. Counselor Stephen A.West, who is associate general counsel ol the Marriotl Corporation, becamebishop and chose as his counselors David B. Fell and Dr. David N.F.Fanbanks. David Fell had previously served as a counselor to BishopMarriott altr Dale Ensign moved from the ward. Lane Staples becameexcutiv secretary; Dirk Klassesz, ward clerk; David Calfee, DonaldHyde, Emery Snyder and Doris Meyer, assistant ward clerks. J. AldenBorers became second counselor when Dr. Fairbanks sought release, andwhen Elder Bowers was called to assist in openingthe new temple in Brazil,the second counselorshipwas filled by Lane Staples. TheStaples lamily later


    moved to the State ol Washington and ihe position thn went to t?ster P.Taylor. David Fellwas called lo prside overtheYoungMen's organization inthe Washinston Siake, and Elder Taylor succeeded him as lirst counselor.The third place in the bishopric was then assigned to DanilQ. Callister. Asuccession ol xcutiv secrtaries included James Jardine. John L. Cobband Jeffrey C. Kirkham.

    Miriam Sundell was presideni ol th Relief Society during this ntire periodand served so wellihat she became kno\rn as Sisier Reiiel Socieiy. BarbaraBinsham and Bessie Teare wr prsidents ol ihe Primary Association.Leadrs in the Sunday School included R. Glade Smith, Curtis HardinsandF. William Burke. The Young Men's leaders were Robert Hansen, LestrTaylor, Paul Wattrson and James Barry; ihe Young Women's, JoyceStaples, Judy Carter and Barbara Kirkham. Walter Webb became wardclerk in 1979.

    Chevy Chase Ward hadonce more grown to enormous proportions, andone ol the major tasks ol lhe West bishopric was to assimilate the newSpanish speaking members, many singles andyounsmarriedswith ihe oldermembers. One oi thedevicesused Bishop West! challenge to allmmbersto "Do Something Grat in Seventy 'ight" proved to be an inspiration Hisown self-assigned project was to learn Spanish. Some Spanish membersmade strides in learning English. One young member rode a bicycie acrossihe contineni. An older mmber perlormed 250endolrments at the templ.Two members wrote textbooks, and there wereolher notableachievemenrsin dress-making, dramatics, construction of stained slass windows and soIorlh.

    This was a priod ol many changes. Whenword came in Jun, 1978, thaia)lworthy male members o{ lheChurch would be ordaind to ihe priesthood,Bishop West happend to be convrsing wtih three black members in hisoflice. He asked President Mecham il he could pass the good word along lothem. As he did so ihere was unanimous weping on the pari o{allprsent-copious tars of joy.

    In the Iallol1980 ihe newchurch.wide schedule ofconsolidated meetinsswas jnaugurated, puttrng havy stress on ihe need Ior new classrooms. Amajor overhaul of the buildingwas undrtaken. One of the changes involvedconversion of th bishop's oflice into an apartmeni for missionaris workingin th area. The ward was maintainins thirteen missionaries in othr parls o{th world when the West adminrstraiion cam to a close in January, 1981.

    This transition brousht dynamic and aflable David B. Fell,Jr., presidentol


  • D.N. Incorporatd, to the piloiing position in thward,with LestrP.Taylorand Brian L. Johnson as his counselors. When the WashingtonWard, solelyfor singles, wascrated onMarch29, 1981, Elder Johnson becameamemberof its bishopric, and Merlon F. Richards was chosen as ih new secondcounselor in Chevy Chase. The Relief Society was reorsanized with JudithCapener as president, bui she soon moved io Salt Lnke Cityand the positionwent to Fae R. Baker. JesseR- Smiih,Jr., and then Harold L. Jewelserved aspresidents ofthe SundaySchool. PaulA. Waiterson was succeeded as headof the YoungMen!organization by James Barry and then byBrianJohnson,who was back in theward because olhismarriage. Jacquelyn Peterson andthen Barbara M. Kirkham presided over the Young Women, Susan Ord overthe Pdmary. Walter Webb continued as ward clerk and Donald Hyde as{inancial clerk. with Othello L. Richards as historical clerk.

    Che,,y Chase Ward had scarcely become adjustd to the lossof 171ofitstalented and energetic young members to the new Washington ward whenanoiher splii transferred seventyJive Spanish_speaking members to theRomo Lotina de Washinglon, D. C., which began oprations on July 5, 1981.Both the singles ward and the Romo Lofind meet at separate hours in theChevy Chase Chapel.

    Bishop Fell inaugurated a vigorousprogram olaciivitiesaswellas religiousservices. Lunches in the CuliuralHall in honor olthe two new congregationswere part ola busysocial schedule. A family-preparedness Iair was desisnedto moiivat members to b more sell reliant- A "Winter Quarters Hoedown"was organizd io enhance physical fiinss. Then ayeatlong "Fitnss Trek",in which physical ac tivity geard io age and health wasmeasured in terms ofmils, was completed inJuly,1981, with thirty lour persons earningcredit forduplicatingthe Mormon pioneer treks lrom Fayeite, NewYork, toSaltLakeCity.

