Chapter 20: The Physical Geography of Africa South of the...

The Physical Geography of Africa South of the Sahara Chapter 20

Transcript of Chapter 20: The Physical Geography of Africa South of the...

Page 1: Chapter 20: The Physical Geography of Africa South of the · Mount Kenya. Plateaus, Highlands, & Mountains. Ruwenzori

The Physical Geography

of Africa South of the Sahara

Chapter 20

Page 2: Chapter 20: The Physical Geography of Africa South of the · Mount Kenya. Plateaus, Highlands, & Mountains. Ruwenzori

Section 1: The LandLandforms: region is 9.5 million square

miles in area (3 times that of the US)

Plateaus, Highlands, & MountainsPlateaus

rise in elevation from the coast inland and west to eastrange from 500 ft in west to 8,000 feet or greater in the eastconsidered to be a series of steps

Page 3: Chapter 20: The Physical Geography of Africa South of the · Mount Kenya. Plateaus, Highlands, & Mountains. Ruwenzori

Escarpmentssteep, often jagged slopes or cliffsfound at edges of the African continent’s plateausless than 20 miles from coastrivers that cross dive down sides of escarpments in cataracts - towering waterfalls

Plateaus, Highlands, & Mountains

Page 4: Chapter 20: The Physical Geography of Africa South of the · Mount Kenya. Plateaus, Highlands, & Mountains. Ruwenzori

Mountainsvery few mountain ranges, except on eastern coastEastern Highlands stretch from Ethiopia to Cape of Good Hope, South AfricaMt. Kilimanjaro -19,340 ft

- tallest mt. in AfricaMount Kenya

Plateaus, Highlands, & Mountains

Page 5: Chapter 20: The Physical Geography of Africa South of the · Mount Kenya. Plateaus, Highlands, & Mountains. Ruwenzori

Ruwenzori Mountains — between Uganda and Dem. Rep. Of the Congo•often called “Mountains of the Moon” because of the clouds that wrap around them

Drakensberg Range — found in South Africa and Lesotho; form part of the sharp escarpment along southern edge of Africa

Plateaus, Highlands, & Mountains

Page 6: Chapter 20: The Physical Geography of Africa South of the · Mount Kenya. Plateaus, Highlands, & Mountains. Ruwenzori

The Great Rift Valley — stretches from Syria in the Middle East to Mozambique in SE Africa

rift valley - large crack in the earth’s surface formed by shifting tectonic platesvolcanic eruptions & earthquakes created the landscape along the fault2 branches - volcanic mountains on the eastern sidedeep lakes on the western side or branchWater Systems - shaped by the changing land

Page 7: Chapter 20: The Physical Geography of Africa South of the · Mount Kenya. Plateaus, Highlands, & Mountains. Ruwenzori

LakesMany found along branches of the Great Rift Valley

Lake Tanganyika — one of longest and deepest lakes in world

Lake Malawi — surrounded by mountains and also very deep

Lake Victoria — largest lake in Africa; 2nd largest freshwater lake in world

Page 8: Chapter 20: The Physical Geography of Africa South of the · Mount Kenya. Plateaus, Highlands, & Mountains. Ruwenzori

Outside the Great Rift Valley - only 2 major lakes:

Lake Chadshrinking in size because of drought, arid climate

Lake Voltalocated in West Africaone of largest man-made lakes in worldCreated in 1960 as part of hydroelectric project for an aluminum plantVolta River dammed off, flooded the area, creating a lakeNow supplies water for irrigation and generates electricity used throughout Ghana


Page 9: Chapter 20: The Physical Geography of Africa South of the · Mount Kenya. Plateaus, Highlands, & Mountains. Ruwenzori

Rivers & River BasinsEscarpments and rivers break their paths making them hard to navigate from mouth to source

Page 10: Chapter 20: The Physical Geography of Africa South of the · Mount Kenya. Plateaus, Highlands, & Mountains. Ruwenzori

“great river”; main river in West Africasource is in Guinea and drains into the Atlantic at coast of Nigeriaimportant to agriculturemajor means of transportationsplits into a vast inland delta (Niger Delta), stretching 150 miles long, 200 miles wide

Niger River

Page 11: Chapter 20: The Physical Geography of Africa South of the · Mount Kenya. Plateaus, Highlands, & Mountains. Ruwenzori

Delta - triangular section of land formed by sand and silt carried downriver

Page 12: Chapter 20: The Physical Geography of Africa South of the · Mount Kenya. Plateaus, Highlands, & Mountains. Ruwenzori

south, central Africaalso meets the ocean in a deltamany waterfalls along its courseVictoria Falls, most famous, very steep drop (2x that of Niagara Falls)

Zambezi River

Page 13: Chapter 20: The Physical Geography of Africa South of the · Mount Kenya. Plateaus, Highlands, & Mountains. Ruwenzori

Congo Rivercentral Africameets the Atlantic Ocean through an estuary —a passage where freshwater from a river meets seawaterthe estuary is 6 mi. wide and navigable by boatsforms largest network of navigable waterways on the continentrapids, waterfalls and cataracts form major barriers to travel from the estuary upriver

Page 14: Chapter 20: The Physical Geography of Africa South of the · Mount Kenya. Plateaus, Highlands, & Mountains. Ruwenzori

- mineral resources are abundantOil Reserves — Angola, Nigeria, Gabon, & CongoGold — South Africa supplies 50% of world’s gold; also Zimbabwe, DR of the Congo, Tanzania, GhanaUranium — found with goldDiamonds — South Africa, Botswana, Congo River basin, Angola, DR of the Congo, Sierra Leone

Natural Resources

Page 15: Chapter 20: The Physical Geography of Africa South of the · Mount Kenya. Plateaus, Highlands, & Mountains. Ruwenzori

WaterAn abundant resource, but not fully developed because of the physical geography and financial restraints

Unused hydroelectric power potential

Undeveloped - especially along Congo River