Charlottetown Rural High School CRHS “Readers’ Di-Jest” December 1984

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Transcript of Charlottetown Rural High School CRHS “Readers’ Di-Jest” December 1984

  • 8/21/2019 Charlottetown Rural High School CRHS Readers Di-Jest December 1984


    Miracles promised

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * ^

    * W H A T ' S I N S I D E . . . *

    * *

    * W h o ' s R e s p o n s i b l e 2 *

    * A D i s c l a i m e r [ [ 2 *

    * A Quiz and then some.... 2 *

    * *

    * NEW From the C-TEAM's Man: *

    * S i c k S a m , P . I [ 3 *

    * S . W . A . T . - } *


    * T r o u b l e 4 *




















    Spy's Eye-.Espionage

    Buff Donnelly


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * *















































    * * *

    Thomas Dolby1a The Plat

    Earth, reviewed along with

    Platinum Blondes

    Standing in the Dark.

    Best of alioo.NO SPOHTS

    unless you ask for them.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + + +




























    * *

  • 8/21/2019 Charlottetown Rural High School CRHS Readers Di-Jest December 1984



    DISCLAIMER: This paper is not connected in any se.:se with Header's

    Digress, except in a satirical one at best. Any articles herin

    were edited, even censored, by the people who wrote them. This

    means that:

    Any views or matters expressed in this,or any,issue of Headers1

    EL-jest are not neccessarily those of its staff and/or sponsors..

    All articles herein,or the paper as a whole,are for satirical

    purposes only,and are not to be construed or imDlied as factual.

    Any characters created by our writers,and/or any resemblance to

    any living or dead individual,or group,is none of our concern.We

    will not be held liable for anything,including misappropriation

    of funds,unauthorized publication,continuation of publication,or

    incorrect statements made about well-known individualsa

    All rights reserved,1984 by Readers* Di-jest

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^

    Readers1 .Di-jest.o.Charlottetown Ruralfs other newspaper:

    C h i e f N o n - E d i t o r D a n n y M u l l e n

    A s s i s t a n t E d i t o r J i m L a i

    Director of Special Effects....Jim Lai "*

    Director of Promotion...... H...Danny Mullen

    B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r . J a m e s C o n n o l l y

    S t a f f P h o t o g r a p h e r o R i c k y B r a z e l , Y e a r b o o k C o m m i t t e e

    S t a f f W r i t e r s J i m L a i

    Danny Mullen

    Martin Pobes,a quoted person

    "Buff" Whatshisface

    also use of The Globe and Mail

    Staffers1 Scapegoat from a

    t i m e t h a t w a s 0 . S h o n e B l a y n e

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^ * * * - K * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4 < . 4 f * ^ * ^ * *

    Special thanks goes to the guys in Ward 112,Y/ing 3 of the Sleepy

    Rural Correctional Facility for their help in my escape,, I am now

    at large, once again.

    - Someone Else

    QUIZ: If Ms Black works at store A for X dollars, and Mr. 3rown

    works at store B for 30fo more, while Mrs. Green works in store

    C for 50$ of what Black and Brown together make. If I/ass

    Gold at store D is paid 4/15 of X more than 5/6 of what Mrse

    Green earns,who is the highest paid? You may take a while.

    Here*s some something:V/e, the rebels who have founded this o den

    ization, would like to thank Radio Shack at 96 Queen St. for ~

    permitting our extensive use of their computer facilities. Thev

    happen to have advertized in this paper, so...

  • 8/21/2019 Charlottetown Rural High School CRHS Readers Di-Jest December 1984


    R e a d e r s ' s D i - j e s t 3

    S i c k S a m : G u e s s W h o D i d n ' t W a n t H i m b y H a r r y Z g w a r t z / A r m c h a i r S g t

    Sam gripped the Usi submachine gun tightly.He made a quick run across the

    street.Three streetgang members ran up to him.

    "No punks are gona stop me "he said as he made them dance,forcing them away

    with his bul lets. "Goo d riddance 'You guys can't eve n breakda nce "

    The enterance appeared in front of him.He ran down the stairs as people bega

    screaming.He pushed his way through the crowd,jumping the turnstile.

