Chapter 20 - C Legacy Code Topics

2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 Chapter 20 - C Legacy Code Topics Outline 20.1 Introduction 20.2 Redirecting Input/Output on UNIX and DOS Systems 20.3 Variable-Length Argument Lists 20.4 Using Command-Line Arguments 20.5 Notes on Compiling Multiple-Source-File Programs 20.6 Program Termination with exit and atexit 20.7 The volatile Type Qualifier 20.8 Suffixes for Integer and Floating-Point Constants 20.9 Signal Handling 20.10 Dynamic Memory Allocation with calloc and realloc 20.11 The Unconditional Branch: goto 20.12 Unions 20.13 Linkage Specifications


Chapter 20 - C Legacy Code Topics. Outline 20.1 Introduction 20.2 Redirecting Input/Output on UNIX and DOS Systems 20.3 Variable-Length Argument Lists 20.4 Using Command-Line Arguments 20.5 Notes on Compiling Multiple-Source-File Programs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Chapter 20 - C Legacy Code Topics

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Chapter 20 - C Legacy Code Topics

Outline20.1 Introduction20.2 Redirecting Input/Output on UNIX and DOS Systems20.3 Variable-Length Argument Lists20.4 Using Command-Line Arguments20.5 Notes on Compiling Multiple-Source-File Programs20.6 Program Termination with exit and atexit20.7 The volatile Type Qualifier20.8 Suffixes for Integer and Floating-Point Constants20.9 Signal Handling20.10 Dynamic Memory Allocation with calloc and realloc20.11 The Unconditional Branch: goto20.12 Unions20.13 Linkage Specifications

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20.1 Introduction

• Several advanced topics in chapter

• Many capabilities specific to OS– Especially UNIX and/or DOS

• Chapter for C++ programmers working with C legacy code

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20.2 Redirecting Input/Output on UNIX and DOS Systems

• Standard I/O– Keyboard (input) and screen (output)

– Can redirect I/O• Inputs can come from a file, output can go to a file

• Redirect symbol (<)– Operating system feature (not C++ feature!)

• UNIX and DOS

– $ myProgram < input• myProgram is an executable file• input is a data file• $ is the command-line prompt

– Input to program now comes from file input, not the keyboard

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20.2 Redirecting Input/Output on UNIX and DOS Systems

• Pipe command ( | )– Output of one program becomes input of another– $ firstProgram | secondProgram– Output of firstProgram goes to secondProgram

• Redirect output ( > )– Output of program goes to a file– $ myProgram > myFile

• Output goes to myFile (erases previous contents)

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20.2 Redirecting Input/Output on UNIX and DOS Systems

• Append output (>>)– Output of program appends to end of file– $ myProgram >> myFile

• Output goes to end of myFile

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20.3 Variable-Length Argument Lists

• In C++, we use function overloading– Variable-length arguments for programmers working with C

– Create functions with unspecified number of arguments

• Function format– Include <cstdarg>– Use ellipsis (…) at end of parameter list

• Must be last item in parameter list

• Must be one named parameter before ellipsis

– double myFunction(int i, …);

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20.3 Variable-Length Argument Lists

• Usage (inside function)– Declare object of type va_list

• Holds data needed by other macros• va_list myList;

– Run macro va_start• First argument is va_list object

• Second is last parameter before ellipsis starts• va_start( myList, i );

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20.3 Variable-Length Argument Lists

• Usage– Access arguments with macro va_arg

• First argument is va_list• Second is the expected type of variable

• Returns the value• myArg = va_arg( myList, double );

– Can use different data types for different arguments

– Run macro va_end• va_end( myList );

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fig20_02.cpp(1 of 3)

1 // Fig. 20.2: fig20_02.cpp2 // Using variable-length argument lists.3 #include <iostream>4 5 using std::cout;6 using std::endl;7 using std::ios;8 9 #include <iomanip>10 11 using std::setw;12 using std::setprecision;13 using std::setiosflags;14 using std::fixed;15 16 #include <cstdarg>17 18 double average( int, ... );19 20 int main()21 {22 double double1 = 37.5;23 double double2 = 22.5;24 double double3 = 1.7;25 double double4 = 10.2;26

Note use of ellipsis in the prototype, and one defined argument before it.

