Chapter 5 Time Management Configuration – Negative Time

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  • 7/26/2019 Chapter 5 Time Management Configuration Negative Time


    Chapter 5. Time Management Configuration Negative Time

    We will explore how the Time Management submodule is configured to meet the client's requirements.Time Management deals with recording, reporting, and evaluating the attendance and absenteeism of anemployee. Evaluation could be the number of hours wored extra by an employee, and this is determinedusing the Time Management submodule. The absence and attendance entitlements or quotas are alsocaptured. The !bsence "uotas are bucets to collect the leave entitlements. We will cover the importantconfiguration steps, infotypes, and tips to configure the submodule.

    #n this chapter, we will cover the following topics$

    %arious nodes for configuring the Wor schedule rule

    !bsence "uotas

    &ustomiing tables for the Wor schedule rule

    &ustomiing tables for !bsence "uotas

    (enerating hassle)free !bsence "uotas

    Nodes for configuring the Work schedule ruleand Absence Quotas

    *efore we start to cover the important configuration points, let's closely loo at the Time Managementinfotypes in detail. #t's important for us to be familiar with the functionalities of Time Management infotypesbefore starting with the configuration steps.

    Time Management infotpes

    The important Time Management infotypes are listed in the following table$

    !nfotpes !nfotpe te"t

    +++ -lanned Woring Time

    ++/ !bsences

    ++ !ttendances

    ++0 !bsence "uotas

    ++ !ttendance "uotas

    ++1 2vertime

    +/+ Employee 3emuneration #nfo

    +/4 "uota &orrection

    +5/0 Time "uota &ompensation

    The #lanned Working Time infotpe $%%%&'

    The #lanned Working Timeinfotype has the ey details about an employee's wor pattern. The worschedule is tagged to the employee based on the configuration, and it gives us details about the daily wor

    schedule, holiday class, and day type. The Time Management (tatus6P0007-ZTERF7 controls whether

    an employee participates in time evaluation. The following screenshot shows the Work schedulerulesection$

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    The following table shows the related text for various indicator values$

    !ndicator Te"t

    + 8o time evaluation

    / Time evaluation 6!ctual times7

    Time evaluation 6-9&7

    Time evaluation without integration to -ayroll

    : External services

    ; Evaluation of planned times

    #f we are not going to use the Time )valuation6RPTIME007 program for accounting time data, we can

    mention the employee status as 0.

    #f we are not going to integrate time with payroll, then the status can be set to 7, or it is advisable to set the

    status to 9.When the cloc in and cloc out time is going to be recorded, the status needs to be set

    to 1. #lant *ata Collection6#*C7 is useful to transfer data from the following application components to

    Time Management$

    (A# #ro+ect (stems6#(7

    (A# #lant Maintenance and Customer (ervice6#M,C(7

    (A# #roduction #lanning6##7 and #rocess Control6##,#!7


    The TMSTA DEFAULT VALUE FOR TIME MANAGEMENT STATUSfeature is configured to the defaultTime Management status based on different parameters. #t can be accessed via the PE03T)code.

    The Working timedetails such as the daily woring hours, monthly woring hours, and so on are alsocaptured in the -lanned Woring Time infotype. The integration point between time and payroll is themonthly woring hours that flows from the -lanned Woring Time to *asic -ay infotype when personnelaction is run for the employee. The daily hours, monthly hours, weely hours, and weely wor days areconfigurable items, and when the Wor schedule rule is selected, it gets displayed automatically.

    The following table shows us the fields and values used in the 0007infotype$

    Working time -ield data

    Employment percent /++

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    Working time -ield data

    9aily woring hours :

    Weely woring hours 5+

    Monthly woring hours /4

    !nnual woring hours +:+

    Weely wordays 1

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    The !ttendances infotype is used to capture the special attendance reasons such as business trip ortraining needs, for instance, in addition to the normal wor pattern. There is also a special feature for entryscreen such as general attendance and attendance with quota deduction. This is controlled in customiing,and we can define the attendance quota from which a specific attendance type must be deducted.

