Chapter 2 Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates

Digital System Ch2-1 Chapter 2 Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates Ping-Liang Lai ( 賴賴賴 ) Digital System 賴賴賴賴


Digital System 數位系統. Chapter 2 Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates. Ping-Liang Lai ( 賴秉樑 ). Outline. 2.1Introduction 2.2Basic Definitions 2.3Axiomatic Definition of Boolean Algebra 2.4Basic Theorems and Properties of Boolean Algebra 2.5Boolean Functions 2.6Canonical and Standard Forms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Chapter 2 Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates

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Digital System Ch2-1

Chapter 2 Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates

Ping-Liang Lai ( 賴秉樑 )


Digital System數位系統

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2.1 Introduction 2.2 Basic Definitions 2.3 Axiomatic Definition of Boolean Algebra 2.4 Basic Theorems and Properties of Boolean Algebra 2.5 Boolean Functions 2.6 Canonical and Standard Forms 2.7 Other Logic Operations 2.8 Digital Logic Gates 2.9 Integrated Circuits

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2.1 Introduction

A set is collection of having the same property. S: set, x and y: element or event For example: S = {1, 2, 3, 4}

» If x = 2, then xS.» If y = 5, then y S.

在代數系統中,一個集合 S 的二元運算子 ( binary operator) 是定義集合中的任何一對元素經此符號運算以後的結果,仍為該集合中的一個元素。 For example: given a set S, consider a*b = c and * is a binary operator. If (a, b) through * get c and a, b, cS, then * is a binary operator of S. On the other hand, if * is not a binary operator of S and a, bS, then cS.

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2.2 Boolean Algebra (Huntington, 1904) (p.52, 53)

A set of elements S and two binary operators + and *1. Closure: a set S is closed with respect to a binary operator if, for every pair of

elements of S, the binary operator specifies a rule for obtaining a unique element of S. x, yS, x+y S

» a+b = c, for any a, b, cN. (“+” binary operator plus has closure)» But operator – is not closed for N, because 2-3 = -1 and 2, 3N, but (-1)N.

2. Associative law: a binary operator * on a set S is said to be associative whenever (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) for all x, y, zS

» (x+y)+z = x+(y+z)

3. Commutative law: a binary operator * on a set S is said to be commutative whenever x * y = y * x for all x, yS

» x+y = y+x

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Boolean Algebra (p.53)

4. Identity element: a set S is said to have an identity element with respect to a binary operation * on S if there exists an element eS with the property that e * x = x * e = x for every xS

» 0+x = x+0 =x for every xI . I = {…, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …}.» 1*x = x*1 =x for every xI. I = {…, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …}.

5. Inverse: a set having the identity element e with respect to the binary operator to have an inverse whenever, for every xS, there exists an element yS such that x * y = e

» The operator + over I, with e = 0, the inverse of an element a is (-a), since a+(-a) = 0.

6. Distributive law: if * and . are two binary operators on a set S, * is said to be distributive over whenever. x * (y . z) = (x * y) . (x * z)

Note The associative law can be derived No additive and multiplicative inverses Complement

歷史 : 1854 年 George Boole 發展布林代數 ; 1904 E. V. Huntingtion 提出布林代數的假設 ; 1938 年 C. E. Shannon 介紹一種二值布林代數,稱為交換代數 (switch algebra) ,說明了雙穩態的電子交換電路,可以用交換代數來表示。

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Six Postulate of Huntington

B = {0, 1} and two binary operations, + and. Closure: + and . are closed. + have identity 0, . have identity 1

» x+0 =0+x = x» x . 1 =1 . x = x

+ and . are communication» x+y = y+x » x . y =y . x

Distribution» . is distributive over whenever +

− x+(y . z) = xy+xz

» + is distributive over whenever . x− x . (y+z) = (x+y) . (x+z)

Each xB, x'B (complement) s.t. » x x' = 1» x . x' = 0

At least exist two element x, yB and x ≠ y.

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2.3 Postulates of Two-Valued Boolean Algebra (1/3) (p.55)

B = {0, 1} and two binary operations, + and. The rules of operations: AND 、 OR and NOT.

