Chapter 5 toyota report

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  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 5 toyota report


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    CHAPTER 5ORGANIZATION ! "ANAGERIA# $%NCTION!P#ANNING!TRATEGIC O&'ECTI E!Achie in* "arket #ea+er,hip -. /eli erin* alue to Cu,to0er,$ollo1in* our Cu,to0er $ir,t philo,oph. in 0anufacturin*an+ pro i+in* hi*h 2ualit. ehicle, an+ ,er ice, that 0eet thenee+, of Paki,tani cu,to0er,3Enhancin* the 2ualit. an+ reach of our 4! /ealer,hip* cu,to0er in,i*ht an+ fee+-ack for continuou,corporate rene1al inclu+in* pro+uct +e elop0ent i0pro in*,er ice an+ cu,to0er care3&rin*in* To.ota 6ualit. to Paki,tan"axi0i7in* 6R/ (6ualit. Relia-ilit. an+ /ura-ilit.) -. -uilt8inen*ineerin*3

    Tran,ferrin* technolo*. an+ pro0otin* in+i*eni7ation at In+u,"otor Co0pan. an+ en+or,3Rai,in* the -ar in all ,upport function, to 0eet To.ota Glo-al!tan+ar+,3Opti0i7in* Co,t -. 9ai7en$o,terin* a 9ai7en culture an+ 0in+,et at In+u, "otor

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 5 toyota report


    Co0pan. it, /ealer, an+ en+or,3 I0ple0entin* To.otaPro+uction !.,te03Re0o in* 1a,te in all area, an+ operatin* in the lo1e,t co,t2uartile of the in+u,tr.3Re,pectin* our People

    Treatin*, a, the 0o,t i0portant ,u,taina-leco0petiti e re,ource3Pro i+in* a continuou, learnin* en iron0ent that pro0ote,in+i i+ual creati it. an+ tea01ork3!upportin* e2ual e0plo.0ent opportunitie, +i er,it. an+inclu,ion 1ithout +i,cri0ination3&uil+in* co0petiti e alue throu*h 0utual tru,t an+ 0utualre,pon,i-ilit. -et1een the In+u, Tea0 an+ the Co0pan.3&eco0in* a Goo+ Corporate Citi7en

    $ollo1in* ethical -u,ine,, practice, an+ the la1, of the lan+3En*a*in* in philanthropic an+ ,ocial acti itie, that contri-uteto the enrich0ent of Paki,tani ,ociet. e,peciall. in area, thatare ,trate*ic tooth ,ocietal an+ -u,ine,, nee+, e3*3 Roa+!afet. Technical E+ucation En iron0ent Protection etc3Enhancin* corporate alue an+ re,pect 1hile achie in* a,ta-le an+ lon*8ter0 *ro1th for the -ene:t of our,harehol+er,3(Annual Report ;

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 5 toyota report


    /EPART"ENTA#IZATIONIt 0ean, the proce,, of *roup relate+ 1ork acti itie, into0ana*ea-le unit, i, calle+ +epart0entali7ation3/epart0entali7ation i, -ein* er.3 Co00on in e er.or*ani7ation a, it facilitate, the 1orkin* of the or*ani7ation3

    Thi, concept of +epart0entali7ation follo1in* +epart0ent,1hich are 1orkin* out thereB"arketin*$inanceCu,to0er Relation,!ale,Hu0an Re,ource!er ice!pare part,

    Plannin*#o*i,tic cell,"arketin* /epart0ent

    The 0arketin* +epart0ent of the :r0 co0pri,e, of hi*hl.2uali:e+ +e+icate+ an+ har+1orkin* tea0 e2uippe+ 1ith thelate,t 0arketin* techni2ue,3Cu,to0er Relation (CR) /epart0ent

    The Cu,to0er relation +epart0ent i, one of the 0o,ti0portant +epart0ent, 1hich can control all the acti itie,perfor0 for the retention an+ -ene:t the cu,to0er,3 e

    -elie e in perpetual i0pro e0ent in all :el+, of ,er ice, an+facilitie, a, per To.ota > /aihat,u !tan+ar+, applica-le*lo-all. throu*h re*ularl. con+uctin* Trainin* > 1ork,hop, toenhance kno1le+*e an+ ,hare experience of our fello1National CR8 0e0-er an+ *lo-all. a aila-le experience of


    To.ota Cu,to0er relation, I+eal,Creatin* corporate tru,t -a,e+ on inte*rit. on inte*rit. an+ fairhan+lin* of Co0plaint,3Openin* a lar*er 1in+o1 for cu,to0er,3!1ift an+ ,ure han+lin* of In2uirie, > Co0plaint,"akin* the oice of the cu,to0er, the -a,i, for corporaterene1al3I0pro in* corporate i0a*e an+ -etter infor0in* cu,to0er, to,upport !ale, an+ !er ice acti itie,$inance /epart0ent

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    co0plaint, of the Cu,to0er,3 A, In+u, "otor Co0pan. launch,oft1are na0el. oice of Cu,to0er ,o that the cu,to0er,can ea,il. put their infor0ation +irectl. to the Co0pan.throu*h the +ealer,3