    "At last ,"he panted ,"I made it to the subwa y without getti ng mugge d "

    So began another day in the life of "Sick" Sam Smith,private eye and psychop

    (heck,no one 's per fec t ) .

    He sat in his office,shooting his .45 pistol at the dartboard on the wal l .

    Somebody in the next room screamed.He stopped firing.Then,this blonde walked

    the door ,c lu tch ing her le f t wr is t .

    "You winged me,"she said.

    "Sorry,"Sam muttered as he opened a drawer and threw a compressed bandage at

    her."Use it.Now whaddaya want?"

    "How often does this happen?"

    "Oh, 'bout every two hours."

    "You're just the man for the job."

    "Good.Good.Uh...what's the job?"

    "Rescue my boyfriend from the Mafia."

    "Good.Good.I love shooting those gons.I got an old enemy,Pepsi Areola.We qot

    score to set t le . I ' l l charge $10,000 plus expenses."


    "Ammunition.Lessee now...50 rounds per box at $5 a box...I'd say at least a

    thousand.Dol la rs ,not rounds. "

    "You're thorough."

    "Yeah,"Sam chuckled.

    "You're rea l ly s ic k "she sai d wi th d isg ust .

    " T h a n k s " h e g l e e f u l l y s m i l e d . T o b e c o n t i n u e d . . .

    (P.S.,Beware the Armchair Commandos )

    S.W.A.T. (Schoolroom Weapons And Tactics) by John Fnudding,Armchair Gen.,Ret

    In th is fi rs t ins ta l lment , I wi l l beg in my long-awai ted d iscuss ion "Surv iva l

    the Cla ssroo m" (Che mist ry 511, th is is i t ) .

    Some cruel, twisted,demoral iz ing tact ics used by teachers are:

    1) Surpr ise tes t

    2) Enough tests and quizzes to make you dizzy

    3) Pi les of notes to fi l l above tests

    4) Ramble on about some pointless topic

    5) Do nothing at all

    These time-tested tactics are hard to beat.Number one is almost foolproof.If

    othing works,start screaming in the hal lways about how unfair the teacheris

    or number two,complain that you weren't given any previous warning or show

    (mock) concern for the teacher,as he will have to mark all those tests.To comb

    umber three,get a portable computer and type al your notes,or photograph them

    hat will get the message across.If the teacher rambles on,as in number four,

    oin in.The guy (or gal) obviously needs the psychological therapy.In number

    ve,do nothing - the si lence wil l dr ive him crazy

    Next t ime around,I wil l discuss more weaponry and tactics.Rember,it 's a jung

    t t h e r e _ J o h n n B i g B a n g n p n u d i n g .

    When considering a place to go on vacation this March Break,take a look at wa

  • 8/21/2019 Charlottetown Rural High School CRHS Readers Di-Jest December 1984


    Readers' Di-jest is great


    *l** l t l**** TROUBLE ***********

    No more Mr. Nice Guy -There

    are rumors abounding over the

    possible truce between the lit

    erary genius who writes "His

    Word - Trouble", and that other

    Person who schluffs out "Her

    other newspaper, "The Reader's

    Dlgress: wm that she (from "Her

    W"d~ Trouble" was having

    ne0USHE.s0finher -"^hangin9, 3,

    tS-f??Bh:ris0?^ln"n to he,s


    ng all

    On the more serious side, you

    may have noticed that Gee? this

    is not "Reader-s Digress" but

    in fact, the other - and lesser

    ft? a s tueras*r r

    ho have to plagerize to'g^t

    tedntod,ete-3USt "0t that talen-

    ,rn7F t? ln on such a daring

    init iat ive as "Readers' Di- ief t"

    skew -rawr-i''.

    pical of her indecisive kind.

