Chapter 13 Tetracorder. Simple definition of band depth D = 1 - R b /R c where R b is reflectance in...

Chapter 13 Tetracorder

Transcript of Chapter 13 Tetracorder. Simple definition of band depth D = 1 - R b /R c where R b is reflectance in...

Page 1: Chapter 13 Tetracorder. Simple definition of band depth D = 1 - R b /R c where R b is reflectance in band center and R c is reflectance in continuum at.

Chapter 13


Page 2: Chapter 13 Tetracorder. Simple definition of band depth D = 1 - R b /R c where R b is reflectance in band center and R c is reflectance in continuum at.


Simple definition of band depth D = 1 - Rb/Rc where

Rb is reflectance in band center and Rc is reflectance

in continuum at band center. With 3 channels we can

estimate Rc as average of channels on wings on

either side of band center. O.K. for narrow features,

but not entirely satisfactory for more complex

features where some form of interpolation may be


Page 3: Chapter 13 Tetracorder. Simple definition of band depth D = 1 - R b /R c where R b is reflectance in band center and R c is reflectance in continuum at.

Tetracorder (cont’d)

Use specific bands to search for feature and estimate a relative concentration based on band depth.

First generate a continuum removed spectra for library spectra and image-derived spectra.

Page 4: Chapter 13 Tetracorder. Simple definition of band depth D = 1 - R b /R c where R b is reflectance in band center and R c is reflectance in continuum at.

Tetracorder (cont’d)

• Convolve library spectra with spectral response of sensor to generate an estimate of image derived reflectance spectra (i.e., assumes some form of atmospheric inversion has been applied to image data). 

• Convert image DC spectra to approximate surface reflectance spectra.

Page 5: Chapter 13 Tetracorder. Simple definition of band depth D = 1 - R b /R c where R b is reflectance in band center and R c is reflectance in continuum at.

Tetracorder (cont’d)• Remove continuum according to

where Lc is the continuum removed spectra derived from library reflectance spectra (L), O c is the continuum removed spectra derived from image derived reflectance spectra, and C () and CO() are library and image derived

continuum spectral estimated from a fit through the limbs. A fit is made through the limbs most simply using a straight line and several user-defined bands on either side of the absorption feature. cf. Figure 1 from paper





LC )()(





Page 6: Chapter 13 Tetracorder. Simple definition of band depth D = 1 - R b /R c where R b is reflectance in band center and R c is reflectance in continuum at.

Tetracorder (cont’d)

Fig. 1. A spectrum from the Canon City AVIRIS flight data is compared to a library reference kaolinite spectrum.

Page 7: Chapter 13 Tetracorder. Simple definition of band depth D = 1 - R b /R c where R b is reflectance in band center and R c is reflectance in continuum at.

Tetracorder (cont’d)

The difference in the continuum removed spectra may be due to areal or intimate mixtures (i.e., mixed pixels) or due to scattering differences due to grain size variations. A radiative transfer model could be used to model variations from library spectra and then fitted to the observed spectra.

Page 8: Chapter 13 Tetracorder. Simple definition of band depth D = 1 - R b /R c where R b is reflectance in band center and R c is reflectance in continuum at.

Tetracorder (cont’d)In this case, a simple additive constant (k) is used to reduce the contrast in the continuum removed library spectra according to

where L is the contrast reduced spectrum that best matches observation.

where or 1 CCC

C bLaLkkL



and )1(




Page 9: Chapter 13 Tetracorder. Simple definition of band depth D = 1 - R b /R c where R b is reflectance in band center and R c is reflectance in continuum at.

Tetracorder (cont’d)

If we run a least squares fit on

and solve for a and b, then

for each library reference spectra.




Page 10: Chapter 13 Tetracorder. Simple definition of band depth D = 1 - R b /R c where R b is reflectance in band center and R c is reflectance in continuum at.

Tetracorder (cont’d)

Fig. 2. The kaolinite spectra from Figure 1B have had some continuum removed and the library spectrum fitted to the observed AVIRIS spectrum. While a single spectrum may not show the kaolinite doublet structure well, an average of several pixels from this region does.

Page 11: Chapter 13 Tetracorder. Simple definition of band depth D = 1 - R b /R c where R b is reflectance in band center and R c is reflectance in continuum at.

Tetracorder (cont’d)

Run this regression fit on each pixel and generate a goodness of fit (R2) and compute a band depth.

Band depth is proportional to abundance and R2 yields a confidence. We can then generate relative abundance and confidence maps (set abundance to zero if confidence is below some threshold).

Page 12: Chapter 13 Tetracorder. Simple definition of band depth D = 1 - R b /R c where R b is reflectance in band center and R c is reflectance in continuum at.

Tetracorder (cont’d)

Note S/N can be improved by averaging spectra. This helps both continuum removal and curve fitting.


Display of band depth *R2 (cf. Figures) tends to highlight abundance and confidence simultaneously. (N.B. interesting opportunity for IHS…)

Page 13: Chapter 13 Tetracorder. Simple definition of band depth D = 1 - R b /R c where R b is reflectance in band center and R c is reflectance in continuum at.

Tetracorder (cont’d)

Fig. 2.

Page 14: Chapter 13 Tetracorder. Simple definition of band depth D = 1 - R b /R c where R b is reflectance in band center and R c is reflectance in continuum at.

Tetracorder (cont’d)

Fig. 3.

Page 15: Chapter 13 Tetracorder. Simple definition of band depth D = 1 - R b /R c where R b is reflectance in band center and R c is reflectance in continuum at.

Tetracorder (cont’d)

Fig. 6. An average spectrum of 32 pixels from the Canon City AVIRIS image compared to reference library spectra of kaolinite and geothite (dashed-dotted curves) and a spectrum of a rock sample from the sandstone unit seen in Figure 3d.