1. Closure (+ and )‧2. The identity elements

(1) +: 0(2). : 1

x y x . y

0 0 0

0 1 0

1 0 0

1 1 1

x y x+y

0 0 0

0 1 1

1 0 1

1 1 1

x x'

0 1

1 0


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Postulates of Two-Valued Boolean Algebra (2/3) (p.56)

3. The commutative laws

4. The distributive laws

x y zy+z

x .(y+z)

x .y

x .z

(x . y)+(x .z)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0

0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1

1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Postulates of Two-Valued Boolean Algebra (3/3) (p.56)

5. Complement x+x'=1 → 0+0'=0+1=1; 1+1'=1+0=1 x . x'=0 → 0 . 0'=0 . 1=0; 1 . 1'=1 . 0=0

6. Has two distinct elements 1 and 0, with 0 ≠ 1


A set of two elements + : OR operation; . : AND operation A complement operator: NOT operation Binary logic is a two-valued Boolean algebra

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2.4 Basic Theorems and Properties (p.57)

Duality The binary operators are interchanged; AND ( . ) OR (+) The identity elements are interchanged; 1 0

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Basic Theorems (1/3) (p.58)

Theorem 1(a): x + x = x x+x = (x+x) . 1 by postulate: 2(b)

= (x+x) . (x+x') 5(a)

= x+xx' 4(b)

= x+0 5(b)

= x 2(a)

Theorem 1(b): x . x = x x . x = xx + 0 by postulate: 2(a)

= xx + xx' 5(b)

= x . (x + x') 4(a)

= x . 1 5(a)

= x 2(b)

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Basic Theorems (2/3) (p.58)

Theorem 2(a): x + 1 = 1 x + 1 = 1 . (x + 1) postulate 2(b)

=(x + x')(x + 1) 5(a)

= x + x' 1 4(b)

= x + x' 2(b)

= 1 5(a)

Theorem 2(b): x . 0 = 0 by duality Theorem 3: (x')' = x

Postulate 5 defines the complement of x, x + x' = 1 and x x' = 0 The complement of x' is x is also (x')'

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Basic Theorems (3/3) (p.59)

Theorem 6(a): x + xy = x x + xy = x . 1 + xy postulate2(b)

= x (1 + y) 4(a)

= x (y + 1) 3(a)

= x . 1 2(a)

= x 2(b)

Theorem 6(b): x (x + y) = x by duality By means of truth table (another way to proof )

x y xy x+xy

0 0 0 0

0 1 0 0

1 0 0 1

1 1 1 1

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DeMorgan's Theorems (p.59)

DeMorgan's Theorems (x+y)' = x' y' (x y)' = x' + y'

x y x + y (x + y)’

x’ y’ x’y’

0 0 0 1 1 1 1

0 1 1 0 1 0 0

1 0 1 0 0 1 0

1 1 1 0 0 0 0

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Operator Precedence (p.59)

The operator precedence for evaluating Boolean Expression is Parentheses ( 括弧 ) NOT AND OR

Examples x y' + z (x y + z)'

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2.5 Boolean Functions (p.60)

A Boolean function Binary variables Binary operators OR and AND Unary operator NOT Parentheses

Examples F1= x y z'

F2 = x + y'z

F3 = x' y' z + x' y z + x y'

F4 = x y' + x' z

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Boolean Functions (p.60)

The truth table of 2n entries

Two Boolean expressions may specify the same function F3 = F4

x y z F1 F2 F3 F4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 1 1 1

0 1 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 1 0 0 1 1

1 0 0 0 1 1 1

1 0 1 0 1 1 1

1 1 0 1 1 0 0

1 1 1 0 1 0 0

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Boolean Functions (p.61)

Implementation with logic gates F4 is more economical

F4 = x y' + x' z

F3 = x' y' z + x' y z + x y'

F2 = x + y'z

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Algebraic Manipulation (p.62)

To minimize Boolean expressions Literal: a primed or unprimed variable (an input to a gate) Term: an implementation with a gate The minimization of the number of literals and the number of terms → a

circuit with less equipment It is a hard problem (no specific rules to follow)

