Chapter 6: The Phoenicians and the Hebrews, 1200 B.C ... · Phoenician alphabet. The characters of...

98 Ideas and Armies Mayan sculpture of a serpent Mayan marble mask 200 A.D. Ghana established 522 B.C. Darius reigns over Persia 1500 B.C. Phoenicians develop alphabet 1800 B.C. Abraham leads some Hebrews into Canaan 3000 B.C. Farming villages established in Americas Prime Meridian Equator 60° W 60° E 120°E 180° 180° 120°W UNIT 3

Transcript of Chapter 6: The Phoenicians and the Hebrews, 1200 B.C ... · Phoenician alphabet. The characters of...

Page 1: Chapter 6: The Phoenicians and the Hebrews, 1200 B.C ... · Phoenician alphabet. The characters of the alphabets closely resemble each other. On whose system of writing did the Phoenicians


Ideas andArmies

Mayan sculpture ofa serpent �

� Mayan marblemask

200 A.D.Ghana


522 B.C.Darius reignsover Persia

1500 B.C.Phoenicians

develop alphabet

1800 B.C.Abraham leadssome Hebrews

into Canaan

3000 B.C.Farming villages

established inAmericas

0° P





60° W

60° E







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Comparing Information Study Foldable Make this foldable to help youcompare and contrast Middle Eastern and African and American civilizations.

Step 2 Turn the paper andfold it into thirds.

Middle Eastern


African &AmericanCivilizations


This will makethree tabs.

Step 1 Fold one sheet of paperin half from side to side. Reading and

Writing As youread, take notes aboutthe different civilizationsunder the appropriatetab. When civilizationsshare the same charac-teristics, be sure towrite the informationunder the “Both” tab.

See pages 678–679 for other primary sourcereadings to accompany Unit 3.

Read “Machu Picchu is Discovered” from the World

History Primary Source DocumentLibrary CD-ROM.



1438 A.D.Incan Empire


1240 A.D.Kingdom of Mali


600 A.D.Mayan civilizationreaches its peak

Journal Notes

What contributions to the modern

world were made by civilizations

more than 3,000 years ago? Note

details about these contributions

as you read.


Step 4 Cut the top layeronly along both fold lines.Middle


African &AmericanCivilizations


Make the ovalsoverlap in the

middle section.

Step 3 Unfold and draw twooverlapping ovals and label them as shown.

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6The Phoeniciansand the Hebrews1200 B.C.–510 B.C.

1830 B.C.Phoenician civilization


1800 B.C.Abraham leads someHebrews to Canaan

1200 B.C.Hebrews escape

enslavement in Egypt

814 B.C. Carthage is


� Israelites beingled into captivity

� Ivory carving of a palm tree

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Why It’s Important At the eastern end of the MediterraneanSea lies a piece of land shared today by Lebanon (leb’ uh nuhn)and Israel. In ancient times, it was the bridge that connectedEgypt and Mesopotamia, and it was known as Canaan (ka’nuhn). Soldiers, shepherds, and merchants who passedthrough Canaan carried new ideas and goods between Egyptand Mesopotamia.

Two groups—the Phoenicians and the Hebrews—settledin Canaan and formed small kingdoms. Each group was inter-ested in trade and in learning. Through these peaceful activi-ties, they made important contributions to later civilizations.

Chapter FocusRead to Discover

• How trade helped the Phoenicians and the Hebrews buildtheir civilizations.

• What important cultural contributions were made by thePhoenicians and the Hebrews.

• What religious beliefs were held by the Hebrews.


Chapter OverviewVisit the Human Heritage Web siteat humanheritage.glencoe.comand click on Chapter 6—ChapterOverviews to preview this chapter.

Terms to Learntreatiesholy of holiescoloniesdescendantssocial justicejudgepsalmsprophetssabbath

People to KnowAbrahamMosesSaulDavidSolomon

Places to LocateCanaanCarthageJerusalemIsraelJudah

SECTION 1 The PhoeniciansThe Phoenicians lived in the northern part of Canaan. Most

of what is known about them comes from the Bible, the writingsof other ancient peoples, and the ruins of their cities and ships.