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fig20_02.cpp(2 of 3)

27 cout << fixed << setprecision( 1 ) << "double1 = " 28 << double1 << "\ndouble2 = " << double2 << "\ndouble3 = "29 << double3 << "\ndouble4 = " << double4 << endl30 << setprecision( 3 ) 31 << "\nThe average of double1 and double2 is " 32 << average( 2, double1, double2 )33 << "\nThe average of double1, double2, and double3 is " 34 << average( 3, double1, double2, double3 ) 35 << "\nThe average of double1, double2, double3"36 << " and double4 is " 37 << average( 4, double1, double2, double3, double4 ) 38 << endl;39 40 return 0;41 42 } // end main43

Call function with a variable number of arguments (passing the number of arguments as a parameter).

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fig20_02.cpp(3 of 3)

44 // calculate average45 double average( int count, ... )46 {47 double total = 0;48 va_list list; // for storing information needed by va_start49 50 va_start( list, count );51 52 // process variable length argument list53 for ( int i = 1; i <= count; i++ )54 total += va_arg( list, double );55 56 // end the va_start57 va_end( list ); 58 59 return total / count;60 61 } // end function average

Create a va_list object and call macro va_start. count is the parameter before the ellipsis.

Extract each argument from list, treat as a double.

End the macros, helps with a normal function return.

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fig20_02.cppoutput (1 of 1)

double1 = 37.5

double2 = 22.5

double3 = 1.7

double4 = 10.2


The average of double1 and double2 is 30.000

The average of double1, double2, and double3 is 20.567

The average of double1, double2, double3 and double4 is 17.975

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20.4 Using Command-Line Arguments

• Can pass arguments to main in UNIX/DOS– Include parameters in main

• int main( int argc, char *argv[] )

– int argc• Number of arguments

– char *argv[]• Array of strings that contains command-line arguments

– Example: $ copy input outputargc: 3

argv[0]: "copy"

argv[1]: "input"

argv[2]: "output"

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20.4 Using Command-Line Arguments

• Upcoming example– Program to copy input file to output file– copy input output– Read a character from file input and write to file output

• Stop when no more characters to read (EOF)

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fig20_03.cpp(1 of 2)

1 // Fig. 20.3: fig20_03.cpp2 // Using command-line arguments3 #include <iostream>4 5 using std::cout;6 using std::endl;7 using std::ios;8 9 #include <fstream>10 11 using std::ifstream;12 using std::ofstream;13 14 int main( int argc, char *argv[] )15 {16 // check number of command-line arguments17 if ( argc != 3 )18 cout << "Usage: copyFile infile_name outfile_name" << endl;19 20 else {21 ifstream inFile( argv[ 1 ], ios::in );22 23 // input file could not be opened24 if ( !inFile ) {25 cout << argv[ 1 ] << " could not be opened" << endl;26 return -1;27 28 } // end if

argv[1] is the input file -- open for reading.

Notice parameters in main.

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fig20_03.cpp(2 of 2)

29 30 ofstream outFile( argv[ 2 ], ios::out );31 32 // output file could not be opened33 if ( !outFile ) {34 cout << argv[ 2 ] << " could not be opened" << endl;35 inFile.close();36 return -2;37 38 } // end if39 40 char c = inFile.get(); // read first character41 42 while ( inFile ) {43 outFile.put( c ); // output character44 c = inFile.get(); // read next character45 46 } // end while47 } // end else48 49 return 0;50 51 } // end main

argv[2] is the output file -- open for writing.

Read a character from inFile, and write to outFile. Loop stops when EOF reached.