Example 2.11. x(x'+y) = xx' + xy = 0+xy = xy

2. x+x'y = (x+x')(x+y) = 1 (x+y) = x+y

3. (x+y)(x+y') = x+xy+xy'+yy' = x(1+y+y') = x

4. xy + x'z + yz = xy + x'z + yz(x+x') = xy + x'z + yzx + yzx' = xy(1+z) + x'z(1+y) = xy +x'z

5. (x+y)(x'+z)(y+z) = (x+y)(x'+z), by duality from function 4. (consensus theorem with duality)

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Complement of a Function (p.63)

An interchange of 0's for 1's and 1's for 0's in the value of F By DeMorgan's theorem (A+B+C)' = (A+X)' let B+C = X

= A'X' by theorem 5(a) (DeMorgan's)

= A'(B+C)' substitute B+C = X

= A'(B'C') by theorem 5(a) (DeMorgan's)

= A'B'C' by theorem 4(b) (associative)

Generalizations: a function is obtained by interchanging AND and OR operators and complementing each literal. (A+B+C+D+ ... +F)' = A'B'C'D'... F' (ABCD ... F)' = A'+ B'+C'+D' ... +F'

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Examples (p.64)

Example 2.2 F1' = (x'yz' + x'y'z)' = (x'yz')' (x'y'z)' = (x+y'+z) (x+y+z')

F2' = [x(y'z'+yz)]' = x' + (y'z'+yz)' = x' + (y'z')' (yz)‘

= x' + (y+z) (y'+z')

= x' + yz‘+y'z

Example 2.3: a simpler procedure Take the dual of the function and complement each literal

1. F1 = x'yz' + x'y'z.

The dual of F1 is (x'+y+z') (x'+y'+z).

Complement each literal: (x+y'+z)(x+y+z') = F1'

2. F2 = x(y' z' + yz).

The dual of F2 is x+(y'+z') (y+z).

Complement each literal: x'+(y+z)(y' +z') = F2'

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2.6 Canonical and Standard Forms (p.64)

Minterms and Maxterms A minterm (standard product): an AND term consists of all

literals in their normal form or in their complement form. For example, two binary variables x and y,

» xy, xy', x'y, x'y' It is also called a standard product. n variables con be combined to form 2n minterms.

A maxterm (standard sums): an OR term It is also call a standard sum. 2n maxterms.

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Minterms and Maxterms (1/3) (p.65)

Each maxterm is the complement of its corresponding minterm, and vice versa.

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Minterms and Maxterms (2/3) (p.65)

An Boolean function can be expressed by A truth table Sum of minterms f1 = x'y'z + xy'z' + xyz = m1 + m4 +m7 (Minterms)

f2 = x'yz+ xy'z + xyz'+xyz = m3 + m5 +m6 + m7 (Minterms)

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Minterms and Maxterms (3/3) (p.66)

The complement of a Boolean function The minterms that produce a 0 f1' = m0 + m2 +m3 + m5 + m6 = x'y'z'+x'yz'+x'yz+xy'z+xyz'

f1 = (f1')' = (x+y+z)(x+y'+z) (x+y'+z') (x'+y+z')(x'+y'+z) = M0 M2 M3 M5 M6

f2 = (x+y+z)(x+y+z')(x+y'+z)(x'+y+z)=M0M1M2M4

Any Boolean function can be expressed as A sum of minterms (“sum” meaning the ORing of terms). A product of maxterms (“product” meaning the ANDing of terms). Both boolean functions are said to be in Canonical form.

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Sum of Minterms (p.66)

Sum of minterms: there are 2n minterms and 22n combinations of function with n Boolean variables.

Example 2.4: express F = A+BC' as a sum of minterms. F = A+B'C = A (B+B') + B'C = AB +AB' + B'C = AB(C+C') +

AB'(C+C') + (A+A')B'C = ABC+ABC'+AB'C+AB'C'+A'B'C F = A'B'C +AB'C' +AB'C+ABC'+ ABC = m1 + m4 +m5 + m6 + m7

F(A, B, C) = (1, 4, 5, 6, 7) or, built the truth table first

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Product of Maxterms (p.68)

Product of maxterms: using distributive law to expand. x + yz = (x + y)(x + z) = (x+y+zz')(x+z+yy') = (x+y+z)(x+y+z')(x+y'+z)

