Character trait E BULLETIN UPDATE #1

E - BULLETIN UPDATE #1 September 2017 We have had a wonderful start to the school year at Cedarwood! The weather has been beautiful, our school and classroom routines are well on their way to being established, and fun and engaging events, lessons, and activities are happening throughout the school. We were pleased to welcome a number of new staff members who will be working at Cedarwood this year. We welcome, and in some cases welcome back, the following staff members: Ms. Irani (Gr. 1), Ms. Isse (Gr. 2), Ms. Baig (Gr. 2), Ms. Van de Kleut (Gr. 4), Ms. Baksh- Roopchan (Gr. 6), Ms. Barankin (Gr. 7), Ms. Chen (Jr. French), Ms. Tam (J/I French), Ms. Clarke (Music/ Dance), Ms. Johnson (Prep), Ms. Visvalingam (D-ECE), Mr. Hainschwang (Lead Caretaker), and Ms. Stiller (H.A.). We are currently short one fulltime secretary A in the office and we thank Ms. Kang and Ms. Mangos for their tireless efforts as we continue to wait for that position to be filled by the Board. Due to that shortage in staff in the office, some of our usual procedures are taking a little longer than usual to get started (e.g., the snack program, pizza lunches, etc). We thank you for your patience as we work through our usual list of start -up items, while also doing the variety of safe arrival tasks that are required to be completed on a daily basis. Kiss and Ride Update We would like to thank the many families who are putting the safety of our students before their individual convenience when dropping off or picking up their children each day. Our goal is to ensure the safe arrival of all members of the school community on a daily basis. We still have some people however who are not sup- porting this goal. Please remember that all drivers using the kiss and ride are asked to make a RIGHT TURNout of the driveway and to then drive to Denison and turn left to get back to their homes. We also ask drivers to please respect and obey the posted street signs and not park illegally or make 3-point turns any- where around the school. As a big school, there is a great deal of traffic in front of and around the school on side streets, both during pick up and drop off times. Putting the safety of pedestrians ( our children!!!!) before your own convenience is expected and the right thing to do! Again, we thank our families for putting the safety of our students first by following our established rules and for obeying the posted street signs. Walking to and from school each day continues to be encouraged as it really helps to alleviate traffic conges- tion, is better for the environment, and is also good daily exercise! Another suggestion that has been brought forward for families who live a little bit farther from the school is to drive part of the way, park on a quiet side street near the school, and to then walk the remainder of the way. Car Seat and Booster Seat Legislation On a related note in regard to traffic safety, we remind everyone that the Ontario Highway Traffic Act states that all children in Ontario under the age of eight, must be strapped into a child seat or booster seat when travelling in a vehicle. It also states that all occupants must have their own designated seat belt. Please be aware that we are obligated to notify the police/C.A.S. if it is noticed that certain drivers are not complying with this law. We thank everyone in advance for making sure that the children in their vehicles are safe while being transported to and from home. This information is being shared in this bulletin to help those who may not be familiar with the traffic regulations in Ontario. Our goal as always, of course, is to help keep our chil- dren safe. 399 Elson Street, Markham, ON L3S 4R8 (905) 294-5756 Principal: Paul Battler Vice Principal: Araby Porter Superintendent: Camille Logan (905) 940-7800 Trustee: Juanita Nathan (905) 4712553 School Website: School Email: [email protected] Upcoming Highlights... September 25-29 Safety Week September 25-P. A. Day September 27-Meet the Staff-Curriculum Night September 28-Terry Fox Run September 29-Respect Assemblies Visitors Our Boards Caring and Safe Schools policy requires that all visitors to the school, in- cluding parents, report direct- ly to the office when visiting the school. If you are seen walking the hallways at Ce- darwood without a visitors tag, you will be escorted to the office to sign in. This will be done for the safety of our students and staff members in the building. Sign In and Out Procedures As an added precaution in monitoring our attendance and being accountable for the safety of our students, we have sign in and sign out pro- cedures. When students arrive late for any reason, they must check in at the office to receive an admit slip. Students leaving for appoint- ments or any other reason must be signed out by a par- ent or guardian in our Sign OutBinder. Student Medications In keeping with board policy, the staff is not allowed to keep or administer any medicaon to a student without first receiving a signed consent form from a par- ent. This form P662-02 Administraon of Oral Medica- onmay be obtained from the school office. Please note that this also in- cludes Tylenol, Advil, inhalers and anbiocs. All medicaons must be kept in the school office at all mes. This is for the safety of all students. Uniforms: Students are required to wear their uniforms everyday to school. The school uniform consists of the following: 1. Solid red or white top ( no logos, words, etc., except for the Cedarwood crest or spirit wear). 2. Sweatshirts/Sweaters are also required to be solid red, white, or black ( no logos, words, etc., except for the Cedarwood crest or spirit wear). 3. Beige or Khaki pants or walking shorts. Jeans are not part of the uniform. Character trait for September is: R E S P E C T