    8!tep, of Co0plaint Han+lin*!tep F = Recei e the Co0plaint !tep F 2 #ook #i,ten an+ #earn (4#,)!tep F 3 Get the $act,!tep F 4 /eter0ine Root Cau,e an+ Re,pon,i-ilit. !tep F 5 Explain .our +eci,ion then *et A*ree0ent !tep F 6 Take Pro0pt Action !tep F $ollo18upHu0an Re,ource /epart0entHu0an re,ource refer, to the acti itie, an or*ani7ation carrie,

    out to u,e it, hu0an re,ource e?ecti el.3 The,e acti itie,inclu+e +eter0inin* the :r0 , hu0an re,ource ,trate*.,ta n* perfor0ance e aluation 0ana*e0ent +e elop0entco0pen,ation an+ la-or relation,3 In+u, "otor Co0pan.#i0ite+ i, al,o runnin* +epart0ent of HR for hirin* an+co0pen,atin* the, of the :r03 HR function to pa.,i*ni:cant attention to ,electin* in+i i+ual, 1ho0 not onl. ha,the ,kill, re2uire+ to perfor0 particular @o-, -ut 1ho al,o :tthe pre ailin* culture of the :r03Re1ar+ !.,te0A !uperior 6ualit. A1ar+ can -e *i en to at an.ti0e+ue to *oo+ perfor0ance3 It +oe, not 0atter ho1 lon* a per,onha, -een in the or*ani7ation3 On an annual -a,i, -onu,e, are*i en to, 1ho,e perfor0ance excee+, their tar*et,3

    The 0ain 0oti ational factor, are -onu,e, pa.8rai,e,pro0otion, an+ A1ar+,3 Puni,h0ent !.,te0 Puni,h0ent i, not nece,,ar. an+ co00on3 Each an+ e kno1, that if the. ha e to ,ur i e in theor*ani7ation the. ha e to 1ork har+ for it3 E i,expecte+ to 1ork3 There are at lea,t 4 @o-, for one per,on3 Ifpuni,h0ent i, a-,olutel. nece,,ar. it i, u,uall. in the for0 ofa er-al 1arnin* an+ in ,o0e extre0e ca,e, ter0ination3!er ice /epart0entIn+u, "otor Co0pan. #t+ !er ice /epart0ent ,tri e, forco0plete cu,to0er ,ati,faction3 e ,er ice an. 0ake or 0o+elan+ our 1ork,hop traine+ 0a,ter technician, ha e the

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 5 toyota report


    experience an+ experti,e to ha e .our ehicle ,er ice+ thecorrect 1a. the :r,t ti0e3 #et u, -e .our auto0oti e ,er icin*,peciali,t,3TA" ,er ice /epart0ent un+ertaken exten,i etrainin* of it, ,er ice ,ta? -. ,en+in* the0 to atten+ 4

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    e en,ure the *enuinene,, of the part, that *o into .ourehicle3e *uarantee lon* life an+ opti0u0 perfor0ance of part,3

    That , 1h.K 1e pro i+e 1arrant. for all *enuine part,3e pro i+e technical a,,i,tance for the ri*ht choice of part,3

    To.ota > /aihat,u Genuine part, A+ anta*e&etter > !0oother en*ine perfor0ance3I0pro e+ e cienc. in fuel con,u0ption3En,ure, trou-le free +ri in*36ualit. part, ,uppl. throu*h ,trict 2ualit. check -. To.ota"otor Corporation > /aihat,u "otor Co0pan.3/e,i*ne+ -. To.ota to :t in .our ehicle3/ura-ilit. couple+ 1ith la,tin* 2ualit. perfor0ance3Pro e, to -e co,t e?ecti e in the lon* run +ue to increa,e+ life

    of *enuine part,3!TA$$ING PROCE/, are an expen,i e an+ ital re,ource3 To.ota0an*er, 0ana*e recruit0ent an+ ,election trainin* an++e elop0ent an+ re1ar+, an+ re0uneration3 In+u, "otor,con,i+er their, a, hu0an capital3 The 0i,,ion an+o-@ecti e, of the In+u, "otor, i, the +ri in* force -ehin+ theHR" ,trate*.3Recruit0ent

    !election Trainin* an+ +e elop0entCo0pen,ation"aintenanceRecruit0ent

    The. a+ erti,e the acancie, u,in* the 0a,, 0e+ia3 The. collect the RL,u0L, ia 0ail e0ailK throu*h onlineapplication on their 1e- ,ite3

    The. prefer people 1ho are ener*etic not the people 1ho co0e1ith reference3

    The. ,elect the per,on after panel inter ie13In ,o0e acancie, the can+i+ate ha+ to pa,, 1ritten te,t3

    #EA/ING $%NCTIONE"P#OMEE! CO"PEN!ATION AN/ &ENE$IT!Health -ene:t,Acti itie, to pre ent ,ix, of acci+ent, 1hich 0a. cau,e

