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    Applied Reservoir Simulation by Dr. Tayyar Sezgin DALTABAN 1 - 1

    Chapter 1 Introduction

    1.1 Overview

    Numerical simulators have come to play an increasingly important role in theoil industry. Knowledge of their use, strengths and limitations as tools for the

    evaluation and prediction of reservoir performance is valuable for

    understanding and m1anaging petroleum reservoirs.

    Prior to simulation, hand calculation methods were the basis for reservoir

    management. Essentially, this required that elements of the overall problem

    were de-coupled. Zero dimensional material balances, one and two-

    dimensional flow analyses in single and two-phase flow, well performance and

    lift were studied as separate independent problems. Success in applying the

    highly idealized models depended on the engineer's skill in recognizing the

    degree and the effects of interdependence and integrated concept of the wholeoperation.

    The advent of computer simulation, enabling full coupling of all elements of

    the system, with increasingly detailed characterization of the reservoir, has

    changed the situation dramatically. Now many difficult development scenarios

    can be applied to several different geological interpretations so that key

    uncertainties can be identified and data acquisition programs defined.

    The situation has changed from one where much of the available data was used

    only intuitively (through a highly personal 'expert system') to one where the

    modern system can accommodate explicitly more data than is generally

    available. This has the additional advantage that feed back is now possible, theoutcome or implications of particular interpretations can be fed back to

    individual specialists for revision or confirmation. The continued

    developments in mathematical methods of manipulating equations (Finite


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    Applied Reservoir Simulation by Dr. Tayyar Sezgin DALTABAN 1 - 3

    Figure 1-1:

    o o o o

    o o o

    o o o o

    o o o o

    o o o

    o o o o

    o o o o

    o o o

    o o o o

    C o r e

    S e is m i c O u tc r o p P o r e S c a le

    W e l l te s t W e l l L o g s

    D a t a U p s c a l i n g / D o w n s c a l i n g

    I n t e g r a t io n

    , t )P (re

    P (rw , t )

    F in i te E le m e n t M e s h

    F in i t e D if f e r e n c e M e s h

    f o r M a c r o - F lo w

    ii + 1

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    1 - 4 Applied Reservoir Simulation by Dr. Tayyar Sezgin DALTABAN

    Figure 1-2:

    Discovery 2D Standard Core Pressure PVT Well

    Phase Seismic Well Log Measurements Measurements Analysis Tests













    The Role of Simulation at Different Stages of Field Development

    Appraisal 3D Production Interference Outcrop Tracer

    Stage Seismic Logging Testing Surveys Testing
















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    Applied Reservoir Simulation by Dr. Tayyar Sezgin DALTABAN 1 - 5

    Figure 1-3:

    Additional Data

    Development 4D Well Tracer Predrilled

    Phase Seismic? Logging(Sor) Testing(Sor) Production



    Production Prediction









    Platform &









    What is

    the next step?

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    1 - 6 Applied Reservoir Simulation by Dr. Tayyar Sezgin DALTABAN

    1.2 Aim of the Book

    The book consists of a series of lectures, supported by carefully designed

    tutorials. These will give participants the opportunity to vary key parameters in

    the models and establish the impact on field performance.

    This course intends to:

    develop, a reasonable understanding of the mechanics of reservoir

    simulation, which is one of the preconditions for the effective use of the

    simulators by the engineers and geoscientists. Lack of this knowledge

    and understanding means inputting information and getting results with-

    out any appreciation of the relationship between them,

    explain the limitations and the structural aspects of the models. If

    these are not clearly understood, the users of the models will not be able

    to prepare appropriate input data. discuss with and develop amongst participants a sufficient background

    on engineering and geologic data acquisition techniques, data struc-

    tures, and data processingtechniques,

    review data scales and their interrelationships, soft data generation, and

    in that respect, explain state of the art reservoir characterization and

    reservoir model generationtechniques. Normally, reservoirmodels

    are fine grid realizations of the reservoirs, and may comprise tens of

    millions of grid blocks with currently available resources,

    develop a sufficient background ongenerating reservoir models for

    simulation. Due to restrictions in computational resources, the simula-

    tion grid blocks are usually orders of magnitude greater than those usedin constructing fine grid reservoir models. This, therefore, requires

    upscaling from a fine grid to a reservoir simulation grid. In depth dis-

    cussion on the techniques used in single and multiphase case will be car-

    ried out both under static and dynamic conditions. The accuracy of the

    simulation model, therefore, depends strongly on the reservoir charac-

    terization. As a consequence, incorrectly compiled data in building a

    reservoir model, and improper use of upscaling procedures will yield

    unacceptable results.

    develop skills in conducting a simulation study, and framework for

    checking the results, their quality and integrity. discuss the current modeling practices, the models available with

    their unique features, and the degree of consistency among them.

    form the necessary background on history matching using simulators.