Transcript of Character trait E BULLETIN UPDATE #1


September 2017

We have had a wonderful start to the school year at Cedarwood! The weather has been beautiful, our school and classroom routines are well on their way to being established, and fun and engaging events, lessons, and activities are happening throughout the school. We were pleased to welcome a number of new staff members who will be working at Cedarwood this year. We welcome, and in some cases welcome back, the following staff members: Ms. Irani (Gr. 1), Ms. Isse (Gr. 2), Ms. Baig (Gr. 2), Ms. Van de Kleut (Gr. 4), Ms. Baksh-Roopchan (Gr. 6), Ms. Barankin (Gr. 7), Ms. Chen (Jr. French), Ms. Tam (J/I French), Ms. Clarke (Music/Dance), Ms. Johnson (Prep), Ms. Visvalingam (D-ECE), Mr. Hainschwang (Lead Caretaker), and Ms. Stiller (H.A.). We are currently short one fulltime secretary A in the office and we thank Ms. Kang and Ms. Mangos for their tireless efforts as we continue to wait for that position to be filled by the Board. Due to that shortage in staff in the office, some of our usual procedures are taking a little longer than usual to get started (e.g., the snack program, pizza lunches, etc). We thank you for your patience as we work through our usual list of start-up items, while also doing the variety of safe arrival tasks that are required to be completed on a daily basis. Kiss and Ride Update We would like to thank the many families who are putting the safety of our students before their individual convenience when dropping off or picking up their children each day. Our goal is to ensure the safe arrival of all members of the school community on a daily basis. We still have some people however who are not sup-porting this goal. Please remember that all drivers using the kiss and ride are asked to make a “RIGHT TURN” out of the driveway and to then drive to Denison and turn left to get back to their homes. We also ask drivers to please respect and obey the posted street signs and not park illegally or make 3-point turns any-where around the school. As a big school, there is a great deal of traffic in front of and around the school on side streets, both during pick up and drop off times. Putting the safety of pedestrians (our children!!!!) before your own convenience is expected and the right thing to do! Again, we thank our families for putting the safety of our students first by following our established rules and for obeying the posted street signs. Walking to and from school each day continues to be encouraged as it really helps to alleviate traffic conges-tion, is better for the environment, and is also good daily exercise! Another suggestion that has been brought forward for families who live a little bit farther from the school is to drive part of the way, park on a quiet side street near the school, and to then walk the remainder of the way. Car Seat and Booster Seat Legislation On a related note in regard to traffic safety, we remind everyone that the Ontario Highway Traffic Act states that all children in Ontario under the age of eight, must be strapped into a child seat or booster seat when travelling in a vehicle. It also states that all occupants must have their own designated seat belt. Please be aware that we are obligated to notify the police/C.A.S. if it is noticed that certain drivers are not complying with this law. We thank everyone in advance for making sure that the children in their vehicles are safe while being transported to and from home. This information is being shared in this bulletin to help those who may not be familiar with the traffic regulations in Ontario. Our goal as always, of course, is to help keep our chil-dren safe.

399 Elson Street, Markham, ON L3S 4R8 (905) 294-5756

Principal: Paul Battler

Vice Principal: Araby Porter Superintendent: Camille Logan (905) 940-7800

Trustee: Juanita Nathan (905) 471–2553

School Website:

School Email: [email protected]

Upcoming Highlights... September 25-29 Safety Week

September 25-P. A. Day

September 27-Meet the Staff-Curriculum


September 28-Terry Fox Run

September 29-Respect Assemblies

Visitors Our Board’s Caring and Safe

Schools policy requires that

all visitors to the school, in-

cluding parents, report direct-

ly to the office when visiting

the school. If you are seen

walking the hallways at Ce-

darwood without a visitors

tag, you will be escorted to

the office to sign in. This will

be done for the safety of our

students and staff members

in the building.

