Chapter 4 Notes

Chapter 4 Cell Process And Energy These are some nasty cells! You’re some nasty cells!



Transcript of Chapter 4 Notes

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Chapter 4 Cell Process And Energy

These are some nasty


You’re some nasty cells!

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Cell Biology 1) All living organisms are composed of cells, from just one to many trillions, whose details usually are visible only through a microscope. As a basis for understanding this concept:

d) Students know that mitochondria liberate energy for the work that cells do and that chloroplasts capture sunlight energy for photosynthesis. e) Students know cells divide to increase their numbers through a process of mitosis, which results in two daughter cells with identical sets of chromosomes. f)Students know that as multicellular organisms develop, their cells differentiate.

Genetics2) A typical cell of any organism contains genetic instructions that specify its traits. Those traits may be modified by environmental influences. As a basis for understanding this concept:

e) Students know DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the genetic material of living organisms and is located in the chromosomes of each cell.

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Section 1 Photosynthesis - Sun is the source of energy for most living things- energy is used to carry out cellular function- the process of turning light energy into chemical energy (food) called photosynthesis

This grass is so nice and green

because of photosynthesis


I think photosynthesis is cooler than my brother!

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= process by which a cell captures energy from the sunlight to make food

-plants, algae, and some bacteria can do photosynthesis

-Plants use the energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and sugars (carbohydrates)

-2 stages

-Stage 1 = capturing the energy

-Stage 2 = producing the sugar

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Stage 1

-In plants this happens in the green parts = chloroplasts

-Pigments = colored compounds that absorb the light

-Main pigment is chlorophyll

-Chloroplasts can be different colors than green as well

-This powers the second stage of photosynthesis

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Stage 2

- use captured energy to produce sugar (food)

- raw materials = water and CO2

- water goes in through the roots

- CO2 through the underside of the leaves = Stomata

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Photosynthesis Equation

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-Plant cells use some of the energy from photosynthesis for the plant cell functions

-Some used to make more plant cells (more carbohydrates)

-Some stored for later use (ex. Potatoes, carrots, etc)

-Byproduct for plants (waste) is Oxygen (O2)

-All organisms that carry out photosynthesis produce O2

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Photosynthesis and Life

-Autotroph = organism that makes it’s own food (photosynthesizers)

-Heterotroph = organisms that can not make their own food – they need energy from plant sugars

-Almost all plants and animals get their energy directly or indirectly from the sun’s energy

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Section 2 Respiration

= releasing energy from breaking down food particles (usually glucose)

+ Energy

Play Converting Food To Energy

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-2 stages in respiration

-#1 takes place in the cytoplasm by breaking glucose into smaller molecules = small amount of energy released

-#2 takes place in the mitochondria by breaking down the pieces from #1 into even smaller pieces = lots of energy released – requires oxygen – carbon dioxide and water are products along with energy released

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Fermentation = requires no oxygen to get energy out of food

-found in deep ocean and mud

-Amount of energy released is much lower during respiration

-Alcoholic Fermentation = occurs in yeast – alcohol is a waste product – also CO2 causes yeast to rise in baking and CO2 bubbles in beer and sparkling wine

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Lactic Acid Fermentation = in muscles when you push them harder than you can supply O2 by breathing (ex. Sprinting)

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Section 3 Cell Division

Cell Cycle = growth and division of cells – important for replacing old or damaged cells

6 Parts

1 Interphase

2 Prophase

3 Metaphase

4 Anaphase

5 Telophase

6 Cytokinesis


Play Mitosis Video

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Interphase for a cell going into mitosis

-Cell grows to mature size

-Makes a copy of DNA – one will go to each daughter cell (the two new cells) – DNA still loose

-Prepares to divide

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Mitosis = cell’s nucleus divides into two new nuclei – one copy of DNA to each daughter cell

Loose Chromatin DNA condenses into 1 Chromosome holding two Chromtids at a Centromere



Sister chromatids

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-DNA condense to form Chromosomes

-Spindle fibers form

-Nuclear Membrane breaks down

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-Chromosomes line up along center of cell (equator)

-Spindle fiber attaches at centromere

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-centromeres split and chromatids separate

-Each chromatid goes to separate sides of the cell

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-New nuclear membranes form

-Cells begin to divide

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-Cell separates into two new cells

-Plant cell forms a cell plate between the two

-Each daughter cell ends up with same number of chromosomes and about half the organelles & cytoplasm

-Cell Cycle now over

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DNA Replication

-happens before mitosis occurs

-Each daughter cell get a copy of DNA

-Looks like a twisted ladder or spiral staircase

-Called a “Double Helix”

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-Sides of ladder made of deoxyribose sugar

-Rungs of ladder have nitrogen bases

-Adenine pairs with Thymine

-Guanine pairs with Cytosine

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DNA Replication

-two sides unzip

-New nucleotides floating around in the nucleus pair up with each half

-A goes with T and G with C

-Each side makes an exact match of the original DNA

Play RNA saved Video

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-a disease where the cells grows and divides uncontrollably and damages healthy tissue around it

-More than 100 types of cancer

-Named after where it begins but can spread

-Begins with damaged portion of DNA = mutation

-Mutation causes cell to divide uncontrollably

-Tumor = mass of abnormal cells

-Treatments = surgery, radiation, and/or drug therapy (chemotherapy)

-Treatments also kill healthy cells

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- 2/3 of cancer deaths are caused by tobacco use or unhealthy diets

Go to

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Section 4 Cell Differentiation - Differentiation = process by which cells change in structure and become capable of carrying out specialized functions = cells become different from one another – some will forms groups of similar cells called tissues – tissues come together to form organs

Play Cell Differentiation Video

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- plants and animals start off as one cell – through mitosis and differentiation the single cell becomes an organism with specialized structures – plan for which type of cell it will become is encoded in the DNA found in the all the cell nuclei – DNA guides how the cell develops

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– differentiation occurs when certain sections of DNA are turned off – guides the development of the cells – once cells differentiate they usually lose their ability to become a different type of cell

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– Plant cells differentiate in similar way as animal cells – cells form tissues that form roots, stems and leaves

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– stem cells can differentiate throughout life – found throughout the body – respond to certain needs in the body by becoming specialized cells – ex. Red Blood Cells