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    Applied Reservoir Simulation by Dr. Tayyar Sezgin DALTABAN 1 - 7

    1.3 Definitions and Descriptions

    The dictionary meaning of the word 'simulate' is to give an appearance of',' to

    make so as to resemble the real or genuine thing ' or in other words 'to imitate

    or create the conditions of'. The word Simulation refers to 'utilization of a

    model to obtain some insight into the behavior of a real system'. To simulateany physical process is, therefore, a means to investigate behavior through a

    system necessary which is called a model. Models can be of two types,


    1. Physical Model: It is essentially a scaled down reproduction of the origi-


    2. Mathematical Model: It is a system of equations describing the physical

    behavior of the process of concern.

    The core of the reservoir simulator is the mathematical model and in this

    context a reservoir simulator can be defined as:

    'The process of inferring the behavior of a hydrocarbon reservoir from the

    performance of a mathematical model of that reservoir'

    The mathematical model of a reservoir simulator is a set of partial differen-

    tial equations with appropriate boundary conditions sufficient to represent

    the physical processes that may occur in a reservoir. These partial differen-

    tial equations are always non-linear meaning that the primary unknowns of

    the system such as saturation, pressure and concentration exhibit non-linear

    A typical flow equation is given below:


    where is formation volume factor, t is time, S is saturation, x, y and z are

    cartesian co-ordinate directions, is porosity, flow potential. If there are

    three phases in a given medium (oil + water + gas), then, there are three

    similar partial differential equations. In the above equation, permeabilities,

    porosities, flow potentials, formation volume factors, viscosities are to becalculated simultaneously.

    Except in a few simple cases like Buckley-Leverett type displacement

    problems, an analytical solution to the partial differential equations cannot

    be found due to these non-linearities. This has tempted mathematicians to







    + + t----


    ------- =

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    1 - 8 Applied Reservoir Simulation by Dr. Tayyar Sezgin DALTABAN

    explore approximate solution techniques to the full mathematical model

    with complete reservoir description. These solutions are numerical in their

    nature. Most frequently, there are two classes of numerical solutions used;

    namely, finite element and finite difference methods. It follows from this

    that a mathematical model should be translated into an approximate numer-

    ical model. The reservoir simulator is then an implementation of numericalalgorithms on a computer in the form of software to find an approximate

    solution to the mathematical model.

    The approximate solutions to the flow equations are based on gridded real-

    izations of the petroleum reservoirs. This is a final outcome of the efforts

    summarized by Figure 1-1. For each node in the grid system, a value for

    the following parameters is required:





    Grid dimensions

    Initial saturation for each phase

    Initial pressure

    Rock compressibility

    Fluid characteristics are assigned by the following relationships:

    Oil formation volume factor versus pressure Water formation volume factor versus pressure

    Gas formation volume factor versus pressure

    Oil viscosity versus pressure

    Water viscosity versus pressure

    Gas viscosity versus pressure

    Solution gas-oil ratio versus pressure

    Solution gas-water ratio versus pressure

    Liquid to gas ratio versus pressure

    Oil density Gas density

    Water density

    The interactions of forces between rock and fluids are given by the follow-

    ing saturation dependent functions:

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    Applied Reservoir Simulation by Dr. Tayyar Sezgin DALTABAN 1 - 9

    Relative permeability for each phase

    Capillary pressure between oil and water

    Capillary pressure between gas and oil

    Additional data may come from wells and include:

    Producing interval.

    Oil production rate versus time

    Water production rate versus time

    Gas production rate versus time

    Observed pressure versus time

    1.4 Major Steps in a Simulation Study

    These are:

    1. Reservoir Description:Starting with a meaningful subdivision of a given

    reservoir into hydraulic units; further discretization of hydraulic units into

    grid blocks, and arriving at estimates of the parameters in the governing

    flow equations describes the process as a function of spatial position. The

    parameter estimates have the meaning of average or pseudo values at the

    scale of grid block in the discretized version of a continuous reservoir. The

    deliverable will be a reservoir model. The resolution of the reservoir model

    may go up to hundreds of millions of mesh points.

