Chemistry presentation

Chemistry of the Light Bulb By: Phillip Ndowu


Chemistry of the Light Bulb

Transcript of Chemistry presentation

Page 1: Chemistry presentation

Chemistry of the Light Bulb

By: Phillip Ndowu

Page 2: Chemistry presentation


• The light bulb is powered through an electric current

• The bulb receives the current through a filament

• Then, the filament transmits the energy to the bulb

• Common elements in a regular incandescent light bulb include: argon, tungsten, krypton

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ChemistryO Thomas Edison

invited the light bulb

O The filament of the bulb is important to the function

O The thinner the filament, the more energy is emitted

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ChemistryO Tungsten sublimes

making is easier for the filament to burn out easier

O Scientists tried different substances that would last longer

O They also tried to replace oxygen with nitrogen and more argon

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Chemistry• Scientists used krypton,

and argon as substitutes for tungsten

• Argon was a good substitute because the argon “controlled the sublimation rate of the filament by transferring some of the excess heat away from the glowing metal (Rohrig 12).”

• This process prevents the filament from over heating quickly

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ChemistryO When the argon

hits the wall of the bulb, it raises the temperature

O The tighter the atoms are, the more sustained the energy is

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Works Cited

O "Producing Light." Union. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Apr. 2014.>.

O Rohrig, Brian. "Chemistry of the Light Bulb: Still a Bright Idea." Free Republic. Plan Book, n.d. Web. 13 Apr. 2014. <,d.b2I>.

O Uva, Enrico. "The Chemistry of Light Bulbs." Science 2.0. ION, n.d. Web. 13 Apr. 2014. <—and_why_cfls_are_overrated-77526>.