Chapter 22 (Excerpt from Feel Good Nutrigenomics: Your Roadmap to Health)

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  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 22 (Excerpt from Feel Good Nutrigenomics: Your Roadmap to Health)


  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 22 (Excerpt from Feel Good Nutrigenomics: Your Roadmap to Health)



    JH@SRIT 44

    Zperetu`fety `oGur Yoequi BO

    Diagri my bgjtgr`f biaiosi `t @fd`oy Mibej`f Jgffini, my`bvesgr sunnistib th`t E dreon up thi wi`k pgeots eo my thisesmysifa diagri thiy wiri pgeotib gut dy thi jgmmettii. Hi

    sunnistib th`t E di berijt `ob hgoist `ob m`ki suri E w`s thigoi th`t ebioteaeib `ob besjussib thi quistego`dfi b`t`, ogt tgw`et tg h`vi sgmigoi ifsi ebioteay thi prgdfim `ri`s. Rh`t w`swgobirauf `bveji thio `ob E steff difeivi eo dieon upargot, hgoist`ob ogteon whiri thi wi`k pgeots `ri r`thir th`o w`eteon tg h`vi

    sgmigoi ifsi bg et.

    Rhiri h`vi diio twg m`eo jgmpf`eots gr jretejesms ga thesprgnr`m. Rhi aerst, whio E eoete`ffy j`mi gut weth thes prgnr`m thiaiibd`jk w`s th`t et w`s tgg jgmpfej`tib. E h`vi treib tg rijteay

    th`t setu`tego dy bisenoeon spije`ffy jgmpguobib suppfimiots,dy bisenoeon my gwo outreniogmej tist, dy wreteon dggks `obgaaireon ` wgrkdggk `ob `oswireon quistegos gofeoi `s wiff `sneveon prisiot`tegos `ff tg try tg sempfeay `ob ixpf`eo thi prgnr`m

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 22 (Excerpt from Feel Good Nutrigenomics: Your Roadmap to Health)



    mgri thgrgunhfy. Rhes dggk es `o ivio mgri d`sej eotrgbujtegoeotg thi prgnr`m agr hi`fth `ob wiffoiss d`sib go d`f`ojeon

    ygur Mithyf`tego Jyjfi. E aiif th`t E h`vi bgoi my dist tg`bbriss th`t m`lgr jretejesm ga thi prgnr`m.

    Rhi sijgob `ri` whiri E wgufb s`y E h`vi diio mesuobirstggb esweth rispijt tg my mgtev`tego. Rhisi jretejesms jgmi argm thgsi

    whg bg ogt kogw mi, whg h`vi oivir spgkio weth mi ogr ri`ffybifvib eotg thi prgnr`m. E j`o uobirst`ob hgw sgmigoi wgufbquistego th`t E `jtu`ffy bg put `ff ga thi eoagrm`tego tg empfimiotthes prgnr`m gofeoi `t og jh`rni. E j`o sii hgw th`t es h`rb tgdifeivi, dut th`t es thi truth. ^hefi ygu bg h`vi thi gptego ga

    grbireon tists `ob suppfimiots thrgunh Hgfestej Hi`fthEotiro`tego`f, th`t es ogt oijiss`ry eo grbir tg usi thes prgnr`m.Gofy ` sm`ff ar`jtego ga thgsi useon thes prgnr`m ruo tists agr myjgmmiots gr usi thi spije`ffy jgmpguobib suppfimiots gr tists Eh`vi bisenoib. Rhi m`noetubi ga thgsi useon thi prgnr`m go

    thier gwo, weth thier gwo bgjtgrs es queti gvirwhifmeon `obar`okfy th`t es wgobirauf. Ea iviry pirsgo go thi A`jidggk p`nigr jh`t nrgup w`otib my pirsgo`f aiibd`jk tg empfimiot thiprgnr`m E wgufb oiib tg stgp gaaireon th`t sirveji. Zg, et es trui,

    ygu j`o agffgw thes prgnr`m `ob h`vi iviry det ga eoagrm`tego`dgut hgw tg mgvi agrw`rb go ygur Tg`bm`p tg Hi`fth dy`jjisseon thi arii gofeoi risgurjis. Ugu `ob ygur bgjtgr j`ori`b thi wgrkdggk, ri`b thi `rtejfis, w`tjh thi BQBs, fggk `tthi SSRs `ob ri`b thi tr`osjrepts th`t ng `fgon weth thi t`fks.