    2. Recovery Mechanism Identification: The decision has to be made concern-ing the method of recovery like water injection, gravity drainage, natural

    depletion, gas injection, etc.

    3. Mathematical Model: Selection of mathematical model is required here

    which may be black oil formulation, compositional formulation, single

    phase model, multi-phase model, single dimension, multi-dimension, etc.

    4. Engineering Model: This is also called simulation model. The objective is

    to generate an acceptable representation of the reservoir based on the reser-

    voir model generated. Due to computational resource limitations, the grid

    to be used for the engineering model can be much coarser than the reser-

    voir model (on the order of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands). Tothis end, some upscaling efforts are carried out.

    5. Numerical Model: There are several different numerical models available

    including: Finite Element Model, Finite Difference Model, Boundary Inte-

    gral Model, and Streamlines Model. Among these, the Finite Difference

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    1 - 12 Applied Reservoir Simulation by Dr. Tayyar Sezgin DALTABAN

    1.5 Classification of Simulators

    1.5.1 Classification Based on Linearization

    Due to strong non-linearity of Equation (1), it is necessary to

    linearize it to obtain unknown parameters. Hence, the firstclassification of the simulators is based on the linearization technique

    used. There are two generic techniques, namely:

    IMPES: Implicit Pressure and Explicit Saturation. In this application,

    flow equations of water, oil and gas are coupled and solved first for

    pressure and then saturation. This technology assumes that the

    change in capillary pressure over a time step should be negligible. In

    addition, the pressures are calculated by the old time level saturation

    and pressure dependent parameters. They are updated after pressures

    and saturations are updated.

    Fully Implicit: In this application, all of the unknowns are solved

    simultaneously. The flow equations are linearized by using

    Newtonian approach.

    1.5.2 Classification Based on Fluid Characteristics

    Simulators are classified based on fluid characterization as Black Oil

    Simulators or Compositional Simulators.

    1. Black Oil Simulators: This type of simulator treats hydrocarbons

    as two components; gas and oil. They are applicable to dissolved

    gas, medium gravity oil-bearing reservoirs under moderate reser-

    voir pressures and temperatures. They can be applied to almost all

    conventional water flooding simulation studies. If the oil forma-

    tion volume factor is less than two, they can safely be applied to

    solution-gas drive, gas cap expansion or gas injection studies.

    Black oil simulators can also be used for some cases where the

    formation volume factor is greater than 2. That is possible if oil

    and gas formation volume factors, gas in solution, and oil and gas

    viscosities, are plotted as a function of pressure and can be deter-

    mined accurately by calculation or experiment.

    2. Compositional Simulators: Compositional simulators are those

    which use cubic Equations of State forms like Peng Robinson,

    Soave-Redlich-Kwong, Redlich-Kwong, Schmidt Wenzel and Pa-

    tel-Teja. Instead of tracking the phases, as in Black Oil Simula-

    tors, track constituent components of hydrocarbons like Methane,

    Ethane, Butane, Propane, Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, etc. Because

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    Applied Reservoir Simulation by Dr. Tayyar Sezgin DALTABAN 1 - 13

    of this multicomponent treatment of reservoir fluids, the simula-

    tion is capable of handling:

    Enhance Oil Recovery by carbon-Dioxide or enriched gas

    injection, Multiple Contact Miscibility studies

    Natural depletion and Injection of Gases such as Nitrogen orresidue gas into gas condensate reservoirs.

    Natural Depletion or Gas Injection into Volatile Oil Reser-


    Re-evaporation of residual oil by injecting residual gas

    Despite the excellent capability of simulating the compositional

    phenomena in gas condensate reservoirs, compositional simulators

    can be as much as 100 times more expensive than black oil

    simulators. The main source of this additional computation cost is the

    Equation of State (EOS) calculations (which may be up to 80% of the

    total cost).

    1.5.3 Classification Based on Temperature Dependence

    Isothermal: Simulators that consider the temperature of the reser-

    voir constant

    Thermal: In this case the following equations are involved:

    1. Energy equation.

    2. Oxygen for in-situ conditions

    3. Gas for in-situ conditions4. Hydrocarbon components: light, medium and heavy compo-

    nents may be necessary

    5. Phase: gas, liquid and solid phases (4 phase: oil + water + gas

    + solid)

    1.5.4 Classification Based on Grid Dimensions and Types

    (See Figures 1-4 to 1-8):

    1-Dimensional: These models cannot be used for fieldwide

    simulation applications because they cannot handle either arealsweep or the gravity effects. They can be used for sensitivity towards

    some selected reservoir parameters prior to full-scale simulation. The

    effect of viscous forces and mobility ratios on the recovery can be

    tested. They are especially used for testing the accuracy of the

    simulators against known analytic solutions like that of Buckley-

    Leverett. Also, most of the finite difference techniques can be tested

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    1 - 14 Applied Reservoir Simulation by Dr. Tayyar Sezgin DALTABAN

    first with one-dimensional case and then their use can be extended to

    multi-dimensions. They are also useful in assessing the heterogeneity

    in the direction of flow.

