Chen Xin Ying

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Transcript of Chen Xin Ying

  • 1. Researchers Announce a Breakthrough on HIV Treatment
    G13, XinYing
  • 2. HIV
    It is possible to cure HIV!
  • 3. How does HIV work?
  • 4. How to cure HIV?
    Mutated CCR5
  • 5. What did the scientists do?
  • 6. Altered T cells do not live forever
  • 7. Key Messages
    A big step forward toward developing a cure
    AIDS patients may not need to rely on antiretroviral therapies any more.
  • 8. The road forward is not easy.
    Rating: 10
  • 9. Issues for Discussion
    Is it possible to find a cure for HIV? And why?
    Besides scientific reasons, what other obstacles stand between us and the cure for HIV?
  • 10. Thank you!