Chapter 13. Controlling Trace Gas Levels

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  • 8/11/2019 Chapter 13. Controlling Trace Gas Levels


    Chapter 13

    Controlling Trace Gas LevelsIntroduction

    Before scavenging was inst ituted, excess anesthetic gases and vapors were

    discharged into room air. As a consequence, operating room personnel were

    exposed to low concentrat ions of these drugs with l i t t le c oncern about any

    detrimental effects that could possibly result from such exposure. Questions have

    been raised about possible hazards from exposure to trace amounts of anesthetic

    gases and vapors (1). (For the remainder of this chapter, anesthetic gases and

    vapors wil l be referred to as gases , because most vapors behave as gases.)

    A trace lev el of an an es the tic gas is a conc entrat ion far below that needed for

    clinical anesthesia or that can be detected by smell (2 ). Trace gas levels are

    usually expressed in parts per mil l ion (ppm), which is volume/volume (100% of a

    gas is 1,000,000 ppm; 1% is 10,000 ppm).

    Reported trace gas concentrat ions in operating rooms vary greatly, depending on

    the fresh gas f l ow, the venti lat ion system, the length of t ime that anesthesia has

    been administered, the measurement site, anesthetic technique, and other

    variables. Trace gas levels tend to be higher with pediatric anesthesia (3,4), in

    dental operatories (1,5), and in poorly venti lated postanesthetic care units

    (recovery rooms) (6,7 ,8,9,10).

    Methods of Study

    Despite many studies and much discussion, opinions dif fer o n whether or not a

    problem exists and what levels should be allowed in the working environment ( 11).

    To interpret the data, it is f irst necessary to understand how it was collected. Four

    basic methods of study have been used. All have major l imitat ions and


    An im a l In v e s t i g a t i o n s

    During animal studies, laboratory animals are exposed to v arying levels of gases

    for varying periods of t ime and are studied to determine the effects.

    These studies should be interpreted warily. Large numbers of animals need to be

    studied to achieve s tat ist ical signif icance. In animals, diet affects tumor

    susceptibi l i ty, and stress affects reproduction (12). Toxicity usually depends on

    both exposure t ime and concentrat ion, and it is dif f icult to correlate exposure t ime

    in animals with that in humans because their l i fe spans are so d if ferent. Finally,

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    variat ions in drug effects among species create uncertainty about the relevance of

    these f indings to h umans.

    Hum an Vo l u n t e er S t u d i es

    Human volunteers have been used to study the effects of trace gases on skil led

    performance, immune responses, and drug metabolism.

    Epidemiologic Studies of Exposed Humans

    A number of ep id emio log ic stud ies of ex pose d pe rsonn el have be en pe rfo rmed.

    Most were retrospective and used questionnaires. They suffer from low response

    rates, inappropriate control groups, poor recollect ions and biases on the part of the

    respondents, poor wording, fai lure to include signif icant points in the



    and misinterpretat ions due t o dif ferences in education and experience on the part

    of the respondents (12 ,13 ,14 ,15 ,16). Data interpretation is hampered by a lack of

    agreement as to what level of s ignif icance to accept (12 ,17 ). Finally, many of the

    studies have not b een designed to test the cause-and-effect relat ionship between

    trace gases and problems in exposed personnel. Some studies show increased risk

    for specif ic groups but not for other equally exposed groups (18 ). Others have

    shown problems in groups with and without exposure to trace gases, suggesting

    that the risk may be related to some other factor. Finally, many of the studies were

    performed before scavenging and other methods to control trace gas levels were


    Mo r t a l i t y St u d i es

    Studies on the causes of death and the age at which death occurred among

    anesthesiologists have p rovided interest ing data. One s tudy found that

    anesthesiologists do not have an increased risk of death from cancer or heart

    disease but do have higher rates of death due to suicide, substance abuse, other

    external causes and cerebrovascular disease than internists (19 ). There was also

    an increased rate of death from HIV and v iral hepatit is in male anesthesiologists.

    Another stu dy found th at wh ile anes th es iolog is ts hav e a s ign if ic an tly yo un ge r me an

    age of death, there was no stat ist ical dif ference in age-specif ic mortality (20).

    Problems Attributed to Trace Gases

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    Sp o n t an e o u s A b o r t i o n

    Epidemiologic StudiesEpidemiologic s tudies f rom several countries have shown higher rates of

    spontaneous abortion in operating room and dental operatory personnel than in

    women in dif ferent environments (21 ,22,23 ,24,25 ,26,27,28,29,30,31 ,32,33). Other

    studies have failed to f ind signif icant increases in spontaneous abort ions in

    exposed personnel (34,35,36,37 ,38 ,39,40). One study found that the f requency of

    miscarriages among nurses working in intensive care units was approximately equal

    to that of nurses in the operating room, suggesting that other factors such as stress

    may play a role (27 ,41 ). A study of midwives who were often exposed to nitrous

    oxide found that the risk of spontaneous abort ion was not increased with nitrous

    oxide exposure but was increased with night work and high workload ( 42 ).

    Animal Studies

    Ha l o g e n at e d A g e n t s

    Investigat ions have found no evidence of increased spontaneous abort ion in mice

    exposed to high levels of isof lurane, enflurane, or halothane

    (43,44,45,46 ,47 ,48,49 ).

    N i t r o u s O x i d eOne study found that prolonged exposure to 1 ,000 ppm nitrous oxide caused fetal

    death, but no effect was seen when 500 ppm was used (50). A later study found

    that the threshold for fetal death was higher (between 1,000 and 5,000 ppm) with

    intermittent exposure (51).

    M i x t u r e s

    Investigat ions us ing mixtures of halothane and nitrous oxide found no effect with

    concentrat ions as high as 1,600 ppm halothane plus 100,000 ppm ni trous oxide

    (49). Nitrous oxide 500,000 ppm plus isoflurane 3,500 ppm also had no effect on

    spontaneous abortions (52 ).

    Sp o n t an e o u s A b o r t i o n i n S p o u s es

    Al though sev era l s tu dies hav e shown an in cre as ed spontaneous ab ort io n ra te in

    wives of exposed males (23,53,54), the majority suggest that there is no increase

    (16,21,25,40 ). One study found no changes in s perm concentrat ion or morphology

    in male anesthesiologists working in health care facil i t ies with s cavenging

    equipment (55 ). Studies have failed to show any adverse effect on reproductive

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    processes of male animals exposed to up to 5,000 ppm enflurane (44,56 ) or 10 ppm

    halothane plus 500 ppm nitrous oxide (57 ).

    I n f e r t i l i t y

    Epidemiologic Studies

    Several studies have found higher-than-expected rates of involuntary infert i l i ty

    among exposed personnel (24 ,53 ,58 ). A more recent study found no evidence that

    female anesthetists have increased risk of infert i l i ty (59 ). One study found

    decreased fert i l i ty in dental operatory s taffs who were exposed to considerably

    higher levels of ni trous oxide than those who were operating room personnel (5).

    One study found no effect from paternal exposure (25), and no changes in sperm

    count or morphology were found in male anesthesiologists working in scavenged

    operating rooms (55).

    Animal Studies

    Ha l o g e n at e d A g e n t s

    Numerous s tudies of animals exposed to high concentrat ions of isof lurane,

    enflurane, or halothane showed l i t t le or no effect on fert i l i ty (43 ,45,56,60,61,62 ,63 ).

    N i t r o u s O x i d e

    No changes in male fert i l i ty and no sperm abnormalities were found in mice after

    exposure to up to 800,000 ppm (60,64 ). However, prolonged exposure of male rats

    to 200,000 ppm resulted in abnormalit ies in spermatogenic cells (65). Exposure to

    up to 800,000 ppm caused no changes in fert i l i ty i n male or female f l ies (61 ).


    M i x t u r e s

    Decreased fert i l i ty was seen in female rats exposed to halothane 10 ppm plus

    nitrous oxide 500 ppm before mating (57). Male rats exposed to these

    concentrations showed greater frequency of chromosomal aberrations in

    spermatogenic cells, but the aberrations were probably too infrequent to cause

    decreased fert i l i ty (61 ).

    B i r t h Def e c t s

    Epidemiologic Studies

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    Several studies in humans h ave found an increase in congenital abnormalit ies in

    children of exposed personnel (21,23 ,24 ,28,34,37 ,53 ,54,66 ,67 ). Interpretat ions of

    the data have been questioned (12,17,18 ,68 ). Several investigators have found no

    increase in birth defects among the offspring of exposed parents

    (16,25,26,27 ,29 ,36,40 ). No increase in chromosomal abnormalit ies in exposed

    nurses or changes in sperm morphology have been found in male anesthesiologists

    working in operating rooms (55,69).

    Animal Studies

    Studies of laboratory animals exposed to concentrations of inhalat ional agents well

    above those found in even unscavenged operating rooms have failed to f ind any

    signif icant teratogenic effects (44 ,45,47 ,48 ,49,50 ,52 ,57,60,64,70,71,72 ).

    Im pa i r e d Per f o rm ance

    Operating room personnel are subjected to many s t imuli that require precise, rapid,

    and complicated responses. Because the patient 's survival depends on the

    alertness and performance of the professional team, anything that interferes with

    its abil i ty to perceive changes and react quickly and appropriately may result in

    harm to a patient.

