Characteristics of Jordan K-12 Education System

Characteristics of Jordan K-12 Education System by Khitam Al-Utaibi, MA For The Fulbright Hays Delegation of Teachers in Collaboration with University of Pittsburgh PSUT- Amman, Jordan June 23 rd , 2014


I made a lecture intitled Characteristics of Jordan K-12 Education System for the Fulbright Hays Delegation of Teachers in Collaboration with University of Pittsburgh -USA @ Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PUST) ‪

Transcript of Characteristics of Jordan K-12 Education System

Page 1: Characteristics of Jordan K-12 Education System

Characteristics of Jordan K-12 Education System

byKhitam Al-Utaibi, MA

For The Fulbright Hays Delegation of Teachers in Collaboration with University

of Pittsburgh

PSUT- Amman, Jordan June 23rd, 2014

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Khitam Al-Utaibi• iEARN-Jordan


Stay in touch!• @khitamah

• iEARN.Jordan

[email protected]

Page 3: Characteristics of Jordan K-12 Education System

Facts and FiguresCapital Amman

Population (2013): 7.3 million

Area: 89,342 km sq

Languages : Arabic (official); English is widely used

Currency: Jordanian Dinar (JOD)

GDP per Capita PPP (2012): USD 6,148

HDI Rank (2012): 100 of 187

Remittances (2013 estimate): USD 3,680 million

Net Migration Rate (2010-2015): -0.9 migrants/1,000 population

Immigrants (2013): 40.2%

Women as a Percentage of Immigrants (2013): 49.3%

Population under 15 (2013): 34%

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K-12 Jordan Education SystemA) The role of public and private schools, the issues of socio-economic factors and access to quality education, the impact of groups of immigrants on financing of education.B) Teacher training, teaching as a profession, teacher salaries compared to other professionsC) Curriculum, what is taught in social studies curriculum in terms of civics, historyD) Issues facing youth day from a spectrum of socio-economic perspectives

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K-12 Education System Structure

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Distribution of Schools by Authority in the Kingdom for The Year 2012-2013

Authority• Ministry of Education• Private Schools• Other Governmental (Military Culture , Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs

and Ministry of Social Affairs) • UNRWA

• One shift• Double shift (public and UNRWA)

• Boys• Girls• Co schools

Source: Statistical Report for 2012/2013

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A) K-12 Education System Structure and Features

• The role of public and private schools, • the issues of socio-economic factors and

access to quality education, • the impact of groups of immigrants on

financing of education.

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The Role of Public and Private SchoolsPrivate schools cover 1/3 of the education system in Jordan

• There are 6,355 schools in Jordan teaching over 1.7 million students and employing almost 84,000 teachers.

• Of these, 2,138 are private, with a student population of 425,000, or one fourth of students in Jordan.

• Some 33 of the schools offer the IGCSE/GCE/GCSE curriculum and nine offer the IB programme.

• It is established that private schools in Jordan offer a superior type of education to that offered in public schools.

• Private schools also charge tuition levels that are manifold the per capita income

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Socio-economic Factors

• the issues of socio-economic factors and access to quality education,

• the impact of groups of immigrants on financing of education.

Overall, the country has made significant progress in meeting the Millennium Development Goals of universal

primary education and reduction in child mortality. However, the cost in terms of public expenditures has been relatively high. Given demographic pressure, the significant

gains made on human development to date cannot be sustained without major improvements in the quality and

efficiency of education and health services.

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Affect of ImmigrationJordan’s energy, water, health and education services

are being strained to the limit • Refugees from Palestine in the 40s and 60s

and from Lebanon in the 70s of the last century.

• Refugees from Iraq in huge numbers, before and after the US invasion. Since the falling situation June 16, 2014 the predicted wave of Iraqi displacement pose the biggest threat to the security of the country

• Refugees from Syria : 1.3 million since 2011

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B) Teachers and Teaching

• Teacher training • teaching as a profession• teacher salaries compared to other


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C) Curriculum 2010/2011 curriculumNational and civic education (grade 10)1-educational and public institutions, the state of Jordan (citizenship), the state of Jordan (political parties)2-thinking, logic and dialogue, the administration process and its characteristics, national security and global peace, Jordan heritage National and civic education (grade 9)1-social change; thinking, logic and dialogue; the state of Jordan and its institutions; unions and their roles in the society civic development2- economic security; social and ethical importance at work; administrative and economical institutions; Jordan heritage

National and civic education (grade 8)1-family and youth; state of Jordan and its institutions; Jordan heritage2-National Security and global peace; thinking, logic and dialogue; administration , economics and technology

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D) Youth Issues1-A rise in the number of unemployed youth and consequently increasing poverty among youth.2-Rising number of youth using drugs resulting in drug addiction.3-Lack of institutions, programs and activities geared to meet the needs of youth. 4-Lack of information and awareness programs in the fields of health, prevention of diseases and environment. 5-Early marriage, that puts extra economic pressures on youth.

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Jordan In FocusExamine critical issues in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, a moderate Arab state confronting political responsibilities, social change, and the effects of regional conflict.• Jordan has made enormous strides recently in healthcare,

literacy, and democratic and economic reform. However, it remains challenged by a lack of natural resources, environmental concerns, economic and social issues, and the impact of Palestinian immigrants and refugees, who now make up more than half of the nation’s population. More recently, Iraqi refugees have been pouring into the country and changing the demographic and physical landscapes of the capital.

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Jordan• When people think of Jordan, Petra is normally the only place that

comes to mind. However, even though Petra is one of the Middle East's must-see sights, you will quickly learn that there is plenty more to Jordan.

• Jordan spans the southern part of the Syrian Desert down to the Gulf of Aqaba. It shares borders with Syria, Iraq, Israel and Palestinian territories and Saudi Arabia. Jordan boasts an incredible diversity of landscapes and ecosystems, being home to valleys, deserts, mountains and wildlife reserves.

• There is much to see and do in Jordan, with the castles, Roman cities in ruins, forts and even important biblical sites; such as the river where Jesus was baptized, the mountain top where Moses looked at the Promised Land, and where John the Baptist was beheaded by Herod.