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    Rhiri es og aii. Ugu j`o lgeo thi jh`t nrgup `ob si`rjh agr`oswirs tg quistegos `ob `sk ygur gwo quistegos `ff `t og jgst.

    Zg th`t nits us tg why, why wgufb E bg thes7 ^hy wgufb sgmigoi lust sh`ri7

    Rhi jgoviotego`f wesbgm es th`t et es ogt `bvesib tg t`fk `dgutsperetu`fety whio et jgmis tg sjeioji, `s sgmihgw thi pirjiptego

    es th`t ygu j`oogt di ` speretu`f pirsgo `ob eotreosej`ffy rggtib eosjeioji `t thi s`mi temi. Dut th`t es thi ri`fety. E `m ` speretu`f

    pirsgo whg difeivis th`t ea ygu `ri dfissib eo feai

    weth thrii hi`fthy jhefbrio whg `ri di`uteauf eosebi

    `ob gut, `ob ` husd`ob whg suppgrts ygu eo iviry

    `spijt ga ygur feaith`t ygu p`y et agrw`rb . Et h`s diio` fgon temi seoji E eojfubib ` speretu`f jh`ptir eo ` dggk, `s thijgmmgo wesbgm w`s th`t pigpfi weff theok beaairiotfy ga ygu ea

    ygu gpiofy sh`ri ygur thgunhts `ob difeias go thi sudlijt gasperetu`fety. ^iff, sgmi pigpfi weff jgoteoui tg besp`r`ni my

    mgtevis rin`rbfiss ga wh`t E s`y gr bg. Rhus, E h`vi jhgsio tgiob thes dggk, bisenoib tg jh`rt ygur Tg`bm`p tg hi`fth, go `speretu`f ogti. E trufy aiif th`t lust `s hirds `ob suppfimiots j`ohifp ygu tg hi`f, sg tgg j`o pgsetevi `aaerm`tegos `ob speretu`feotiot m`ki ` beaairioji eo hi`fth `ob wiffoiss.

    E trufy difeivi th`t gur `jtegos bg m`ttir, th`t wi `ri hiri go thesI`rth tg fi`ro fissgos `ob tg jh`oni `ob nrgw `s eobevebu`fs eo` pgsetevi m`ooir. E t`ki tg hi`rt thi wgrbs ga F`g Rzu< ^`tjh

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 22 (Excerpt from Feel Good Nutrigenomics: Your Roadmap to Health)



    ygur thgunhts; thiy dijgmi wgrbs. ^`tjh ygur wgrbs; thiy

    dijgmi `jtegos. ^`tjh ygur `jtegos; thiy dijgmi h`det. ^`tjh

    ygur h`dets; thiy dijgmi jh`r`jtir. ^`tjh ygur jh`r`jtir; etdijgmis ygur bisteoy.

    ^hefi gur BO@ es gur degjhimej`f bisteoy, wi h`vi thi `defety tg

    emprgvi th`t p`th weth suppgrt agr ipenioitejs `ob mithyf`tego.

    Gur eotinrety `ob gur speretu`f bisteoy es ` jhgeji wi m`ki go `pirsgo`f fivif. Uit thisi twg siimeonfy besp`r`ti aeifbs `jtu`ffy

    `ppi`r tg di feokib. Rhiri es mgri tg gur BO@ th`o thi d`sis

    th`t biaeoi gur degjhimej`f bisteoy `ob wi j`o fggk tg gur BO@agr ets rgfi eo thi mystireis ga speretu`fety.

    Br. Jr`en Qiotir es ` aguobir ga goi ga thi aerms th`t fib thi

    Hum`o Niogmi Srglijt. Hi es qugtib `s rim`rkeon th`t, ^i

    h`vi gofy :33 uoequi niois eo thi hum`o niogmi th`t `ri ogt eo

    thi mgusi. Rhes tiffs mi niois j`ot pgssedfy ixpf`eo `ff ga wh`t

    m`kis us wh`t wi `ri . Rhes st`timiot argm `o eobevebu`f sgeotem`tify eovgfvib eo thi mgfijuf`r degfgny `ob degtijhogfgny gaBO@ siquiojis sunnists th`t wi oiib tg fggk diygob thi mirispiffeon ga gur BO@ `ob TO@ whio et jgmis tg gur hi`fth.