    Al though a few s tu die s hav e fou nd tha t volun tee r exposure to tr ace gas

    concentrat ions caused signif icant decreases in performance (73 ,74 ,75,76 ), efforts

    to duplicate these results have failed (41 ,77,78,79,80,81,82 ,83,84,85 ,86 ). These

    studies found that the concentrations needed to decrease performance were

    hundreds of times greater than the average levels found in unscavenged operating

    rooms. In another study, neuropsychological symptoms and tiredness were reported

    more by individuals in operating rooms where scavenging was used less often (87 ).

    One study determined that personnel exposed to 51 to 54 ppm of nitrous oxide had

    slowed reaction times compared with workers not exposed to trace gases ( 88 ).

    Cance rEpidemiologic Studies

    A la rge s tud y foun d no inc re ase in cancer in ex pos ed ma le s but indicate d that

    females in the operating room were at higher risk for cancer than nonexposed

    females (21). The signif icance of these data has been questioned (17,18 ). Similar

    results have been reported for female dental operatory assistants (23). Two studies

    of dentists have shown that the incidence of c ancer is not signif icantly dif ferent

    among those exposed and those not exposed to trace concentrations of anesthetics

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    (23,54). One study found a higher rate of melanoma among anesthesiologists (89).

    A re v ie w of comb ine d data f ro m six stud ies found an inc reased can cer risk among

    women but not men (41,90 ).

    Mortality Studies

    There is no increased death rate f rom cancer in male anesthesiologists

    (19,91,92,93 ,94 ,95,96 ). The death rate from cancer among female

    anesthesiologists is higher when compared with male anesthesiologists and control

    groups (93), but the numbers are too small to permit any strong conclusions.

    Various therapeutic modalit ies have resulted in higher cancer cure rates, so the

    incidence of cancer cannot be inferred by using only mortality data.

    Animal StudiesStudies have found no evidence of increased carcinogenicity in animals exposed to

    up to 5,000 ppm halothane or 10,000 ppm enflurane (97 ,98,99 ). One s tudy found

    hepatic neoplasms in mice exposed during gestat ion and early l i fe to 1,000 to 5,000

    ppm isoflurane (100 ), but the validity of this study has been questioned, and it

    appears that the increased incidence of tumors may have been the result of other

    factors. In later studies, no evidence of increased carcinogenicity was found in

    animals exposed to up to 6,000 ppm isoflurane (98 ,101). No evidence of increased

    carcinogenicity in mice has been found with exposure to up to 800,000 ppm nitrousoxide (98,102). No increase in neoplasms was found in rats exposed to 10 ppm

    halothane plus 500 ppm nitrous oxide (103).

    Mutagenicity Testing

    Huma n S t u d i es

    Cytogenetic methods are increasingly used for evaluating the effects of exposure to

    potential mutagens in the environment

    (105 ,106,107,108 ,109,11 0,111 ,112 ,113,114 ,115 ). Some studies found no

    associat ion between occupational exposure to waste anesthetic gases and

    cytogenetic damage (104,10 8,110 ,11 3,116,117 ,118 ,119 ,12 0). Others suggest that

    there may be an association (105,106,107,11 1,11 2,11 4,115,121,12 2,123 ). One

    study found that the waste gas levels recommended by the National Inst itute for

    Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) appear to be safe, whereas exposure to

    higher levels were associated with an increase in c hromosome damage (10 9).

    A n i m a l S t u d i es

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    Several studies have found that halothane and its metabolites are not mutagenic

    (124 ,125,126,127 ,128,12 9). Others have found that halothane and/or its


    metabolites a re weakly mutagenic (130,131 ,132 ,133). Investigators have been

    unable to demonstrate mutagenic effects f rom enflurane (125 ,134,13 5) or isof lurane

    (125 ,127,135). Investigations have found that nitrous oxide is not mutagenic

    (125 ,136). One investigation found that halothane plus nitrous oxide did not

    increase mutagenesis (128). Another found that nitrous oxide had no effect on the

    mutagenicity of halothane (130). The same study found that there was no

    mutagenicity with mixtures of nitrous oxide and enflurane or isof lurane.

    L i v e r Di sease

    Epidemiologic Studies

    Studies have found that operating room and dental operatory personnel have

    higher-than-expected rates of hepatic disease (11,19 ,21,23 ,54 ,89,90 ,13 7).

    Interpretation of these data has been questioned (17 ).

    Recurrent hepatit is following exposure to halothane has been demonstrated in a

    few individuals (138,13 9,140,141,14 2), and exposure to trace anesthetic agents

    enhances hepatic metabolism of some drugs (143,144). Elevated serum

    autoantibodies that react with specif ic hepatic proteins have been found in

    anesthesia personnel, especially females and pediatric anesthesiologists (145).

    The relevance of these facts to the effects of trace concentrat ions is not clear.

    Animal Studies

    Halothane exposure in concentrat ions as low as 20 ppm may be associated with

    mild toxic effects to the l iver in rats (14 6,147 ,148). No evidence of such effects has

    been found from exposure to enflurane or isoflurane (146,14 8).

    Renal DiseaseOne study found that female operating room nurses, technicians, and

    anesthesiologists had a higher r isk of kidney disease than did comparable groups

    outside the operating room (21). These results have been questioned (17). Another

    study failed to f ind any increase in kidney disease in male anesthesiologists (11 ).

    A stu dy showed an inc rea se in renal di sease in expos ed de ntists and fema le chai r-

    side assistants (23 ). No increase in deaths caused by renal disease has been found

    among anesthesiologists (93).

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    Hem a to l o g i c S t u d i e s

    Epidemiologic StudiesIn one s tudy, a higher-than-expected rate of leukemia was found in female

    anesthesiologists, but the small database made any valid conclusions dif f icult (21).

    Other studies found no s ignif icant alterat ions in hematologic function in exposed

    individuals (149,150,15 1,152 ). However, 3 of 20 dentists exposed to c oncentrat ions

    of nitrous oxide higher than those normally found in operating rooms showed

    abnormalit ies in their bone marrow, and two had abnormalit ies in their peripheral

    blood (153).

    Animal Studies

    In mice, no hematologic effects were found from exposure to 500 ppm halothane

    (97). Exposure to 3,000 ppm enflurane had no effect on hematopoiesis in mice

    (154 ). Exposure to 10 ,000 ppm nitrous oxide caused no c hanges in hematopoiesis

    in rats (15 5). Cytogenetic damage to bone marrow was found in rats exposed to 10

    ppm halothane plus 500 ppm nitrous oxide (56).

    Neu r o l o g i c S ymp t om s

    A nonspec if ic polyne uro path y fol lo wing chron ic exposure to ni trous ox id e has been

    described (15 6,157). Two studies found an increase in neurologic symptoms(numbness, t ingling, and/or muscle weakness) in dentists and female chair-side

    assistants who are exposed to anesthetic gases (23,158). Another study showed no

    dif ference in neurologic symptoms or signs, sensory p erception, or nerve

    conduction between dentists who use nitrous oxide extensively and those who use

    it sparingly or not at all (159 ). High levels of nitrous oxide have not been shown to

    cause neuromuscular or neurologic abnormalit ies in animals (15 9).

    A l t e r at i o n s i n Imm une Res p o n s e

    Several studies have found that work in operating rooms does not change the

    immunologic prof i le of individuals (160,161 ,162,163 ,164 ). A study of people

    working in unscavenged rooms with trace gas concentrat ions several t imes the

    recommended levels had changes that reversed when they were removed from that

    environment (16 5).

    Ca rd i a c D i sease

    Studies have shown a greater-than-expected f requency of hypertension and

    dysrhythmias (11,16 6), and there is one case report of atr ial f ibri l lat ion secondary

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    to halothane exposure (167). However, mortality studies give no evidence that

    anesthesiologists have a higher-than-expected risk of dying from heart disease

    (91,92,93,94 ,95 ,96).

    M i s ce l l a n eou s

    Various studies have reported higher-than-expected incidences of bone and joint

    disease (11), ulcers (11 ,166 ), ulcerat ive colit is (16 6), gallbladder disease (11 ),

    migraine (166 ), and headache and fat igue (168) in exposed personnel. Case

    reports of exposed personnel who developed asthmatic symptoms ( 169), laryngit is

    (170 ), ophthalmic


    hypersensit ivity (171 ), conjunctivit is (172), exacerbation of myasthenia gravis

    (173 ), and skin eruptions (174 ,175 ) have been published. Mortality s tat ist ics show a

    high incidence of suicide and substance abuserelated deaths among

    anesthesiologists (19,91,93).

    Summa r y

    The evidence that trace anesthetic gases are harmful is at present suggestive

    rather than conclusive (176). The hazard, if it exists, is not great and is more

    properly regarded as disquieting than alarming. Researchers who have

    systematically examined the published data have concluded that reproductive

    problems in women were the only health effects for which there is reasonably

    convincing evidence (14 ). While it is reassuring to note that studies have shown

    that anesthesiologists have a mortality rate less than that expected for physicians

    or the general populat ion (92,93 ,94 ), reproductive problems are not reflected in

    mortality data, and high cure rates may be responsible for the low mortality. One

    study showed an increased rate of early ret irement as a result of permanent i l l

    health and a high rate of deaths while working among anesthesia personnel (177).A cause-and-ef fec t re la tions hip between occup ati onal exposure and th e problems

    described has not been f irmly established. I f there is an increased risk, i t may be

    related to other factors such as mental and physical stress; strenuous physical

    demands; dis turbed night rest; need for constant a lertness; long and inconvenient

    working hours that often interfere with domestic l i fe; irregular routine; exposure to

    transmissible infect ions, solvents, propellants, c leaning substances, lasers,

    methylmethacrylate, radiat ion, or ultraviolet l ight; pre-exist ing health and

    reproductive problems; hormonal or dietary disturbances; the physical or emotional

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    makeup of those who choose to work in operating rooms; socio-economic f actors;

    or some other as ye t undefined factor ( 17 8).

