CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest
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Transcript of CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada-...

Page 1: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.


Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest

Page 2: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

What will be covered

Globalization Global Trends Risk and Uncertainty Scenario Analysis Business and Society

Page 3: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.


World’s major economics and intensified competition

70-85 % of U.S. Economy Business Growth Flow of Information

Page 4: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

Understanding Globalization

Focus on the trade and regard the free flow of capital

Political Globalization Economic Globalization Technological Globalization Psychological Globalization

Page 5: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

Regionalism: A Stepping Stone on the path Toward a global Economy

Globalization a work in progress Triad EU NAFTA ASEAN EUROMED APEC Mercosur

Page 6: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

New Powerhouses: India and China India: Investment is growing, foreign capital and

technology are coming in, Western-style competition is taking hold, and state intervention is diminishing.

China: has combined inexpensive labor with technology to create a major, global competitive advantage.

A key challenge for Western companies doing business in China is that the government still controls many aspects of the business environment.

Page 7: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

Global Tectonics and Their Strategic Implications

The maturity of many Western markets has forced firms to expand beyond the confines of the developed world into areas with greater potential that carry a level of risk far greater than that to which they are accustomed.]

Greater participation means more growth.

Page 8: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

Global Tectonics

Describes the process by which developing trends in technology, nature, and society slowly revolutionize the business environment, much like Earth’s tectonic plates shift the ground beneath our feet.

Environmental tectonics Technological tectonics Societal tectonics

Page 9: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

12 Global Trends

Present the most significant challenges for companies in the next 30 years.

1. Population Trends2. Urbanization3. The spread of infectious Diseases4. Resource management5. Environmental degradation6. Economic integration7. Knowledge dissemination8. Information technology9. Biotechnology10. Nanotechnology11. Conflict12. Governance

Page 10: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

1. Population Trends

Population is rising Highest in areas not capable Aging of population Women in the workforce

Page 11: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

2. Urbanization

Migration from rural to urban areas( less than half of population lives in cities)

Mega cities will become common

Page 12: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

3. The Spread of Infectious disease Greater levels of migration = greater

likelihood of epidemics. Impact on economic growth

Page 13: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

4. Resource management

Access to fresh water is a key concern. Possibility of future conflicts over water

resources. Energy availability is a ongoing concern

Wind Farms

Page 14: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

5. Environmental degradation Effects on ecosystems

Droughts Water pollution Deforestation Erosion Kyoto Treaty- reduce greenhouse gas and

gas emissions world wide.

Page 15: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

6. Economic integration

Cross-boarder economic activity Airbus Consortium

Britain Germany Spain France

Multinational Corporations (MNC’s) Some industries are more regulated than

others Steal Industry Telecommunications

Page 16: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

7. Knowledge Dissemination

Emergence of a global economy Internet economy Smart products

Page 17: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

8. Information Technology

Internet Ex. Yamaha-Motor’s online dealer

management system Intranet Quality of people’s lives

Page 18: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

9. Biotechnology

Greatest potential in three areas Medicine Agriculture Environment

Long run

Page 19: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

10. Nanotechnology

One atom at a time Molecular manufacturing

Page 20: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

11. Conflict

Berlin Wall Terrorism ex. 9/11 Companies must develop security


Page 21: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

12. Governance

Two interrelated sets of laws Rule of law Ex. 2009 Lead law banning sale of motorcycles

for children Market defines the second set of laws

Dimensions: Management structures Business culture Cross-border investment Global investors

Page 22: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

A Global Knowledge Economy- Strategic Implications

1. Laws of abundance2. Location is diminished3. National laws, barriers, and taxes4. Knowledge-enhanced products and or

services1. ex. Yamaha’s EFI and ATV power steering

5. Higher Inherent value6. Human capital

Page 23: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

Risk and Uncertainty

Predictability Certainty Risk Uncertainty

Page 24: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

Scenario Analysis

One of the most widely used techniques A disciplined method Two categories

Things we believe we know something about Elements we consider uncertain or unknowable

The objective The scenario-building process

Decide Identify Construct Generate

Page 25: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

The Global Scenario Group

Three fundamentally different social visions of the future Conventional worlds Barbarization Great transitions

Page 26: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

Conventional Worlds

Envision the global system evolving without major surprises

World economy grows rapidly and developing countries

Scenario 1: incorporate mid-range population & development projects typical technology change assumption

Scenario 2: Adds strong, comprehensive and coordinated government action

Page 27: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.


Envision the grim possibility that the social, economic, and moral underpinning of civilization deteriorate

Scenario 3: Crises combine and spin out of control

Scenario 4: features and authoritarian response to threat of breakdown

Page 28: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

Great Transitions

Explore visionary solutions to sustainability challenge

Scenario 5: Incorporates the green vision Scenario 6: Shares some of the goals of

scenario 5 but seeks to change the character

Page 29: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

Compact Between Business and Society

“Business as usual” might no longer be and option and traditional strategies change

Size means scrutiny- the larger the company is the more exemplary performance in ethical behavior, employee practices etc

Cutting costs raises compliance risk- the more a company cuts cost the more potential for noncompliant ethical practice

Page 30: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

Compact Between Business and Social Continue

Strategy must involve society- forward thinking companies have to think about social and environmental problems

Reducing risks means building trust- classic risk managements also expands events arising in society

Satisfying shareholders means satisfying stakeholders- Company pays attention to business- society relationships

Page 31: CHAPTER 3 ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT Bess Luker- Mamie Duprie- Alicia Estrada- Taylor Watts- Ryan Dupriest.

Compact Between Business and Social Continue

Global growth requires global gains- global perspective recognizes strong communities

Productivity requires sustainability- environmental management, safety, etc.

Differentiation relies on reputation- United States 50 million people $225 billion large influence

Good governance needs good representation-corporate scandals generating strict controls