    1-Dimensional Cartesian - Horizontal.

    1-Dimensional Cartesian -Vertical: These are usually used for

    vertical equilibrium.

    1-Dimensional Radial: In addition to general objectives as stated,

    they are also used for assessing the productivity impairment in gas

    condensate reservoirs as well as volatile oil reservoirs. They can also

    simulate well testing (i.e. radial flow).

    Figure 1-4: Grid Dimensions


    (a) 1-D Linear

    (b) 1-D Radial


    (c) 1-D VE


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    Applied Reservoir Simulation by Dr. Tayyar Sezgin DALTABAN 1 - 15

    2-Dimensional: These include areal cartesian, areal radial and cross-sectional

    cartesian, and cross-sectional radial models.

    2-Dimensional Cartesian Areal: Although petroleum reservoirs are three

    dimensional, in some cases, especially for thin reservoirs where gravita-

    tional effects are negligible, Z-direction may not be important. Under thecircumstances, these type of models are used when areal flow patterns

    dominate the reservoir performance; and if the areal heterogeneities are im-

    portant. Most areal models use pseudo functions to account for flow in ver-

    tical direction. However, they are not necessary if the reservoir is thin and

    stratification is not important. Under the circumstances, normal reservoir

    engineering studies can be carried out with these models including well po-

    sition optimization; distribution of injection and withdrawal rates; timing

    for installation of artificial lift and modification of surface facilities.

    2-Dimensional Radial Areal: This model investigates the effect of well

    performance as in the case of 1-Dimensional radial models, with the addi-tion of areal heterogeneities.

    2-Dimensional Cross-sectional Cartesian: In this case, instead of ne-

    glecting flow in the vertical direction, one of the horizontal directions can

    be discounted. This type of model can be used in cases where vertical flow

    is dominant. A highly stratified reservoir is a typical case study for this

    type of model. The effect of segregation and the effect of stratification are

    the main focus areas in this type of modeling. They are also used in devel-

    oping well functions, pseudo functions and coning functions; simulating

    peripheral gas injection. Crestal gas injection, or other processes in which

    frontal velocities toward producers are largely uniform help to justify sim-plification in modeling of entire fields or field segments. Studying miscible

    processes to assess the gravity and heterogeneities on displacement effi-

    ciency and the sweep efficiency are also candidates.

    2-Dimensional Cross-Sectional Radial: This model is also applied to res-

    ervoirs where gravity forces and stratification dominate the flow, and areal

    property distribution of the reservoir is relatively homogeneous. This ap-

    proach is used particularly to investigate the coning problem. They can also

    be used to develop coning functions and well functions.

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    1 - 16 Applied Reservoir Simulation by Dr. Tayyar Sezgin DALTABAN

    Figure 1-5: Grid Dimensions






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    Applied Reservoir Simulation by Dr. Tayyar Sezgin DALTABAN 1 - 17

    Figure 1-6: Grid Dimensions













    Block Centered Geometry XZ plane

    3000 4000 5000 6000

    3000 4000 5000 6000

    Corner point Geometry XZ plane

    orner Point Geometry

    lock Centered Geometry

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    1 - 18 Applied Reservoir Simulation by Dr. Tayyar Sezgin DALTABAN

    3-Dimensional Models: They can be Cartesian, Radial-Cylindrical or


    3-Dimensional Cartesian: Reservoir geometry can sometimes be too

    complex to be represented by two-dimension. For example, reservoirs hav-

    ing shales or other flow barriers that are continuous over large areas, butwith permeable windows where crossflow occurs, are difficult, if not im-

    possible, with two dimensions. Reservoir mechanics may be so complex

    that two-dimensional realizations are difficult to analyze. Reservoirs which

    are at a more advanced stage of depletion fall into this category and require

    careful and precise modeling to distinguish between performances result-

    ing from alternative depletion plans. The displacement to be studied may

    be dominated by vertical flow as, for example, near wells where both cusp-

    ing and coning may occur. Both areal and vertical details needed can be ob-

    tained only in a 3D segment model. Occasionally 2-D studies are more

    troublesome and expensive than 3-D modeling. Reservoirs with a complex

    facies structure may require an excessive number of pseudoisations to berepresented with two dimensions.