    The Committee on Occupational Health of Operating Room Personnel suggests that

    health care inst itut ions bring to the attention of operat ing and recovery room

    personnel pert inent information on the claimed risks of excess anesthetic gases

    and ways by which these risks can be minimized (179). A sample letter is available

    (180 ).

    Control Measures

    Complete elimination of all anesthetic molecules from the ambient atmosphere is

    impossible. The goal should be to reduce concentrat ions to the lowest level

    consistent with a reasonable expenditure of effort and money. To achieve this,

    attention should be focused on four areas: scavenging, equipment leaks, work

    techniques, and the room ventilation system.

    Scav e n g i n g S y s t ems

    Scavenging is the collect ion of excess gases f rom equipment used to administer

    anesthesia or ex haled by the patient and the removal of these gases to an

    appropriate place of discharge outside the work environment. Scavenging sys tems

    are also referred to as evacuation systems, waste anesthetic gas disposal s ystems,

    anesthesia waste exhaust, and excess anesthetic gas-scavenging systems.

    Installat ion of an eff icient scavenging system is the most important step in reducing

    trace gas levels, lowering ambient concentrat ions by up to 90%

    (181 ,182,183,184 ,185,18 6,187 ,188 ,189,190 ,191 ).

    A scaveng in g sys te m cons is ts of f ive bas ic part s (Fig. 13.1): a gas-collect ing

    assembly, which captures gases at the site of emission; a transfer tubing, which

    conveys collected gases to the interface; the interface, which provides posit ive

    (and sometimes negative) pressure relief and may provide reservoir capacity; the

    gas-disposal tubing, which conducts the gases from the interface to the gas-disposal system; and the gas disposal system, which conveys the gases to a point

    where they are discharged. Frequently, some or all of these components are


    A U.S . sta ndard (192) and an international standard (193) for scavenging systems

    have been published. The international standard dif fers from the U.S. standard in

    that some f it t ings are male rather than female and vice versa.

    Gas-collecting Assembly

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    The gas-collect ing assembly (scavenger adapter; gas-capturing assembly, device,

    or valve; scavenging trap or v alve; collect ing or collect ion valve; scavenging exhale

    valve; evacuator; antipollut ion valve; ducted expiratory valve; collect ing system

    exhaust valve; scavenging trap, collect ing system) collects excess gases and

    delivers them to the transfer means. It may attach to, or be an integral part of, a

    source. Frequently, the outlets of two or more sources are joined together. The

    Ame ric an Soc iety of Te sting an d Ma te rials (ASTM) s tanda rd and in te rnati ona l

    standards (19 2,193 ) specify that the outlet connection must be a 30-mm male

    f it t ing. In the past, 19-mm fit t ings were permitted, but they a re being phased out.

    The size is important, because it should not be possible to connect components of

    the breathing system to the outlet. Some early assemblies had 22-mm fit t ings, and

    cases of misconnection with breathing system tubes occurred (194,195 ).

    B r e at h i n g S y s t em s

    Systems Containing an Adjustable Pressure-Limiting Valve

    Systems with an adjustable pressure-l imit ing


    (APL) valve (Chapter 7) include the circle system and the Mapleson A, B, C, and D

    systems. The APL valve is essential ly f i t ted with a shroud (Fig. 13.2). With thecircle, Bain, and Lack va riant of the Mapleson D systems, the weight of the

    assembly can be s upported by the anesthesia machine, and the transfer means can

    be quite short. Smaller and l ighter APL valves with gas -collect ing assemblies are

    available for the other Mapleson systems.

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    View Figure

    Figure 13.1Complete scavenging system. The gas-collecting assembly may be an integral part of the breathingsystem, ventilator, gas monitor, or extracorporeal pumpoxygenator. The interface may be an integral part of thegas-collecting assembly or some other portion of thescavenging system.

    An APL valv e ma y have a bui l t-in mechan ism th at prevents positi ve or nega tiv e

    pressure from the scavenging system being transmitted to the breathing system

    (196 ).

    View Figure

    Figure 13.2Gas-collecting assembly attached to an APLvalve.

    T-piece Systems without an Adjustable Pressure-Limiting Valve

    Numerous devices f or removing gases from the bag have been described

    (197 ,198,199,200 ,201,20 2,203 ,204 ,205,206 ,207 ,208 ,209,210 ,211 ,212,213,21 4).

    Other methods use a container that is attached to s uction (215 ,21 6). Other methods

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    attach the gas-collect ing assembly between the bag and its attachment to the

    tubing (217 ,218,219 ,22 0).

    Re s u s c i t a t i o n E q u i pm e n t

    Nonrebreathing valves with a scavenging adapter are commercially available. I t is

    fair ly simple to a ttach a collect ion assembly to the exhalat ion port of some exist ing

    nonrebreathing v alves without affect ing v alve function.

    Ma s k s o r N a s a l C a n n u l a e

    I t is common pract ice in some inst itut ions to administer anesthetic gases to

    patients through a nasal cannula or face mask for sedation. Placing a tent or hood

    around the patient 's head and attaching a suction source can reduce the ambient

    concentrations of gases (221,222,22 3). A double mask consist ing of a smaller inner

    mask separated from a larger outer mask by a space connected to a scavenging

    device wil l reduce ambient concentrat ions (224,225 ).

    Ve n t i l a t o r s

    Anesthes ia ven ti la to rs are now equippe d wi th gas-c ol lec t in g assemb lies . The was te

    gas is di rected to the same interface that is used by the breathing system. In most

    cases, the drive gas which is composed of oxygen, air, or a combination of the two,

    is expelled into the room.


    On some older venti lators, the exhaust includes not only excess breathing system

    gases but also the driv ing gas for the venti lator. In this situat ion, a disposal system

    that is capable of handling high gas f lows is required. A sc avenging system that

    functions eff icient ly with s pontaneously breathing or manually v enti lated patients

    may fail to do so when used with venti lators that discharge the driving gas into the

    scavenging system (226).

    E x t r a c o r p o r e al P um p O x y g e n a t o r s

    The outlet port of an extracorporeal pump oxygenator is a potential source of

    anesthetic pollut ion (227,228). Gas-collect ing assemblies f or these are available

    (229 ). I t is important to provide an effect ive interface with these devices because

    signif icant posit ive or negative pressure alterat ions at the outf low port can

    markedly alter oxygenator functioning (230).

    Re s p i r at o r y G a s Mo n i t o r s

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    A diverting gas mon itor (Chapter 22) withdraws gas from the breathing system and

    transports it into the monitor. The gas then needs to be either returned to the

    breathing system or diverted into the scavenging system. This source of

    contamination is often ignored (231,232 ,233,234 ). Monitors manufactured in recent

    years are equipped with an outlet to facil i tate scavenging (23 5) (Fig. 13.3).

    View Figure

    Figure 13.3A:Gas monitor with sample gas outlet (atupper right). B:Connection of transfer tubing near theinterface.

    C r y o s u r g i c a l U n i t s

    Some cryosurgical units use ni trous oxide. These can contribute to operating room

    contamination (236 ). These units should be f i t ted with scavengers, or carbon

    dioxide should be used instead of ni trous oxide (23 7).

    L e a k S i t e s

    When there is a definite leak site (such as when a face mask is used or a vaporizer

    is f i l led), or in the postanesthesia care unit , close (local) scavenging of

    contaminated air t hrough a separate scavenging device or a low negative p ressure

    hood can be used to lower ambient concentrations (210,238 ,239,240,241). A face

    mask that has the ability to reduce the concentration of anesthetic gases in the

    recovery room has been described (8).

    Transfer Tubing

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    The transfer tubing (exhaust tubing or hose, transfer means, transfer system)

    conveys gas from the collect ing assembly to the interface when the interface is not

    an integral part of the gas-collect ing assembly.

    The transfer tubing is most commonly a length of tubing with a connector at either

    end. The inlet and outlet f i t t ings should be either 19 or 30 mm. It should be as short

    as possible (this is facil i tated by mounting the interface on the anesthesia machine)

    and wide enough to carry a high flow of gas without a significant increase in

    pressure. I t should be resistant to kinking. I t should not touch the f loor, but if i t

    does, it should be designed to prevent occlusion. I t should be easily seen and easy

    to disconnect from the gas-collecting assembly in the event of malfunction or

    scavenging system occlusion. To discourage misconnections, it is recommended

    that the transfer tubing be dif ferent (by color and/or configurat ion) from the

    breathing system tubing (Fig. 13.6).