    toBh^ 5 business, I would like

    Carnival 'fv 9irlS at the ^nt-rnival s Varietv show whn fli

    so latt.c.d by my p^ound^ss

    alter d prese'nta ion^ 9aVe *"

    a r t i c l e " a : o n o f y f i r s t

    D igre l " ' "h "6 " "Reader 's

    ^ d / ^ h i r i a - r I s ^ T ^

    tne various articles. This can

    pe best seen in the fact that I

    nave my page in columns, as do

    u*2y f . the ther l i ters "ho

    ad their material typed for

    them. At the same time, however,

    some pages are printed in the

    Reader's Digress' fashion of a

    line right across the page The

    people who have done this will

    change their style for the next

    issue, or else

    Once I have stopped going off

    on wayward tangents, as do many

    of my teachers, I can again get

    down to the business of quite

    neatly insulting a multitude of

    People, and geting away with it-

    After all is said and done, one'

    can only say that most females,

    for instance, are dizzy l i t t le

    busybodies who, having no re

    ^n?S 2f.uheir OWn' 9et the guys

    o lead them in life. Don't Iven

    beleive for a moment that girls

    have a chance to "climb up" in

    the world, unless of cour'se they

    get masculine assistance.(You

    know what I mean ). One should

    shudder at the thought.

    Maybe my bias towards women is

    affecting my credibility amongst

    SCaa^; but unassuming, kidst Charlotetown Rural. Some of

    the less br i l l iant ind iv iduals

    that r S?h^ haVe determinedhat I, of all people, have an

    alter ego which is kind to the

    tairer gender Talk about a case

    of mistaken identity Wouldn't

    you know it though/these few

    but determined females are just

    nopmg that I will soften my

    views so that they will be able

    bian?La ChanCe to make ^eir

    igoted views known to the rest

    of this impressionable instifute

    of learning. I feel that it is

    my duty to provide a literary

    oasing for the meek and ill at

    ease of C.R.H.S.

    Next Time; Unemployment and UB40

  • 8/21/2019 Charlottetown Rural High School CRHS Readers Di-Jest December 1984


    Readers' Di-jest

    The Spy's Eye:Espionage Notes

    Stolen From Desks - and others

    by Joe Znutar, Armchair Lt,Ret.

    General Intel:

    H.-There is a VCR in the library

    used for blackmail - studying

    ^ ^ i0 r f subhumans - make

    hat students.

    #2: Buff Donnoly is a sleeper,

    l i t e r a l l y . '

    #3: An agent can be contacted at

    locker 007.

    #4: HAL lives in locker 2001

    #5: Ghosts do not inhabit locker

    numbers 13 through 666.

    #6: The cafeteria is the site of

    chemical and biological warfare


    #7: A mysterious plague has very

    recently struck the Rural

    o: I t & #7 are not elated.Hah

    19: The Reds have infiltrated

    the Rural.(The Redmen?)

    #10 Why couldn't the Blondes

    have done it?

    ALERT: TO all'operatives I stop

    singling out a lone target of

    the opposite sex for monitoring.

    We're tired of getting the re

    sulting photos The Agency isn't

    a talent agency

    - Lt. Znutar, Ret.

    * * * * * * B u f f Donno l l y ' s * * * * * * * * *

    * * * * * * * * * * jou rna l * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Beware the ides of March yes,

    today was both the 15th. of the

    month of March, and so terrible'

    The animals were so very worked

    up over the fast approaching

    March Break.

    over^h^ n2 ne haS hit an*one

    oyer the head with a "Ghetto

    Blaster" since last Tuesday,

    there have ben some outbreaks of

    teachers hurling their pocket

    radios at Mr. Maul And Mr. (r )

    Larsen.You know, iife is sure

    funny at Charlesstown Severely

    t s

    Run-down High, but there's al

    ways lots of the good ol CSRH

    team spirit. Too bad most of it

    is in the hallways.

    Well anyway, I did have a few

    laughs today; like when Mr.

    Burly lost his daushsund iii the

    Teachers' Lounge, and the dog

    bit Willy Flower. The dog might

    even live. Then, Mr. Maul went

    and challenged the entire hockey

    team to a tag-team Wrestling

    match He and Cresmond Gonna-Lee

    really cleaned up. Speakina of

    tha t , in the ca fe ter ia . . .B i l l

    Handler mistook a student for

    some garbage and shoved him into

    a garbage compacter.

    That was almost as funny as

    the look on Mr. Larsen's face

    when he went to his chemistry

    class this morning. His studen

    Krazy-glued their desks to the

    ceiling Hah But Mr. Larsen was

    quick to recover, forcing the

    hapless students to sit in the

    d^sks. Boy, you should*have seen

    the look on their faces Talk

    geting the blood flowing to your

    head, that was funny

    But seriously, it wasn't all

    fun and games today. I had to

    cope with Mrs. Canton's stories

    all morning long If she was a

    a student, I'd get Miss Chillus

    to shoot her Then Mr. Jambe-Bo-

    mme took to arms today and shot

    two of his worst troublemakers.