The Phoenician people were part of a larger group known asthe Canaanites (ka’ nuh nıts). The Canaanites came from thedesert south and east of Canaan. They were herders who wan-dered from pasture to pasture. Another group—the Philistines(fil’ uh stenz)—lived in southern Canaan along the Mediter-ranean coast. They came from the eastern Mediterranean nearGreece. The Philistines were traders and shipbuilders.

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The Growth of Trade By 1200 B.C., the Phoenicians hadbuilt cities and towns along a narrow strip of land between themountains and the sea. Although the land was rich, there wasnot enough to grow food for all of the people. For this reason,many Phoenicians turned to the sea to make a living.

The mountains near Phoenicia were covered with cedarforests. These forests provided wood that the Phoenicians used tobuild strong, fast ships. The Phoenicians started out as coastaltraders. In time, they became widely traveled merchant shipperswho controlled the trade of the Mediterranean. They exchangedcedar logs, cloth, glass trinkets, and perfume for gold and othermetals. Many Phoenician ships were traveling workshops. Sailorswho were also artisans carried their tools with them and workedonboard the ships.

Phoenician sailors and explorers plotted their courses by thesun and stars. They traveled to places where no one else dared togo. They brought Middle Eastern culture to unexplored areas ofthe western Mediterranean. Some experts believe the Phoeni-

Glass Making Artisans along the Phoeniciancoast discovered the art of glassblowing in the1st century B.C. (below). This revolutionarytechnique remained in wide use until the late1800s A.D. and is considered an art form today(right). What role did Phoenician trade playin spreading new ideas?

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cians actually sailed around the west coast of Africa to India.They may even have sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to theAmericas 2,000 years before Christopher Columbus.

From their business dealings, the Phoenicians learned thevalue of making agreements. They used the same idea to keeppeace with their larger, more powerful neighbors. They signedpeace treaties, or agreements between states or countries, inwhich they promised to supply free shipments of goods. Inexchange for these shipments, the other countries agreed to guar-antee Phoenician independence.

The Cities of Phoenicia Phoenicia never became a unitedcountry. Mountains separated one group of Phoenicians fromanother. The only contact was through narrow mountain passesor by sea. As a result, Phoenicia remained a collection of indepen-dent city-states. The largest of these were Tyre (tıuhr), Byblos(bib’ lus), Beirut (ba rut’), and Sidon (sıd’ uhn).

Though the people of all of these city-states spoke the samelanguage and practiced the same religion, they did not alwaysget along. The search for more profit from trade led to jealousyand quarrels among the city-states. The Phoenicians called them-selves by the names of their city-states. Only people from otherplaces called them Phoenicians.

At first, each city-state was ruled by a king who also servedas high priest. In time, rich merchant families made the kingsshare their power with councils of merchants. Soon, the councilswere telling the kings what to do.

Most Phoenician cities had stone walls around them forprotection. Behind these walls stood the family-owned shops ofmerchants and artisans. Shopkeepers sold their goods outsidetheir shops. Since wood was plentiful, many of the Phoenicianswere carpenters and cabinetmakers. They were also very good atmetalwork, which they learned from the Egyptians and theMesopotamians.

Phoenician cities were very crowded. Streets were narrowand buildings were close together. Most buildings were made ofstone or brick and had high narrow doors, windows, columns,and tiled roofs. Some houses had roof gardens.

Outside the walls of the city stood the port. It was the centerof activity. Ships docked to load and unload goods. Phoenicianmerchants kept records of shipments of papyrus, gold, and linenfrom Egypt, pottery from Mesopotamia, and copper and hidesfrom Cyprus (sı ’ pruhs). Goods were stored in great warehousesuntil they went to market in Phoenicia or were shipped overseas.

Phoenician cities were also important cloth-dyeing centers.The Phoenicians made an expensive purple dye that was in greatdemand. In fact, the name “Phoenician” means “of purplemerchants.” According to legend, a Phoenician god named


Reading Check How did the

Phoenicians usetreaties to keep thepeace?

Book Names The nameByblos comes from a Greekword meaning “book.” TheGreeks gave the city itsname because of the largeamount of papyrus itexported. The Englishword Bible comes from thesame term. The Bible, how-ever, refers to Byblos by itsoriginal name—Gebal, acity inhabited since 7000 B.C.