Example 2.5: express F = xy + x'z as a product of maxterms. F = xy + x'z = (xy + x')(xy +z) = (x+x')(y+x')(x+z)(y+z) = (x'+y)(x+z)

(y+z) x'+y = x' + y + zz' = (x'+y+z)(x'+y+z') F = (x+y+z)(x+y'+z)(x'+y+z)(x'+y+z') = M0M2M4M5

F(x, y, z) = (0, 2, 4, 5)

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Conversion between Canonical Forms (p.68)

The complement of a function expressed as the sum of minterms equals the sum of minterms missing from the original function. F(A, B, C) = (1, 4, 5, 6, 7) Thus, F'(A, B, C) = (0, 2, 3) By DeMorgan's theorem

F(A, B, C) = (0, 2, 3)

F'(A, B, C) =(1, 4, 5, 6, 7) mj' = Mj

Sum of minterms = product of maxterms Interchange the symbols and and list those numbers missing from the

original form» of 1's» of 0's

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Example F = xy + xz F(x, y, z) = (1, 3, 6, 7) F(x, y, z) = (0, 2, 4, 6)

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Standard Forms (P.70)

Canonical forms are very seldom the ones with the least number of literals.

Standard forms: the terms that form the function may obtain one, two, or any number of literals. Sum of products: F1 = y' + xy+ x'yz'

Product of sums: F2 = x(y'+z)(x'+y+z')

F3 = A'B'CD+ABC'D'

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Implementation (p.70, 71)

Two-level implementation

Multi-level implementation

F1 = y' + xy+ x'yz' F2 = x(y'+z)(x'+y+z')

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2.7 Other Logic Operations (p.71, 72)

2n rows in the truth table of n binary variables. 22n

functions for n binary variables. 16 functions of two binary variables.

All the new symbols except for the exclusive-OR symbol are not in common use by digital designers.

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Boolean Expressions (p.72)

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2.8 Digital Logic Gates (p.73)

Boolean expression: AND, OR and NOT operations Constructing gates of other logic operations

The feasibility and economy; The possibility of extending gate's inputs; The basic properties of the binary operations (commutative and

associative); The ability of the gate to implement Boolean functions.

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Standard Gates (p.73)

Consider the 16 functions in Table 2.8 (slide 33) Two are equal to a constant (F0 and F15).

Four are repeated twice (F4, F5, F10 and F11).

Inhibition (F2) and implication (F13) are not commutative or associative.

The other eight: complement (F12), transfer (F3), AND (F1), OR (F7), NAND (F14), NOR (F8), XOR (F6), and equivalence (XNOR) (F9) are used as standard gates.

Complement: inverter. Transfer: buffer (increasing drive strength). Equivalence: XNOR.

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Digital System Ch2-36Figure 2.5 Digital logic gates

Summary of Logic Gates (p.74)

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Digital System Ch2-37Figure 2.5 Digital logic gates

Summary of Logic Gates (p.74)

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Multiple Inputs (p.75)

Extension to multiple inputs A gate can be extended to multiple inputs.

» If its binary operation is commutative and associative. AND and OR are commutative and associative.

» OR− x+y = y+x

− (x+y)+z = x+(y+z) = x+y+z

» AND− xy = yx

− (x y)z = x(y z) = x y z

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Multiple Inputs (p.76)

NAND and NOR are commutative but not associative → they are not extendable.

Figure 2.6 Demonstrating the nonassociativity of the NOR operator; (x ↓ y) ↓ z ≠ x ↓(y ↓ z)

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Multiple Inputs (p.76)

Multiple NOR = a complement of OR gate, Multiple NAND = a complement of AND.

The cascaded NAND operations = sum of products. The cascaded NOR operations = product of sums.

Figure 2.7 Multiple-input and cascated NOR and NAND gates

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Multiple Inputs (p.77)

The XOR and XNOR gates are commutative and associative. Multiple-input XOR gates are uncommon? XOR is an odd function: it is equal to 1 if the inputs variables have an odd

number of 1's.