Sign In and Out Procedures As an added precaution in monitoring our attendance and being accountable for the safety of our students, we have sign in and sign out pro-cedures. When students arrive late for any reason, they must check in at the office to receive an admit slip. Students leaving for appoint-ments or any other reason must be signed out by a par-ent or guardian in our “Sign Out” Binder.

Student Medications In keeping with board policy, the staff is not allowed to keep or administer any medication to a student without first receiving a signed consent form from a par-ent. This form P662-02 “Administration of Oral Medica-tion” may be obtained from the school office. Please note that this also in-cludes Tylenol, Advil, inhalers and antibiotics. All medications must be kept in the school office at all times. This is for the safety of all students.

Uniforms: Students are required to wear their uniforms everyday to school.

The school uniform consists of the following:

1. Solid red or white top ( no logos, words, etc., except for the Cedarwood crest or spirit wear). 2. Sweatshirts/Sweaters are also required to be solid red, white, or black ( no logos, words, etc., except for the Cedarwood crest or spirit wear). 3. Beige or Khaki pants or walking shorts. Jeans are not part of the uniform.

Character trait for

September is: R E S P E C T

5 Day Cycle Monthly Calendar

September, 2017


Student Absence Reporting before 7:55am Call 1-855-203-2994 or visit


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Eid-ul-Adha


3 4 5 School Starts: Welcome Back

6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 Rosh Hashanah

22 Rosh Hashanah


24 25 P. A. Day

26 Safety Week 26-29th—

27 Meet the Staff-Curriculum Night

28 Terry Fox Run 1:00-2:00pm

29 Assemblies K-3 8:30am J/I 10:15am

30 Yom Kippur



School staff and parents are responsible for creating safe and healthy environ-ments for students. This is an additional challenge for schools attended by children with allergies. Here at school, we take every step possible to create a risk-free envi-ronment. It is especially important that parents communicate a life-threatening al-lergy to the school as soon as they are aware of it. Please notify the pr incipal and your child’s teacher so that we can create accurate records and inform staff of the established protocols. This is also a friendly reminder that we are a nut safe school. Please do not send any food products to school that contain nuts or that have been in contact with nuts. A replacement product called WOW BUTTER IS NOT ALLOWED in York Region schools. Thank you in advance for helping us to keep all of our schools safe. *If you are bringing your child’s lunch to school, please leave it on the table in our front lob-by, clearly labelled with your child’s name. Inform your child in advance that his/her lunch will be left on table by the office to be picked up by him/her at the start of lunch. Please do not go to your child’s class without first checking in at the office.

*Please remember to send a fork/spoon with your child’s lunch as we are an ECO school and want to reduce the number of plastic spoons that get handed out each day.*


Litterless/Wastefree and Boomerang Lunch Programs are the preferred method of waste reduction and diver-sion. These programs can be a very effective means for reducing waste and they have an educational component.

BOOMERANG LUNCH programs provide students and parents an opportunity to see how much food is not being eaten and can there-fore plan lunches accordingly.

LITTERLESS/WASTEFREE lunch programs provide students and parents with the same benefit as the Boomerang lunch program but also provide students and parents an opportunity to realize the envi-ronmental and financial benefits of reusable containers vs. disposable


INDOOR SHOES Please ensure your child has a pair of indoor shoes at school at all times during the year and consider Vel-

cro shoes if your child cannot tie their own laces. This helps keep our classrooms clean and safe!

Student Cell Phone Use: Cell phones and other personal commu-nication devices are to be turned off and kept out of sight during all instructional peri-ods, except with the explicit per-mission of the classroom teacher. Cell phone cam-era functions are not permitted to be used on school property. If stu-dents or parents/guardians wish to communicate with each other, please use the school phone lines in-stead.

OFFICE TELEPHONE IS FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY Please ensure that your child knows who will pick them up and make arrangements before school starts.