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Melqart (mel’ kart) was walking along the seashore with his girl-friend Tyrus (tı’ rus) and a dog. When the dog picked up a shell-fish called murex (myuhr’ eks) and bit into it, the dog’s mouthturned purple. Tyrus liked the color so much that she said shewould not marry Melqart unless he gave her a gown of thatcolor. Melqart gave her the gown and started the dye-makingtrade in Phoenicia.

Gods and Goddesses The Phoenicians believed in manygods who were closely tied to nature. Since they thought thegods met people only on hills and under trees, they worshipedonly in these places at first. Later, they built temples. Each had anentrance hall, a main hall, and a holy of holies, or most sacredchamber, where the image or sacred stone of the god was kept.Sacrifices of wine, perfume, animals, and humans were made ona nearby stone altar. Only priests could offer these sacrifices. Itwas thought that this strengthened the power of the gods andkept them friendly toward people.

The Phoenicians believed in a life after death. At first, theyburied their dead in clay urns (ernz), or ornamental vases. Later,influenced by Egyptian customs, they embalmed the bodies,wrapped them in linen, and placed them in stone coffins inhillside cemeteries.


PHOENICIAN TOMB The Phoenicians offered human sacrifices to please theirgods. Inside this underground burial chamber at Carthage are clay urns that hold theashes of victims who were sacrificed. Why were human and animal sacrifices made tothe Phoenician gods?

Reading Check What was the

holy of holies?

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ALPHABETS This chart shows how different alphabets developed from thePhoenician alphabet. The characters of the alphabets closely resemble each other. Onwhose system of writing did the Phoenicians base their alphabet?


Carthage Some Phoenician sailors and traders set up trad-ing posts along the coast of North Africa. Other Phoenicians builtcolonies, or permanent settlements, in these areas. These coloniessoon turned into cities.

The most famous of these cities was Carthage (kar’ thij),founded in 814 B.C. in present-day Tunisia (tu ne’ zhe uh). Legendstates the city was founded by a Phoenician princess named Dido(dı ’ do). At first Dido ruled the city of Tyre. Her brother, however,thought that he should rule Tyre. So, he killed Dido’s husbandand overthrew Dido. She fled to North Africa where she and herfollowers built Carthage.

Carthage soon became a Mediterranean power. It was a greattrading city. Ships from Carthage may have traveled to theBritish Isles in search of tin, a metal highly valued by merchants.

The Alphabet Through trade, the Phoenicians spreadideas as well as goods. Their most important gift was the idea ofan alphabet. The Phoenicians did not invent the alphabet. Theydid, however, pass it on to other cultures.

At first, the Phoenicians used a system of picture writing.However, it was difficult to keep trade records this way. So, theylooked for an easier writing system. They borrowed a simple ver-sion of Egyptian hieroglyphs from the people of the Canaanitetowns that lay to the south. By the time the Canaanite system ofwriting reached Phoenicia, it had become an alphabet.


Reading Check Where did the

Phoenicians buildcolonies?

Student Web ActivityVisit the Human Heritage Web site athumanheritage.glencoe.comand click on Chapter 6—Student Web Activities to findout more about Phoenician accom-plishments.

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The Canaanite system of writing had 22 symbols, or letters,from which any number of words could be formed. Since it waseasy to use, the Canaanite system provided the writing systemPhoenician traders needed for keeping records.

The Phoenicians made the Canaanite alphabet their own.They carried it to Europe, where the Greeks borrowed it andmade a few changes. Later, the Romans borrowed it from theGreeks. Most western alphabets, including the English, are basedon the Roman alphabet.

Like the Phoenicians, the Hebrews, or Israelites, were asmall group among the peoples of the ancient Middle East.Because of their religion, however, they have had a great influ-ence on the world’s civilizations. Their religion still exists today.It is called Judaism (ju’ de iz uhm).