    The payment data other than the normal cost that is associated with the attendance type maintained for anemployee is done in one of the following two ways$

    =sing wage type, the amount can be directly entered and queried in payroll or time evaluation

    *y navigating to 0oto> *ifferent pament, where we can enter the amount in the 1aluation

    basisfield, as seen in the following screenshot$

    The Absence Quotas infotpe $%%2'

    !bsence "uotas are entitlements or bucets that contain the number of days an employee can avail leave.

    When the absence is recorded in the !bsences infotype 620017, the absence gets reduced from the quota

    automatically. The !bsence "uotas infotype has different fields, which are shown in the followingscreenshot$

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    The following table contains a description of the various !bsence "uotas$

    -ield *escription

    Categor The absence quota type that includes sic leave, annual leave, and so on.

    Quota number The number of days or hours an employee is entitled to tae leave.

    *eduction The *eductionfield has the number of leaves that has been availed or used.


    The date from which quota can be deducted when an absence is recorded.

    *eduction to The date up to which quota can be deducted when an absence is recorded.

    Neg.deduction to

    The value going over and beyond the entitlements days can be mentioned here. ?ay, the entitlement is

    5+ days and 1+ days needs to be recorded@ then, we can insert 50here.

    The Attendance Quotas infotpe $%%&'

    The special attendance of employees that is approved using the ++ infotype is stored in the !ttendance"uotas infotypes. The following screenshot shows the Create Attendance Quotaswindow$

    The 3vertime infotpe $%%5'

    The 2vertime infotype is used to capture the additional number of hours an employee wors in addition tothe normal woring hours. The hours are queried in payroll and compensated accordingly. The followingscreenshot shows the Change 3vertimewindow$

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    The )mploee 4emuneration infotpe $%/%'

    The Employee 3emuneration infotype is used to capture the wage type and amount that gets processed inpayroll. The number of hours or the amount can be specified based on the customied settings for thatwage type. The following screenshot shows the Change )mploee 4emuneration !nfowindow$

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    The Quota Correction infotpe $%/'

    The decrease or increase of entitlements can be controlled using the "uota &orrection infotype. Aet's say

    we would lie to reduce the number of days generated in the 2006infotype by . We can specify the

    number of days to be increased or decreased in the Quota numberfield. There are multiple optionsprovided, and we can mae use of them accordingly to meet the requirement.

    Aet's have a loo at these options in the following screenshot$

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    The following table lists the meanings of the three options available for accrual entitlements$

    Accrual entitlements option Meaning

    !ncrease generatedentitlement

    The number specified in the Quota numberfield gets added to the existing quotas in


    4educe generatedentitlement

    The number specified in the Quota numberfield gets reduced from the existing quotas in


    4eplace generatedentitlement

    The number specified in the Quota numberfield gets replaced with the existing quotas inthe2006infotype.

    The transfer of entitlements can be controlled, and there are multiple options provided by ?!-.The Transferoptions are as follows$

    *o not change transfer time$ The quota correction does not happen immediately and does not

    reflect in the 2006infotype instantly

    Transfer collected entitlement immediatel$ The correction reflects in the 2006infotype

    instantly when the time evaluation is run for the employee

    3nl transfer 6uota correction immediatel$ The correction is effective in !bsence "uotas

    620067 only in the next evaluation run

    The Time Quota Compensation infotpe $%7/2'

    The unused entitlements can be remunerated using this infotype. The No. to compensatefield is used toenter the absence entitlements that need to be remunerated, in days or hours. There is also a functionalityto control whether the entitlement needs to be remunerated or not. This is done by flagging the *o notaccountchecbox.

    There are two specifications provided by ?!- that can be used to compensate the entitlements. They areas follows$

    Automatic compensation

    Manual compensation

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    #n the Automatic compensationmethod, we mention the quota type and quota number to becompensated. #n the Manual compensationmethod, the quota number that needs to be compensatedhas to be specified along with the wage type, amount, and currency.

    #f we use the Automatic compensationoption to remunerate the quota number, we need to build the

    -&3 and use it in the schema after running the P0416function.