    The interface (balancing valve or device, pressure balancing valve or device,

    interface system or block, intermediate site, safety block, air break receiver,

    receiver unit , air b reak, receiving system, interface valve, scavenging valve,

    reservoir) serves to prevent pressure increases or decreases in the scavenging

    system from being t ransmitted to the breathing system, venti lator, or extracorporeal

    oxygenator. The U.S. and international standards (19 2,19 3) require that the

    pressure immediately downstream of the gas-collect ing assembly be l imited to

    between -0.5 and +3.5 cm H2O during normal operating condit ions and up to +15

    cm H2O with obstruct ion of the scavenging system.

    The interface inlet must have a 1 9- or 30-mm (preferred) male connector. The size

    of the outlet is optional but should be dif ferent from breathing system connectors

    and from the inlet connector if the device is sensit ive to the direct ion of f low.


    The interface should be situated as close t o the gas-collect ing assembly as

    possible, where it can be readily observed and reached by anesthesia personnel.

    There are three basic elements to an interface: posit ive pressure relief, negative

    pressure relief, and reservoir capacity. Irrespective of what type of disposal system

    is used, posit ive pressure relief must be provided to protect the equipment and

    patient if occlusion of the scavenging system occurs. I f an act ive disposal system is

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    used, negative pressure relief is needed to l imit s ubatmospheric pressure. A

    reservoir is necessary to match the intermittent f low from the gas-collect ing

    assembly to the continuous f low of the disposal s ystem. A device that gives an

    audible signal may be f it ted to the interface to indicate operation of the posit ive or

    negative pressure relief device. A f low indicator may be provided to monitor f low

    from the interface to the gas-disposal system (Figs. 13.4, 13.5).

    The reservoir may be a rigid container, wide tubing, a bag, or a c ombination of

    these. A distensible bag allows gas removal by the scavenging system to be

    monitored. I t should only be used with ac t ive disposal systems and should be of a

    dif ferent color from, and situated away from, the reservoir bag in the breathing

    system. The connection between the bag and the interface should be a dif ferent

    size from the mount for the reservoir bag in the b reathing system.

    Interfaces can be divided into two types: open and c losed, depending on the means

    to provide posit ive and negative pressure relief.

    Open In t e r f a c e

    An open interface (a i r brea k receiv er uni t) (242,243 ,244 ) (Fig. 13.4A) has one or

    more openings to atmosphere (allowing posit ive and negative pressure relief) and

    contains no valves. I t s hould be used only with an act ive disposal system. The

    inlet, the disposal system connection, and the opening(s) to atmosphere should be

    arranged so that waste gases are removed before room air is entrained.

    Because the discharge of waste gases is usually intermittent and f low through an

    active disposal assembly is continuous, a reservoir is needed to hold the surges of

    gas that enter the interface until the disposal system removes them. The reservoir

    allows the f low rate in the disposal system to be kept just above the average f low

    rate of gases from the gas-collect ing assembly.

    I t is important that the reservoir have adequate capacity, especially if a venti lator in

    which the driving gas mixes with waste gases is used or if high t idal volumes or

    high nitrous oxide f lows are used (245).

    The safety afforded by an open system depends on the patency of the vents to

    atmosphere, so it is important to have redundancy in case some are accidentally

    blocked (246 ,247 ). The vents should be checked


    and cleaned regularly. Plast ic bags and surgical drapes should be kept away from

    the vents.

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    View Figure

    Figure 13.4A:An open interface. Note the escape-inletports at the top of the reservoir. These provide positive andnegative pressure relief. B,C:are closed interfaces. (A)and(B)are active systems. (C)is a passive system.

    View Figure

    Figure 13.5Open interfaces. The open ports at the top ofthe canister provide positive and negative pressure relief.The flow control valve is used to regulate the scavengingflow. The flowmeter indicates whether or not the flow iswithin the range recommended by the manufacturer. Thefloat should be between the two markings on the flowmeter.

    Inside the canister, one tube conducts waste gases to thebottom. The other tube conducts gases from the bottom tothe disposal system.

    Open interface are shown in Figs. 13.4A, and 13.5. Anesthetic gases from the

    transfer means enter at the top and are c onducted to the base where they are

    dispersed. A parallel tube is connected at the top to the reservoir. The space

    around both tubes acts as a reservoir. The holes at the top are open to

    atmosphere. A f lowmeter measures the a mount of vacuum that is applied to the

    interface by the act ive disposal s ystem. I t also provides a visual indicat ion that the

    vacuum is turned ON. Usually, there are two marks between which the indicator

    should be located.

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    The open interface is simple but may pollute the atmosphere if the reservoir does

    not have suff icient volume to contain the boluses of waste gases. The act ive

    disposal system must supply adequate f low to remove the scavenged gases from

    the interface. Turbulence wil l inc rease the volume of air contaminated with

    anesthetic gases (242). Turbulence is greatest when gases from the breathing

    system f low against the disposal system f low and l east when f low is in the same

    direct ion.

    C l o s e d In t e r f a c e s

    A closed inte rf ac e (Fig. 13.4B,C) makes its connection(s) to atmosphere through

    valve(s). A posit ive pressure relief valve is always required to allow gases to be

    released into the room if there is obstruction of the scavenging system downstreamof the interface. I f an act ive disposal system is to be used, a negative pressure

    relief (pop-in, inlet relief) valve is necessary to allow air to be entrained when the

    pressure in the reservoir fal ls below atmospheric.

    A re serv oi r is not re qu ire d wi th a c los ed in te rf ace and should not be used un less an

    active disposal system is used. I f an act ive disposable system is used, a

    distensible bag is useful for monitoring scavenging system function.

    Positive Pressure Relief Only

    A closed inte rf ac e wi th only posi ti ve pressur e rel ie f sho uld be used on ly wi th apassive disposal system. An example is shown in Figure 13.4C. The posit ive

    pressure relief valve remains closed unless there is a problem downstream of the

    interface. The relief device may be spring loaded or work by gravity.

    Positive and Negative Pressure Relief

    I f an act ive disposal system is used, a negative pressure relief valve must also be

    present. Subatmospheric pressures greater than -0.5 cm H2O can raise or lower the

    opening pressure of some APL valves (24 8).

    Examples of the closed interfaces are shown in Figures 13.4B and Cand Figure

    13.6. When a passive disposal s ystem is used, the negative pressure relief wil l


    remain closed at all t imes. I f an act ive disposal system is used, it should close

    during high peak f low rates from the gas-collect ing assembly and open when the

    gas-disposal assembly f low is greater than the f low of gases entering the gas-

    collect ing assembly from the breathing sys tem.

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    View Figure

    Figure 13.6Closed interfaces. Note the wide-bore flexibletransfer tubing that is different in appearance from the

    breathing system tubes.

    The rate of f low i nto the gas-disposal assembly should be adjusted to the optimal

    level by observing the bag (if present) and the posit ive and negative relief valves.

    In an o ptimally adjusted system, the bag expands and deflates but never becomes

    overextended or completely deflated (249,25 0,25 1). I f the bag is continually

    collapsed or the negative pressure relief valve opens frequently, the flow should be

    lowered. I f the bag becomes distended or the posit ive pressure relief valve opens

    frequently, f low should be increased.

    A closed inte rf ac e can be used wi th an y ty pe of disposal sys tem, but valv es ad d to

    the complexity. They must be designed so that they do not st ick or leak. Interfaces

    with two negative pressure relief valves are available and add a margin of safety.

    Gas-disposal Tubing

    The gas-disposal tubing (receiving hose, disposal tubing) connects the interface to

    the disposal system (Fig. 13.1). To avoid misconnections, it should be dif ferent in

    size and appearance from the breathing system hoses. I t should be resistant to

    collapse and free of leaks. Wi th a passive gas-disposal system, it is important that

    the hose be as s hort and wide as pract ical to minimize resistance.

    Ideally, the gas-disposal tubing should be run overhead to minimize the risk of

    occlusion and to avoid the dangers of personnel tr ipping over it or other apparatus

    becoming entangled in it. It may be hidden in a false ceiling. If the tubing must be

    run across the f loor, i t should be routed where it is l east l ikely to be stepped on or

    have equipment rolled over it . I f i t must pass a doorway, it should follow the door


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    Gas-disposal System

    The gas-disposal system (elimination s ystem or route, disposal-exhaust route,

    disposal assembly) removes waste gases from the anesthetizing location. The

    gases must be vented at a point that is isolated from personnel and any air intakes.

    Gas-disposal systems are of two types: act ive, in which a f low-inducing device

    moves the gases, and passive, in which the pressure is raised above atmospheric

    by the patient exhaling, by manually squeezing the reservoir bag, or by a venti lator.

    With an act ive s ystem, there


    wil l be negative pressure in the gas-disposal tubing. With a passive system, thepressure wil l be posit ive.

    Active sys te ms are usually mo re ef fec ti ve at keep ing po llut ion lev els low, becau se

    most leaks wil l be inward (182 ,252,25 3). They allow small-bore tubing to be used,

    and excessive resistance is not a problem. They also aid room air exchange. They

    are, however, expensive in terms of energy costs. They are not automatic and must

    be turned ON and OFF. I f they are not turned ON, air pollut ion wil l occur; i f they

    are not turned OFF, there wil l be needless waste of energy. Active systems are

    more complex than passive ones. Their use requires that the interface have

    negative pressure relief.

