Chava Aimah Etheric Healing

Healing and Energizing from the Etheric Plane Chavah Aima If you are familiar with the esoteric development method of meditating upon the Tree of Life in the Sphere of Being you will know the many benefits that come from this powerful practice. When we are meditating upon the Tree of Life within and around the physical body, we are working within the world of Assiah, the physical plane. While it is true that the Tree of Life holds the four worlds within itself, it is also true that each of the four worlds contains its own Tree of Life. This configuration highlights the descent of the forces and helps to define their respective functions that contribute to creation. This vertical alignment is shown in the side bar. It is said that the sacred magician enters into Yetzirah, the etheric plane above the physical world, and brings down energy from Briah, the creative world, in order to enliven and enlighten material life in the body and on earth. Some years ago I received training in a little-known method that aids the prepared practitioner to rapidly access and become more aware of the etheric plane. By combining this technique with an expanded version of the basic Tree of Life meditation, I created a synergistic practice that enables one to strengthen consciousness of the true self and operate more masterfully upon the etheric plane. My students affectionately term the practice, Going into Yetzirah, a reference to the formative world that resides just above the world of Assiah. In this practice we are working with a dual image of the Tree of Life, one within, and one above the body. We are also using the structure of the spheres on the Tree as a ladder to ascend into the upper world. Each step of the practice brings a greater experience of the true nature of consciousness, and we begin to feel its enduring power as it exists when freed 1


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Transcript of Chava Aimah Etheric Healing

A World Above Healing and Energizing from the Etheric Plane

Healing and Energizing from the Etheric Plane

Chavah Aima

If you are familiar with the esoteric development method of meditating upon the Tree of Life in the Sphere of Being you will know the many benefits that come from this powerful practice. When we are meditating upon the Tree of Life within and around the physical body, we are working within the world of Assiah, the physical plane. While it is true that the Tree of Life holds the four worlds within itself, it is also true that each of the four worlds contains its own Tree of Life. This configuration highlights the descent of the forces and helps to define their respective functions that contribute to creation. This vertical alignment is shown in the side bar. It is said that the sacred magician enters into Yetzirah, the etheric plane above the physical world, and brings down energy from Briah, the creative world, in order to enliven and enlighten material life in the body and on earth. Some years ago I received training in a little-known method that aids the prepared practitioner to rapidly access and become more aware of the etheric plane. By combining this technique with an expanded version of the basic Tree of Life meditation, I created a synergistic practice that enables one to strengthen consciousness of the true self and operate more masterfully upon the etheric plane. My students affectionately term the practice, Going into Yetzirah, a reference to the formative world that resides just above the world of Assiah. In this practice we are working with a dual image of the Tree of Life, one within, and one above the body. We are also using the structure of the spheres on the Tree as a ladder to ascend into the upper world. Each step of the practice brings a greater experience of the true nature of consciousness, and we begin to feel its enduring power as it exists when freed from the constraints of the physical body. As the meditation is mastered, this subtle, free-flowing consciousness can be directed to heal and energize the physical body. The method may also be used for the healing of others, provided one has first attained his or her own balanced connection to the source of all healing. In theurgical work, one may elevate consciousness in this way in order to bring various streams of force into actualization within the body, in one's life and on earth.

To begin, you should first perform the basic Tree of Life meditation, seeing the alignment of the spheres in and around the physical body. Next, you will practice moving your consciousness around within your physical form. Consciousness refers to your full awareness, identity and point of view, which are generally experienced as existing only within the body. The focal point of consciousness varies from time to time; however, when we close our eyes, consciousness typically rests just behind the eyes. When consciousness rests here, our identity is limited to a great extent by what we can see with our physical eyes. With your eyes closed, continue to be aware of the image of the Tree of Life in and around your body. Begin loosening up your consciousness by deliberately shifting your awareness into your throat until you get a sense of being as fully present there as you were behind your eyes. Imagine looking outward from the throat and also inwardly looking up and down, seeing your head above and body below. Shift your consciousness again, moving down to the heart for a few moments and then into the solar plexus, repeating the practice of looking outwardly and inwardly from these locations. Finally, bring your awareness to the top of your head, into the sphere of Kether. Persist with this meditative focus until you can keep your consciousness fully anchored within the sphere at the crown of your head. From this vantage point, practice looking down at your body below you and also see the Tree of Life within and surrounding your physical form. If your consciousness slips down into the body, simply refocus on the practice, and shift back to the top of your head. When you feel steady in your awareness at Kether, look upward and realize that there is another Tree of Life suspended above you. This is the Tree of Life within the world of Yetzirah, the etheric plane. Visualize the Malkuth of this upper Tree connecting to and overlapping the sphere of Kether where your consciousness is sitting at the top of your head. Work with this imagery until you can see the spheres above your head and those within your body below quite clearly. The upper Tree should be envisioned as being of equal height to the one that immerses the physical body. For example, if one is six feet tall, Kether of Yetzirah will be six feet above the head. Going into Yetzirah To begin to increase awareness of the etheric plane, start to project your consciousness upward, one sphere at a time along the middle pillar. Spend time meditating at the level of each ascending sphere: Yesod, Tiphareth, and finally, Kether. You may find in the beginning

that your consciousness will suddenly snap back down into the body, or to the top of the head. Simply move back up again, and continue the practice until your consciousness becomes stabilized at the Kether of Yetzirah. This experience will take time to develop, requiring discipline and patience. Be confident that your efforts will bring great rewards. Over several practice sessions you will learn to keep your point of orientation far above your head in Kether of Yetzirah. Once you can maintain your awareness at this level, begin to look down and observe the rest of this Tree of Life that exists above your physical body. Do not attempt at first to change any forms or symbolic imagery that you may notice within this structure. Just observe it for several sessions, making note after your practice of what was seen. In future sessions, develop your etheric command further by working the descent of the lightning flash from the top of the Tree of Yetzirah all the way down through the Tree of Assiah in your physical body. Watch that your consciousness does not follow the flash but remains far above mediating and witnessing the descent and infusion of force into your physical form. Developing the ability to see into and work upon the etheric plane in this way promotes the healing of imbalances and stimulates the clearing of blockages in both the etheric and the physical bodies. As you advance further, be aware that the powers of this plane can be used to create a healthy, vibrant and youthful body, and to manifest beautiful circumstances in your life. It is interesting to shift into this higher awareness when holding healing energy for others. You may be surprised at how much can be seen above the heads of others when one knows how to look. For the initiate, journeys into the formative world may be used to clear and purify the etheric body, building it into a highly magnetized conduit through which greater cosmic force may enter into the physical form.