    Br. F`rry Bgssiy wretis `dgut thrii Ir`s ga mibejeoi th`t h`vi

    prgnrissib seoji thi meb 05th

    jiotury. @jjgrbeon tg Br. BgssiyIr` E es nggb gfb iviryb`y mijh`oej`f mibejeoi, tijhoej`f

    grthgbgx mibejeoi. Bruns, surniry `ob r`be`tego. Ir` E, whejh

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  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 22 (Excerpt from Feel Good Nutrigenomics: Your Roadmap to Health)



    Qiry spijeaej eoaf`mm`tgry mibe`tgrs h`vi diio wiffjh`r`jtirezib eo tirms ga thier `defety tg jgoviy striss tg thi

    dgby. Mibe`tgrs sujh `s EF1, p:8M`p keo`si `ob JTS `ri sgmiga thi eoagrm`tego p`thw`ys th`t thi meob usis tg jgovirt strisseotg h`rmauf iaaijts go thi dgby. Zjeioteaej stubeis h`vi ripgrtibth`t henhir JTS fivifs wiri aguob eo mio eo thier >3s weth fisssgje`f eotir`jtego `s jgmp`rib weth mio weth mgri sgje`f

    eotir`jtego. Ifiv`tib JTS es `ssgje`tib weth fivifs gaeoaf`mm`tego `ob es ` resk a`jtgr agr ` oumdir ga eoaf`mm`tgrybesgrbirs eojfubeon hi`rt besi`si, jgfgo j`ojir `ob @fzhiemirsbesi`si `mgon gthirs. @ stuby pudfeshib eo thi viry pristeneguslguro`f Srgjiibeons ga thi O`tego`f @j`bimy ga Zjeioji ripgrtib

    th`t `atir agffgweon eobevebu`fs gvir ` sex yi`r temi piregb,eojri`sis eo EF1 h`vi diio jgrrif`tib weth striss. @ sireis gap`pirs eo thes s`mi lguro`f, uobirsjgrib thi rif`tegoshep ditwiiostriss `ob yit `ogthir eoaf`mm`tgry mibe`tgr, p:8M@S keo`si.Rhisi typis ga rif`tegosheps ditwiio wiff-biaeoib jgojriti,

    mi`sur`dfi eoaf`mm`tgry mibe`tgrs `ob thi `defety ga thi meob tgtrennir thi rifi`si ga thisi mibe`tgrs a`ffs uobir thi bgm`eo gaIr` EE mibejeoi. Kiipeon th`t eo meob ygu shgufb oiviruobiristem`ti thi pgwir ga speretu`fety gr pgsetevi thgunhts `obthi emp`jt et j`o h`vi go ygur hi`fth.

    S`teiots weth gstig`rthretes whg difeivib eo thier `defety tg piragrmt`sks wiri fiss bidefet`tib `atir : yi`rs th`o thgsi whg wiri fissjgoaebiot (Fgujks, Dgttgm Feoi Hi`fth). Jgovirsify, risi`rjh argm

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 22 (Excerpt from Feel Good Nutrigenomics: Your Roadmap to Health)



    MjNeff Yoevirsety (Zperetu`fety `ob Hi`fth) h`s shgwo th`t dr`eos argmsioegr jetezios weth fgw sifa-istiim h`b `trgpheib fi`beon tg `

    henhir eojebioji ga mimgry fgss th`o thgsi whg aift nggb `dgutthimsifvis. Sigpfi sjgreon henhir go `oxeity tists wiri 49%mgri fekify tg h`vi prim`feno`ojeis ( Jfeoej`f Si`rfs). Rwg sip`r`tistubeis suppgrt ` jgrrif`tego ditwiio pr`yir `ob thi `defety tgdijgmi prino`ot ( Juvifeir, Ssyjhgfgny Rgb`y). Ugur ar`mi ga meob,

    `s ivebiojib dy ygur speretu`fety, `ppi`rs tg eojri`si feai sp`o(Dgttgm Feoi Hi`fth).