    Passive systems are simpler but may not be as effect ive in lowering trace gas

    levels, because the posit ive p ressure encourages outward leaks. They are less

    expensive to operate than act ive s ystems.

    Pas s i v e S y s t em s

    Room Ven tilation System

    Venti lat ion systems in operating rooms are of two types: nonrecirculat ing (one

    pass, single pass, 100% fresh air) and recirculat ing (187). A nonrecirculatingsystem takes in exterior ai r and processes it by f i l tering and adjust ing the humidity

    and temperature. The processed air is circulated through the room and then all of i t

    is exhausted to atmosphere. This type of venti lat ion system can be used for waste

    gas disposal by securing the disposal tubing to a convenient exhaust gri l le. Air

    f lowing into the gri l le wil l remove the gases from the room.

    Economic concerns has l ed to increased use of v enti lat ion systems that recirculate

    air. With this type of sys tem, a small amount of air is taken in from the atmosphere,

    while the remaining air is recirculated. Most of the gases exhausted from the room

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    are shunted back into the intake and recirculated, while a volume equal to the fresh

    air admitted is exhausted. With this type of system, waste gases must be vented

    beyond the point of recirculat ion.

    The health care facil i ty engineer should know which type of v enti lat ion system is

    present. I f not, absence of recirculat ion can be determined by sampling the room

    air inlet to see if i t is f ree of trace gases after they have been released in another


    An important con sid era ti on when using the room ven ti la ti on sys te m for was te ga s

    disposal is the negative pressure in the exhaust duct. I f waste gases are introduced

    at the gri l le, the negative pressure is usually minimal and its effect negligible (246 ).

    I f they are introduced at a distance downstream in the duct (as they must be with a

    recirculat ing system), negative pressure relief must be provided in the interface.

    In many operating rooms, the exhaust gri l les are not located close to the

    anesthesia machine, posing problems with tubing on the f loor where it may be

    occluded. In some cases, the disposal tubing can be ex tended to a wall- or ceil ing-

    mounted connection that leads to a pipe in the wall (187). The pipe then connects

    to the exhaust duct.

    Piping Direct to Atmosphere

    Piping direct to the atmosphere is also known as a direct duct or v ent, specialized

    duct system, direct disposal l ine, or through-the-wall system (252 ,25 3,254,25 5).

    Excess gases are vented through the wall, window, ceil ing, or f loor to the outside,

    using only the sl ight pressure of the gases and leaving the gas-collect ing assembly

    to provide the f low. This type of system is not suitable for an operating room that is

    far from an outside wall (24 6).

    To prevent cross f low between rooms, each room should have its own duct. The

    inlet to the duct should be close to the anesthesia machine. There should be a

    means to cap the opening to the duct when it is not connected to the gas-disposal

    tubing. The duct should be short with a large diameter to avoid excessive back

    pressure. A unidirectional valve may be placed in the duct to prevent outside air

    from entering the operating room and to minimize the effects of wind pressure on

    the disposal system (254 ).

    The discharge point on the outside should be s elected so that it is away from wind

    pressures, ignit ion hazards, windows, and the i nlets for the v enti lat ion system. I t

    may be advantageous to attach a short T-piece as a terminal (256 ). The open

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    end(s) should point downward to prevent water and dirt from entering and be fitted

    with netting to prevent insects, rodents, and foreign matter from entering the pipe.

    The direct piping disposal system is e asy to use but requires a special installat ion.

    In redesigning an exist ing operating room or designing a new room, construct ion of

    such a system should be considered. I f the operating rooms are not near the

    outside of the building, this type of disposal assembly may not be pract ical.

    Problems that can occur with the direct disposal sys tem include both posit ive and

    negative pressure caused by wind currents, obstruct ion from ice buildup, and

    accumulat ion of foreign matter at the outlet (255 ,257). There needs to be a means

    to determine system patency. It is important to do trace gas monitoring with the

    system in use in order to make certain a f low-inducing device is not needed. A

    study of this type of system found that it worked eff icient ly and had low

    maintenance costs (258).

    Adsorption Device

    An adsorpti on de vic e remo ves some or all ex ces s an esthetic agen ts by adsorb ing

    them or converting them to harmless substances

    (185 ,255,259,260 ,261,26 2,263 ,264 ). Canisters of varying shape and capacity that

    are f i l led with ac t ivated charcoal have been used for waste gas disposal. Some can

    be regenerated by autoclaving (265). Dif ferent volat i le agents are adsorbed with

    varying eff iciency. The eff iciency of adsorption also


    depends on the f low rate through the canister (266). Moisture may reduce the

    eff iciency (26 7).

    Ads orp ti on dev ic es are s imple and port ab le and do no t re qu i re ex pens iv e

    installation or maintenance. An additional advantage is that halogenated anesthetic

    vapors are not released to the ozone layer (266 ). An act ivated charcoal f i l ter has

    been used successfully to scavenge nitr ic oxide and nitrogen dioxide (268 ).

    Ads orp ti on dev ic es hav e a numb er of disadvan tages . At pres ent, th ere is no

    adsorption device for nitrous oxide. They are fair ly expensive and are effect ive for

    only short periods of t ime. They must be replaced regularly and pose storage and

    disposal problems. In order to determine whether or not the adsorber is saturated

    requires monitoring or weighing. Finally, a large canister may impose signif icant

    resistance (259). I t is recommended that adsorpt ion devices be l imited to situat ions

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    where nitrous oxide is not being employed and no other means of eliminating waste

    gases is available.

    Concerns about the release of anesthetic waste gases into the atmosphere and

    their contribut ion to global warming and ozone deplet ion have been voiced

    (255 ,269,270,271 ). Zeolites may be used to adsorb halogenated agents from the

    outlet of the scavenging system, thereby reducing atmospheric pollut ion

    (269 ,272,273).

    Cat a l y t i c D e c om p o s i t i o n

    Catalyt ic decomposit ion can be used to convert nitrous oxide to nitrogen and

    oxygen, reducing its contribut ion to the greenhouse effect (274 ,275).

    A c t i v e S y s t em s

    Piped Vacuum

    The central vacuum system is a popular method of gas disposal (27 6,27 7,278). The

    system should be capable of providing high volume (30 L/minute) f low, but only

    slight negative pressure is needed. There should be a means to allow the user to

    control the f low. This wil l conserve energy, reduce the load on the central pumps,

    and reduce the noise level. For s ome units, this is done by observing the bag and

    the posit ive and negative pressure relief valves. Others have a means to allow the

    user to adjust the flow to that recommended by the manufacturer (Figs. 13.5, 13.6).

    A re s tr ic ti ve ori f ice ma y be plac ed in the vacuum n ip ple to li mi t the f low (279).

    There are a number of problems associated with using a central piped vacuum

    system for sc avenging.

    In a d e q u a t e Num b e r o f V a c u um O u t le t s

    Many operating rooms have only two vacuum outlets. This is barely enough for

    some surgical procedures, let alone anesthesia use. Ideally, anesthesia personnel

    should have two vacuum outlets available, one for suct ioning the airway and one

    for scavenging waste gases.

    If there are not e nough outlets, a Y may be i nserted into the vacuum line to create

    two lines. Unfortunately, this may reduce the flow so that it becomes inadequate for

    either purpose.

    Some anesthesia providers use a single vacuum line for sc avenging and patient

    suctioning. The vacuum line remains attached to the interface most of the t ime and

    is detached when needed for patient suct ioning. I f the f low of anesthesia gases is

    not turned OFF, there wil l be escape of anesthetic gases into the room air.

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    In c o n v e n i en t O u t l e ts

    I f a suction outlet is not near the anesthesia machine, long tubings must reach

    across the f loor, with the ha zards of occlusion, tr ipping, and entanglement with

    other apparatus.

    S y s t em O v e r lo a d

    Because scavenging requires high f lows, the c entral vacuum system may become

    overloaded if too many devices are in us e at the same t ime. Overcoming this

    problem may require a major renovation of the system. System overload can be

    reduced if anesthesia personnel adjust the f low to that necessary to prevent gases

    from being spilled into room air and turn off the flow after use.

    D am a g e to t h e V a c u um S y s t em

    Wear and tear on the vacuum pump can be expected to increase if the central

    vacuum system is used for disposal of waste gases. Vacuum pump failure and

    pump f ires have been reported (280).

    P e rs o n n e l E x p o s u r e

    If the exhaust from the central vacuum pump goes to an area frequented by

    personnel or is situated near an air intake, open window, or door, this wil l result in

    addit ional exposure of personnel to waste gases. I t may be necessary to relocate

    the pump exhaust.

    I n c o n v e n i e n c e

    To conserve energy, the vacuum system should be turned ON just before

    anesthesia is begun and turned OFF at the termination of a procedure. For further

    energy conservation, the anesthesia provider should adjust the vacuum f low

    according to the volume of waste gases. If these duties are neglected, there will be

    either wasted energy or operating room pollution.

    Active Duct System

    The other type of ac t ive disposal assembly is a dedicated evacuation system that

    leads to the outside and employs f low-inducing devices (fans, pumps, blowers, etc.)

    that can move large volumes of gas at low pressures

    (246 ,252,278,281 ,282,28 3,284 ) (Fig. 13.7). It has been recommended that two flow-

    inducing devices be provided and arranged so that if one fai ls, the second one wil l

    run. Several ducts may be connected together to a common duct that leads outside.