    The -&3 used for running the P0416function can be used as follows$ZLEN (PCR name)

    3(ESG Grouping for PCR)

    1234 (Leave encashment Wage type that holds number)

    AMT=6789(Wage type)


    MULTI ANA (Multiply Amount and Number, place it in Amount field)

    ADDWT 1234(Wage type)

    The following table explains the logic built for the -&3. The business requirement is that the days used

    in P0416need to be multiplied with one day's basic pay and remunerated for the employee. The following

    table shows the -&3 operations with their explanations$

    #C43peration )"planation

    BAE8 This checs whether the -&3 is customied to map the business requirement.

    4 This is the value of the Employee subgroup grouping for -&3. -lease use the number used in (#43>#ersonnel Management> #ersonnel administration> #aroll data> 8asic #a> *efine )) subgroupgrouping for #C4 and CA#6%C1+4C*)!*!3T7.

    /45 The wage type number that has the unused quota number to be remunerated.

    !MTD0:; The amount in the *asic -ay wage type in !nput Table6!T7 is assigned for calculation.

    !MT4+ The *asic -ay wage type amount is divided by 4+.

    M=AT# !8! The derived amount is multiplied with the number and stored in the amount field.

    !99WT This adds the wage type amount to the subsequent wage type, and if an asteris is used, it moves to theoutput table.

    !mportant nodes and,or customi9ing tables forthe Work schedule rule

    The fixed planned woring time of an employee for a particular period of time is captured in the -lannedWoring Time infotype 600077, and we will closely loo at the configuration of the Wor schedule rule.


    The bacbone of Time Management is the -ersonnel subarea grouping and Employee subgroup grouping.

    The period wor schedule has the daily wor schedule mapped for days, and the period wor schedule istagged with the Wor schedule rule. The daily wor schedule is a fixed pattern of wor such as ; a.m. to 1p.m. The period wor schedule is the wor pattern followed for the number of days, say 5 wees.

    The holida calendar

    The holiday calendar must be created by navigating to (#43> Time Management> Work(chedule> *efine #ublic :olida Classes.

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    -ublic holidays need to be defined first and then mapped to a holiday calendar. There are different types ofpublic holidays that can be defined. They are as follows$

    With a fixed date

    With a fixed date from a particular date

    9istance to Easter

    Easter ?unday

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    !fter entering the year, month, day, and choosing options in 0uaranteedand #ublic :olida Attributes,we need to clic on the !nsert *atebutton. The created public holiday needs to be inserted in the holidaycalendar. We clic on the :olida calendarbutton and then on )dit. !fter performing the necessaryactions, clic on &reate 6or press ShiftG F47 as shown in the following screenshot$

    Enter the holiday Calendar !*and text, followed by validity, and the -romand Todates. To insert thepublic holidays created in the previous step, we need to clic on Assign :olida. The public holidayscreated get listed so that we can choose and filter them based on the sort criterion we selected. This isdemonstrated in the following screenshot$

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    #n our case, we have chosen Canada *aas a public holiday. When we clic on Assign publ.holida, asseen in the preceding screenshot, the holiday gets assigned to the holiday calendar, and it loos lie thefollowing screenshot$

    The dail

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    the dail Time Management> Work

    (chedules> #ersonnel (ubarea 0roupings> 0roup #ersonnel (ubareas for the *ail Work(chedule.

    The actual woring pattern of the employee on a given day is defined in the 9W?, and it also includes the

    brea schedule. The 9W? can be ; a.m. to 1 p.m. with a 4+)minute brea as the brea schedule, forexample. Time Management> Work (chedules> *ail Work(chedules> *efine 8reak (chedules. We mention the start and end time and the stipulated time as paidor unpaid. The brea schedule is a four)digit alphanumeric code along with the -? grouping for the dailywor schedule that we defined in the previous table.