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    +eath or +i,a-ilit. (cau*ht in 0achine, contact 1ith hea .o-@ect, contact 1ith ehicle, fall, electrocution an+ contact1ith heate+ o-@ect,)/e,i*nate+ occupational +i,ea,e,B In@ur. fro0 +u,t an+ noi,eor 0u,culo,keletal +i,or+er,Inherent ,afet.B Co0pletel. eli0inate or re+uce the ri,k ofacci+ent, a,,ociate+ 1ith 1ork or e2uip0ent ,o a, to pur,ueintrin,ic ,afet. at the 1orkplace at the e2uip0ent +e,i*n ,ta*eCo0pletel. health. To.ota,B Ratio of tho,e 1ith theA rank of health 0ana*e0ent ratin*, (no pro-le0, foun++urin* health check, an+ not recei in* 0e+ical treat0ent3

    The ratio of To.ota, 1ho,e health8relate+ 1orkre,triction, 1ere lifte+B

    "eal Check !.,te0A ,.,te0 for con:r0in* an+ e aluatin* in+i i+ual, foo+con,u0ption pattern, u,in* +ata of their foo+ an+ +rinkcon,u0ption in the cafeteria


    THE NA"E O$ TOMOTA IT!E#$ The -a,ic 0oti ational factor for, 1orkin* in To.otai, the Goo+1ill of the co0pan. it,elf an+ al,o the #ife8ti0e

    E0plo.0ent polic. (no :rin* i, +one until for*er. or an. other,uch cri0inal acti it. +one -. the of the co0pan.3OPEN CO""%NICATION CHANNE#!BAn open an+ infor0al ,ort of an en iron0ent i, to -e o-,er e+at To.ota 1ith full. encoura*in* co00unication channel,3 Ani0portant thin* an+ unu,ual thin* to -e ,een here i, that therei, no ca-in ,.,te0 i3e3 no ,eparate ca-in, or roo0, are 0a+efor top 0ana*e0ent -ut the. re0ain on the *o to keep intouch 1ith the lo1er 0ana*e0ent an+ the 1orker, co00onl.calle+ a, Tea0 0e0-er,3ON 'O& TRAININGB

    The co0pan. ha, a polic. that a, ,oon a, a per,on @oin, it,1orkforce he ,he i, pro i+e+ a proper trainin* to :t into the

    @o- re,pon,i-ilit. *i en to hi0 her3 Thi, pha,e of trainin* i, prior to acceptin* the @o- re,pon,i-ilitie,3 &ut the on @o-trainin* to o erco0e ,ituational pro-le0, -ein* face+ -., i, al,o er. co00on at To.ota3 The TNA (Trainin*

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    infor0e+ for health an+ ,afet. 0ea,ure, throu*h e80ail,3%!E O$ "&OB"ana*e0ent -. o-@ecti e, i, the 0etho+ of e0pha,i7in*participati e ,et of *oal, that are tan*i-le eri:a-le an+0ea,ura-le3 It con ert, the o erall or*ani7ational o-@ecti e,into ,peci:c o-@ecti e, for or*ani7ational unit, an+ in+i i+ual0e0-er,3 Thi, 0etho+ help, 0ana*er, to 0oti ate their,u-or+inate, in ,uch a 1a. that the. the0,el e, feelre,pon,i-le in achie in* the or*ani7ational *oal, a, the. ha e-een a part in the *oal ,ettin* of their o1n +epart0ent3"EETING! A! REIN$ORCE"ENT !CHE/%#E!BIn+u, "otor Co0pan. u,e, a nu0-er of +i?erent, of0eetin*, a, reinforce0ent ,che+ule, to increa,e the +e,ire+ orto +ecrea,e the un+e,ire+ -eha ior of it, 1orkforce3 The

    exa0ple, of ,uch 0eetin*, inclu+eB4" , 0eetin*, ("uri o er -ur+en "u+a 1a,te "ura une enne,,) to eli0inate the 1a,teful acti itie, of the+epart0ent, e er. "on+a. 1ith the CEO3O&EHMA 0eetin*, (the ,tan+in* 0eetin*) to @u+*e theperfor0ance an+ pro*re,, of each +epart0ent e er. Tue,+a.1ith the +irector, an+ the CEO of the co0pan.3"onthl. re ie1 0eetin*, of the +epart0ent, the0,el e, 1iththeir /irector, in 1hich the pro*re,, of the +epart0ent an+the per,onal perfor0ance, of the concerne+, i,e aluate+36R" 0eetin* (6ualit. Re ie1 "eetin*) of the +epart0ent,e er. 0onth 1ith the CEO3ACT F = 0eetin* 1ith the Chair0an e er. 0onthINCENTI E! AN/ RE AR/! !M!TE"!BIn+u, "otor Co0pan. -elie e, in encoura*in* the perfor0ance of it,, to 0oti ate the0 to re0ain perfor0in* at their -e,t in the co0pan. , intere,t3 !o0e ofit, re1ar+, ,.,te0, are 0entione+ -elo1B&onu,e, (pro:t ,harin*) on perfor0ance, an+ hierarch. le elon -a,ic ,alar.3