Figure 2.8 3-input XOR gate

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Positive and Negative Logic (p.77)

Positive and Negative Logic Two signal values <=> two logic

values Positive logic: H=1; L=0 Negative logic: H=0; L=1

Consider a TTL gate A positive logic AND gate A negative logic OR gate The positive logic is used in this book

Figure 2.9 Signal assignment and logic polarity

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Digital System Ch2-43Figure 2.10 Demonstration of positive and negative logic

Positive and Negative Logic (p.78)

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2.9 Integrated Circuits (p.79)

Level of Integration An IC (a chip) Examples:

Small-scale Integration (SSI): < 10 gates Medium-scale Integration (MSI): 10 ~ 100 gates Large-scale Integration (LSI): 100 ~ xk gates Very Large-scale Integration (VLSI): > xk gates

VLSI Small size (compact size) Low cost Low power consumption High reliability High speed

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Moore’s Law

Transistors on lead microprocessors double every 2 years. (transistors on electronic component double every 18 months)


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Silicon Wafer and Dies

Exponential cost decrease – technology basically the same: A wafer is tested and chopped into dies that are packaged.

Die ( 晶粒 )

Wafer ( 晶圓 )

AMD K8, source:

dies along the edge

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Cost of an Integrated Circuit (IC)













Today’s technology: 4.0, defect density 0.4 ~ 0.8 per cm2

(A greater portion of the cost that varies between machines)

(sensitive to die size) (# of dies along the edge)

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Examples of Cost of an IC

Example 1: Find the number of dies per 30-cm wafer for a die that is 0.7 cm on a side. The total die area is 0.49 cm2. Thus

Example 2: Find the die yield for dies that are 1 cm on a side and 0.7 cm on a side, assuming a defect density of 0.6 per cm2.

The total die areas are 1 cm2 and 0.49 cm2. For the large die the yield is

























For the small die, it is

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Digital Logic Families (p.79)

Digital logic families: circuit technology TTL: transistor-transistor logic (dying?) ECL: emitter-coupled logic (high speed, high power consumption) MOS: metal-oxide semiconductor (NMOS, high density) CMOS: complementary MOS (low power) BiCMOS: high speed, high density

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Digital Logic Families (p.80)

The characteristics of digital logic families Fan-out: the number of standard loads that the output of a typical gate can

drive. Power dissipation. Propagation delay: the average transition delay time for the signal to

propagate from input to output. Noise margin: the minimum of external noise voltage that caused an

undesirable change in the circuit output.

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Fan-out (FO)

The fan-out gates act as a load to the driving circuit because of their input capacitance Cin

Therefore, the total input capacitance is (Figure 2.1(a))

In Figure 2.1(b), the external load capacitance CL is

In Figure 2.2 where the total output capacitance is defined as

GnGpin CCC

inL CC 3



Fig 2.1 Input capacitance and load effects

Fig 2.2 Evolution of the inverter switching model

(a) Single stage(b) Loading due to fan-


(a) External load (b) Complete switch model

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Delay Definitions













Vin Vout




Propagation delay

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Power Dissipation (1/2)

The current IDD flowing from the power supply to ground gives a dissipated power of

Since VDD is assumed to be a constant

DC contribution

Leakage current is very small, therefore, the value of PDC is thus quite small However, leakage power on today is critical

for low-power design.

Where PDC is the DC term and Pdyn is due to dynamic switching events.




Where IDDQ is leakage current.

Fig. DC current flow

Fig. Origin of power dissipation calculation

(a) VTC (b) DC current

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Power Dissipation (2/2)

Dynamic power dissipation Pdyn

Pdyn arises from the observation that a complete cycle effectively creates a path for current to flow from the power supply to ground,

The average power dissipation over a single cycle with a period T is




DDoute VCQ




DC termdynamic power term

fVCP DDoutsw2

Fig. Circuit for finding the transient power dissipation

(a) Input voltage

(b) Charge (c) Discharge

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CAD (p.80)

CAD – Computer-Aided Design Millions of transistors Computer-based representation and aid Automatic the design process Design entry

» Schematic capture» HDL – Hardware Description Language

− Verilog, VHDL

Simulation Physical realization


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Homework 2

Problem 2.1, 2.6, 2.8, 2.14, 2.20, 2.27, and 2.28 Due day: 10/16