Most early Hebrews were nomadic (no mad’ ik), or wander-ing, herders; some were traveling merchants. Leading long trainsof donkeys loaded with goods, these merchants walked from onetrading post to the next. The Hebrews followed a route that start-ed from the city of Ur on the Euphrates River. There, Hebrewartisans made goods from gold, copper, and ivory. Hebrew mer-chants then stuffed the goods into bags, loaded them on don-keys, and started up the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates. AtHarran (hah rahn’), a city near the Turkish mountains, theyexchanged their goods for silver. Sometimes, merchants contin-ued west and then south along the Mediterranean coast to tradewith Egyptian, Phoenician, and Cretan (kret’ uhn) merchants.

Israelite Ivory Box

SECTION 2 The Hebrews


Section 1 Assessment 1. Define: treaties, holy of holies,

colonies.2. Why did the Phoenicians turn to trade

to make a living?3. How did the Phoenicians view their


Critical Thinking4. Making Generalizations Why is

the alphabet a major contribution to


Graphic Organizer Activity5. Draw a diagram like this one, and use

it to show the causes and effects of therise of Phoenician trade.

Causes Rise ofPhoenician



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The God of Abraham The story of the Hebrews and theirgod is written in the Bible. It states that Yahweh (yah’ wa), orGod, made an agreement with Abraham. Abraham and his fol-lowers were to leave Ur and go to Canaan. There, they were toworship and obey Yahweh as the one true god. In exchange, Yah-weh promised that they and their descendants, or offspring suchas children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on, couldalways live in Canaan.

During ancient times, most people believed in many gods.These gods behaved like humans but were more powerful. TheHebrews, however, believed that Yahweh was different fromhumans. He did not get hungry or thirsty, marry, or have chil-dren. According to the Hebrews, Yahweh did only what was justand right, even though He was powerful and could do whateverHe wanted.

Abraham and members of his household settled in Canaanaround 1800 B.C. In Canaan, they raised flocks of sheep and grewwheat, figs, and olives. Abraham’s grandson, Jacob, had 12 sons.Each son led a separate family group. These Hebrew groups laterformed 12 Hebrew tribes. The Hebrews stayed in Canaan forabout 100 years. Then, a drought came, and they went to Egyptwhere they could get food.

ABRAHAM Abraham taught the Hebrews to worship Yahweh. Here, Abrahamis shown leading the Hebrews on their journey from Ur to Canaan. Why did theHebrews eventually leave Canaan?


Reading Check What did the

agreement withYahweh promise thedescendants ofAbraham’s followers?

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Maps pro-vide many kindsof information.One thing maps

can show is distance, or how far onepoint on a map is from another. To dothis, most maps have a scale.

A map scale shows the relationshipbetween the distances on the map andthe actual distances on Earth. The lengthof a scale represents a certain number ofmiles or kilometers on Earth. Using thisscale, it is possible to figure actual dis-tances between any two points on thismap.

For example, to figure the distancebetween the cities of Beirut and Tyre,

use a ruler to measure how far apartthey are. Now, compare this length withthe map scale. Since Beirut and Tyre areabout one-half inch, or 1.3 centimeters,apart on the map, the actual distancebetween them on Earth is about 50miles, or 80 kilometers.

Reading A MapScale


Phoenicia and the Hebrew Kingdoms

Map Practice1. What is the distance between

Sidon and Damascus?2. From north to south, how long is

the Dead Sea?3. How far is it from Jerusalem to


Glencoe’s SkillbuilderInteractiveWorkbook CD-ROM, Level 1,provides instruc-tion and practicein key social studies skills.

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Moses and the Ten Commandments After theHebrews settled in Egypt, they were enslaved. About 600 yearslater, Moses, the Hebrew leader at the time, appeared before thepharaoh and told him to end Hebrew enslavement and let theHebrews leave Egypt. The pharaoh at first refused but lateragreed. Moses then led the Hebrews out of Egypt. The pharaohagain changed his mind and led his army in pursuit. Accordingto the Bible, Yahweh parted the Red Sea to allow the Hebrews tocross and they escaped into the Sinai (sı ’ nı ) Desert. They calledtheir escape the Exodus (ek’ suh duhs).