    The co0pan. *i e, of the 0onth a1ar+ to all the-e,t perfor0er, +urin* the 0onth3

    The, are al,o entitle+ to of the .eara1ar+ 1hich i, pre,ente+ to the -e,t perfor0er on the Annual$a0il. /a.3

    The hi*her 0ana*e0ent al,o u,e, a ,.,te0 of ,en+in*

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 5 toyota report


    0oti ational e80ail, to each an+ e er. +epart0ent in or+er to prai,e the perfor0ance of an in a certain+epart0ent for po,iti e reinforce0ent3PER$OR"ANCE APPRAI!A#!BE er. .ear the co0pan. *i e, perfor0ance -a,e+ apprai,al, inthe for0 of incre0ent, an+ -ene:t,3 A 0ini0u0 of R,3;

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 5 toyota report


    +e elop0ent of hu0an re,ource, re2uire, the han+in* +o1n of alue, an+ per,pecti e, 3 In con@unction

    )t dents Paper! an+ per,pecti e,3 To.ota i, -uil+in* -oth tan*i-le (a ne1

    learnin* facilit.) an+ intan*i-le (cour,e content) ,tructure,relatin* to tea0 0e0-er +e elop0ent that en,ure, a ,ecurean+ ,tea+. o1 of 2uali:e+ hu0an re,ource, to con+uct

    To.ota , *lo-al -u,ine,, in the ;=,t centur.3 To.ota con+uct, ,.,te0atic co0pan.

    ttp!**,p*en*environmental-rep*( *,+ /+oin( . tml

    priorit. i,,ue3 To.ota i, -uil+in* -oth tan*i-le (a ne1learnin* facilit.) an+ intan*i-le (cour,e content) ,tructure,relatin* to tea0 0e0-er +e elop0ent that en,ure, a ,ecurean+ ,tea+. o1 of 2uali:e+ hu0an re,ource, to con+uct

    To.ota , *lo-al -u,ine,, in the ;=,t centur. 3 Q $ull.

    )t dents Paper! ;=,t centur.3 To.ota con+uct, ,.,te0atic co0pan.81i+e an+ +i i,ionaltrainin* an+ a,,i*n0ent, for trainin* purpo,e, 1ith ane0pha,i, on on8the8@o- trainin* (O'T) to en,ure that a,,ociate,can full. utili7e their a-ilitie,3

    To.ota ha, +e:ne+ the re2uire+ 2uali:cation, of profe,,ional,ta? = for o ce

    ttp!**,p*en*environmental-rep*( *,+ /+o

    in( . tml Re,ource, /e elop0ent To.ota con+uct, ,.,te0atic

    co0pan.81i+e an+ +i i,ional trainin* an+ a,,i*n0ent, fortrainin* purpo,e, 1ith an e0pha,i, on on8the8@o- trainin* (O'T)to en,ure that a,,ociate, can full. utili7e their a-ilitie,3

    To.ota ha, +e:ne+ the re2uire+ 2uali:cation, of profe,,ional,ta? = for
  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 5 toyota report


  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 5 toyota report


    To.ota con+uct *ui+eline,B Challen*e 9ai7en(i0pro e0ent) Re,pect an+ Tea01ork3 In

    ttp!**,p*en*environmental-rep*( *,+ /+o

    in( . tml ,houl+ e0-race3 In or+er to pro0ote the +e elop0ent ofGlo-al To.ota an+ the tran,fer of authorit. to local entitie,

    To.ota , 0ana*e0ent philo,ophie, alue, an+ -u,ine,,0etho+, that pre iou,l. ha+ -een i0plicit in To.ota , tra+ition1ere co+i:e+3 &a,e+ on the +ual pillar, of Re,pect for Peoplean+ Continuou, I0pro e0ent the follo1in* : e ke.principle, ,u0 up the To.ota con+uct *ui+eline,BChallen*e 9ai7en (i0pro e0ent ) Genchi Gen-ut,u

    )t dents Paper! 9ai7en (i0pro e0ent) Re,pect an+ Tea01ork3 In ;

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 5 toyota report


    the in+i i+ual an+ the or*ani7ation in ter0, of +e elop0ent of 2ualit. an+ 1ell traine+ re,ource,3 A total nu0-er of 4S; 4; Co0plaint, Han+lin*Another /epart0ent i, al,o there that han+le, the In2uire, an+co0plaint, of the Cu,to0er,3 A, In+u, "otor Co0pan. launch

    ,oft1are na0el. oice of Cu,to0er ,o that the cu,to0er,can ea,il. put their infor0ation +irectl. to the Co0pan.throu*h the +ealer,3

    8!tep, of Co0plaint Han+lin*!tep F = Recei e the Co0plaint !tep F 2 #ook #i,ten an+ #earn (4#,)

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 5 toyota report


    !tep F 3 Get the $act,!tep F 4 /eter0ine Root Cau,e an+ Re,pon,i-ilit. !tep F 5 Explain .our +eci,ion then *et A*ree0ent !tep F 6 Take Pro0pt Action