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20.5 Notes on Compiling Multiple-Source-File Programs

• Program with multiple source files– Function definition must be entirely in one file

• Cannot be split up into multiple files

– Global variables accessible to functions in same file• Must be defined in every file they are used

• Use extern to access global variable in another file

– Indicates variable defined later in file or in another file

– Example• int myGlobal; (defined in file1)• extern int myGlobal; (appears in file2)

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20.5 Notes on Compiling Multiple-Source-File Programs

• Function prototypes– Can be used in other files, extern not needed

– Include prototype in each file function used• Compile files together

– Prototype indicates function defined later in same file, or in another file

– Example: loading header files• #include <cstring>• Contains prototypes of functions

• We do not need to know where definitions are

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20.5 Notes on Compiling Multiple-Source-File Programs

• Keyword static– In context of global variables/functions

– Can only be used by functions in same file• Internal linkage

• Globals/functions have external linkage by default

– Used with utility functions called only in one file

– For functions• If defined before used, include static in definition

• Otherwise, use with prototype

• Makefiles– make - utility to aid compilation and linking

– Saves effort of constantly recompiling for minor changes

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20.6 Program Termination with exit and atexit

• Function exit– Forces program to end

– Usually takes EXIT_SUCCESS or EXIT_FAILURE• Symbolic constants (#define)• exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);

– Returns value to environment, indicating success or failure• Exact value varies with system

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20.6 Program Termination with exit and atexit

• Function atexit– Takes pointer to function (function name)

• atexit( myFunction )• Functions must take void, return void

– Registers function to run when program ends successfully• When exit called, or when main terminates• atexit does not terminate the program

– Can register up to 32 functions• Use multiple atexit calls

• Called in reverse order of registration

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fig20_04.cpp(1 of 2)

1 // Fig. 20.4: fig20_04.cpp2 // Using the exit and atexit functions 3 #include <iostream>4 5 using std::cout;6 using std::endl;7 using std::cin;8 9 #include <cstdlib>10 11 void print();12 13 int main()14 {15 atexit( print ); // register function print 16 17 cout << "Enter 1 to terminate program with function exit" 18 << "\nEnter 2 to terminate program normally\n";19 20 int answer;21 cin >> answer;22

Register print to be called when the program terminates. print must return void and take no arguments.

print will be called if the program ends successfully.

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fig20_04.cpp(2 of 2)

23 // exit if answer is 124 if ( answer == 1 ) {25 cout << "\nTerminating program with function exit\n";26 exit( EXIT_SUCCESS );27 28 } // end if29 30 cout << "\nTerminating program by reaching the end of main"31 << endl;32 33 return 0;34 35 } // end main36 37 // display message before termination 38 void print() 39 { 40 cout << "Executing function print at program termination\n"41 << "Program terminated" << endl; 42 43 } // end function print

Call function exit, passing a symbolic constant.

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fig20_04.cppoutput (1 of 1)

Enter 1 to terminate program with function exit

Enter 2 to terminate program normally



Terminating program by reaching the end of main

Executing function print at program termination

Program terminated

Enter 1 to terminate program with function exit

Enter 2 to terminate program normally



Terminating program with function exit

Executing function print at program termination

Program terminated

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20.7 The volatile Type Qualifier

• volatile qualifier– Indicates variable may be altered outside of program

– Variable not under control of program• Compiler cannot perform certain optimizations

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20.8 Suffixes for Integer and Floating-Point Constants

• C++ has suffixes for constants– Integer suffixes

• u or U (unsigned) • l or L (long)• ul or UL (unsigned long)

• Without suffix, uses smallest type that can hold number

• Examples: 174u, 1322L, 7364ul

– Floating point suffixes• f or F (float)• l or L (long double)

• Without suffix, double• Examples: 3.14159L, 1.28f

– Incorrect suffix is compiler error

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20.9 Signal Handling

• Signal– Unexpected event, can terminate program

• Interrupts (ctrl-c)

• Illegal instructions

• Floating-point exceptions (division by zero)

• Function signal traps unexpected signals– <csignal>– Takes signal number (symbolic constants defined)

– Takes pointer to function (function name)• Signal handler passed signal number

– May be required to call signal again inside handler• Depends on system

• Reinitialize handler after it handles signal

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20.9 Signal Handling

Signal Explanation

SIGABRT Abnormal termination of the program (such as a call to abort).