    The following screenshot shows the Change 1ie< =Work 8reak (chedule=; 3vervie Time Management> Work (chedules> *ail Work(chedules> *efine *ail Work (chedules. The 9W? is a four)digit alphanumeric code along with sometext. The #lanned

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    #f the No planned

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    *a tpe Te"t

    + Wor paid

    / Time off paid

    Time off unpaid

    4 ?pecial day

    5); &ustomer specific

    The Work schedule rule

    The employee subgroup grouping, holiday calendar grouping, and personnel subarea grouping form the

    ey when defining the wor schedule rule, and this gets populated automatically in the 0007infotype

    based on this grouping. TimeManagement> Work (chedules> *efine Work (chedule 4ules and Work (chedule> *efine)mploee (ubgroup 0rouping.

    8ext is the holiday calendar grouping@ this is done by navigating to (#43> Time Management> Work(chedules> *efine Work (chedule 4ules and Work (chedule> *efine 0roupings for the #ublic:olida Calendar.

    The ey fields for the wor schedule rule generation are the E?, -?, Foliday calendar grouping, and theworing time. We define the daily woring hours, monthly woring hours, and daily woring hours inconfigurable tables. #n the wor schedule generation, we map the period wor schedule. The referencedate indicates the date from which we would lie to generate the wor schedule, and the start point refers

    to 001to 007, where 001is Monday and 007is ?unday here. ?ay, if we wish to generate the wor

    schedule from +/)+/)+/5, which falls on a Wednesday, we will assign the start point in -W?

    as 0036Wednesday7.

    The wor schedule is customied by navigating to (#43> Time Management> Work (chedules> *efine

    Work (chedule 4ules and Work (chedule> (et Work (chedule 4ules and Work (chedules.

    The wor schedule can be generated manually or in a batch by navigating to (#43> TimeManagement> Work (chedules> *efine Work (chedule 4ules and Work (chedule> 0enerate Work(chedules Manuall,8atch.

    ?!- has delivered a standard feature called ?&FHB to default the wor schedule rule. The return valuebased on the different fields based on the enterprise and personnel structure fields forms the default valuefor the wor schedule rule. The TM?T! feature is used to default the Time Management status in the-lanned Woring Time infotype 6+++7. The different statuses and their meanings have been coveredearlier in this chapter.

    We will see the customiing tables that can be accessed for table maintenance using SM30SM31$

    Table Node Te"t

    %C++/-C8 0roup #ersonnel (ubareas for the Work (chedule

    T1+:B Assignment of #( 0rouping for Work (chedules to *ail W(

    %CT11+- Work 8reak (chedule

    %CT11+! *ail Work (chedule

    %CT11/! #eriod Work (chedule

    %CT114T *a Tpes Te"t

    %C1+4C9 )mploee (ubgroup 0rouping for Work (chedule

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    Table Node Te"t

    %C++/-CM Assign #ersonnel (ubarea to #ublic :olida Calendar

    %CT1+:! Work (chedule 4ule

    We will ideally be using many Employee subgroups and -ersonnel subarea groupings in the followingnodes$

    #ersonnel subarea grouping 1>%%%/>#>A?? )mploee sub group grouping 1>5%>A??

    0roup #ersonnel (ubareas for the Work (chedule *efine )mploee (ubgroup 0roupings for

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    MODIF L=01

    Thus, based on the E?( grouping for -&3, the rule processes the conditions further.

    !mportant nodes and,or customi9ing tables forAbsence Quotas

    We have learned, from previous chapters, about absence being recorded in the 2001infotype and

    !bsence "uotas being captured in the 2006infotype. When the absence is created automatically, it

    reflects in the entitlements getting reduced proportionately.

    We will cover the important customiing steps for the generation of !bsence "uotas and automaticdeduction of absences.

    !bsences are simply the unavailability of employees to wor for various reasons such as sicness,

    personal reasons, and so on. TimeManagement> Absences> Absence Catalog>0roup #ersonnel (ubareas for Attendances andAbsences.

    This is useful in cases where multiple personnel areas and personnel subareas have the same absences.#n the next step, we define the absences such as sic leave, for example. We do it by navigatingto (#43> Time Management> Absences>Absence Catalog> *efine Absence Tpes.