    !tep F $ollo18upHu0an Re,ource /epart0entHu0an re,ource refer, to the acti itie, an or*ani7ation carrie,out to u,e it, hu0an re,ource e?ecti el.3 The,e acti itie,inclu+e +eter0inin* the :r0 , hu0an re,ource ,trate*.,ta n* perfor0ance e aluation 0ana*e0ent +e elop0entco0pen,ation an+ la-or relation,3 In+u, "otor Co0pan.#i0ite+ i, al,o runnin* +epart0ent of HR for hirin* an+co0pen,atin* the, of the :r03 HR function to pa.,i*ni:cant attention to ,electin* in+i i+ual, 1ho0 not onl. ha,the ,kill, re2uire+ to perfor0 particular @o-, -ut 1ho al,o :tthe pre ailin* culture of the :r03Re1ar+ !.,te0A !uperior 6ualit. A1ar+ can -e *i en to at an.ti0e+ue to *oo+ perfor0ance3 It +oe, not 0atter ho1 lon* a per,onha, -een in the or*ani7ation3 On an annual -a,i, -onu,e, are*i en to, 1ho,e perfor0ance excee+, their tar*et,3

    The 0ain 0oti ational factor, are -onu,e, pa.8rai,e,pro0otion, an+ A1ar+,3 Puni,h0ent !.,te0 Puni,h0ent i, not nece,,ar. an+ co00on3 Each an+ e kno1, that if the. ha e to ,ur i e in theor*ani7ation the. ha e to 1ork har+ for it3 E i,expecte+ to 1ork3 There are at lea,t 4 @o-, for one per,on3 Ifpuni,h0ent i, a-,olutel. nece,,ar. it i, u,uall. in the for0 of

    a er-al 1arnin* an+ in ,o0e extre0e ca,e, ter0ination3!er ice /epart0entIn+u, "otor Co0pan. #t+ !er ice /epart0ent ,tri e, forco0plete cu,to0er ,ati,faction3 e ,er ice an. 0ake or 0o+elan+ our 1ork,hop traine+ 0a,ter technician, ha e theexperience an+ experti,e to ha e .our ehicle ,er ice+ the

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 5 toyota report


    correct 1a. the :r,t ti0e3 #et u, -e .our auto0oti e,er icin* ,peciali,t,3TA" ,er ice /epart0ent un+ertakenexten,i e trainin* of it, ,er ice ,ta? -. ,en+in* the0 to atten+4

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 5 toyota report


    $ir0 ha, a ,hop for a aila-ilit. of *enuine part, of all ,ort, of To.ota Cuore "otor Car, for the con enience of hi,cu,to0er,3

    Our !hinin* !tar, !peak for the0,el e,e en,ure the *enuinene,, of the part, that *o into .ourehicle3e *uarantee lon* life an+ opti0u0 perfor0ance of part,3

    That , 1h.K 1e pro i+e 1arrant. for all *enuine part,3e pro i+e technical a,,i,tance for the ri*ht choice of part,3

    To.ota > /aihat,u Genuine part, A+ anta*e&etter > !0oother en*ine perfor0ance3I0pro e+ e cienc. in fuel con,u0ption3En,ure, trou-le free +ri in*36ualit. part, ,uppl. throu*h ,trict 2ualit. check -. To.ota"otor Corporation > /aihat,u "otor Co0pan.3/e,i*ne+ -. To.ota to :t in .our ehicle3/ura-ilit. couple+ 1ith la,tin* 2ualit. perfor0ance3Pro e, to -e co,t e?ecti e in the lon* run +ue to increa,e+ lifeof *enuine part,3

    !TA$$ING PROCE/, are an expen,i e an+ ital re,ource3

    To.ota 0an*er, 0ana*e recruit0ent an+ ,election trainin*an+ +e elop0ent an+ re1ar+, an+ re0uneration3In+u, "otor, con,i+er their, a, hu0an capital3 The0i,,ion an+ o-@ecti e, of the In+u, "otor, i, the +ri in* force-ehin+ the HR" ,trate*.3Recruit0ent

    !election Trainin* an+ +e elop0entCo0pen,ation"aintenanceRecruit0ent

    The. a+ erti,e the acancie, u,in* the 0a,, 0e+ia3

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 5 toyota report


    The. collect the RL,u0L, ia 0ail e0ailK throu*h onlineapplication on their 1e- ,ite3

    The. prefer people 1ho are ener*etic not the people 1ho co0e1ith reference3

    The. ,elect the per,on after panel inter ie13In ,o0e acancie, the can+i+ate ha+ to pa,, 1ritten te,t3

    #EA/ING $%NCTIONE"P#OMEE! CO"PEN!ATION AN/ &ENE$IT!Health -ene:t,Acti itie, to pre ent ,ix, of acci+ent, 1hich 0a. cau,e+eath or +i,a-ilit. (cau*ht in 0achine, contact 1ith hea .o-@ect, contact 1ith ehicle, fall, electrocution an+ contact1ith heate+ o-@ect,)/e,i*nate+ occupational +i,ea,e,B In@ur. fro0 +u,t an+ noi,eor 0u,culo,keletal +i,or+er,Inherent ,afet.B Co0pletel. eli0inate or re+uce the ri,k ofacci+ent, a,,ociate+ 1ith 1ork or e2uip0ent ,o a, to pur,ueintrin,ic ,afet. at the 1orkplace at the e2uip0ent +e,i*n ,ta*eCo0pletel. health. To.ota,B Ratio of tho,e 1ith theA rank of health 0ana*e0ent ratin*, (no pro-le0, foun+

