Chemistry Book

Kylie Minogue


Chemistry Book

Transcript of Chemistry Book

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Kylie Minogue

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Kylie Minogue

At Chemistry, we believe in taking a scientific approach to finding the right people – we research specific data points so that businesses can make decisions to hire theright people based on fact, not just gut feel.

So, here is the proof of the pudding - this is your very own Chemistry book which gives a detailed and scientificoverview of you and the way that you approach situations.

The areas it covers are:




Please feel free to give us a call on +44(0)1344 418 300 ifyou want to talk about this profile in more detail.

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IntellectIntellect is basically an indicator of "how big your engine is" i.e. your capacity to process information – and this can be accurately measured. It is important to measure this, as research shows that a person’s intellect remains stable over time. Chemistry is the only consultancy that tests all candidates we put forward for any role, using an online suiteof psychometric tests.

Watson and Glaser/RANRAThe Watson Glaser test assesses an individual's capability forcritical thinking - a discrete skill distinct from, but not independent of, overall intelligence. Critical thinking is the ability to recognise that a problem exists and to look for evidence to solve it. It is the ability to assess this evidence in alogical way in order to determine new knowledge and direction.

The RANRA test measures higher level numerical reasoning skills showing an individual's capability for deduction, interpretation and evaluation.

Total ScoresTotal Score Watson and Glaser (Critical Thinking):Middle BandNorm group Watson and Glaser (Critical Thinking):Management Consultants (UK)Total Score RANRA (Numerical Thinking):Top BandNorm group RANRA (Numerical Thinking):Manager (UK)

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In your career and in your life, motivation is a key factor.It is important to understand someone’s motivation andmake sure that this fits the business and the role. The idea being that if you know what makes a person tick, you are in a good position to establish this fit.

OrpheusThis test interprets scores for the five scales of Fellowship, Authority, Conformity, Emotion and Detail,these scales assess the Social, Organisational, Emotionaland Perceptual aspects of personality, i.e. the big 5 behaviours.

Kylie appears to be very well suited to working in a team.She is always happy to show others what to do and to help out when they hit a problem, and her work greatly benefits from these interactions with her colleagues. Kylie is a very open person who thrives in a working environment that involves frequent contact with others.She stands out in a crowd and is the kind of person thatpeople will turn to when they need advice or want to swap information. Kylie does not distinguish between her working life and her social life as she often forms close friendships with her colleagues. She is very sociable and seeks company whenever possible.

Kylie's responses indicate that she has a pleasant nature.She believes that the well-being of employees should always be considered in decision making, and she is unlikely to proceed with action that may have negative consequences for her colleagues without first

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considering other possibilities. Kylie is generally an easygoing person who believes that staff satisfaction contributes towards organisational success. Unless absolutely necessary, she prefers to avoid conflict with her colleagues.

Kylie has a score of 5 on Conformity, the average score for this scale. Her responses indicate that she can combine a commitment to implementing existing practice with a moderate degree of innovation. Whereasshe can generally be relied upon to carry out tasks according to the guidelines that have been set her, she also enjoys having some opportunity to develop new ideas. She performs at her best in a stable working environment that allows some scope for originality. Kylie will generally stick by the rules but not in such a rigid way that her creativity is stifled. Although she would soon lose interest in work that was highly repetitive, she does not feel the need to always be generating new ways of doing things. For Kylie, an idealjob is one that involves a fairly even balance between innovation and implementation of existing practice.

Kylie seems to cope well in a moderately stressful working environment. Her productivity and decision-making ability are not adversely effected under these circumstances so long as the pressure does not become unduly high or continues for a long period. Tight deadlines and unexpected obstacles from time to time are not problematic for her. It is only when these occurwithout respite that her performance at work and her relationships with colleagues may deteriorate. Karen is agenerally calm person who remains relaxed in a busy atmosphere.

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Kylie tends to concentrate more on overall strategy thanon detail. She will conduct the task in hand with satisfactory care, however she is more interested in thewider context of her endeavour than fine tuning. Kylie can appreciate the relevance of her work within a widerperspective and can judge which aspects are important.For Kylie, the broader implications of her work are somewhat more exciting than executing a task to the highest possible standard.