    There are multiple options provided by ?!- for the input checs of absences@ we can choose from theseoptions. The standard values are given as follows$

    -irst da is da off

    Minimum duration

    ?ast da is da off Ma"imum duration


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    The following screenshot shows the Absence; !nput Checkswindow, which shows the different nodesthat were discussed earlier in this section$

    When the (econd date re6uiredoption is flagged, it indicates that the (tartdate and )nddate has to be

    entered when an absence is recorded for an employee in the 2001infotype.

    We will cover the important customiing nodes used to count absences. We do so by navigatingto (#43> Time Management> Time *ata 4ecording and Administration> Absences> AbsenceCatalog> Absence Counting> *efine Counting Classes for the #eriod Work (chedule.

    The counting class for the period wor schedule is useful in the counting rule step. Time *ata 4ecording andAdministration> Absences> Absence Catalog> Absence Counting>4ules for Absence Counting$Ne 0roup #ersonnel (ubareas for Time Quotas.

    The rounding absence step can be used to round absences that fall in the upper and lower limit for thepurpose of precision, and the rounding rule is mapped to the counting rule. We create a rounding rule bynavigating to (#43> Time Management>Time *ata 4ecording andAdministration> Absences> Absence Catalog> Absence Counting> 4ules for Absence Counting$Ne *efine Counting 4ules. 2nce we do this,the following window appears$

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    The applicability of rules wors on different conditions set and met. The counting rule is a three)digitalphanumeric code and sequence number. We can set different conditions and accordingly assign thesequence number@ the system checs the conditions one after another until a particular condition is met.The conditions of the current day are checed, for example, if this rule is applicable on a particular daybetween Monday to ?unday based on the day that we flag. We need to flag all the days if we want the ruleto be applicable irrespective of the day in question.

    The :olida classoption is checed against the public holidays that are defined in the SCALT)code

    6Foliday calendar7. ?ay, there's an absence created on Kanuary /, +/5, and we have created a holidayon the same day and flagged it as:olida class /, which is a normal public holiday. 8ow, the systemcompares this with the holiday created and doesn't count it as an absence. We are actually instructing thesystem to also chec on a public holiday based on the flag. #f all of them are flagged, then the systemchecs all the days.

    The day type's functionality is specifically for the purpose of payment, and day type rules are used in worschedule rules. This again can be queried using different flags set. The following screenshot shows theconditions for the wor schedule$

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    The Counting class %checbox has been previously used to chec planned non)woring days, and wehave also seen the improvements made. Fence, it's redundant now. The recommended practice is tochec all the entries and unchec the ones that we feel won't be required. This helps in preventingattendanceabsences from not being counted by mistae.

    #f planned hours such as ?unday need to be counted, then we use the #lanned hours B %flag. We haveto flag both the entries to satisfy the condition.

    #f we want the absences that are lesser than a full day to also be counted, then we need to flag the /daoption@ or, both the entries must be flagged. The rounding rule is used for rounding absences and ismapped in the counting rule, while the Quota multiplieroption is used to satisfy two of the followingconditions$

    To determine the payroll hours and days

    To count the absences and attendances for quota deduction

    *ased on the counting rule defined, we map it to the related absence type. The connection flows from thecounting rule to the absence type to the deduction rule that holds the quotas that are mapped to thecounting rule.

    TimeManagement> Time *ata 4ecording and Administration> Absences> Absence Catalog> AbsenceCounting> Assign Counting 4ules to Absence Tpes. The following screenshot shows the Absence;Counting and Quota *eductionwindow$

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    #f we would lie the quota to be deducted when an absence is recorded, we need to chec the Quotadeductionflag. The*eduction over interval endoption indicates that the system allows us to deductabsences more than the entitlement, instead of throwing an error. There are multiple tables that controlquota that can be deducted over and beyond the entitlements.