    Rhes meob/dgby iaaijt j`o di viry pgwirauf ivio whio et jgmistg surniry. Eo ` stuby eovgfveon :3 p`teiots, gofy 04 rijievib thi

    `jtu`f surnej`f tri`tmiot; thi gthir 08 gofy rijievib ` sh`msurnej`f prgjiburi. Oiethir thi p`rtejep`ots, ogr thi mibej`f`ttiobeon st`aa koiw whejh prgjiburi i`jh p`rtejep`ot rijievib.Goi yi`r f`tir, thi 03 p`teiots whg thgunht thiy rijievib thitr`ospf`ot ripgrtib dittir physej`f, imgtego`f, `ob sgje`fauojtegoeon th`o thi 43 whg difeivib thiy h`b rijievib thi sh`msurniry. Rhi mibej`f st`aa `fsg ripgrtib emprgvib gutjgmis eothi p`teiots whg difeivib thiy h`b rijievib thi tri`tmiot. Ga thi03 whg wiri bgeon dittir, `ob difeivib thiy h`b rijievib thi`jtu`f surnej`f prgjiburi, gofy 2 ga thim h`b eo a`jt rijievib thitri`tmiot. Rhes stuby hifps tg jgoaerm th`t difeiveon eo ` tri`tmiot`ob thi pgwir ga pgsetevi theokeon hifp tg m`ki et mgri iaaijtevi(MjT`i, @rjh Nio Ssyjhe`try ).

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    Ir` EE din`o tg t`ki sh`pi eo thi piregb agffgweon ^grfb ^`rEE. Shyseje`os din`o tg ri`fezi, d`sib go sjeioteaej ivebioji, th`t

    besi`si h`s ` "psyjhgsgm`tej" `spijt< th`t imgtegos `ob aiifeonsj`o eoafuioji thi dgby's auojtegos. Ssyjhgfgnej`f striss, agrix`mpfi, j`o jgotreduti tg henh dfggb prissuri, hi`rt `tt`jks,`ob ufjirs. Rhes w`s ` r`bej`f `bv`oji gvir Ir` E. Ir` EE eseovgfvib `oy temi wi t`fk `dgut meob/dgby iviots wetheo thi

    pirsgo. My meob `aaijteon my dr`eo `aaijteon my dgby, agr nggbgr eff. Et's jgoaeoib tg thi prisiot mgmiot, et's "hiri `ob ogwmibejeoi, et's fgj`f (Bgssiy, F. Tieovioteon Mibejeoi).

    Ir` EEE mibejeoi es hgw my meob `aaijts ygur dgby. Rhes es `o

    `ri` th`t es ogt jgmpfitify uobirstggb; yit thi pgwir ga difeia grpr`yir `ob ets iaaijt go hi`feon h`s diio prgvio tg gjjur. Ir` EEEes meob/dgby mibejeoi weth ` beaairiot sf`ot. Rhi rijiotfybivifgpeon Ir` EEE ngis ivio aurthir dy prgpgseon th`tjgosjegusoiss es ogt jgoaeoib tg goi's eobevebu`f dgby. Ogofgj`fmeob -- meob th`t es dguobfiss `ob uofemetib - es thi h`ffm`rk gaIr` EEE. @o eobevebu`f's meob m`y `aaijt ogt lust hes gr hir dgby,dut thi dgby ga `ogthir pirsgo `t ` best`oji, ivio whio th`tbest`ot eobevebu`f es uo`w`ri ga thi iaagrt. Ugu j`o theok ga Ir` EE`s effustr`teon thi pirsgo`f iaaijts ga jgosjegusoiss `ob Ir` EEE `seffustr`teon thi tr`ospirsgo`f iaaijts ga thi meob. Et's empgrt`ot tgrimimdir th`t thisi ir`s `ri ogt mutu`ffy ixjfusevi; r`thir thiyjgixest, gvirf`p, `ob `ri usib tgnithir, `s whio bruns `ri usibweth psyjhgthir`py, `ob surniry es usib weth pr`yir (Bgssiy, F.

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 22 (Excerpt from Feel Good Nutrigenomics: Your Roadmap to Health)



    Tieovioteon Mibejeoi).