Motivation Styles QuestionnaireThis test focuses on the individuals priorities or motivations and highlights what the business can do to get the best out of them.

Kylie's profile suggests that her preferred activity in thework situation is to organize other people and systems toachieve large scale objectives. She rates getting involvedin unpredictable situations and risk-taking generally as aparticularly strong preference, and will therefore be primarily attracted to general management responsibilities relating to the broad activities of the business. She clearly enjoys dealing directly with peopleat the sharp end, and will want to focus her efforts on organizing and implementing to achieve an end result.

Kylie displays an equally strong preference for controlling her own specialist area and advising others as for operating as a line manager. This means that shewill be keen to understand all aspects of situations she isinvolved in and to keep up to date in her area of expertise, and also to closely oversee the process of

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achieving objectives through making good use of other people's expertise.

Kylie displays a low need for support from organizational structure and may be somewhat inclined to reject existing systems without giving them due consideration. She is likely to prefer situations in whichshe does not have to conform to the status quo, but shemay not always give sufficient thought to the viability ofalternative methods of working.

Kylie will, however, value a team environment and beingable to gain the views of colleagues when working in lessfamiliar areas. She will appreciate the advantages of group decision-making and forming a consensus view, but given this kind of support Kylie will also be content to work alone and find things out for herself rather thanconstantly referring to other people. She has a relativelylow need for status and recognition, so it will be less important to her to have a high profile role for the sake of demonstrating her skills.

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It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it. Chemistry Consultants conduct a behavioural event interview which shows how you operate, not just what you do.

The behavioural framework we use, assesses 11 behaviours and each behaviour has different levels. Wehave listed the strongest behaviours that we saw during the interview.

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Making it happen

What is it?The ability to build a plan and deliver againstthis plan.

What is it at level 4?Develops and implements processes that ensure the effective delivery of business. Plans include the anticipation of potential problems and have built-in safeguards. Plansare detailed and explicit, covering all aspectsof the business and all eventualities. Barriersto success are identified and action taken to remove or mitigate the risk. Is always aheadof the game, highlighting where further action is needed and, where necessary, takessteps to redesign the processes or roles so that delivery remains effective.

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Processing Information

What is it?The level to which someone will evaluate different ideas and select the most effective solution.

What is it at level 4?Develops contingency plans to cover multiple scenarios. Encourages others in their team to think flexibly and laterally when solving problems. Rigorously compares the pros and cons of equally viableoptions when solving problems. Is flexible and innovative when involved in and/or managing a project.

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Promoting interaction

What is it?The ability to get the right teams of people together and create powerful shared outcomes.

What is it at level 4?Leads own team so that all team members fully understand and support the needs of internal and external customers and of the business. Is effective as both an operator andcontributor, but adopts facilitation role if goals of the team go off track. Identifies where specialist knowledge is needed and available and makes such expertise availableto the wider team.

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Growing Talent

What is it?The ability to develop others.

What is it at level 3?Uses training or development courses or programmes to enhance the knowledge or skills of others. Recognises the achievements of others and the actions theyhave taken to develop themselves. Supportsothers efforts to develop themselves, has a strong commitment to their own personal development. Has a development plan and aclear understanding of own personal strengths and current limitations.

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Inspirational Communicator

What is it?The ability to engage with internal and external audiences in a clear, effective and appropriate way.

What is it at level 3?Communications are clear and timely. Concepts are explained with clarity, using jargon-free language. Appropriate use is made of the various communication methods, such as the telephone, email, andmail. Presentations are effective, with good structure and well-chosen content.

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Creating Empathy

What is it?The extent to which someone can understand a situation from someone else’s viewpoint.

What is it at level 3?Uses open questioning to find out about the feelings, needs, and views of others. Is openand warm when meeting new people and uses culturally acceptable techniques to ensure newcomers in the team feel at ease. Recognizes the viewpoints of others and is non-judgmental in manner.

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