    Absence Quotas generation rule configuration

    We will see how the !bsence "uotas entitlements and generation rules are configured in the followingsteps. There are three important customiing steps that need to be performed to generate quotas. They

    are as follows$

    *ase entitlements that give us the number of days an employee can avail for a particular period

    such as a calendar year

    %alidity and deduction intervals

    (eneration rules for quotas

    We will see them in this chapter as we move along. The prerequisite to !bsence "uotas is the grouping ofpersonnel subarea and employee subgroup, and it's done by navigating to (#43> TimeManagement> Time *ata 4ecording and Administration> Managing Time Accounts singAttendance,Absence Quotas> (etting 0roupings for Time Quotas> 0roup )mploee (ubgroups forTime Quotas.

    Kust as we maintained employee groups and subgroups earlier, similarly, we group the employee groupsand subgroups here.

    ?imilarly, the personnel areas and subareas are grouped together, thus having the same !bsence "uotas.They are customied by navigating to (#43> Time Management> Time *ata 4ecording andAdministration> Managing Time Accounts sing Attendance,Absence Quotas> (etting 0roupingsfor Time Quotas> 0roup #ersonnel (ubareas for Time Quotas.

    The quota types 6entitlements7 such as sic leave and annual leave must be defined first by navigatingto (#43> Time Management> Time *ata 4ecording and Administration> Managing Time Accountssing Attendance,Absence Quotas> Time Quota Tpes> *efine Absence Quota Tpes.

    The different measures of time that ?!- has provided are Hoursand Days. The entitlements over and

    above this can be defined in the Neg. ded. tofield, as shown in the following screenshot$

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    The input for the Absence 6uota tpefield is a two)digit alphanumeric code. The !bsence "uotas areaccrued based on the customiation. ?!- has provided multiple ways of accruing quotas, and they are asfollows$

    When not considering time evaluation, use the RPTQTA00report

    When considering time evaluation, use the time evaluation driver PT60T)code

    #n order to generate quota without time evaluation, that is, using the RPTQTA00report, we use the No

    generationradio button to control it. #f we would lie to generate quota using the time evaluation driver, weuse the !ncreaseor 4eplaceradio button. We customie it by navigating to (#43> TimeManagement> Time *ata 4ecording and Administration>Managing Time Accounts singAttendance,Absence Quotas> Calculating Absence )ntitlements> Automatic Accrual of AbsenceQuotas> #ermit 0eneration of Quotas in Time )valuation. The following screenshot showstheAbsence Quota Tpewindow$

    The entitlements over and above this can be defined in the Neg*ed68egative deduction7 field. The Nogeneration,!ncrease, and 4eplacefields have a specific functionality associated with it. The Nogenerationflag indicates that the !bsence "uotas are maintained manually or using a report.


    #f we have the !ncreaseor 4eplaceflag checed, the quotas cannot be generated using the RPTQTA00report.

    The Time Constraint6TC7 class has specific meaning associated with it. The collision checs arecontrolled via the T& class. ?ay, for example, an absence is recorded for an employee on Kanuary /, +/5,and on the same day, another attendance or substation is recorded. #n this case, the system checs theclass and controls the entry.

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    !ll the Time Management infotypes 62001to 20127 can be controlled via the table views, Time

    Constraint 4eaction $1>557D>8'and 0lobal Time Constraint 4eaction $1>T557D'.

    The reaction indicators determine the way the system reacts when there is an overlapping of time recordsin infotypes, and the specifications are as follows$

    (pecification Te"t

    A The records get delimited

    E The system doesn't allow us to create a new record

    W The old record remains unchanged, and the system allows us to create a new record

    N ?ame as W, and collision checs are not displayed

    The important rules that control the generation of quotas are defined later on. The maximum limits orentitlements are defined by navigating to (#43> Time Management> Time *ata 4ecording andAdministration> Managing Time Accounts sing Attendance,Absence Quotas> CalculatingAbsence )ntitlements> 4ules for 0enerating Absence Quotas>(et 8ase )ntitlements.

    We can define the rules for constant in days or hours for each leave quota that serves as a proratingabsence for the accrual period. #t's a three)digit code that has the quota mapped to it, for example, for sicleave. The entitlements can be defined as constant, say, /1 days, and related to the period of absence, wecan set whether we want it to be accrued on a prorate basis or in lump sum advance.