    3-Dimensional Cylindrical: This model has the same objectives as 1-D ra-

    dial, 2-D Radial areal and 2-D radial cross-sectional models. In addition, it

    is able to capture the impact of vertical and areal heterogeneities on the


    3-Dimensional Spherical: This approach is used to investigate the partial

    penetration effects on well testing results and to model minipermeametry


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    1 - 20 Applied Reservoir Simulation by Dr. Tayyar Sezgin DALTABAN

    1.6 Benefits of Reservoir Simulators

    The reason for using reservoir simulators is to estimate reservoir performance

    under a variety of production schemes. We have only a single opportunity to

    produce from an actual reservoir with a considerable expense whereas with

    simulation we can test several alternatives and assess them prior to decidingthe actual field operation. The cost of simulation is considerably cheaper and

    the time necessary is usually negligible to the actual operation. Some of the

    applications and the benefits of the simulation can be summed up as follows:

    1. The performance of a hydrocarbon reservoir under natural depletion, water

    injection or cycling can be examined.

    2. Type of water flooding can be judged. For example, it is possible to see the

    relative merits of flank water injection and pattern waterflooding.

    3. The effect of well location and spacing can be critically evaluated.

    4. The effect of the production rate on the hydrocarbon recovery can be esti-


    5. For a given number of wells at certain specified locations, it is possible to

    predict total field gas deliverability.

    6. In heterogeneous hydrocarbon reservoirs, it is possible to estimate the lea-

    seline drainage.

    7. To maximize hydrocarbon recovery, best methods of field development

    and production schemes can be found.

    8. Best Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) scheme and its implementation can be


    9. The reasons why the reservoir behavior deviates from the earlier predic-

    tions can be explained.

    10. The ultimate economic hydrocarbon recovery can be predicted.

    11. Laboratory and field data requirements and their subsequent effect on the

    performance predictions can be assessed.

    12. The best completion schemes for the wells can be established.

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    Applied Reservoir Simulation by Dr. Tayyar Sezgin DALTABAN 1 - 21

    13. The section of reservoir from which the hydrocarbon is produced can be


    14. Critical parameters to be measured from the field in an application of a re-

    covery scheme can be identified.

    15. It is possible to decide whether it is necessary to do physical model studies

    of the reservoir and if so how can the findings can be scaled up for field ap-


    1.7 ECLIPSE State of the Art Reservoir Simulator

    Immense advances in the areas of data acquisition and integration, especially

    in the last 10 years, dictate ever increasing complexities in reservoir

    description in order to model reservoir behavior. The detail required by

    reservoir management and the detail introduced by the integratedmultidisciplinary reservoir characterization efforts, require robust and fast

    simulation technologies which are parallelisable and cost effective. These

    technologies must be able to cope with all of the complexities of the field

    production and operations and must be flexible to absorb new concepts. They

    must be user friendly as the ever-growing demand for the simulators

    encourages non-specialists to make use of them in their day to day field

    management efforts. In this respect, the front-end processors of such

    applications must be able to detect the physical inconsistencies in the input

    data to a measurable degree. The increasing demand for the simulators also

    dictates that simulation software be available for PC's as well as workstations.

    The pre and post processing facilities must be extremely powerful so thatengineers and geoscientists can monitor their simulation studies efficiently.

    Integration of various different data processing and simulation modules and

    data transferability between them is another important aspect required within

    the current reservoir management environment. In fact, the advances in data

    exchange and integration between different disciplines in the recent years have

    begun forming the firm and necessary basis for multi-disciplinary co-operation

    and working.