    ^i bg kogw argm stubeis dieon jgobujtib `rguob thi wgrfb th`tthiri `ri h`rb a`jts `ob st`testejs th`t suppgrt thi ebi` th`t Ir` EEEmibejeoi es ` ri`fety. Ztubeis `t thi Sreojitgo Ioneoiireon@ogm`feis Tisi`rjh F`dgr`tgry h`vi diio jgobujtib agr gvir `bij`bi dy thi ix-Bi`o ga Ioneoiireon Br. Tgdirt L`ho `ob hes

    jgffi`nui Driob` Buooi. Eo thier rimgti-sioseon ixpiremiots, thisjeiotests h`b goi pirsgo eo Sreojitgo `ttimpteon tg miot`ffy siob` jgmputir-sifijtib em`ni tg ` pirsgo 1333 mefis `w`y.Zenoeaej`otfy, thi rijievir w`s `dfi tg nit thi miss`ni eo nri`tbit`ef. Rhes es meob gpir`teon gutsebi ga gur jgoviotego`f veiws ga

    sp`ji `ob temi.

    Zemef`r eost`ojis ga best`oji jgmmuoej`tego `ri siio eo o`turi.^hio ` quiio `ot es sp`te`ffy sip`r`tib argm hir jgfgoy,duefbeon steff jgoteouis airviotfy `ob `jjgrbeon tg pf`o. Ea thiquiio es keffib, hgwivir, `ff wgrk eo thi jgfgoy stgps. Og `otkogws wh`t tg bg. @pp`riotfy thi quiio siobs thi duefbeonpf`os" `fsg argm a`r `w`y ve` thi nrgup jgosjegusoiss ga hirsudlijts. Zhi j`o di `s a`r `w`y `s shi w`ots, `s fgon `s shi es`fevi. Eo m`o hypir jgmmuoej`tego es mgst gatio iojguotiribwhio goi subbiofy n`eos `jjiss tg eoagrm`tego th`t es gutsebigoi's kogwfibni d`si (Ags`r, N. `ob Dfubgra, A., Qiroitzti Eotiffenioz).

    Zg tgg, wi kogw th`t best`ot pr`yir, gr ea ygu priair pgsetevi

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    thgunhts gr `aaerm`tegos, h`vi diio shgwo tg `aaijt ` oumdir gahi`fth jgobetegos. Tisi`rjh `t Buki Yoevirsety Mibej`f Jiotir eo

    Burh`m, Ogrth J`rgfeo` stubeib thi iaaijts ga pr`yir go p`teiotsuobirngeon j`rbe`j prgjiburis sujh `s j`thitirez`tego `ob`onegpf`sty. S`teiots rijieveon pr`yir h`b up tg 033% aiwir sebiiaaijts argm thisi prgjiburis th`o pigpfi ogt pr`yib agr ( @rjhevisga Eotiro`f Mib., Krujgaa, @mirej`o Hi`rt Lguro`f, Nruodirn, J`rbegfgny Tiv).

    @ rijiot `rtejfi argm thi grbeo`refy viry Ir` E mibej`f lguro`f,thi Lguro`f ga thi @mirej`o Mibej`f @ssgje`tego, ogtib th`tsiieon ` fgvib goi eo p`eo `jtev`tis sgmi ga thi s`mi dr`eo`ri`s th`t `ri mgdefezib whio wi ixpireioji p`eo gursifvis; `j`si ga my meob ri`jteon tg ygur dgby ( Lguro`f @mirej`o Mibej`f


    Goi wgufb oiib ` nuebi tg o`ven`ti uojh`rtib `ri`s thrgunh thi@arej`o r`eoagrist `s et wgufb di empgssedfi tg nit tg ygurbisteo`tego wethgut th`t nuebi whg es a`mefe`r weth thi tirretgry.Zemef`rfy, lust dij`usi wi bgot kogw thi w`y tg nit thiri, bgisogt mi`o th`t ` pf`ji bgis ogt ixest. Eo tirms ga Ir` EEE mibejeoiwi bg ogt h`vi tg kogw ix`jtfy whejh rg`bs tg tr`osvirsi tg`rrevi `t thi aeo`f bisteo`tego, lust sempfy tg `jkogwfibni th`t thibisteo`tego `ob thi rg`bs bg ixest. Agr sgmi et es ` pf`ji thiywgufb priair ogt tg ivio `ttimpt tg tr`vif tg, `ob wi mustrispijt th`t jhgeji.