    The base entitlement also has the additional feature of defining it based on two of the following options$



    ?eniority is the duration of stay in the companyclient based on which the quotas get accrued, say, forexample, for / to years it's /+ days, while for to 4 years it's + days.

    #f we would lie the rule to be set based on the !ge feature, say + to 4+ years, a certain amount of leaveneeds to be accrued. Then, we can mae use of this provision. The following screenshot shows the 8ase)ntitlement for Absence Quota 0enerationwindow$

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    The base entitlement related to period is as follows$

    Calendar ear$ 2ne full year from 0101XXXto 3112XXXX

    Accrual period$ The period based on which the accrual must tae place

    Time evaluation period$ The period is specified by navigating to (#43> #ersonnel Time

    Management> Time )valuation> 0eneral (ettings> *etermine Time )valuation #eriodandis queried when this option is flagged

    #aroll period$ *ased on the payroll area, the payroll period that is valid for the current period is


    3ther period$ This is based on period parameters defined in customiing

    4el. to date tpe$ This is referenced to the 0041date specification, and the length can be

    defined by defining the period of time more specifically


    The *ase entitlement 6%CT11;E7, 9etermine validity and deduction intervals 6%CT11;97, 3eduction rules6T11;M7, and 3ounding rules 6%CT11;37 can also be defined directly by going to the ?election rule table6%CT11;A7.

    The validity and deduction periods for !bsence "uotas define the IfromI and ItoI periods for which thequotas are valid and the period in which the quotas can be deducted. ?ay,

    between 01/Jan/XXXXand 31/12/XXXX, the quotas can be deducted. The validity intervals are

    defined more precisely using the standard options available. The validity and deduction intervals areconfigured by navigating to (#43> Time Management> Time *ata 4ecording and Administration>Managing Time Accounts sing Attendance,Absence Quotas> Calculating Absence

    )ntitlements> 4ules for 0enerating Absence Quotas> *etermine 1alidit and *eduction #eriods.The following screenshot shows the*etermine 1alidit and *eduction #eriodswindow$

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    There are a couple of more options to choose from, which are different from the *ase entitlements periodthat we saw, and they are as follows$

    *ase period

    Transfer Time

    The rounding rule is a two)digit alphanumeric code and is used to round off the generated quotaentitlements. We can define the values of ?o Time Management> Time *ata 4ecording and Administration> Managing TimeAccounts sing Attendance,Absence Quotas> Calculating Absence )ntitlements> 4ules for0enerating Absence Quotas> *efine 4ules for 4ounding Quota )ntitlements. The following

    screenshot shows the 4ounding 4ulewindow$

    The 4oll.field indicates that the rule is applicable for all the intervals defined in the table. When

    the !ncl.field is flagged, it indicates that the upper or lower limit is included in the calculation.

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    Time Management> Time *ata 4ecordingand Administration> Managing Time Accounts sing Attendance,Absence Quotas> CalculatingAbsence )ntitlements>4ules for 0enerating Absence Quotas> *efine 0eneration 4ules for QuotaTpe (election. The following screenshot shows the 0eneration 4ules for Quota Tpe(electionwindow$

    The prerequisites are the *ase Entitlements, !bsence "uotas, and validity and deduction periods that aredefined before customiing the selection rule table.

    We will find multiple tabs for customiation@ they are as follows$


    Accrual #eriod

    8ase )ntitlements

    Accrual )ntitlements

    Total )ntitlements

    The entry date is defined in the Applicabilittab.

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    *ail$ #n this case, the entitlements are divided by 401 days

    Month$ The base entitlements are divided by / calendar months

    Calendar ear$ The entitlements are accrued for the calendar year

    Time evaluation period$ #t's according to the customiing step in SPRO

    #aroll period$ #t's according to the period parameter

    3ther period$ #t's according to the period parameter

    4el. to date tpe$ #t's according to 0041@ the accrual period varies

    The 8ase )ntitlementstab is used to map the rule defined earlier, for which the prerequisites for theselection rule are also the same. The ?imitfield is defined using this tab. #f we would lie to generate thequota based on seniority or age, the Ee *ate for *etermining (enioritsubtab needs to be customied.