    +urin* health check, an+ not recei in* 0e+ical treat0ent3 The ratio of To.ota, 1ho,e health8relate+ 1orkre,triction, 1ere lifte+B

    "eal Check !.,te0A ,.,te0 for con:r0in* an+ e aluatin* in+i i+ual, foo+con,u0ption pattern, u,in* +ata of their foo+ an+ +rinkcon,u0ption in the cafeteria


    THE NA"E O$ TOMOTA IT!E#$ The -a,ic 0oti ational factor for, 1orkin* in To.otai, the Goo+1ill of the co0pan. it,elf an+ al,o the #ife8ti0e

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    E0plo.0ent polic. (no :rin* i, +one until for*er. or an. other,uch cri0inal acti it. +one -. the of the co0pan.3OPEN CO""%NICATION CHANNE#!BAn open an+ infor0al ,ort of an en iron0ent i, to -e o-,er e+

    at To.ota 1ith full. encoura*in* co00unication channel,3 Ani0portant thin* an+ unu,ual thin* to -e ,een here i, that therei, no ca-in ,.,te0 i3e3 no ,eparate ca-in, or roo0, are 0a+efor top 0ana*e0ent -ut the. re0ain on the *o to keep intouch 1ith the lo1er 0ana*e0ent an+ the 1orker, co00onl.calle+ a, Tea0 0e0-er,3ON 'O& TRAININGB

    The co0pan. ha, a polic. that a, ,oon a, a per,on @oin, it,1orkforce he ,he i, pro i+e+ a proper trainin* to :t into the

    @o- re,pon,i-ilit. *i en to hi0 her3 Thi, pha,e of trainin* i, prior to acceptin* the @o- re,pon,i-ilitie,3 &ut the on @o-trainin* to o erco0e ,ituational pro-le0, -ein* face+ -., i, al,o er. co00on at To.ota3 The TNA (Trainin*Nee+ Anal.,i,) i, a 0etho+ of e aluatin* per,onal capa-ilitie,i, al,o an exa0ple of on @o- trainin* 1hich i, in co00onpractice at the co0pan.3A//ITIONA# &ENE$IT!B

    In+u, "otor Co0pan. pro i+e, a nu0-er of -ene:t, to retainit, alue+, an+ to +ecrea,e turno er likeB"e+ical in,urance for, an+ their fa0ilie,3#oan, like ho0e loan, etc3Pen,ion after =< .ear, of ,er ice3Ca,ual an+ 0e+ical lea e3

    Tran,port facilitie,3#unch facilitie,3

    Apart fro0 pro i+in* the lunch the co0pan. ha, a er.intere,tin* tra+ition of ,er in* a *la,, of 0ilk e er. hour toeach of the factor. 1orker, con,i+erin* their inten,eph.,ical 1ork3"aternit. lea e of 4 0onth,3!eparate entertain0ent -u+*et for e er. +epart0ent3

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 5 toyota report


    Tea0 0e0-er, (factor. 1orker,) are pro i+e+ 1ith Ha@@ an+%0rah facilitie, e er. .ear throu*h a luck. +ra1 for J to 50e0-er, at each ti0e%pper hierarch. in the co0pan. i, al,o pro i+e+ 1ith an

    a++itional -ene:t of ,o0e Clu- 0e0-er,hip for the fa0il.3Another uni2ue -ene:t at In+u, "otor Co0pan. i, charit. fornee+., -. the Ha-i- *roup throu*h ,ecrec.3In+u, "otor Co0pan. al,o ha, a Cricket tea0 of it, o1n topro i+e entertain0ent an+ to enhance enthu,ia,0 in, for 1hich the ,election i, +one purel. on a-ilit.-a,i,3 CARE AN/ !A$ETMB

    To.ota alue, it,, a lot an+ con,i+er, the0 a, afa0il.3 Therefore in or+er to increa,e a1arene,, a-out ,afet.0ea,ure, it pro i+e, t1o, of ,afet. e+ucation to it, tea00e0-er,3 One i, throu*h i0pro in* the technical capa-ilitie,, nee+ for particular @o-, an+ the other i, i+in* kno1le+*e throu*h collecti e e+ucation for 0ana*er, an+ *eneral plant,3Al,o the for0ation of ,0all *roup, to +i,cu,, thepotential +an*er, at the 1ork ,ite, i, a er. co00on acti it. inthe co0pan.3 The !HE /epart0ent (!afet. Health an+En iron0ent +epart0ent) on re*ular -a,i, *et the e0plo.eeinfor0e+ for health an+ ,afet. 0ea,ure, throu*h e80ail,3%!E O$ "&OB"ana*e0ent -. o-@ecti e, i, the 0etho+ ofe0pha,i7in* participati e ,et of *oal, that are tan*i-le

    eri:a-le an+ 0ea,ura-le3 It con ert, the o erallor*ani7ational o-@ecti e, into ,peci:c o-@ecti e, for

    or*ani7ational unit, an+ in+i i+ual 0e0-er,3 Thi, 0etho+help, 0ana*er, to 0oti ate their ,u-or+inate, in ,uch a 1a.that the. the0,el e, feel re,pon,i-le in achie in* theor*ani7ational *oal, a, the. ha e -een a part in the *oal,ettin* of their o1n +epart0ent3"EETING! A! REIN$ORCE"ENT !CHE/%#E!B