Life in the desert was hard, but Moses told the Hebrews notto give up. Moses led them to Mount Sinai. There, he climbed tothe top of the mountain to receive a message from God. The Biblestates that Yahweh told Moses that He would protect theHebrews and lead them back to Canaan. In return, they were torenew the covenant (kuv’ uh nuhnt), or agreement, with Him.They were to promise to obey certain laws, the most important ofwhich became the Ten Commandments.

The Ten Commandments stated that the Hebrews were togive their loyalty only to Yahweh. They were not to worshipother gods or idols (ı ’ dls). The Ten Commandments also taughtthat it was wrong to lie, steal, or murder, and that people shouldhonor their parents and respect other people’s property.

The Hebrews believed God was just, and they too should bejust. They used laws to influence the way people behaved. Their

MOSES According to the Bible, Yahweh allowed Moses and the Hebrews to passthrough the Red Sea. The waters then closed again, drowning the pharaoh and hisarmy. What important set of laws did God give Moses on Mount Sinai?


Ramses II No oneknows for sure, but manyscholars believe that Ram-ses II was the pharaoh whotried to stop the flight ofMoses and the Hebrewsout of Egypt. Ramses ruledEgypt for nearly 70 yearsand outlived a dozen of hissons.

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laws affected not only individuals but the whole community. TheHebrews believed in social justice. Everyone had a right to betreated fairly.

The Promised Land Moses died shortly before theHebrews reached Canaan. The Hebrews were afraid that withouta strong leader they would not be able to enter Canaan. The peo-ple who already lived there had built many walled cities on hill-tops. Soldiers in lookout towers guarded the cities against enemyattack. However, Joshua, a new leader and a good general,brought the Hebrews safely into the promised land.

Once they had settled in Canaan, the Hebrews became farm-ers and shepherds. They copied the Canaanites’ tools and bor-rowed their alphabet. Canaan was rocky and dry. There was littlewater. So, during the two months of the rainy season, farmerscollected and stored water in small caves or underground basins.During the dry season, they used what they had stored to irrigatetheir crops of olives, flax, barley, wheat, and grapes.

Most Hebrews lived in one-room houses. The room wasdivided in two, with one section slightly higher than the other.During the day, people cooked and did other household chores inthe lower level. At night, donkeys and goats bedded down there,while the family slept on the upper level. The walls of the houses

HARVEST IN ANCIENT ISRAEL Hebrew writers called Canaan “a landflowing with milk and honey.” This area, however, had a dry climate and little water.The Hebrews had to work hard to farm the land. Hebrew farmers and their workersgathering the harvest are shown in this painting. What crops did the Hebrews growin Canaan?


Reading Check What does social

justice mean?

MosesC. 1300 B.C.–1200 B.C

Hebrew ProphetDuring the Hebrewenslavement, thepharoah ordered thedeath of all Hebrewmale infants. To saveher son, Moses’ moth-er put him in apapyrus basket andfloated him down theNile. Pharoah’s daugh-ter rescued the babyand raised him as herown. Moses later fledEgypt and worked as ashepherd until aboutage 80, when accord-ing to the Bible, Yah-weh instructed him tofree his people.

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Suppose you want to buy aportable compact disc (CD) player, andyou must choose among three models.You would probably compare character-istics of the three models, such as price,sound quality, and size to figure outwhich model is best for you. In thestudy of world history, you often com-pare people from different cultures orregions. You might also compare peopleand events from one time period withthose from a different time period.

Learning the Skill When makingcomparisons, you examine two or moregroups, situations, events, or docu-ments. Then you identify any similari-ties and differences. For example, thechart on this page compares the charac-teristics of two ancient civilizations.

When making comparisons, youfirst decide what items will be com-pared and determine which characteris-tics you will use to compare them. Thenyou identify similarities and differencesin these characteristics.

Making Comparisons


idea of a single,just god

spread of analphabet

Main contribution

belief in one all-powerful god

belief in manygods closelytied to nature


herders, farmers, traders

artisans, merchants,shippers

Main occupations

kings/council ofelders


Method of rule

12 tribescity-statesPolitical organization



Skill Practice

Analyze the information on thechart on this page. Then answerthese questions.