    The f low-inducing device is located in the common duct and provides movement of

    gases at a low negative pressure. Balancing dampers should be provided to prevent

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    pressure imbalances from developing between the operating rooms that are

    connected to the system (24 8,278). The


    negative pressure helps to ensure that cross contamination between operating

    rooms will not occur and prevents atmospheric conditions from affecting the outflow

    from the system. The outlet to atmosphere should be away from windows and

    venti lat ion intakes. A means to adjust the f low may be incorporated into the

    common duct.

    View Figure

    Figure 13.7Part of a piped anesthetic gas evacuation

    system with a shut-off valve. The gauge is at the right.

    Each operating room is supplied with an evacuation inlet ( Fig. 13.8). It should not

    be interchangeable with other systems, including the piped vacuum system. I t is

    recommended that there be a means to indicate to the user that the scavenging

    system is operational.

    The advantages of the active duct system are that resistance is not a problem, and

    wind currents do not affect the system. Disadvantages include those of any ac t ive

    system: added complexity and the need f or negative pressure relief and reservoir

    capacity in the interface. I t requires a s pecial installat ion, which should be

    considered during renovation or when a new anesthetizing location is being

    designed. The f low-inducing device means a dded energy consumption and requires

    regular maintenance.

    A l t e r at i o n s i n Wo r k P r a c t i c es

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    A number of work pract ic es al lo w anes the tic gases to ente r ro om air

    (285 ,286,287,288 ). Adhering to the following pract ices wil l signif icantly reduce

    contamination. Most can be followed without compromising safety, and some of

    them are beneficial to the patient. Trace gas monitoring can be used to

    demonstrate to personnel the techniques needed to avoid polluting room air.

    Adheri ng to good work pra ct ic es shou ld no t dis trac t from patie nt comf ort and

    safety. For example, in pediatric anesthesia, use of uncuffed tracheal tubes may

    necessary, and holding the mask t ight ly against the face may be fr ightening to a


    Checking Equipment Before Use

    Before start ing an anesthetic, al l c omponents of the scavenging system should besecurely connected and patent.


    If an act ive gas disposal assembly is to be used, the f low should be turned ON.

    View Figure

    Figure 13.8Inlet for anesthetic gas evacuation (at right). Aprobe attached to the gas transfer disposal tubing is insertedinto this.

    Leaks in the anesthesia machine and breathing system can contribute to operating

    room contamination. The preuse checkout (Chapter 33) should reveal these leaks

    so that they can be corrected (289).

    Nitrous oxide should be turned ON only momentari ly during the preuse equipment

    checkout. Most tests should be conducted by using oxygen or air.

    Using Scavenging Equipment

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    Failure to use av ailable scavenging equipment correct ly is common (290,291). In

    some cases, the reasons relate to equipment design and specif ic c ircumstances.

    More frequently, however, lack of concern is the problem.

    Proper Mask Fit

    Obtaining a good mask f it requires skil l but is c rit ical to maintain the lowest

    possible levels of anesthetic gases in t he room. Mask f it is especially important

    during assisted or c ontrolled venti lat ion, when higher pressures wil l magnify the

    leak between the patient and the mask. Anesthesia by face mask causes the

    highest levels of pollut ion (23 4,240 ,289 ,292,293 ,294,295). Pollut ion is also a

    problem with supraglott ic airway devices, although lower levels of anesthetic gases

    are found with these devices than with face masks (23 4,29 2,29 3,29 6,29 7). Anactive scavenging device near the mask (210 ,24 1,29 8) or the use of a d ouble mask

    can reduce room pollut ion from a poor mask f it (299,300 ).

    Preventing Anesthetic Gas Flow Directly into the Room

    Nitrous oxide and other agents should not be turned ON unti l the mask is f i t ted to

    the patient 's face. Turning the gas f low (but not the vaporizer) OFF during

    intubation is also good pract ice (30 1,302,303 ,304,305,30 6). This maintains

    postintubation concentrat ions close to preintubation levels and decreases operating

    room pollut ion.The patient connection port on the breathing system can be blocked during

    intubation (30 7,308,30 9,31 0), but care should be taken that part of the blocking

    device does not become dislodged and enter the breathing system (311). The fresh

    gas f low should be turned OFF or the APL valve opened to prevent the bag from

    overf i l l ing.

    Disconnections can be prevented by making certain that all connections are t ight

    before use. Disconnections for act ivit ies such as taping the tracheal tube or

    posit ioning the patient should be kept to a minimum. If i t is necessary to make a

    disconnection, release of anesthetic gases into the room can be minimized if the

    reservoir bag is f irs t gradually emptied into the scavenging system and the fresh

    gas f low is turned OFF. Alternately, the patient port can be occluded and the APL

    valve opened so that the gases wil l enter the scavenging system. I f a venti lator

    (which has its own spil l valv e) is being used, the APL valve does not need to be


    Washout of Anesthetic Gases at the End of a Case

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    At the end of a cas e, 100% oxygen shou ld be adm iniste red be fore ex tuba ti on or the

    face mask or supraglott ic device is removed to f lush most of the anesthetic gases

    into the sc avenging system.

    Preventing Liquid Agent Spills

    I t is easy to spil l l iquid agent when f i l l ing a vaporizer, so care should be exercised.

    The use of an agent-specif ic f i l l ing device (Chapter 6) wil l reduce spil lage. Devices

    that reduce spil lage when using funnel-f i l l vaporizers are available.

    Using local scavenging wil l reduce contamination associated with f i l l ing and

    draining vaporizers (17 6,240). A portable vaporizer may be f i l led in a hood with gas

    extract ion.

    The connections for f i l l ing and draining a v aporizer should be kept t ight. I f one ofthese connections is loose, agent may escape (312 ).

    Avoiding Certain Techniques

    Insuff lat ion techniques in which an anesthetic mixture is introduced into the

    patient 's respiratory s ystem during inhalat ion are sometimes used for laryngoscopy

    and bronchoscopy. These techniques result in f looding the air around the face with

    anesthetic agents. High f low rates are required to avoid dilut ion with room air and

    result in a cloud of anesthetic gases escaping into the room air. Local scavenging

    should be used to remove the anesthetic gases if an insuff lat ion technique is used.

    Proper Use of Airway Devices

    The use of cuffed tracheal tubes wil l reduce environmental c ontamination from

    waste anesthetic gases (313). Only small leaks should be permitted around

    uncuffed tubes in pediatric patients. When using an uncuffed tube, contamination

    can be reduced by placing a suction catheter in the mouth (31 4) and using a throat

    pack (17 6).

    Supraglott ic ai rway devices usually have a greater leak than c uffed tracheal tubes

    but contribute less to trace gas c ontamination than anesthesia conducted with amask (234 ,292,293,29 6,29 7).

    Where it is not possible to use a leak-t ight device, a hood can be placed around the

    head and suction used to remove the trace gases (313 ,315 ,316).

    Disconnecting Nitrous Oxide Sources

    Nitrous oxide and oxygen pipeline hoses leading to the machine should be

    disconnected at the end of the operating schedule. The disconnection should be

    made as

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    close to the terminal unit as possible and not at the back of the anesthesia machine

    so that if there is a leak in the hose, no gases wil l escape to room air while the

    hose is disconnected. This wil l result in lower levels of ni trous oxide in the

    operating room and conserve gases.

    When cylinders are used, the cylinder valv e should be closed at the end of the

    operating schedule. Gas remaining in the machine should be bled out and

    evacuated through the scavenging system.

    Using Low Fresh Gas Flows

    Using low fresh gas f lows wil l reduce the pollut ion result ing from disconnections inthe breathing system and from ineff icient scavenging (317,31 8,31 9). I t also allows

    low removal f lows to be used with act ive disposal assemblies, result ing in energy

    conservation and reduced wear and tear on the disposal device. The use of a trace

    gas monitor may lead to use of lower fresh gas f lows (320). Using low gas f lows

    does not make scavenging unnecessary, because high f lows must st i l l be used at

    t imes.

    Using Intravenous Agents and Regional Anesthesia

    Using intravenous induction techniques signif icantly reduces trace gas exposure(321 ).

    Keeping Scavenging Hoses off the Floor

    A scaveng in g hose on the fl oo r can be obs tructed or da maged by equipment rol l ing

    over i t , reducing scavenging.

    L e a k Con t r o l

    Some leaks are unavoidable, but they should be minimized

    (14,25,198,28 7,288,32 2,32 3). Leak control may require replacement of equipment

    that cannot be made gas t ight.

    Most anesthesia machines are serviced at regular intervals. Unfortunately, this

    servicing does not always identify or correct all leak points. In addit ion, leaks in

    some equipment develop fair ly frequently, so quarterly servicing is not suff icient.

    In-house monitoring and maintenance are necessary to minimize leakage.

    Pressure Terminology

    Some literature on scavenging has referred to all equipment upstream of the f l ow

    control valves as the high-pressure system and all equipment between the f low

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    control valves and the patient plus the scavenging equipment as the low-pressure

    system (28 7). In this book, the high-pressure system refers to those components

    that contain gas whose pressure is normally above 50 psig (340 kPa). This includes

    the components between the cylinder and the regulator. The intermediate-pressure

    system includes components normally subjected to a pressure between 50 and 55

    psig. This includes the pipeline hoses and the components of the machine between

    the pressure regulators or pipeline inlets and the f low c ontrol valves. The low-

    pressure system consists of components downstream of the f low control valves to

    the patient, plus the scavenging system.

