Chapter 25 19th Century Latin America

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Transcript of Chapter 25 19th Century Latin America

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 25 19th Century Latin America


    Chapter 25: TheConsolidation of Latin

    America, 1830-1920

    AP orld !istor"AP orld !istor"

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 25 19th Century Latin America


    Ca#ses of Political

    Chan$eAmerican %orn &hites

    'Creoles( %e$an e)pressin$do#%ts a%o#t the policies of*pain and Port#$al+

    o#r eents had a stron$

    impact on Latin Americanindependence

    American .eol#tion

    rench .eol#tion

    !aitian .eol#tion

    1808- rench inasion of

    Port#$al and *pain

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 25 19th Century Latin America


    pan s mer can n epen ence*tr#$$les

    /ndependence in e)ico '1821(

    1820- ather i$#el de !idal$o

    Lost s#pport of Creoles 'feared socialre%ellion( )ec#ted+

    1821- A#$#stin de /t#r%ide, emperor of

    e)ico &ith s#pport of the arm"

    A$reement &ith arm" and ins#r$ents

    onarch" in e)ico

    Central America &as attached #ntil182 then split into independent nations

    .ep#%lic of e)ico

    4nited e)ican *tates or e)ico

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    *panish American /ndependence*tr#$$les

    1819- /ndependence in 6ran Col#m%ia

    '7ene#ela, Col#m%ia, c#ador(*imon oliar '&ealth" creole(

    roe #p in 1830 after his death+

    /ndependence in Ar$entina '.io de la


    ;ose de *an artin

    #enos Aires resented trade restrictions


  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 25 19th Century Latin America



    /ndependencerail &as economicall" important to

    Port#$al %eca#se of its s#$ar, cotton,cacao

    rench inasion of Port#$al in 180>

    Port#$#ese famil" ?ed to rail

    @om ;oao 7/ r#led Port#$al from rail

    An imperial cit" &as esta%lished

    @om ;oao 7/ &as called %ac to Port#$al,left his son Pedro as re$ent

    1822- @om Pedro / declared railianindependence and %ecame constit#tionalemperor of rail+ !e aoided an" maorsocial or political or$aniation+

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    /ndependent *tates

    of LatinAmerica in


  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 25 19th Century Latin America


    Be& Bations Confrontld and Be& Pro%lems

    185- *laer" &as a%olishedeer"&here e)cept C#%a, P#erto.ico and rail

    American /ndian tri%#te and

    ta)es ended m#ch more slo&l"+

    C#%a and P#erto .ico s#ppressedmoements for independence+

    ost attempts for consolidationand #niDcation failed+

    *panish America %ecame 18diEerent nations+

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 25 19th Century Latin America


    Ca#dillos, Politics, Ch#rch

    Ca#dillos, independent leaders, rose to po&er as &arfaredisr#pted economies+

    Ca#dillos #s#all" &ere interested in po&er for their o&nsae+

    ost political leaders a$reed on a rep#%lic form of

    $oernment+*tr#$$le %et&een centralists and federalists+

    Centralists=*tron$, centralied federal $oernment

    ederalists= .e$ional $oernments

    *tr#$$le %et&een li%erals and conseraties+

    Li%erals= *tressed ri$hts of indiid#als 'sec#lar societ"(

    Conseraties= Corporate $ro#ps sho#ld hae the mostpo&er+ aintain aspects of colonial societ"+

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 25 19th Century Latin America


    .ole of the Ch#rch

    The iss#e of the role of thech#rch

    Political parties spran$ #p inLatin America

    ither Li%eral or Conseratie

    Political t#rmoil and insec#rit"

    Constit#tions &ere short-lied

    railFs constit#tion lastedfrom 182-1889

    asic G#estions of $oernment

    and societ" &ere #nresoled+

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 25 19th Century Latin America


    Latin American conomies andorld arets, 1820-18>0

    1823- onroe @octrine of the 4nited*tates

    An" attempt %" #rope to colonie inthe Americas &o#ld %e seen as an

    attac on 4nited *tates

    6reat ritain %ecame a lar$econs#mer of Latin American $oods

    Almost replaces *pain as economic


    pen ports and forei$n $oods%eneDted Latin American port cities+

    Latin America %ecame dependent on

    forei$n marets and imports+

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 25 19th Century Latin America


    id-Cent#r" *ta$nation

    1820-1850= Latin Americaneconom" &as sta$nant

    1850-e)pansion of #ropeaneconom" created ne& marets

    Latin American cities %e$in to $ro&

    *teamships and railroads improedcomm#nication

    1820Fs and 1830Fs= Li%erals triedto instit#te chan$e that &as far too%i$ for preio#sl" colonied areas

    180Fs- Conseraties slo&ed orstopped reform meas#res

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 25 19th Century Latin America


    conomic .es#r$ence and Li%eralPolitics

    /deas of positiism- stressed o%serationand scientiDc approach to pro%lems ofsociet"

    Application of science to ind#str" createsne& demands for copper and r#%%er+

    orei$n entreprene#rs and %aners

    entered Latin America

    /mmi$rants from #rope came toAr$entina and rail to Dll la%or needs

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 25 19th Century Latin America



    /nsta%ilit" and orei$n /nterentionThe e)ican constit#tion did notaddress the serio#s pro%lems ofe)ico+

    4nited *tates oted to anne) Te)asin 185+

    e)ican-American ar

    Treat" of 6#adal#pe-!idal$o

    4* receies 1H2 of e)ican territor"

    185- La .eforma

    Li%eral reolt in e)ico

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 25 19th Century Latin America


  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 25 19th Century Latin America


    Ciil &ar in e)ico after enito;#are tries to p#sh radicalmeas#res

    Conseraties appealed toBapoleon /// of rance to help

    rench landed in e)ico in 18

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 25 19th Century Latin America


    Ar$entina: The Port andBation


  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 25 19th Century Latin America


    The railian mpirerail $ained independence in 1822

    @om Pedro / &as an a#tocrat

    Con?icts %et&een li%erals andconseraties &ere complicated %" thee)istence of a monarch"+

    CoEee &as the %asis for a$ric#lt#rale)pansion+

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 25 19th Century Latin America


    C#lt#re and

    *ociet" after/ndependenceomen participated in independence moements%#t had fe& ri$hts+

    Lo&er-class &omen had more economic freedomthan #pper-class &omen+

    d#cation e)panded for &omen+

    *ec#lar p#%lic ed#cation created ne&opport#nities for &omen+

    ld social castes le$all" ended #p racialdiscrimination still e)isted+

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 25 19th Century Latin America


    The 6reat oom

    1880-1920et&een 1880-1920, Latin American e)periencedtremendo#s sp#rts of economic $ro&th+

    Latin America &as prepared for e)port-led e)pansion+

    ach nation had a specialt" e)port prod#ct+

    )port-led e)pansion co#ld res#lt in rialr" and &ar+

    Latin American trade increased 50J %et&een 18>0-1890+orei$n inestments proided capital and serices %#tconstrained $oernments in social, commercial anddiplomatic policies+

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    e)ico and Ar$entina:conomic Transformations

    PorDrio @ia dominated e)ican politicsafter 18>

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 25 19th Century Latin America


    4+*+ /nolementAmerican ind#str" &as seein$

    ne& marets and ra& materialsafter the American Ciil ar+

    *panish-American ar &as oerC#%a and P#erto .ico+

    pened the door to direct 4*inolement in Cari%%ean+

    Panama Canal opened in 191 +

    4* %aced an independencemoement that separatedPanama from Col#m%ia+