    The Accrual )ntitlementstab indicates whether the quotas need to be prorated or nonprorated. There isalso the provision to multiply with day or period balances.

    There are many options to choose from in the Transfer timetab$

    pon accrual

    #er calendar ear

    #er time evaluation period

    #er paroll period

    3ther period

    *ate tpe

    Transfer rule6this is not applicable for all the countries7

    Tips to generate Absence Quotas

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    We come across errors such as Not enough quota for attendance/absence 1000 on

    29.03.2011 for personnel no. 00030010, Message no. HRTIM00REC014.

    There is a note released with the correction instruction@ it says OSS 601872 - Error message

    displays incorrect quota type. We also need to chec whether the configuration settings are


    We also frequently receive errors such as Time evaluation PT60 error STOP: No rule

    under key $ TP20*****2 S ***. This error clearly suggests that in TP20, the -&3 doesn't havethe ***absence type added in the rule. This is shown in the following screenshot$

    The best practice is to copy the rule and rename it, for example, to ZP20. !s we can see in thefollowing screenshot, there is a pair type 2and a process type Sfor which a decision tree is built. The

    error, as discussed earlier, is trying to query the !bsence type with the ***condition, which is missing in

    the standard rule, and hence, the system is throwing the error.

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    8ow, when the ZP20rule is inserted in the schema, the system won't throw the error message. The

    system is able to query single, double, and triple asterises that were missing in the standard -&3.

    !nother error that we bump into is entry no. 83 Error when creating absence quota

    General information, Rule: 001 quota type 01 Casual Leave, No payroll

    period for key 19 20100131when we run a time evaluation.

    The T549Qtables might not have the start and end date for which the time evaluation is actually run. To

    fix this issue, navigate to (#43> #aroll> #aroll FF(XX-localized country like USA for

    example)> 0lobal (ettings> #aroll 3rgani9ation> 0enerate #aroll #eriods> 0enerate #aroll

    4un #eriodor simply execute the RPUCTP00report. The following window will appear$

    The RPUCTP00report is significant for both -ayroll and Time purposes. The parameters included in thisreport are as follows$

    #eriod #arameter$ This determines the frequency of payroll such as monthly, weely, and so on.

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    *ate modifier$ We can use the following standard ones provided$

    00$ ?tandard modifier

    01$ ?tandard modifier

    (tart *ate$ This is the period start date, such as 01012014.

    -inal ear$ This is the year until which the periods need to be generated.

    (tart date of fiscal ear$ This is based on the country legal settings. #t varies between countries

    6such as in the Middle East, it's Kanuary to 9ecember@ in #ndia, its !pril to March7.

    #ada rule$ This has the following standard meanings$

    1$ This adds the number of days to the period start date

    2$ This deducts the number of days from the period end date

    3$ This adds the number of days to the period end date

    4$ This is used only for monthly periods and the number of days is used as the payment


    This field wors in conLunction with the Number of dasfield.

    Number of das$ This is based on the number assigned in the #ada rulefield. The days are


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    Message Table Cluster

    Errors, notes, and information from the last run E3T */

    #nformation that has not been confirmed E3T */

    8otes and information from previous runs Time Management> Time *ata 4ecording andAdministration> Managing Time Accounts sing Attendance,Absence Quotas> CalculatingAbsence )ntitlements> 4ules for 0enerating Absence Quotas> Check Customi9ing (ettings forQuota 0eneration.

    The report is very useful as it displays the customiing settings used for absence quota generation. #tdisplays the list in a tree structure, which helps to figure out the missing table entries. #t doesn't, however,simulate the time evaluation, but the setting is actually displayed.

    There are three options to choose from when selecting quotas$

    !ll the generation methods 6withwithout time evaluation7

    (eneration during time evaluation 6PT607

    (eneration by the RPTQTA00report

    (ummar#n this chapter, we covered all the important Time Management infotypes, from 2001to 2999. We started

    off by discussing infotypes. 8ext, we covered the important customiing steps used to configure !bsence"uotas. We also covered frequently occurring error messages and ways to address them.