Chapter Three 第三章 中元音 Central Vowels: / Λ / / ә / / ә: / Time : 2 periods.

Chapter Three 第第第 第第第 Central Vowels: /Λ/ / ә / / ә: / Time : 2 periods

Transcript of Chapter Three 第三章 中元音 Central Vowels: / Λ / / ә / / ә: / Time : 2 periods.

Page 1: Chapter Three 第三章 中元音 Central Vowels: / Λ / / ә / / ә: / Time : 2 periods.

Chapter Three第三章

中元音Central Vowels: /Λ/ / ә / / ә: /

Time : 2 periods

Page 2: Chapter Three 第三章 中元音 Central Vowels: / Λ / / ә / / ә: / Time : 2 periods.

Chapter Three The first period 第三章 第一学时

中元音 Central Vowels:/ ә / / ә: /

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Warning-up exercise

The best player was injured. The wonderful weather was over. Were you ever hurt in an accident? Birds of a feather flock together.

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/Λ/ / ә / / ә: /

There are three central vowels:

/Λ/ / ә / / ә: /

For all of then the tip tongue touches the base of the lower teeth or the teeth ridge. The tongue is flat in the mouth. The lips are spread or neutral with no lip-rounding.

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/ ә: /

The centre of the tongue is raised with considerable tongue tension. The opening between the jaws is narrow.

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/ ә: / is usually read in the following combined letters: er ir (w)or ur ear our

her serve nerve reserve certain

girl sir first dirty bird

work word worse world worm

fur turn purse return church

earth heard

journy courtesy journal

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Phrases & Sentences

the girl’s curls the first term

the third world the early bird

thirty shirts and skirts a firm nurse

The workers worked in the dirty workshop.

I urged the thirsty nurse to drink first.

I gave her some pearls for her thirty-first birthday.

The German prefer a fur cap to a leather one.

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/ ә /

This sound is read somewhat like / ә: / but shorter and more relaxed.

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/ ә / is usually read in the following letters and combined letters: a e I o u ar er or ur ou our ur

e ( They are read / ә / in an unstressed syllable. )

about again above ago aroundpavement government gentlemenpossible horrible terribleoblige method Europesuppose difficult columnfather better manner particular forwarddoctor effort famous colour figure

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Phrases & Sentences

around a corner better and better

over and over again about the worker

accept a member sooner or later

We’ll have a get-together the day after tomorrow.

I am a teacher, she’s a dancer.

Read the tongue twister again and again.

Better late than never.

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/ ә / / ә: /

as ( 弱读 ) 同样地 earth 地球

but ( 弱读 ) 但 bird 鸟

was ( 弱读 ) 是 worse 更坏

mama 妈妈(儿语)

murmur 咕噜

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Games and activities

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A: Something’s burning.B: Oh, my buns! ( 小圆 ) 面包A: Mm, I love burnt buns.B: Curse this oven! Curse it!A: But I prefer burnt buns.B: It’s the worst oven in the world!A: Wonderful! A perfect bun!B: There’re thirty of them. Oh, have another. Have

them all if you like.

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Read the following proverbs

Never judge from appearance. 不要以貌取人。 First come, first served. 先来先得。 The early bird catches the worm. 笨鸟先得食;

捷足先登。 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


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After-class assignments

1. Review and memorizes the words, phrases, sentences and proverbs learnt in class.

2. Make up three sentences with central vowels

/ ә: / / ә / . 3. Find out a tongue twister with the central

vowels involved.

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Chapter Three The second period第三章 第二学时

中元音 Central vowel / Λ /

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Warning-up exercise

Every country has its customs. It’s fun to run and jump in the sun. Could you come for lunch? What colour’s the brush?

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The centre of the tongue is raised with the tongue resting in a relaxed fashion in the bottom of the mouth. The lips are spread in the shape of a rectangular.

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/Λ/ is usually read in the following letters or combined letters: u o oo ou

bus but truck brush cup

dove colour come once nothing

blood flood

country enough young southern

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Phrases & Sentences

much love a cup and some nutsjust once a wonderful sunsetblood for blood a funny cover

Hurry up. The bus is coming.He told the funny story just for fun.I love buns and butter for supper.Look, the sun has come up.

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Comparison between /Λ/ & / ɑ: /

/Λ/ / ɑ: / /Λ/ / ɑ: /

hut 小屋

heart 心

much 多 march 行军

luck 运气

lark 云雀

come 来 calm 平静

cut 切 cart 马车

cup 杯 carp 鲤鱼

duck 鸭子

dark 黑暗

bun 小圆面包

barn 粮食

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Advice to the students

Many students confuse / ɑ: / and /Λ/ , so that their much /mΛt∫/ sounds much like march /mɑ:t∫/. To avoid this mistake, they should pay attention to the differences in the formation of the two vowels.

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Advice to the students

For /ɑ:/ the tongue almost lies flat in the mouth. The tip of the tongue does not touch the lower teeth. The lips are neutrally open.

For /Λ/, the part of the tongue that is raised is the centre of the tongue. The tip of the tongue touches the base of the lower teeth. The lips are widely open but not as wide as that for /ɑ:/.

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Games and activities

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Read the following dialogues, paying attention to the sound of /Λ/ / ә / / ә: /.

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A: What’s wrong?

B: Nothing’s wrong.

A: Come on, Something’s wrong.

B: Nothing much.

A: What’s the trouble? Has Buddy come?

B: Mm. Come, and gone.

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Read for fun

Hurry up! Hurry up! There comes the bus. Don’t worry, I’m always lucky. I surely can catch the bus.

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Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are? Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are?

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Additional information 相关知识介绍 : 开音节、闭音节

字母 读音 例词

a /ei/ name/neim/ 名字, make/meik/ 做,mistake/misteik/ 错误

e /i:/ me/mi:/ 我(宾格), he/hi:/ 他, Pete/pi:t/ 皮特(男子名)

i,y /ai/ time/taim/ 时间, my/mai/ 我的,type/taip/ 类型

o /əu/ go/g u/ə 去, nose/n uz/ə 鼻子, home/h um/ə 家

u /ju:/ use/ju:z/ 使用 , huge/hju:dЗ/ 巨大的 , new/nju:/ 新的

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Additional information 相关知识介绍 : 开音节、闭音节

字母 开音节

例词 闭音节


a /ei/ tape/teip/ 磁带 / æ / tap/tæp/ 轻的

e /i:/ Pete/pi:t/ 皮 特 ( 男子名 )

/e/ pet/pet/ 宠物

i /ai/ site/sait/ 场所 /i/ sit/sit/ 坐

y /ai/ my/mai/ 我的 /i/ myth/miθ/ 神话

o /əu/ note/nəut/ 笔记 /ɔ/ not/n t/ ɔ 不

u /ju:/ tube/tju:b/ 管子 /Λ/ tub/tΛb/ 木桶

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After-class assignments:

1. Review and memorizes the words, phrases and sentences learnt in class.

2. Make up three sentences with central vowel /Λ / .

3. Find out a tongue twister with the central vowel involved.

4. 完成课后练习 葆青编著 高等教育出版社出版《实用英语语音》 P117 练习三: 1 题 1 ), P125 2题

5. 完成课后练习 胡文仲 祝珏 马元曦 李贺 编 外语教学与研究出版社出版 《大学英语教程》第一册 P35 9 题, P51 3 题, P53 7 题 1 )、 2 )