    Rhi pgeot es th`t siimeonfy uojgoviotego`f p`thw`ys bg ixest

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 22 (Excerpt from Feel Good Nutrigenomics: Your Roadmap to Health)



    ivio ea wi bg ogt yit kogw wh`t thiy `ri gr wi bg ogt auffyuobirst`ob thim. Et es suaaejeiot tg di gpio-meobib `ob di `w`ri

    th`t thiy m`y eo a`jt h`vi `o emp`jt go gur hi`fth.

    Agr thgsi whg `ri skiptejs et shgufb di eotrenueon tg ogw fi`roth`t gofy 4% tg 9% ga thi niogmi iojgbis prgtieo. Eo gthirwgrbs `s a`r `s wi kogw `t thes temi, gofy 9% ga thi BO@ eo

    i`jh ga gur jiffs, th`t s`mi BO@ th`t es fgon iogunh tg stritjh`ff thi w`y tg thi suo `ob d`jk `n`eo, es usib agr `oytheon th`twi wgufb jgosebir usiauf. @mgon thi 9% th`t es `jtu`ffy usibthiri es ` henh binrii ga semef`rety ditwiio bevirsi spijeis. @o eobipth `o`fyses ga thi jgosirv`tego ga niois ditwiio spijeis

    sunnists thi ixestioji ga ` sifijtevi agrji eo thi gvir`ff bisenoga nioitej p`thw`ys tg m`eot`eo ` henhfy jgooijtib jf`ss ganiois (Ztu`rt, L. Zjeioji).

    @s bisjredib eo thi `rtejfi Zg Mujh Luok BO@ Eo Gur Niogmi(Gog, Z. Drggkh`vio Zymp Degf) `pprgxem`tify 59% ga gur BO@ esogt utefezib tg m`ki prgtieos `ob hioji must di luok.Hgwivir, rijiot wgrk h`s shgwo th`t thes sg j`ffib luok BO@es mgri henhfy jgosirvib ditwiio spijeis th`o thi gthir 9% th`tes usib tg m`ki prgtieos. Rhi henh binrii ga jgosirv`tegoditwiio spijeis ga thes gthir 59% sunnists th`t thiri es `oempgrt`ot auojtego tg thisi rinegos th`t h`s ogt yit diiobitirmeoib ( Birmetz`kes, I. it `f, Zjeioji ).

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 22 (Excerpt from Feel Good Nutrigenomics: Your Roadmap to Health)



    Agrmir sioegr jgmputir systims bisenoir, ogw turoib `uthgr,Nrinn Dr`bio bimgostr`tis eo hes dggk Rhi Ngb Jgbi, th`t

    hio jgrrif`tib weth `o `ojeiot `fph`dit, thi jgbi ga `ff feaidijgmis ` tr`osf`t`dfi miss`ni eo gur jiffs (Dr`bio, N., Rhi NgbJgbi).

    Rhi rgfi th`t gur BO@ m`y pf`y eo jgmmuoej`tego es jgoaermib

    dy rijiot besjgvireis eovgfveon bgfpheos.Diygob dieon feaisdfuipreot, BO@ pf`ys ` pgwirauf rgfi eo oiwfy besjgviribjgmmuoej`tegos ditwiio bgfpheos `ob hum`os, `jjgrbeon tg `ti`m ga Jit`ji`o (bgfpheo `ob wh`fi) risi`rjhirs `t thi ZereusEostetuti go thi Den Esf`ob ga H`w`ee. @o gongeon stuby thirishgws thisi m`reoi m`mm`fs rijievi `ob tr`osmet sguob seno`fsj`p`dfi ga `aaijteon thi nioitej bgudfi hifexuseon o`tur`fdegtijhogfgny BO@ es `jtev`tib, oiw risi`rjh shgws, dy w`vis`ob p`rtejfis ga ioirnezib sguob `ob fenht whejh, mgri th`ojhimej`fs gr bruns, swetjh niois go gr gaa (Ritr`hibrgo ).

