Charles robert darwin


Transcript of Charles robert darwin

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• Charles Robert Darwin, February 12, 1809 - April 19, 1882) - English naturalist and traveler, one of the first realized and demonstrated that all living organisms have evolved over time from common ancestors. Charles Darwin was born February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, at the family estate, the Mount House. The fifth of six children of a wealthy doctor and financier Robert Darwin, English. Suzanne and Robert Darwin, Darwin.

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• • By the time he joined the day

school in 1817, eight years Darwin has joined the natural history and collecting. Since September 1818 he, along with his elder brother Erasmus (born Erasmus Alvey Darwin) attends the nearest school Shrusberskuyu Anglican (English Shrewsbury School) as a boarder. Before leaving with his brother Erasmus to the University of Edinburgh, in the summer of 1825, he serves as assistant-student and helps his father in his medical practice, helping the poor Shropshire.

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• Darwin's father learned that his son gave up teaching medicine, was annoyed and asked him to go to Cambridge Christian College and a priest Anglican priest. Darvin began to learn, but, according to Darwin himself, he is too absorbed in learning, devoting more time to ride , shooting guns and hunting (the benefit of attending lectures was a matter of voluntary).

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• He became a close friend and follower of botany professor John Stevens Genslou (born John Stevens Henslow). Due to familiarity with Genslou he met with other leading naturalists, becoming known in their circles as "one who walks with Genslou." When the exams approached, Darwin focused on his studies. At this time, he reads "The proof of Christianity" by William Paley, whose language and the presentation of Darwin's delight. At the end of training, in January 1831, Darwin is well advanced in theology, and studied classical literature, mathematics and physics, eventually became the 10th in the list of 178 successful candidates.

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• • Descriptions of the island of Tenerife,

which results in Humboldt, Darwin, and infect his friends the idea to go there, at the end of training sessions for the natural history in the tropics. Two weeks later, having returned after a short geological tour of North Wales, he finds a letter from Genslou, in which he recommended Darwin as a suitable person for the post of unpaid naturalist Captain "Beagle", Robert FitzRoy, under whose command of four weeks to begin the expedition to the shores of South America.

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• In 1831, after graduating from university as a naturalist, Darwin went on a trip around the world on the expedition ship of the Royal Navy "Beagle", where he returned to England just 2 October 1836. Trips lasted nearly five years. Most of the time, Darwin spends on the coast, studying geology and collecting natural history collections.

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• Seen them in the Australian marsupial rat kangaroo and the platypus seemed so strange that this led Darwin to the idea, as if at least two of the creator at the same time worked to create this world. In the 1838-1841 years. Darwin was the secretary of the London Geological Society. In 1839 he married, and in 1842 th wife moved from London to Down (Kent), where they reside permanently. Here, Darwin led a solitary and measured life of the scientist and writer