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 5 toyota report


    In+u, "otor Co0pan. u,e, a nu0-er of +i?erent, of0eetin*, a, reinforce0ent ,che+ule, to increa,e the +e,ire+ orto +ecrea,e the un+e,ire+ -eha ior of it, 1orkforce3 Theexa0ple, of ,uch 0eetin*, inclu+eB

    4" , 0eetin*, ("uri o er -ur+en "u+a 1a,te "ura une enne,,) to eli0inate the 1a,teful acti itie, of the+epart0ent, e er. "on+a. 1ith the CEO3O&EHMA 0eetin*, (the ,tan+in* 0eetin*) to @u+*e theperfor0ance an+ pro*re,, of each +epart0ent e er. Tue,+a.1ith the +irector, an+ the CEO of the co0pan.3"onthl. re ie1 0eetin*, of the +epart0ent, the0,el e, 1iththeir /irector, in 1hich the pro*re,, of the +epart0ent an+the per,onal perfor0ance, of the concerne+, i,e aluate+36R" 0eetin* (6ualit. Re ie1 "eetin*) of the +epart0ent,e er. 0onth 1ith the CEO3ACT F = 0eetin* 1ith the Chair0an e er. 0onthINCENTI E! AN/ RE AR/! !M!TE"!BIn+u, "otor Co0pan. -elie e, in encoura*in* the perfor0ance of it,, to 0oti ate the0 to re0ain perfor0in* at their -e,t in the co0pan. , intere,t3 !o0e of

    it, re1ar+, ,.,te0, are 0entione+ -elo1B&onu,e, (pro:t ,harin*) on perfor0ance, an+ hierarch. le elon -a,ic ,alar.3

    The co0pan. *i e, of the 0onth a1ar+ to all the-e,t perfor0er, +urin* the 0onth3

    The, are al,o entitle+ to of the .eara1ar+ 1hich i, pre,ente+ to the -e,t perfor0er on the Annual$a0il. /a.3

    The hi*her 0ana*e0ent al,o u,e, a ,.,te0 of ,en+in*0oti ational e80ail, to each an+ e er. +epart0ent in or+er to prai,e the perfor0ance of an in a certain+epart0ent for po,iti e reinforce0ent3PER$OR"ANCE APPRAI!A#!BE er. .ear the co0pan. *i e, perfor0ance -a,e+ apprai,al, in

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 5 toyota report


    the for0 of incre0ent, an+ -ene:t,3 A 0ini0u0 of R,3;

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    hu0an re,ource, 1ho are a-le to perfor0 +a.8to8+a.acti itie, an+ expan+ their ,kill, in technical po,ition,3Co0pan.81i+e trainin* i, con+ucte+ -a,e+ on e0plo.ee2uali:cation, a, 1ell a, ,peciali7e+ trainin* for in+i i+ual

    +i i,ion, lan*ua*e trainin* an+ ,pecial kno1le+*e an+ ,killtrainin*3In or+er to pro0ote the +e elop0ent of Glo-al To.ota an+ thetran,fer of authorit. to local entitie, To.ota , 0ana*e0entphilo,ophie, alue, an+ -u,ine,, 0etho+, that pre iou,l.ha+ -een i0plicit in To.ota , tra+ition 1ere co+i:e+3 &a,e+ onthe +ual pillar, of Re,pect for People an+ Continuou,I0pro e0ent the follo1in* : e ke. principle, ,u0 up the

    To.ota con+uct *ui+eline,B Challen*e 9ai7en(i0pro e0ent) Re,pect an+ Tea01ork3 In ;

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 5 toyota report


    o er 0an. .ear,3/E$INING THE OR9$ORCE /I ER!ITM

    The 1orkforce +i er,it. i, the hetero*eneit. or +i er,i:cationin the, in an or*ani7ation on the -a,i, of certain

    +e0o*raphic character, ,uch a, race a*e *en+er ethnicit.reli*ion nationalit. etc3 no1a+a., 1orkforce +i er,it.enco0pa,,e, 1ho arie, fro0 the ,o8calle+ nor0,3