    ECLIPSE has been a leading state of the art software in the oil industry

    dominating currently 70% of the market. Some of the main reasons for its

    dominant role in the oil industry are its stability, robustness, and high degree ofmaterial conservation, mathematical accuracy and flexibility. The available

    functions of the ECLIPSE are summarized in the form of need and solution:

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    1 - 22 Applied Reservoir Simulation by Dr. Tayyar Sezgin DALTABAN


    Handling multi-phase flow problems Eclipse 100, Eclipse 200 and Eclipse 300

    Handling Complex Geometries Block-center geometry, Corner Point Geometry, Unstruc-

    tured Gridding, Pebby/Voronoi Gridding, Non-Neighbor

    Connections and Local Grid Refinement

    Unconditional stability and robustness Fully Implicit

    Compromise solution between accuracy and

    computational speed

    IMPES and Adaptive Implicit

    Modeling Structural Geological Features like


    Non-Neighbor Connections

    Flexibility in Model Size and Representation Run Time Dimensioning

    Modeling Segregated flow in vertical direction Vertical Equilibrium

    Fractured Reservoir Modeling Dual Porosity and Dual Porosity/permeability options

    Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure


    Directional Relative Permeabilities, Relative Permeability

    and Capillary Pressure hysteresis, Saturation Table Scaling

    Gas Field Operations, Gas Lift Optimization ECLIPSE 200

    PVT Data ECLIPSE 100 and 200 for Black Oil data ECLIPSE 300

    for Compositional data, API Tracking

    Modeling Flow of Methane in Coalbed ECLIPSE 200

    Collapse of pore channels due to change in the

    pore pressure

    Rock Compaction Option

    Designing and modeling single well and inter-

    well tracer testing

    Tracer Tracking

    Cold water injection into a reservoir cooling

    effects need to be handled, energy conservation

    must be maintained

    Temperature Model

    Modeling First Contact and Multiple Contract


    ECLIPSE 300 compositional formulation ECLIPSE 100/

    200 three component model to handle First Contact Misci-


    Managing Field and Well schedules Individual Well Controls Group and Field Production Con-

    trols Multi-Level Grouping Hierarchy Group Injection

    Controls Sales Gas Production Control Crossflow and Co-

    mingling in Wells Highly Deviated/Slanted and Horizontal

    Wells Special Facilities for Gas Wells Surface Networks

    Modeling Polymer, Surfactant and Foam ECLIPSE 200

    Accurate Distribution of Initial Fluid in Place Fine Grid Equilibration

    Aquifer Modeling Non-neighbor Connections Analytic Aquifers (Fetkovitch

    and Carter Tracy) Numerical Aquifers

    Interpolation of sparse data FILL Program

    Flow in the Wellbore VFP Module comprising the following options:-Aziz,

    Govier and Fogarasi Orkiszewski, Hagedorn and Brown,

    Beggs and Brill Mukherjee and Brill, Gray

    Pre and Post Processing Facility GRID, GRAF, and RT View

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    Applied Reservoir Simulation by Dr. Tayyar Sezgin DALTABAN 1 - 23

    Well Test Interpretation and Analysis Well Test 200

    Accurate and Efficient Preparation, Evaluation

    and Quality Checking of the Well Production

    and Completion Data


    Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure



    Coupling Multiple reservoirs and Paralleliza-

    tion Compatibility

    ECLIPSE 200

    Between Different Modules YES

    Automatic History Matching Sim Opt


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    1 - 24 Applied Reservoir Simulation by Dr. Tayyar Sezgin DALTABAN


    Ames, W.F. (1969):Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations,

    Thomas Nelson and Sons, Don Hills.

    Aziz, K. and Settari, A. (1979): A Petroleum Reservoir Simulation, Applied

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    Bech, N. (1984): Classification of Reservoir Simulators, Energiminsteriets

    Energiforskningsprogram, Olie-og gasreservoirmodeller, Report No. 6, Riso-

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    Coats, K.H. (1983): Authors Reply to Discussion of Reservoir Simulation:

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    Crichlow, H.B. (1977): Modern Reservoir Engineering Aspects - ASimulation Approach, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

    Dake, L.P. (1978): Fundamentals of Reservoir Simulation, Elsevier.

    Daltaban, T.S. (1989): Petroleum Engineering Studies Educational Model,

    SPE 19145, published in the Proceedings of SPE Petroleum Computer

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    Daltaban, T.S. and C.G. Wall: Petroleum Reservoir Management - Past,

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    Ferguson D.S. and H.D. Attra (1961): The Uses and Limitations of

    Computers in Petroleum Engineering Work,JPT(July), pp. 625-628.

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    Applied Reservoir Simulation by Dr. Tayyar Sezgin DALTABAN 1 - 25

    Kazemi, H. (Oct. 1996): Future of Reservoir Simulation, Society of

    Petroleum Engineers Computer Applications, pp. 120-121.

    Khatib, A.K. (1983): Discussion of Reservoir Simulation: State of the Art,

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