Charles Capps Ministries 3rd Quarter 2014...

C O NCEPTS OF F A ITH Charles Capps Ministries 3rd Quarter 2014 Angels by Annette Capps T hroughout the Old and New Testament, angels have played a pivotal part in delivering messages, protection, and even warnings. Angels are eternal beings and they are still involved in the world today. Given the state of affairs, they are probably very busy! I have personally experienced the ministry of angels since I was a very young child. My first encounter was when I was about 7-8 years of age. I had just been tucked into bed and the lights were out when I felt someone sit on the bed next to me. I felt an incredibly warm, safe feeling associated with the pressure next to my legs. Expecting to see one of my parents, I opened my eyes and saw the outline of what I thought was a person through the soft filtered hallway light. is made such an impression that the next morning I asked my mom if she had come into my room. When she said that she hadn’t, I asked my dad and he said that he had gone to bed himself and did not come into my room. I pondered these things, probably like Mary pondered the appearance of Gabriel. Who was this? What did it mean? e only thing I could conclude was that this experience was a

Transcript of Charles Capps Ministries 3rd Quarter 2014...

Page 1: Charles Capps Ministries 3rd Quarter 2014 … OF FAITH Charles Capps Ministries 3rd Quarter 2014 Angels

CONCEPTS OF FAITHCharles Capps Ministries 3rd Quarter 2014

Angels by Annette Capps

Throughout the Old and New Testament, angels have played a pivotal part in delivering messages, protection, and even warnings. Angels are eternal beings and they are still involved in the world today. Given the state of a� airs, they are probably very busy!

I have personally experienced the ministry of angels since I was a very young child. My � rst encounter was when I was about 7-8 years of age. I had just been tucked into bed and the lights were out when I felt someone sit on the bed next to me. I felt an incredibly warm, safe feeling associated with the pressure next to my legs. Expecting to see one of my parents, I opened my eyes and saw the outline of what I thought was a person through the soft � ltered hallway light. � is made such an impression that the next morning I asked my mom if she had come into my room. When she said that she hadn’t, I asked my dad and he said that he had gone to bed himself and did not come into my room.

I pondered these things, probably like Mary pondered the appearance of Gabriel. Who was this? What did it mean? � e only thing I could conclude was that this experience was a

Page 2: Charles Capps Ministries 3rd Quarter 2014 … OF FAITH Charles Capps Ministries 3rd Quarter 2014 Angels

wonderful thing and I felt such peace and safety that it must have been an angel from God.

Divine Protection

Many years later, I traveled to Colorado to minister in a church with a friend. Before the service we stayed with a church member who lived about � fteen miles out of town on a rural road. One night, we decided to drive into town to visit some of the other church members. Just before we left, I had an urge to pray; so I walked outside into the � eld and began to pray in the Spirit. I didn’t know what I was praying about, but it seemed to be very urgent.

As we were driving into town, we topped a hill in the dark countryside near a feedlot for cattle. At 55 or 60 miles per hour, our car plowed into a herd of steers that were standing in the road. Before the driver could even hit the brakes, we had collided with these large animals. � e sensation I had was not like anything I had ever experienced. Although all three of us were in the front seat, with no seat belts buckled, we slid forward in what seemed to be slow motion only about 2 inches. Our heads did not hit the windshield. We didn’t hit the dashboard. It felt like pillows were all around us, just like we were cushioned! � ank God for angelic protection! (� is happened before seat belt laws. I always use a seat belt now.)


“…the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and � ee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.” Matthew 2:13


Page 3: Charles Capps Ministries 3rd Quarter 2014 … OF FAITH Charles Capps Ministries 3rd Quarter 2014 Angels

Angels were instrumental in guiding Joseph to keep Jesus safe. � e angels often appeared to Joseph in dreams. � ere have been several times that an angel has appeared to me in a dream or even while I was awake to give me messages. � ey are “messengers” from God.

� e dreams that I have where a “messenger” appears to me stand out to me in a way that other dreams don’t. � e “messenger” can take many forms, just as when an angel appears as a human either male or female. � ey usually impart information, explanation, or warning about something. � ey can bring good news and a sense of expectation of a turnaround in your life. � e angels that have appeared in my dreams always gave me a sensation that they wise and possessed much knowledge. I never saw one with wings and in my dreams, they don’t wear a halo, but there is something about them that tells me they are spiritual beings sent from God.

Help is available to us in multiple ways if we are open and receptive enough to pay attention to angels sent to us “unaware”. We are the ones unaware, not the angels. Open yourself to the possibility that angelic intervention may be the way that God works on your behalf as you speak and declare what He has said about your protection and deliverance!