    Further rnovation oi ihe building was undertaken, including thecrealion ol eiqht nar rcloms and the revampingoflourteen others. Part oftheward's clerical work was computYized.

    On October 8, 1982, Chevy Chase Ward celebrated the thirtiethanniversary of ihe dedicaiion olits chapel thirty years olsignificant growlhand progress. The occasion was marked by a program and social in thchapel and Culiural Hall. Bishop Fell presided and made introductorvremarks. The program arranged Ior the occasion includd the sinsing of"AMedley ol Memories" by Merediih Mecham and Diana Nielsonand talks by


    Jesse B. Smith. who was a member of ihe bishopric when ih chapelwasdedicated, and Merlo J. Pusey, historian of the ward.

    As the yars pass Chevy Chase Ward continus to grow and to b dividedin a manner typical of L.D.S. wards. Because of its Iavored location on theMaryland-Districi ol Columbia line, distinguishd members and newconvrts continue io come and so. Yi it has never lost iis uniqucharacteristics and the spcial qualities that make it memorable. It is aspiritualcenter ol greai vitality and influence inaddition tobeing the motherof wards in the area ol the National Capital.

    The impact ol the ward has extended iar beyond its boundaris. Threegeneral authorities oi ih Church are fomer residenls o[ Chevy ChasWard-President Ezra Taft Benson olihe Quorum olTwelve, Elder FranklinD. Richards and Elder Richard Scoit ol the First Quorum ol Seventy. Tworegional represntatives ol the Church Iomerly served in Chevy Chasebishoprics-Elders Robert W. Barker and M. Dale Ensisn, and RegionalRepresentative William D. Ladd once lived in the ward. Several on timemembers of the ward have been mission presidnts, including Ezra TaltBenson, Samuel Carpntey, Milan Smith, Milton Barlow, Richard Scoti,John Huntsman and Lyle Ward. OI the seven presidents olthe WashinstonStake during its eniire history live are residents or former residents of theChevy Chase Ward. The Washington Stake's two patriarchs live in theChevy Chase Ward. So it has made, and coniinues to make, greatcontributions to the general progress ol the Church.

    Among lhe well known members ol the ward are governmni officials.businessmen, lawyers, doctors, judses, journalists and other experis invarious fields who have conlribuied much to the qualityol lhe ieachingandthe srvices that ar renderd. For lweniy'lour years Senalor Wallace F.Bennett olUtahwas active in the ward, leaching c lasss, lead ing the singinsat times and rendering many olher services, Senator Frank E. Moss was amember for many lears and an occasional speaker. Senator William H. Kingol Uiah was aciive in ih ward at th tim ol its craiion. CongressmanDelwin A. Clawson ol California served in many capacilies and helped toshape th wardt bicntnnial prosrams in 1976. Other Consressmen whower members ol the ward durins their service in Washinston are ShermanLloyd, Blaine Peterson, Douslas R. Stringfellowand William A. Dawson, allofUtah. Consressman David S. King ol Utah, a son ol Senator Kins, was amember of the ward before il was divided.


  • Mark Austad, now ambassador to Norway, gave freelyofhis ialents totheward over many years. Jack Anderson, wll known syndicaled columnist,has become a legend with his Sunday School class lor investigators. Othergreat contributions have come Irom dedicaled, sincere and able membersnot widely knourn oulside the ward. Much ol the remarkable spirit of ChevyChase Ward comes lrom the mingling of individuals lrom widely diversewalks of life in a common caus lo which all are dvotd.

    Chevy Chase is widely known, not onlyasthemothero{wards, but alsoasa nursery ol talent. Dozens of young people who have grown up in th wardare now leaders and ieachers inmanyotherwards indiverse partsof this andother countries. Likewise many Chevy Chase "graduates" have becomexperts and leaders in business, education, government service, music,computer science and other lields. In the words ol one of iis distinguishedmembers, Che!"y Chas Ward has "nurtured and irained a generation ofleaders-" They kno\/ horr to get things done insid and oulside ol theChurch. This lraining by word and example has been direcled by the rankand lile ol teachers ard other load bearers in the ward who havdemonstratd remarkable devotion over a long period oi years.

    As the ward celebrated the lhirtieth anniversary ol the dedication of itschapel, many lhoughts were naturally turned to the stalwarts, bolh officialsand rank and lile, who helped to build the chapel and gel it ready forddication and who continue io serve in one capaciiy or another. They artoo numerous to nam individually, but ihere is much satisfaction thaimanyare still in service.

    With allth turning back to the past on special occasions, there is not theslightst indication ihat lhe Chevy Chase Ward has become senile. Manyproblems continue lo arise, but they are attacked with vigor, good will andcooperation that reflct lh spirit ol the gospel. ln the midsl of conslantchange, old ties remain strong and heh to link lh past wilh the futurebecause the unchanging ideals are rooted in the light and love ol Christ. It isreasonable 10 anlicipate lhat, in the words of Shakespeare, 'what's past isprologue" to a liner, more energetic and fruitiul luture.