    That now makes fourten teachers

    for guns, twelve against, and

    nineteen indifferent. Arms Talks

    are now going on with that silly

    Students' Council. We get all of

    the names of people writing for

    Reader's Di-jest and they get a

    few semi-automatic pistols to

    help even the odds.

    All told, this has been a dull

    sort of day, but things are look

    ing up for the March Break -I'll

    be on vacation.

  • 8/21/2019 Charlottetown Rural High School CRHS Readers Di-Jest December 1984


    Readers ' Di - jes t is incred ib le


    "Urn...well, I was working at

    the store one day. A lady came

    in. It was a hardware store. She

    asked for a screen door; so, I

    gave her a screen door. It did

    not real ly seem right."

    - Schwan Blame, former editor

    of a defunct bird book.

    A f te r tha t , you ' l l rea l l y need :

    >>>>>>>>>> Dear Robin

  • 8/21/2019 Charlottetown Rural High School CRHS Readers Di-Jest December 1984


    Readers' Di-jest dares to say

    ******* THE CRITICS, pAGE *ieieieieie

    Standinq in The .Dark **********

    Who hasnt heard "Doesn't Reallv

    Matter"?(For example, my botch^

    ed attempt at the Winter Carniv

    al.) The song is the best of the

    top ten Coming complete with

    lyrics this album hints of syn-

    chronicity - The Police), this

    haiTJS,-20,\?0r those who are

    " n n f c n ^ n l n ^ i n g * T h e t h e m e t o

    i -h -e2n^,?ea l ly ^ t te r " is o f

    N^r th^n11^7 ,^ the An t ing in

    -qtpnH X5eland. other songs,

    p niJ9 in The Dark", -Take itrom Me", and "Not in Love", are

    outcries of personal anguish.

    ^ f " "6 t r a ck t a l ks o f a n

    1?e^^Yt.fc-COinmunicate amotion

    "Not 9 r inev i tab le conf l ic t .

    ot in Love" is about a girl

    th S ng n the lead dinger. The

    hemes are sad and .depressing,

    songs - the will to survive

    lifts the songs in the form of

    Thona^w c*?ruses *nd refrains.

    p the three man group is a

    olice derivative, they are or

    iginal enough, i rate this album

    f '? on ^ scale of l to 10

    What else?).

    N.B.: This reviewer will re

    view Heavy Metal in the future

    e j^ in 'p l f /1?8 the 0 fcher ^v iew

    poo S. ad6r S Digress) stopped

    OOLIN' himself and cover the

    musical spectrum without bias

    Long live Rock and Roll .

    (In Deep )

    Back Seat At The Movies *******

    "Blame It On Rio " was indeed

    u s over, all one can remember

    is the fact that fewer and fewer

    clothes are worn as the story

    drags on. This walking loser is

    6.0 on the R.A.W. scale.

    The R.A.W. Scale Explained **


    The R.A.W. scale is an unique

    system of rating movies. Each of

    the letters is roughly analogous

    a certain numbered level:

    R", or Rotten, is 0 to 4 9

    thus making up half of all'movie

    productions, which ARE rotten'

    A , or Awful, is 5 to 7.8 ,

    because I hate to see an great

    movie that could have made it at

    7;9wOn "The Scale".

    "W", or Wonderful, is 7 9 - 9 9

    There is no 10, mainly because'

    of two things: I include zero in

    my scale, and there never can be

    a totally perfect movie.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    THE FLAT EARTH *** Thomas Dolby

    Capitol St 12309

    For such a irritating prson

    as Thomas Dolby, with an equally

    irritat ing track as "Hyperact

    ive , he can really overcome my

    first impressions of his really

    progessive Rock. His exciting

    video to cover the album makes

    use of a multitude of special

    effects and those irritating-

    effects Dolby does to his voice

    through the use of his several

    synthesizers and tone generators


    The cover track, "1 scare My-

    Lf is-obviously based in Jaz-

    Peter Thorn, a trombonist whose

    efforts appear on two of "Flat

    E a r t h " ' s c u t s . a t

    th^HH11' X Vuld have to say

    hat this, Dolby's second album,

    will be an enormous success.