SIGFPE An erroneous arithmetic operation, such as a divide by zero or an operation resulting in overflow.

SIGILL Detection of an illegal instruction.

SIGINT Receipt of an interactive attention signal.

SIGSEGV An invalid access to storage.

SIGTERM A termination request sent to the program.

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20.9 Signal Handling

• Function raise– Takes signal number

– Creates signal

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fig20_06.cpp(1 of 3)

1 // Fig. 20.6: fig20_06.cpp2 // Using signal handling 3 #include <iostream>4 5 using std::cout;6 using std::cin;7 using std::endl;8 9 #include <iomanip>10 11 using std::setw;12 13 #include <csignal>14 #include <cstdlib>15 #include <ctime>16 17 void signalHandler( int );18 19 int main()20 {21 signal( SIGINT, signalHandler );22 srand( time( 0 ) );23

Register signalHandler to deal with SIGINT events.

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fig20_06.cpp(2 of 3)

24 // create and output random numbers25 for ( int i = 1; i <= 100; i++ ) {26 int x = 1 + rand() % 50;27 28 // raise SIGINT when x is 2529 if ( x == 25 )30 raise( SIGINT );31 32 cout << setw( 4 ) << i;33 34 // output endl when i is a multiple of 1035 if ( i % 10 == 0 )36 cout << endl;37 38 } // end for39 40 return 0;41 42 } // end main43

Note call to function raise.

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fig20_06.cpp(3 of 3)

44 // handles signal45 void signalHandler( int signalValue )46 {47 cout << "\nInterrupt signal (" << signalValue48 << ") received.\n"49 << "Do you wish to continue (1 = yes or 2 = no)? ";50 51 int response; 52 53 cin >> response;54 55 // check for invalid responses56 while ( response != 1 && response != 2 ) {57 cout << "(1 = yes or 2 = no)? ";58 cin >> response;59 60 } // end while61 62 // determine if it is time to exit63 if ( response != 1 )64 exit( EXIT_SUCCESS );65 66 // call signal and pass it SIGINT and address of signalHandler67 signal( SIGINT, signalHandler ); 68 69 } // end function signalHandler

May be required to reinitialize.

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fig20_06.cppoutput (1 of 1)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

Interrupt signal (2) received.

Do you wish to continue (1 = yes or 2 = no)? 1


1 2 3 4

Interrupt signal (2) received.

Do you wish to continue (1 = yes or 2 = no)? 2

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20.10 Dynamic Memory Allocation with calloc and realloc

• Dynamic memory allocation– Can create dynamic arrays

• Function calloc– void *calloc(size_t nelmt, size_t size)

• nelmt - number of elements in array• size - size of each element

– Returns pointer to dynamic array• Elements initialized to 0

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20.10 Dynamic Memory Allocation with calloc and realloc

• Function realloc– Resizes dynamic object

• Data not modified if size increased

• If shrunk, beginning the same

– void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t newSize)• ptr - pointer to object being reallocated• newSize - new size of the object

• If ptr == 0, acts like malloc• If newSize == 0 and ptr != 0, memory freed

– Returns pointer to reallocated memory (NULL if no space)

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20.11 The Unconditional Branch: goto

• Unstructured programming– Use when performance crucial

• Using break to exit loop

– goto statement• goto label;• Program jumps to first statement after label

• Label is an identifier and colon (start:)

– Quick escape from deeply nested loop• goto start;

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fig20_07.cpp(1 of 2)

1 // Fig. 20.7: fig20_07.cpp2 // Using goto.3 #include <iostream>4 5 using std::cout;6 using std::endl;7 8 #include <iomanip>9 10 using std::left;11 using std::setw;12 13 int main()14 {15 int count = 1;16 17 start: // label 18 19 // goto end when count exceeds 1020 if ( count > 10 )21 goto end;22 23 cout << setw( 2 ) << left << count;24 ++count;25 26 // goto start on line 1727 goto start;

Notice declaration of label start

Note the format of the goto statement.