    Therefore in a++ition to the a-o e 0entione+ *roup, the+i er,i:cation in 1orkforce can al,o -e anal.7e+ the-a,i, of 0arital ,tatu, an+ tenure3"ANAGING THE OR9$ORCE /I ER!ITMBNo1 1ith the chan*in* en iron0ent an+ 0ore a1arene,, ofper,onal ri*ht, throu*hout the 1orl+ 1e reali7e that, +o not ,et a,i+e their cultural alue, an+ life,t.le preference, 1hen the. co0e to 1ork3 The challen*e forto+a. , or*ani7ation, therefore i, to 0ake the0 0oreacco00o+atin* to +i er,e *roup, of people -. a++re,,in*their +i?erent life,t.le, fa0il. nee+, an+ 1ork ,t.le,3 Thu,the ,hiftin* fro0 the tra+itional 0ana*e0ent practice oftreatin* e alike to1ar+, reco*ni7in* the +i?erence,pre,ent in the 1orkforce an+ re,pon+in* to -ut not

    +i,cri0inatin* tho,e +i?erence, i, of 0a@or i0portance to the0ana*er, of to+a.3 It can en,ure retention *reaterpro+ucti it. increa,e creati it. an+ inno ation i0pro e,+eci,ion 0akin* -. +i?erent per,pecti e, of /i er,i:e+1orkforce3"OTI ATION A! A TECHNI6%E TO "ANAGE THE OR9$ORCE/I ER!ITMB"oti ation i, the 1illin*ne,, to exert hi*h le el, of e?ort

    to1ar+ or*ani7ational *oal, con+itione+ -. the e?ort , ,ati,f. ,o0e in+i i+ual nee+3 It pla., a ital role the1orkforce +i er,it. in or+er to achie e the or*ani7ational *oal,3

    Thu, -. kno1le+*e of the 1i+e ran*e of the 0oti ationaltheorie, the 0ana*er, are a-le to properl. un+er,tan+ thein+i i+ual nee+, of the, an+ can al,o u,e the0 for

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 5 toyota report


    han+lin* the +i er,i:cation i,,ue, in the or*ani7ation3CO"PANM I/E CONTRO# 6%A#ITMCu,to0er ,ati,faction i, at the heart of all To.ota acti itie,3 Inor+er to ,ati,f. cu,to0er nee+, To.ota inclu+e, all "e0-er, in

    2ualit. control acti itie,3 E er.-o+. fro0 re,earch an++e elop0ent to 0anufacturin* retailin* an+ ,er icin*contri-ute to the 2ualit. control proce,,3 All "e0-er, ha e t1orole, their o1n @o- an+ 2ualit. a,,urance3 At To.ota 1e callthi, Co0pan.1i+e 2ualit. control 3 Cu,to0er ,ati,faction i, atthe heart of all To.ota acti itie,3 In or+er to ,ati,f. cu,to0ernee+, To.ota inclu+e, all "e0-er, in 2ualit. control acti itie,3E er.-o+. fro0 re,earch an+ +e elop0ent to 0anufacturin*retailin* an+ ,er icin* contri-ute to the 2ualit. control proce,,3All "e0-er, ha e t1o role, their o1n @o- an+ 2ualit.a,,urance3 At To.ota 1e call thi, Co0pan.1i+e 2ualit.control 3!o0e people un+er,tan+ 2ualit. a,,urance to 0ean thorou*,pectin* part, after the. are 0a+e or -. pro0ptl.*1ith clai0, on pro+uct, in the 0arket3 Thi, i, not the -elief at

    To.ota3 Total 2ualit. control i, carrie+ out u,in* t1o -a,icprinciple,B 2ualit. i, -uilt in at e er. ,ta*e an+ 2ualit. i,

    continuall. i0pro e+3 To achie e total 2ualit. control To.ota "anufacturin* %9in ol e, each an+ e er. "e0-er to en,ure that onl. the -e,t1ork i, pa,,e+ on to the next proce,,3 The u,e of ,tan+ar+i7e+1ork to*ether 1ith i,ual control clearl. in+icate, the current,tatu, in 1hich our in+u,tr. i, operatin*3 Thi, 0ake, it er.ea,. to ,pot pro-le0, or unu,ual con+ition, a, the. occur3!trict a+herence to ,tan+ar+i7e+ 1ork i, ital3

    Each "e0-er i, re,pon,i-le for the 2ualit. of hi, or her 1orkan+ ai0, ne er to pa,, on poor 2ualit. to the next ,ta*e3 Ifan.thin* unu,ual i, notice+ the "e0-er can pull the an+oncor+ (a cor+ run, alon*,i+e the 1hole len*th of the pro+uctionline) 1hich ,top, the proce,, allo1in* ti0e to in e,ti*ate an+con:r0 the 2ualit. -efore continuin*3

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 5 toyota report


    If the "e0-er pull, the an+on cor+ thi, action ,u00on,a,,i,tance fro0 their Tea0 #ea+er -. li*htin* up a nu0-ercorre,pon+in* to their 1ork,tation on one of the 0an. an+on-oar+, han*in* o erhea+3 If the pro-le0 can -e recti:e+ 1ithin

    that "e0-er , proce,, ti0e that i, the ti0e it take, for thecar to pa,, throu*h the "e0-er , 1ork,tation then the line+oe, not actuall. ,top3