Chapter 15 Study Guide

Chapter 15 Study Guide Renaissance -1300-1650 AD( French – “Rebirth”) Causes of the Renaissance ****The Renaissance began in ITALY mainly because Greek scholars had come with the trading Venetian ships seeking refuge from the Ottomans. They brought works by ancient writers Italians thought to be lost. These writings and works got the Italians thinking. What cities had to offer to the Renaissance Florence – income tax Rome – Vatican Venice- Trade (Tariffs) Humanism - ( spurred on Renaissance) focused on worldly subjects and human achievements and potential. Humanists began replacing clergy as teachers. Inspired by interest in Greek and Roman culture. Sonnet - 14 line poem {7-7…..4-4-4-2} every line was ten syllables Renaissance , Reformation, and Counter Reformation would lead to increased nationalism. Characteristics of Art and Architecture in the Renaissance The Individual- value of the individual Perspective use of perspective Realism and Classical Influence- influence of classical Greece and Rome Beauty, Balance, and Harmony Realistic portrayals of people and other subjects People of the Rennaisance/their Creations ( all need to know) Dante Alighieri and Giovanni Pico - both from Florence; considered to be the first humanist writers. increased trade with Asia and other regions as a result of the Crusades Growth of large wealthy city-states in Italy ( FLORENCE BIRTHPLACE OF RENAISSANCE * ) Renewed interest in classical learning of ancient Greece and Rome (HUMANISM) Rise of rich and powerful merchants, who became patrons of the arts ( MEDICI FAMILY / LORENZO MEDICI ) The Renaissance began in Italy specifically in these cities until eventually spreading to France, Germany, Netherlands, and England. …. ( Milan , Genoa,

Transcript of Chapter 15 Study Guide

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Chapter 15 Study Guide

Renaissance -1300-1650 AD( French – “Rebirth”)

Causes of the Renaissance

****The Renaissance began in ITALY mainly because Greek scholars had come with the trading Venetian ships seeking refuge from the Ottomans. They brought works by ancient writers Italians thought to be lost. These writings and works got the Italians thinking.

What cities had to offer to the Renaissance Florence – income tax Rome – Vatican Venice- Trade (Tariffs)

Humanism - ( spurred on Renaissance) focused on worldly subjects and human achievements and potential. Humanists began replacing clergy as teachers. Inspired by interest in Greek and Roman culture.

Sonnet - 14 line poem {7-7…..4-4-4-2} every line was ten syllables Renaissance , Reformation, and Counter Reformation would lead to increased nationalism.

Characteristics of Art and Architecture in the Renaissance The Individual- value of the individual

Perspective – use of perspective Realism and Classical Influence- influence of classical Greece and Rome

Beauty, Balance, and Harmony Realistic portrayals of people and other subjects

People of the Rennaisance/their Creations ( all need to know)

Dante Alighieri and Giovanni Pico - both from Florence; considered to be the first humanist writers.

Giovanni Boccaccio and Francesco Petrarch - wrote in their vernacular about secular subjects

Painters/ Sculptors

Leonardo Da Vinci – “ UNIVERSAL MAN”/ “RENAISSANCE MAN” Painted Mona Lisa and Last Supper. Had

20,000 pages of notes; studied anatomy and designed weapons , canals….

Michelangelo Buonarroti- painter and sculptor- sculpted Pieta, (launched him into fame) David (13 Feet tall)

and painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and the Last Judgement. BUILT St. Peter’s Basilica

increased trade with Asia and other regions as a result of the Crusades Growth of large wealthy city-states in Italy ( FLORENCE BIRTHPLACE OF RENAISSANCE * ) Renewed interest in classical learning of ancient Greece and Rome (HUMANISM) Rise of rich and powerful merchants, who became patrons of the arts ( MEDICI FAMILY / LORENZO

MEDICI ) Increased desire for scientific and technical knowledge Desire to beautify cities.

The Renaissance began in Italy specifically in these cities until eventually spreading to France, Germany, Netherlands, and England. …. ( Milan , Genoa, Naples) ( Trade, printed materials, artists, etc. )

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Raphael- sanzio; painter and architect .. painted frescoes …. School of Athens … Madonna and Child ( Mary and

Jesus) and painted Baptism of Jesus. Was the pope’s private painter.

Hans Holbein - was known for painting HENRY VIII

Pieter Bruegel - painted “ Tower of Babel” , “ Triumph of Death” , “Hunters in the Snow” , “Netherlandish

Proverbs” , and “ Peasant Wedding”


Donatello - sculptor that sculpted a 6 foot tall David and painted “Mark” and “St George” and “Crucifix.”

Jan Van Eyck- painted Giovanni and His Bride ( also called Arnolfini Marriage”) and “ Ghent alterpiece”

Albrech Durer- the “GERMAN LEONARDO” painted Adam and Eve, Virgin and her 7 Sorrows , and Hare. He



Inventors/ Philosophers/Writers

Johannes Gutenburg - developed a movable type printing (1440* Chinese) and printed a bible ( 2 volumes -

1282 pages) books could be produced much more quickly and began to become more affordable though 1st

Gutenburg Bible cost 3x clerks pay. DID lead to more books being available and increased literacy.

- Gutenburg Bible

- Mazarin bible Versions of Bibles the Gutenburg Printed ****

-42 Line Bible

Baldassare Castiglione - wrote THE COURTIER (1528) a book that described how gentle(women) should act.

Niccolo Machiavelli - wrote THE PRINCE – rulers may have to be cruel and deceitful END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS

Nicholas Copernicus – ( polish/ catholic) said sun was the center of the universe and planets and stars rotated

around the sun in a circle… waited until RIGHT BEFORE HE DIED TO PUBLISH most of of his ideas and works….