1. What items are being compared? 2. What characteristics are being

used to compare them?3. In what ways were the Phoeni-

cians and the Hebrews similar?4. In what ways were the two

groups different?5. Suppose you wanted to compare

the Phoenician and Hebrew reli-gions in more detail. What aresome of the characteristics youmight compare?

Glencoe’s SkillbuilderInteractive Workbook CD-ROM,Level 1, provides instruction and practice in key social studies skills.

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were made of mud-brick or stone plastered with mud and white-washed. Floors were made of beaten clay. Wooden beams sup-ported a flat, thatched roof, which was covered with clay.

Kings After Joshua died the 12 Hebrew tribes split apart. Eachtribe was led by a council of elders. In times of crisis, a temporaryleader called a judge settled disputes and led troops into battle.

In time, the Hebrews decided they needed a king to unitethem. A warrior-farmer named Saul became their first king. Heruled well for several years. Toward the end of his reign, howev-er, he lost the people’s support. When Saul died in battle, Davidbecame the new king.

David reunited the Hebrews and defeated the Canaanites.He captured a Canaanite fortress and on that site establishedJerusalem (juh ru’ suh luhm), the capital of the Hebrew kingdom.A fine musician, David wrote many of the psalms (sahms), orsacred songs, found in the Bible.

After David died, his son Solomon (sahl’ uh muhn) becameking. Through trade and treaties with other lands, Solomonbrought peace and made the Hebrew kingdom more powerful. Hebuilt a huge temple in Jerusalem out of limestone, cedar wood,and gold. It was designed and built by artisans from Phoenicia.

Solomon’s wealth and wisdom became known all throughthe Middle East. Many Hebrews, however, were not happy withSolomon. They did not like working on his building projects orpaying the high taxes he demanded. After Solomon died, theHebrews in the northern part of the country set up their own sep-arate kingdom called Israel. A southern kingdom, which wasruled from Jerusalem, became known as Judah. For nearly 200years, the two kingdoms fought each other off and on. Gradually,both became weak enough for others to conquer.

The Prophets Prophets, or persons claiming to have mes-sages from God, appeared in the Hebrew kingdoms. They camefrom cities and villages. They were teachers, farmers, and shep-herds. They criticized the way the Hebrews were living. The richwere mistreating the poor, and government officials were accept-ing bribes. The prophets reminded the Hebrews of their duty toGod and to one another. They warned the Hebrews that Yahwehwould punish them if they did not return to His ways.

Some prophets added a new meaning to the laws of Moses.They taught that Yahweh was the god not only of Hebrews, but ofeveryone.

The people refused to listen to the prophets’ warnings. Then,it was too late. Powerful neighbors took over the Hebrew king-doms. After 722 B.C., the Israelites, the people of the northernkingdom, disappeared. Although the Judeans survived, mostwere forced to move to Babylonia in 586 B.C.


Reading Check Who wrote

many of the psalmsfound in the Bible?

Reading Check Who were the

prophets, and whatmessage did theydeliver?

Reading Check What was the

role of a Hebrewjudge?

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While in Babylonia, the Judeans, or Jews, made changes intheir religion. Having lost the great temple at Jerusalem, they hadto find some other way to worship God. They began meeting insmall groups on the sabbath, or day of rest. The groups wouldpray and talk about their religion and history. The Jews wrotedown their laws, sayings, and stories of the past on scrolls. Thestudy of these writings led the Jews to value learning, and theirteachers became important leaders.

The Jews spent 70 years in Babylonia before they wereallowed to return to their homeland. They rebuilt Jerusalem andthe temple. Under a scribe named Ezra, they wrote down thelaws of Moses in five books called the Torah (tor’ uh). Other writ-ings were added later to make the Old Testament of the Bible.



Name Teachings

Elijah Everyone should behave in a moralc. 850 B.C. way.

Amos Prayers and sacrifices do not make c. 755 B.C. up for bad deeds.

Behaving justly is much more impor-tant than ritual.

Hosea God is a god of love and compassion 745-730 B.C. who loves His people the way a father

loves his children.

God suffers when people turn from Him and do not follow His commandments.

Isaiah of People can have peace and prosperity Jerusalem only if they carry out God’s will.

740-701 B.C. The future depends on how justly one behaves in the present.