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fig20_07.cpp(2 of 2)

fig20_07.cppoutput (1 of 1)

28 29 end: // label 30 31 cout << endl;32 33 return 0;34 35 } // end main

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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20.12 Unions

• Union– Memory that contains a variety of objects

• Data members share space

• Only contains one data member at a time

– Conserves storage

– Only the last data member defined can be accessed

– Declaration same as class or structunion Number {

int x;

float y;

} ;

Union myObject;

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20.12 Unions

• Union operations– Assignment to union of same type: =– Taking address: &– Accessing union members: .– Accessing members using pointers: ->

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20.12 Unions

• Anonymous unions– No type name– Does not create a type; creates an unnamed object

• Contains only public data members

– Data members accessed like normal variables• Use name, no . or -> required

– If declared globally, must be static– Example

union {

int integer1;

double double1;

char *charPtr;

}; // end anonymous union

integer1 = 3;

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fig20_08.cpp(1 of 2)

1 // Fig. 20.8: fig20_08.cpp2 // An example of a union.3 #include <iostream>4 5 using std::cout;6 using std::endl;7 8 // define union Number 9 union Number { 10 int integer1; 11 double double1; 12 13 }; // end union Number14 15 int main()16 {17 Number value; // union variable18 19 value.integer1 = 100; // assign 100 to member integer120 21 cout << "Put a value in the integer member\n"22 << "and print both members.\nint: " 23 << value.integer1 << "\ndouble: " << value.double124 << endl;25

Create a named union with two data members. They share the same memory.

This will print the integer 100 as a double.

The program output is implementation dependent, but will show how ints and doubles are represented differently.

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fig20_08.cpp(2 of 2)

fig20_08.cppoutput (1 of 1)

26 value.double1 = 100.0; // assign 100.0 to member double127 28 cout << "Put a value in the floating member\n" 29 << "and print both members.\nint: " 30 << value.integer1 << "\ndouble: " << value.double131 << endl;32 33 return 0;34 35 } // end main

Put a value in the integer member

and print both members.

int: 100

double: -9.25596e+061

Put a value in the floating member

and print both members.

int: 0

double: 100

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fig20_09.cpp(1 of 2)

1 // Fig. 20.9: fig20_09.cpp2 // Using an anonymous union.3 #include <iostream>4 5 using std::cout;6 using std::endl;7 8 int main()9 {10 // declare an anonymous union 11 // members integer1, double1 and charPtr share the same space12 union { 13 int integer1; 14 double double1; 15 char *charPtr; 16 17 }; // end anonymous union 18 19 // declare local variables20 int integer2 = 1;21 double double2 = 3.3;22 char *char2Ptr = "Anonymous";23

Create an anonymous union. The data members can be accessed without using a union name.

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fig20_09.cpp(2 of 2)

fig20_09.cppoutput (1 of 1)

24 // assign value to each union member25 // successively and print each26 cout << integer2 << ' ';27 integer1 = 2;28 cout << integer1 << endl;29 30 cout << double2 << ' ';31 double1 = 4.4;32 cout << double1 << endl;33 34 cout << char2Ptr << ' ';35 charPtr = "union";36 cout << charPtr << endl;37 38 return 0;39 40 } // end main

1 2

3.3 4.4

Anonymous union

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20.13 Linkage Specifications

• Can call compiled C functions from C++ program– However, C does not encode function names like C++

– Leads to problems linking

• Linkage specifications– To link properly, tell compiler that function compiled in C

– For single functionsextern "C" function prototype

– For multiple functionsextern "C"


function prototypes