    Identifying Leak Sites

    There are several techniques for locating leak sites (234 ). A c ontinuous infrarednitrous oxide analyzer can be used. The equipment under test is pressurized with

    nitrous oxide and the sampling probe directed at suspected leak sites. The me ter

    reading indicates the presence or absence of leaks. This wil l identify most leaks.

    An ex cep tion would be le ak ag e into a vapo ri zer.

    Some leak sites can be identif ied by applicat ion of a solut ion of 50% liquid soap

    and 50% water or a commercial leak test solut ion. Another method is to put alcohol

    on one's hands and move the hands over the equipment. A leak wil l cause cooling.

    Leakage can be assessed by test ing the capacity of the equipment to sustain

    pressurizat ion. The total leak rate is de termined, after which a co mponent is

    excluded and the leak rate determined again. The dif ference is the leak rate for that


    H i g h - p r e s s u r e S y s t em

    To test for leaks in the high-pressure system, the pipeline hoses should be

    disconnected and the f low c ontrol valves closed. The valve on a nitrous oxide

    cylinder should be opened fully, the pressure recorded, and the cylinder valve

    closed. The pressure should be recorded again 1 hour later. I f l i t t le or no p ressure

    drop has occurred, there is no signif icant leakage. I f i t fal ls, the high-pressure

    system is not t ight. The test should be repeated with the other nitrous oxide

    cylinder if there is a double yoke.

    If a signif icant leak is found, the most common site is the yoke, and applicat ion of a

    leak test solut ion wil l demonstrate a poor seal. Tightening the c ylinder in its yoke

    wil l often seal the leak. Other easily correctable causes include double, absent, or

    deformed washers. I f damaged parts are found, they should be replaced. I f f ixing

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    these problems does not cause the pressure to hold, the leak is inside the machine

    and must be co rrected by the manufacturer's service representat ive.

    Because leakage in this area does not occur often, checking every 2 to 4 months as

    well as after a cylinder has been changed should be suff icient (202,285,287 ).

    In t e r m e d i a t e- p r es s u r e S y s t em

    Leaks in the intermediate-pressure system components can be determined by

    measuring the nitrous oxide concentrat ions in the operating room when no

    anesthesia is being administered (287). The survey should begin at least 1 hour

    after administrat ion of anesthesia has been discontinued. I f a


    recirculat ing air condit ioning system is in use, a longer period may be required. The

    early morning is an excellent t ime to perform this test.

    Flow control valves should be closed, pipeline hoses connected, and cylinder

    valves closed. Room air should be s ampled at the anesthesia breathing zone (4 to

    5 feet above the f loor within 3 feet of the f ront of the anesthesia machine) and the

    room air intake and outlet. Nitrous oxide concentrat ions should be less than 5 ppm

    (153 ,230). I f a higher level is found, the pipeline hoses should be disconnected and

    the measurements repeated after a period of t ime. I f a high level is st i l l present,

    this indicates a leak in the nitrous oxide pipe leading into the room or the stat ion

    outlet and should be reported to the health care faci l i ty engineer. I f the level fal ls,

    this indicates a l eak in the p ipeline hose or the anesthesia machine.

    Common problems with pipeline hoses include worn or leaking connections

    (especially quick connects), deformed compression f it t ings, and holes. These

    should be corrected or the hoses replaced. Leaks inside the anesthesia machine

    require correct ion by a service representat ive.

    Once leaks are corrected, it is suggested that test ing of the intermediate system be

    performed every 2 to 4 months (198,230 ,285 ,28 7).

    L o w - p r e s s u r e S y s t em

    The low-pressure port ion of the system develops leaks more frequently than other

    parts. The preuse test for leaks in the breathing system (Chapter 3 3) is suff icient

    for the safe c onduct of anesthesia, yet can miss leaks that emit large amounts of

    anesthetic gases i nto room air.

    One way to quantify leakage in most of the low-pressure system is shown in Figure

    13.9. The breathing system is assembled for use. All components that are normally

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    used should be present in their usual posit ions. The patient port is occluded. The

    bag is removed and the bag mount occluded. This is necessary because the bag's

    compliance makes it hard to quantitate low leak rates. The bag should be tested

    separately for leaks. A vaporizer on the anesthesia machine should be turned ON.

    The APL valve should be fully open and the scavenging system occluded upstream

    of the interface. The oxygen f low control v alve is now opened suff icient ly to

    establish and maintain a steady pressure of 30 cm H 2O on the pressure gauge in

    the breathing system. The f low on the oxygen f lowmeter is the leak rate and should

    be less than 1,000 mL/minute. Leakage of 1,000 mL/minute of nitrous oxide would

    result in a mean concentrat ion of only 30 ppm in a 4,000 cubic foot room with 15 air

    changes per hour (248 ). The leakage test should be repeated with the other

    vaporizers turned ON.

    View Figure

    Figure 13.9Test for quantifying low-pressure leakage. (1)The reservoir bag is removed, and the bag mount is

    occluded. (2)The patient port is occluded. (3)The APLvalve is opened fully. (4)The transfer means is occluded

    just upstream of the interface. (5)Oxygen flow is turned onand adjusted to maintain a pressure of 30 cm H2O on the

    pressure gauge in the breathing system.

    I f the leak rate exceeds 1,000 mL/minute, the APL valve should be closed and the

    leak rate again determined. The dif ference is the leak rate in the scavenging

    system. The remaining leakage can be divided into that associated with the

    machine and that associated with the breathing system by attaching a

    sphygmomanometer bulb to the anesthesia machine common gas outlet a nd

    determining the oxygen f low necessary to achieve and maintain a pressure of 22

    mm Hg. This is the port ion of the low-pressure leakage associated with the

    machine. The machine leak site can be further ref ined by turning the vaporizer OFF

    and again determining the leak rate.

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    Problems in the scavenging system may be as simple as a c rack in a tubing

    (especially where it becomes kinked) or a poor connection.

    The breathing system is the most common location for signif icant low-pressure

    leaks, and the most common site is the absorber. Common problems include

    defect ive gaskets or seals, improper closure, inadequate t ightening, and open or

    leaking drain cocks. Absorbent granules on the gaskets can prevent a t ight s eal.

    Disposable canisters may be cracked during transit and leak after being installed.

    Most of these problems are easily corrected. Complicated repairs s hould be done

    only by the service representat ive.

    The above test does not check for leaks in the venti lator. The venti lator and the

    low-pressure system can be tested by using an infrared nitrous oxide analyzer. The

    anesthesia machine and breathing system are set up for cl inical use. The patient

    port outlet is occluded and the bag/ventilator selector switch put in the bag mode.

    The APL valve is closed. Using the f lowmeters, the breathing system is pressurized

    to 30 cm H2O with a 50% mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen. The machine and

    breathing system are scanned for nitrous oxide leaks. The selector valve is then put

    in the v enti lator mode and the f lowmeters set to deliv er 2 L/minute oxygen and 2

    L/minute ni trous oxide. The venti lator is turned ON and set to a


    tidal volume such that a peak pressure of 30 cm H2O is reached. The scavenger

    system is act ivated. The machine, venti lator, breathing system, and scavenging

    system are scanned. Readings should not be greater than 25 ppm nitrous oxide.

    A ven ti la tor wi th a s ta nd ing be l lo ws can be checked fo r lea ks by f i l l ing the be llows

    with gas, then switching the bag/venti lator selector switch to the bag posit ion. The

    bellows should remain fully inf lated. A hanging bellows can be t ested for leaks by

    stopping it during inspirat ion and placing the bag/venti lator selector switch in the

    bag posit ion. The bellows should remain compressed.

    It is controversial as to how often the low-pressure system should be tested for

    leakage. Suggested intervals vary from daily (230 ,285) to every other week (287) to

    monthly (198 ). It should be repeated with new equipment and when the absorbent is


    Room Ven t i l at i o n S y s t em

    The room venti lat ion system serves as an important adjunct to trace gas c ontrol by

    dilut ing and removing anesthetic gases result ing from leaks, e rrors in technique,

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    and scavenging system malfunctions (324 ,32 5,32 6,327,328). Recirculat ing systems

    are less effect ive at removing trace gases than nonrecirculat ing systems. A

    downward displacement venti lat ion system is more effect ive than a turbulent f low

    system (18 3). A turnover rate of 20 exchanges per hour is considered necessary to

    prevent bacteria from sett l ing (329).

    The anesthesia machine should be placed as close to the exhaust gri l le as

    possible. This will ensure maximum gas removal by the ventilation system and

    make it easy to use the venti lat ion system as the gas-disposal system. This should

    be taken i nto considerat ion when constructing a new operating room or renovating

    an older one.

    Online ambient air control has been proposed (10,33 0). This would permit the room

    venti lat ion to be matched to the actual contamination level.