    Tusse`o sjeiotests h`vi t`kio thes primesi ` stip aurthir. Zjeiotestseo thi aeifbs ga degphysejs `ob mgfijuf`r degfgny h`vijgff`dgr`tib weth feonuests `ob nioitejests tg stuby thes 59% luokBO@. Rhi risufts ga thier wgrk sunnist th`t BO@ es ogt gofyrispgosedfi agr thi physej`f jgostrujtego ga thi dgby dut th`t et

    `fsg sirvis `s goi huni b`t` stgr`ni `ob jgmmuoej`tego systim.Rhi Tusse`o feonuests aguob th`t thes henhfy jgosirvib 59% gaBO@ th`t w`s `pp`riotfy usifiss agffgwib thi s`mi rufis `s `ff

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    hum`o f`onu`ni.

    Rg thes iob thiy jgmp`rib thi rufis ga syot`x (thi w`y eo whejhwgrbs `ri put tgnithir tg agrm phr`sis `ob siotiojis), sim`otejs(thi stuby ga mi`oeon eo f`onu`ni agrms) `ob thi d`sej rufis ganr`mm`r. Rhiy aguob th`t thi `fk`feois ga gur BO@ agffgw `rinuf`r nr`mm`r `ob bg h`vi sit rufis lust feki gur f`onu`nis"

    (Ags`r, N. `ob Dfubgra, A., Qiroitzti Eotiffenioz). Rhi risufts ga thes wgrkm`y hifp tg ixpf`eo `spijts ga Ir` EEE mibejeoi `s wiff `s jirt`eoa`jits ga jf`ervgy`oji, eotuetego `s wiff `s spgot`oigus `obrimgti `jts ga hi`feon.

    Rhes 59% tg 58% luok BO@ th`t es ogt utefezib tg m`ki prgtieoes ` setu`tego th`t m`y di uoequi tg jirt`eo spijeis. D`jtire`, agreost`oji, usi thi m`lgrety ga thier BO@ agr prgtieo prgbujtego.Rhes h`s fib tg thi sunnistego th`t thi auojtego ga thi m`lgrety gahum`o BO@ es tg m`ki TO@s th`t m`y di eovgfvib eojgmmuoej`tego `ob jiffuf`r rinuf`tego. Fiss th`o 4% ga thi :.4deffego d`sis eo thi hum`o niogmi jgbi agr prgtieosBgis thessunnist th`t thi ri`sgo agr thi supiregrety ga hum`os feis eo thi58% ga thi niogmi th`t bgis ogt jgbi agr prgtieos7 Es et ogtjgojiev`dfi th`t thi iob prgbujts ga m`oy m`mm`fe`o niois `riogt prgtieos, dut [email protected] et jgojiev`dfi th`t jirt`eo TO@mgfijufis `ri thi `jtu`f jri`tgrs `ob jgotrgffirs ga feai7 (Seiztjh,

    L. Yobirst obeon thi TO@ess`oji).

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    @ob sg wi h`vi jgmi auff jerjfi. ^hithir wi qugti Br. N`ry\wienir, nioitejest argm Zt`oagrb `ob Jgfumde` Yoevirseteis,

    Nioiotijh, Eojyti `ob @nefiot Rijhogfgneis, Niois `ri thi mgstgdvegus jgoviygrs ga eoagrm`tego weth feveon dieons @seoagrm`tego et bgis ogt ri`ffy m`ttir hgw thi nioi es iojgbib, sgfgon `s thi miss`ni j`o di rijievib `ob bijgbib... Mgfijuf`rmiss`nis m`y mgvi ` det sfgwir th`o thi spiib ga fenht, dut `s

    eoagrm`tego thiy `ri issiote`ffy og beaairiot th`o miss`nis siotgvir phgoi feois gr riafijtib gaa ga s`tiffetis< thiy `ff m`y ditr`osbujib, benetezib `ob stgrib . Gr wi m`y qugti thi Tusse`osjeiotests< BO@`fsg sirvis `s b`t` stgr`ni `ob eojgmmuoej`tego. Feveon jhrgmgsgmis auojtego feki jgmputirs.

    Tin`rbfiss ga whgm wi qugti wi jgmi tg thi s`mi jgojfusego.^i j`o t`ki `bv`ot`ni ga thes eohiriot eoagrm`tego wetheo gurniois `ob di jgnoez`ot ga thi emd`f`ojis eo thisi p`thw`ys eogrbir tg pirsgo`fezi gur outretego`f suppgrt `ob gptemezi gurgvir`ff hi`fth `ob wiff-dieon.

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