  • 8/21/2019 Charlottetown Rural High School CRHS Readers Di-Jest December 1984



    Readers ' Di- jest is provocat ive.

    ******* c.S.R.H. NO ROOM *******

    As we rejoin our story, we see

    "Four-Hands" Davis has just won

    the "Gee, He's The Most Beauti

    ful Thing I've Seen In My Life"

    award from the Students' Council

    "Uh, thanks, I th ink . I rea l ly

    appreciate this honour that you,

    uh, dumped, er, have given me. I

    would like to thank the people

    who are responsible for getting

    me to where I am today. My bus

    driver, that cute blonde who

    picked me up in her Fuego, the

    old guy who drives the green and

    white taxi past my house..."

    From here we go to the destit

    ute CSRH Radio Room, where Doug

    Crossta lk is t ry ing to s tar t the

    record p layer.

    "I wonder what this switch with

    that wire wil do?" thought Doug

    as 10,000 volts began to surge

    through his body."EAGHHHHH "

    A hundred watts of pure noise

    runs across the way to cafeteria

    where this outpouring is so loud

    that most of the students can't

    hear themselves think - the rest

    gave up long ago.

    Here, Bil l ie Bower has just

    finished his Shakey-Suds Orange

    Juice In-A-Toothpaste Tube as

    his old rival Marvin Voom gently

    tips his homemade yogurt over

    Bower's Head. Bower turns redder

    than the yogurt and picks up a

    half-eaten boi led egg.

    Simultaneously, 350 CSRH stud

    ents yell,"FOOD FIGHT " and in

    stantaneously dive for the safe

    ty of the floor. Pop and pieces

    of sandwiches fly everywhere as

    supporters of both sides of the

    battle become embroil led.

    It was then that Buff Donnolly

    cherished principal of the CSRH

    that is , s t rode in to the cafe ter

    ia to get his usual, a Pac-Man

    ice cream novelty. His patent

    leather r iding boots and white

    pith helmet were soon stained by

    the vegetable matter that had

    been missed by his all-watchful

    s e l f .

    F ina l l y , a f te r Mr . Bur l y ' s re

    lease of his dauchsund into the

    area, the fight began to ebb a

    little, and was soon over by the

    time that the dog devoured half

    of a grade ten class. Miss

    Chillus came in and mopped up

    with her pocket-sized machinegun

    and several tear gas grenades.

    Of the cas

    the seventee

    mortally wou

    t h i r t y - f o u r

    minor abras

    ser ious s ta i

    the most af

    to order to


    u a l t i e s , o

    n grade te

    nded. the

    in number

    ions and s

    ns. Mr. Do

    fected, be


    nly the

    n's were

    rest, some

    , only had

    ome very

    nnolly was

    ing forced

    for a new

    In a rapid departure from what

    had gone on previously, "Four-

    Hands" decided to attempt to

    speak with some sense of intell

    igence, ".. .and in closing, I wou

    Id like to thank Nancy Patterson

    for doing all of those newspap

    er commercials."

    What he had said previously,

    if it were in any way connected

    with what he was speaking about,

    almost sounded sincere. All the

    time he was actually thinking of

    his dream-girl, Nena, who does

    the "Ninety-Nine Red Balloons"

    v ideo.

    Wil l Four-Hands stop talking?

    Will Mr. Burly curb his dog?

    Will Shakey Suds catch on?

    Will yogurt shampoo catch on?

    Will Mr. Donnolly get a helmet?

    Will there ever be a girl here?

    Wi l l t h i s sa t i re con t inue?

  • 8/21/2019 Charlottetown Rural High School CRHS Readers Di-Jest December 1984


    Shutdown follows protracted contract talks


    eaded SUSpends publication indefinitely

    >}c\re$$> he)

  • 8/21/2019 Charlottetown Rural High School CRHS Readers Di-Jest December 1984


    S/?U $ 120 DA; OfAP Ei'^T CAK 7XCK i":j f>ra6/mA/^

    U>IM -Jtxeo 374T/0MC. DolB-y fOO/S tebuc.T/OA) 3:

    o IAJ47-

    tT %12-tfPL /&--- 3 V