Fear of the church. (Johannes Kepler – Ellipses)

Galileo Galilei - ( Italian) developed telescope and AGREED that the earth rotates around the sun; said that

some planets even have their own moons. FORCED BY THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH to recant discoveries.

Desiderius Erasmus - wrote “ In Praise of Folly” and was a Christian humanist who attacked some of the abuses

of Renaissance Popes and tapestry of Roman Catholic church + pushed for education of the youth.

Thomas Moore - wrote UTOPIA – attacked government and church abuses.. said all men are equal and have a

purpose and talked about a perfect society

William Shakespeare- ( Christopher Marlow) – playwrights that focused on ordinary people and topics and

showed a deep understanding of human nature, theatre expands in England. 150 sonnets…

Christine de Pisan - wrote City of Women …. Italian

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1517 marked the beginning of the Protestant Reformation Discontent with the church started with the church’s abuse of power and money ( lead to increased nationalism)

Sale of indulgences – pardons issued by pope so people could reduce time in the purgatory.


Pope Leo X/ John Tetzel – spent the church’s money unwisely; St, Peter’s Basilica + indulgences


John Wycliffe- believed that church should give up its earthly possessions. Church officials removed him from

his teaching position.

Jan Hus - preached against the immorality and worldliness of the Church. 1412- he was excommunicated for

heresy by pope Gregory XII and burned at the stake.

Martin Luther

Protestant- started the Reformation. He came from a common background. His parents wanted him to go to

school and instead he joined a monastery. He was almost struck by lightning (??) He wanted a simple life and

serve God. Worked in the Library and read the Bible.

Came up with JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH- faith alone could bring salvation

He wrote 95 theses in LATIN for the church leaders and nailed it to church door in Wittenburg. ( some below)

Justification by faith

Sales of Indulgences not biblical

Bible sole authority – NOT THE POPE

The church was a community of believers – led by MINISTER **

Luther rejected the purgatory

Vocations of all believers

Church officials could marry

Sermons in vernacular of people

Luther rejected confessions, prayers to saints, and pilgrimages

>> Lutherans baptized babies too and still had similarities with the Catholic Church.

Other Reformers……

Both men said that Bible should be written in person’s language before Martin Luther.

>>Luther was formally CONDEMNED in 1519

>>Finally EXCOMMUNICATED in 1521

>> EDICT OF WORMS declared Lutheran an outlaw

>>Lutheran princes ( friends) filed a ‘ PROTESTATIO’ and came up with the Lutheran Church. ‘ Proestatio’ is where the word “protestants” came from.

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1525- ( Huldreich) Ulrich Zwingli – started the REFORMED CHURCH in ZURICH, SWITZERLAND. Adhered to

Luther’s teachings but wanted a complete break from the Catholic Church

-1531- missionaries…. Zwingli and 1,500 followers were killed by 8,000 catholics.

Geneva-City of God-John Calvin – created the Institutes of the Christian Religion ( predestination **) VERY


John Knox- Scotland – said people should obey secular (worldy) leaders… unless they contradict God/Bible

(Revolutions and Presbytarian Denominations)

Anabaptists- only baptized converts… drew extra persecution…. Led to Religious Liberty and Separation of

Church and state ( Ammish, Mennonites, Baptists )

Infant Baptism

First record of infant baptism- 370 AD

Emperor Constantine baptized right before he died to wash his sins away.

IN 416 AD the Roman Empire made infant Baptism COMPULSORY. Collapsed in 476 AD.

Church of England

Henry VIII - had 6 wives and 3 children ( he wanted a male heir). Upset that Catherine of Aaragon could not

birth a boy…. She had 6 children and only MARY lived. Wanted to marry Anne Bolelyn in 1527, but could not get

a divorce from Pope. Convinced Parliament to start the CHURCH OF ENGLAND in which was now the official

church of England with the King as the head. ( $$).

Anne bore a GIRL ( Elizabeth)….. and Henry VIII did not like that she did not birth a girl so he accused her of

treason and had her beheaded.

Married JANE SEYMOUR who birthed EDWARD VI- she died 12 days after childbirth.

Henry married 3 more women but none had children…. EDWARD VI took over at 9 years old so a COUNCIL OF

LORDS ran the government and church. Infiltrated the church with Protestant ideas. Edward died in 1553 at 15

and throne was passed down to Mary.

BLOODY MARY is the nickname given to Mary and she is a devout Catholic. Marries Phillip, The king of Spain

who was also a devout Catholic. Didn’t like Church of England turning Protestant, so she had 1000s of

Protestants burned at the stake…. She died five years later.

Elizabeth took over and did not want to cause any more trouble so she blended Protestant and Catholic

Doctrines and Church of England became the ANGELICAN CHURCH.

Counter Reformation

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POPE JOHN PALL III 1536- established COMMISON OF CARDINALS to assess the Catholic Church.

1545-63 Council of Trent. They defend and clarify the Church Doctrine

Savonrola- 1498- in Florence- aspiring friar who wanted people to only focus on God, but upset the Pope and

was burned at the stake.



Salvation faith and works

Latin Vulgate was only acceptable version of the Bible

Church hierarchy could interpret the Bible.

Ended Sale of indulgences

Established seminaries to train priest

Mass was still in Latin and kept church art and rituals

Catholic Church came up with the society of Jesus- Ignatius Loyala ( Spanish churchman and founder of the Jesuits)-

became known as the JESUITS
