Characterizing Entrepreneurs & Freelancers, and Their Working Relationship


Transcript of Characterizing Entrepreneurs & Freelancers, and Their Working Relationship

Page 1: Characterizing Entrepreneurs & Freelancers, and Their Working Relationship




Page 2: Characterizing Entrepreneurs & Freelancers, and Their Working Relationship

Entrepreneurship is recognizedas a function that finds the gapin markets, while freelance isknown for its ability to identify

gaps in projects.

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Entrepreneurship andfreelancing are considered to betwo paths toward freedom.Writers and contract workersfrequently seek out freelanceopportunities, which allows

ownership of their personal andprofessional time.

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For the same reason, individualsbelonging to numerousindustries seek out

entrepreneurship. The differencebetween the two routes is thatentrepreneurship is a bolder

choice that has the potential tooffer something greater than theexpectancy of money, but theformation of personal legacy.

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For the same reason, individualsbelonging to numerousindustries seek out

entrepreneurship. The differencebetween the two routes is thatentrepreneurship is a bolder

choice that has the potential tooffer something greater than theexpectancy of money, but theformation of personal legacy.

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Certainly, freelancing can bemore attractive, for

entrepreneurship is moredemanding. Freelancing offers amore direct and active role in

income creation, it’s simpler andrequires fewer financial risks,opportunity risks, or emotional


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Freelancing is frequently chosenbecause it’s a way to make

money while focusing on quality,without the worry of solvingcritical world problems. As afreelancer, you manage

portfolios, find and retain clients,and you’re able to decide howmuch compensation you’d liketo receive for your projects.

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There’s immediate gratificationpromised after the completionof the assignment. Freelancingoffers a great deal of agility, butentrepreneurship has greaterrewards in the long run.

Freelance doesn’t promise youlong-term assets, but it promises

a stream of income.

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While you’re building yourbusiness, you create assetsbelonging to you and your

organization. Even when dealingwith the dark complexities ofentrepreneurship, you arefashioning an economic

structure that can bring yougreat eventual success.

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The trouble and thrill ofentrepreneurship rests with theknowledge that it ebbs and

flows; while one month may seesuccess, the next month may bestruggling the very next month.As a business leader, you controlyour business, but you cancontrol market behavior.

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Entrepreneurship demands thatyou manage your business well,but that you also have a firmunderstanding of the marketthat you serve, ensuring that allproducts align with customers’


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Cash positivity isn’t promised,that’s the case whether

discussing entrepreneurship orfreelancing. For entrepreneurs,who’ll likely need to elect thehelp of others, this can be a


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A large part of being anentrepreneur is being able toassemble a team of individualswho are like-minded or peoplewho know better than you, this isthe case when hiring designers,developers, a salesperson, or anyother staff support. Learning tohire, motivate, and retain greattalent can be a challenge ifyou’re worried about the


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Freelancing is a field forspecialists, for those who an

absolute understanding of theirfield, and they have the ability toserve was being requested.Entrepreneurs becomegeneralists as they supplynumerous resources to their

teams, you pass on support andservices to the public.

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Skills and services provided bythese leaders often work intandem. Freelancers can bevaluable supporters for

entrepreneurs, offering theirunique abilities as developers orwriters, thus helping faithfulentrepreneurs to continually

seek out their dream even whenthey fail.

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Conversely, freelancers don’trequire a team. While they

sometimes partner with others,much of their work is solitary,

focusing on their respective areaof expertise, whether that bewriting, marketing, sales,

designing, or customer support.Freelancers provide a core

service while entrepreneurs tendto sell services as products and

make products.

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