Micah Both rich and poor have to obey God’s 714-700 B.C. laws.

It is important to “do justly, love mercy,and walk humbly with thy God.”

Jeremiah Suffering is the result of wickedness.626-587 B.C. God will make a new covenant with the

Jews in the future.

Ezekiel People are responsible for their own593-571 B.C. behavior.

Isaiah of God is the god of all people.Babylon God will free Israel and lead it back to

c. 545 B.C. the promised land.

Reading Check What did Jews

do on the sabbath?

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Page 17: Chapter 6: The Phoenicians and the Hebrews, 1200 B.C ... · Phoenician alphabet. The characters of the alphabets closely resemble each other. On whose system of writing did the Phoenicians


Major Contributions The Hebrews were the first peopleto believe in one god. At first, they believed God was concernedonly about them. They expected other people to worship manygods. Later, some prophets said God cared about all peoples andall nations.

The Hebrews were the first to believe in a just god. Theybelieved individuals and society should likewise be just. Theirlaws were designed to teach people to treat one another fairly.


Section 2 Assessment 1. Define: descendants, social justice,

judge, psalms, prophets, sabbath.2. Where did the Hebrews trade? What

goods did they trade?3. What new ideas did the Hebrews

develop and contribute to later civiliza-tions?

Critical Thinking4. Demonstrating Reasoned Judgment

How was the Hebrew belief in one godimportant to civilization?

Graphic Organizer Activity5. Draw a diagram like this one, and use

it to show milestones in the history ofthe Hebrews. (Add boxes as needed.)

1. Phoenician civilization began to devel-op about 1830 B.C.

2. Phoenicians earned a living from thesea and from trade items such as cedarand purple dye.

3. One of the most important Phoeniciancontributions was the spread of analphabet.

4. The Phoenicians set up colonies alongthe North African coast, includingCarthage, founded in 814 B.C.

5. According to the Bible, God made anagreement with Abraham whereby theHebrews could always live in Canaan ifthey would worship Him alone.

6. About 1200 B.C., the Hebrews escapedEgyptian bondage and, under Moses’leadership, made a new covenant withGod, promising to obey the Ten Com-mandments.

7. An important Hebrew contribution wasthe belief in a single just god and a justsociety.

Chapter Summary & Study Guide

Self-Check QuizVisit the Human Heritage Web site at and click on Chapter 6—Self-Check Quizto assess your understanding of this chapter.

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Page 18: Chapter 6: The Phoenicians and the Hebrews, 1200 B.C ... · Phoenician alphabet. The characters of the alphabets closely resemble each other. On whose system of writing did the Phoenicians

Using Key Terms

Imagine that you are a traveler toCanaan. Use the following words to writea letter home explaining the new ideasthat you have learned about during yourvisit.

treaties holy of holies coloniesdescendants social justice judgepsalms prophets sabbath

Understanding Main Ideas

1. Why were the Phoenicians successfullong-distance sailors?

2. What were some of the features of aPhoenician city-state?

3. According to the Bible, what agree-ment did Yahweh make with Abraham?

4. Why did the Hebrews believe in socialjustice?

5. Why did the Hebrews make changesin their religion while living in Babylonia?

Critical Thinking

1. How can people who have very limit-ed natural resources still manage toearn a living?

2. Why were language and religion bythemselves not enough to unify thePhoenician people?

3. How does the idea that God is justaffect the way people behave?

4. Explain the phrase, “Do justly, lovemercy, and walk humbly with thyGod.”

5. Why do you think many people dur-ing this time believed that peopleshould listen to prophets?

Graphic Organizer Activity

Culture Create a diagram like thisone, and use it to compare Phoenician andHebrew religious beliefs and practices.

Geography in History

Places and Regions The Hebrewsmoved from place to place within thesame region along the Mediterranean Sea.Choose one of their migrations anddescribe the geography and features of theland through which they passed. Thenmake a map showing the route and thegeographic features of their migration.


Phoenicians Both Hebrews


Using Your Journal

Review any details you may

have noted about the contribu-

tions of the Phoenicians and the

Hebrews. Write a paragraph ex-

plaining how these contributions

have affected your life.


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