    Hazards of Scavenging Equipment

    M i s a s s emb l y

    Misconnections involving the scavenging system are not uncommon (331 ,332 ). Most

    scavenging components have 19- or 30-mm connections rather than the 15- and 22-

    mm sizes found in b reathing systems. This wil l not completely prevent

    misconnections, because there may be other apparatus in the room that will accept

    19- or 30-mm connections (32 5,325A), and sometimes a 19- or 30-mm connector

    can be f it ted onto a 22-mm one (33 3,33 4). The safety provided by 19- and 30-mm

    connectors can be bypassed by using cheater adapters or tape for making


    A ci rc le system ho se ma y be con nec ted to th e ou tl et of the APL val ve col le ct ing

    assembly (194 ,195 ,335 ,336 ). Measures to prevent this include turning the exhaust

    port of the gas-collect ing assembly so that it points in the opposite direct ion from

    the breathing system ports, use of transfer and gas-disposal tubings of dif ferent

    colors and/or configurat ions f rom breathing system tubes, and using 30-mmconnections in the scavenging system.

    P r es s u r e A l t er a t io n s i n t h e B r e a t h i n g S y s t em

    The scavenging system extends the breathing system all the way to the gas-

    disposal point. When a scavenging system malfunctions or is misused, posit ive or

    negative pressure can be transmitted to the breathing system. This is more l ikely to

    occur with c losed interfaces.

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    Measures to prevent these untoward incidents include employing collapse-resistant

    material in all disposal lines, making the transfer means easy to disconnect, using

    scavenging tubing that has a dist inct ive appearance, incorporat ing posit ive and

    negative pressure relief valves in the interface, regularly checking the valves for

    proper functioning, using an open interface, and using airway pressure monitors

    (Chapter 23).

    Positive Pressure

    Posit ive pressure in the scavenging system can result from an occluded transfer or

    gas-disposal tubing. This can be caused by the wheel of an anesthesia machine or

    other equipment roll ing onto the tubing (19 5,337 ,338 ,339,340), ice (257 ), insects,

    water, or other f oreign matter. Another cause is defect ive components (341).Misassembly of the connection to the exhaust grille (342) and failure to include an

    opening between the inner and outer tubes of a tube-within-a-tube interface ( 343 )

    have been reported.

    These malfunctions may not result in a pressure buildup when a posit ive pressure

    relief mechanism is incorporated into the interface. The posit ive pressure relief

    mechanism may be incorrect ly assembled, may not open at a low enough pressure,

    or may be blocked (344). Obstruction or misconnection of the transfer tubing may

    occur (334 ,34 5,346 ,347 ,348,34 9). Because these problems are on the patient side

    of the interface, disconnecting the transfer means from the gas-collect ing assembly

    may be necessary to prevent a dangerous increase in pressure. In one reported

    case, the transfer tubing was kinked, causing back pressure to dev elop in the gas

    jacket of an extrac orp ore al ox ygenato r. This resu lted in gas be ing fo rced in to th e

    blood (350). All tubings that conduct scavenged gas should be off the f loor or

    protected so that they cannot become obstructed (339).

    With some older APL valves, subatmospheric pressure can result in obstruct ion and

    a buildup of posit ive


    pressure in the breathing system (34 3,351). In one reported case, subatmospheric

    pressure in the scavenging system drew a venti lator relief v alve diaphragm onto its

    seat and closed the valve, result ing in a pressure increase in the system (35 2).

    In another reported case, low scavenging flow resulted in an increase in pressure in

    the bag at the interface. This caused the v enti lator to fai l, and there was sustained

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    posit ive pressure in the patient circuit (353). On newer models, only ful l f low can be

    used for scavenging.

    Negative PressureI f an act ive disposal system is in use and the APL valve is ful ly open, there is

    danger that subambient pressure wil l be applied to the breathing system.

    Monitoring expired volume (but not ai rway pressure) may fail to detect a

    disconnection in the breathing system because the scavenging system may draw a

    considerable flow of room air through the expiratory pathway ( 354,35 5,36 7).

    Gas may be ev acuated from the breathing system if the APL v alve allows gas to be

    drawn through it and into the scavenging system at a pressure less than that

    needed to open the negative pressure valve on the interface (356,35 7). Thisproblem can be corrected by part ial ly closing the APL v alve (358 ), increasing the

    fresh gas f low, or lowering the f low in the gas disposal system.

    The negative pressure relief mechanism may malfunction

    (344 ,359,360,361 ,362,36 3). Another problem is us ing an interface designed for a

    passive system (which has no means to prevent a subatmospheric pressure) in an

    active scavenging system (346 ). In some scavenging systems that use the central

    vacuum system, a restrict ive orif ice is incorporated into the vacuum hose f it t ing to

    limit gas evacuation, regardless of the pressure applied by the central v acuum

    source (27 9). If this orif ice is omitted or becomes damaged, excessive vacuum will

    be applied to the interface and the capacity of the negative pressure relief

    mechanism may be exceeded.

    Ways to prevent negative pressure f rom being transmitted to the breathing system

    include provision of one or more negative relief mechanisms in the interface with an

    active disposal system (36 4), adjust ing the f low through the gas disposal system to

    the minimum necessary, and protecting the openings to atmosphere from accidental


    L o s s o f Mo n i t o r i n g In p u t

    A scaveng in g sys te m ma y mask the s tr ong odo r of a volati le anestheti c agent,

    delaying recognit ion of an overdose (34 5,365). Use of anesthetic agent monitoring

    (Chapter 22) should largely eliminate this problem.

    A l a rm Fai l u r e

    A cas e has bee n rep ort ed in wh ich nega t iv e pre ssure from the scav eng ing sys te m

    interface prevented the venti lator bellows from collapsing when a disconnection in

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    the breathing system occurred (366). The low airway pressure alarm in the

    venti lator was not act ivated. In another case, room air was d rawn into the breathing

    system through a disconnection, preventing the low minute v olume alarm from

    sounding (36 7).

    Monitoring Trace Gases

    Ra t i ona l e

    Ai r monito ri ng is the be st indi cator of th e suc cess of a was te ga s contro l pro gra m.

    It ref lects how well leaks and errors in technique are being controlled as well as the

    eff iciency of the scavenging and room venti lat ion systems and documents that low

    trace levels a re being maintained. Some anesthetic departments do not monitor

    trace gas levels in the belief that scavenging devices have solved the problem

    (368 ).

    Monitoring is necessary because a sc avenging system that appears adequate in

    design may perform ineff icient ly in use. Sites where gas can leak are diverse,

    frequently obscure, and sometimes inaccessible. Even relat ively large leaks may be

    inaudible. Nitrous oxide is odorless, and the threshold for smell ing halogenated

    agents may be as high as 300 ppm (369 ). Without monitoring, operat ing room

    personnel may be unaware that atmospheric contamination is at unacceptable

    levels. A properly conducted monitoring program can provide a construct ive method

    of reminding anesthesia personnel to avoid careless work habits. Another

    advantage of monitoring is that it can detect problems with gas delivery to

    equipment (370).

    Al though such a pro gra m wi ll increas e a hea lth care fac il ity's ope ra ting ex pense, it

    wil l help to reduce the inst itut ion's l iabil i ty to claims by employees alleging that

    exposure to waste gases contributed to a spontaneous abortion or other medical

    problems. Correct ing certain leaks such as those associated with the pipeline or

    pipeline hose can result in a savings to the facil i ty.

    In - h o u s e v er s u s Comm e r c i al L a b o r a t o r y

    The monitoring program should be directed by an interested and qualif ied person,

    preferably from the anesthesia department. Samples may be analyzed by either

    facil i ty-based personnel or outside commercial laboratories. The use of an outside

    laboratory avoids the cost of purchasing, operat ing, maintaining, and calibrat ing a

    gas analyzer. The responsibil i ty for record keeping is shared.


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    The chief disadvantage is the delay in report ing results. The precise circumstances

    at the time the samples were taken are likely to have been forgotten, and the effect

    of correct ive measures cannot be immediately assessed. In addit ion, analysis of a

    large number of samples is expensive.

    Adv an ta ges of in -house an al ys is inc lu de a virtually unlimited number of ana lyses at

    modest cost and immediate on-site reporting. Leaks can be f ound quickly and the

    effect iveness of the correct ion assessed immediately. An on-site continuous

    monitor is useful for demonstrat ing the effects of technique errors on trace gas

    levels and the results of correct ions.

    A smal l fac i li ty mi gh t pe rio dical ly lease an ins tr um en t or share one wi th o ther

    health care facil i t ies in the area rather than purchase its own.

    Equ i pm en t f o r De t erm i n i n g T r ac e Gas Con c e n t r a t i o n s

    Infrared Analyzers

    Infrared gas analyzers were discussed in Chapter 22. These monitors are the most

    pract ical for the average health care inst itut ion because they are reliable, relat ively

    inexpensive, and easy to use (37 1). They are useful for locating leaks, especially

    those in unusual locations. They give continuous measurements so that exposed

    personnel and those responsible for air monitoring are given an i mmediate reading.

    When operated on battery power, a number of locations can be sampled quickly. A

    recording attachment may be helpful.

    These instruments are most often used for monitoring nitrous oxide. Unfortunately,

    carbon dioxide and water vapor in high concentrat ions wil l interfere with the

    analysis. This can be avoided by sampling at least 6 to 10 inches away from

    personnel. Analyzers capable of measuring halogenated anesthetics are available

    but have many technical dif f icult ies; a lcohols and other substances in the operating

    room cause interference (66