Chapter # 1 - · Web viewInternship report submitted to the Institute of Management Studies,...


Transcript of Chapter # 1 - · Web viewInternship report submitted to the Institute of Management Studies,...



Submitted To:The Director (IMS)




Roll No.832

Session 2006-10




Internship report submitted to the Institute of Management Studies, University

of Bannu, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of






External Examiner:

Signature ...............................


Signature ……………………

Name MR. AFTAB KHANDesignation Lecturer


Signature ………………………


Institute of Management SciencesUniversity of Science and Technology Bannu

PREFACEBanking is the backbone of the economy of any country. In Pakistan, banks are now

getting the attention and support of the government, to nourish and initiate the

developmental projects in this Country. Banks have also attained a high level of

initiation, productivity, and growth. One such bank with new policies and strategies

pushing forth towards progress is United Bank Limited, which has since its

inception shown remarkable achievements and discovered new avenues of innovative


During my two months Internship in UBL, Main Branch Bannu, I acquired first hand

information about Consumer Banking of the bank.

Report writing is infact a crucial exercises because the performance of a student is

judged through this report. I have tried my level best to cover every aspect of this

specialized banking activity, asses the working and performance of the Center and

forward solutions for its further improvements.

A number of persons have offered their help and guidance in writing this report. I

express my thanks to my supervisor MR.AFTAB KHAN, and my manager MR.

JAVID KHAN. I would also like to thank to the other staff members of UBL,

especially MR. HANIF ULLAH KHAN , without whose support it was impossible

for me to do this tedious job.



Roll No.832

Session 2006-10



In completion of this work I am thankful to Almighty ALLAH, as I firmly believe,

without his gracious help; this accomplishment would not have been possible.

First and foremost, my deep appreciation, gratitude and indebtedness to my supervisor

MR.AFTAB KHAN, Lecturer, Institute of Management Sciences, University of

Bannu, for his continuous encouragement, moral support and generosity in sharing his

time and knowledge during my studies.

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to personnel of UBL, Main Branch, Bannu, for

their help and guidance during my Internship.

Thanks to the constraints of academic protocols, that those who were and are always

first in my mind are being mentioned last. They are my parents and my loved ones. It

is, I believe, their sincere prayers, which were a constant source of strength and

inspiration to me that resulted in the completion of this work. I dedicate this work,

blended in my boundless love and affection, to them.



Roll No.832

Session 2006-10



S.No. Topic Page No.

Preface i

Acknowledgement iiList of Tables viList of Graphs and Charts viiList of Acronyms viiiExecutive Summary ixChapter – 1

1. INTRODUCTION 71.1 Background of the Study 71.2 Objectives of the Study 71.3 Scope of the Study 81.4 Importance of the Study 81.5 Research Methodology (no need of this) 91.6 Limitations of The Report 91.7 Scheme of the Report 10

Chapter – 2 2. EVOLUTION OF BANKING 112.1 Introduction 112.2 Growth and History of UBL 112.3 Management of UBL 132.4 Subsidiaries 162.5 Joint Venture 162.6 Role of UBL in NWFP 162.7 Mission Statement of UBL 172.8 Objectives of UBL 17

Chapter – 3 183. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 183.1 UBL Organizational Structure 183.2 Concept of HUB and Spokes Branches 203.3 Division of UBL’s Office 203.4 Concept of consumer Assets centers 223.5 Top Management at the Head Office 223.6 Organization Hierarchiy 233.7 Location map work of UBL in PAK 24


4. DEPARTMENTATION 274.1 Accounts Department 274.2 Remittances Department 384.3 Deposits Department 302.4 Foreign Exchange Department 324.5 Advance department 34





Chapter – 6 6. SWOT ANALYSIS 6.1 Strengths 436.2 Weaknesses 436.3 Opportunities 446.4 Threats 44

Chapter – 7 7. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 477.1 Deposits Department 487.2 Remittances Department 497.3 Cash Department 497.4 Bills and Clearing Department 50



Advace departmentOther finding and RecommendationBIBLIOGRAPHY


LIST OF ACRONYMSUnited Bank Limited

ADPC Agricultural Development Finance CorporationATM’s Automated Teller MachinesAVP Assistant Vice PresidentBOD Board of DirectorsCBG Corporate Banking GroupCorp. Sec Corporate SecretaryCRM Credit Risk ManagementD.D Demand DraftDH Divisional HeadEst. EstablishmentEVP Executive Vice PresidentHBL Habib Bank LimitedHRM Human Resource ManagementIBCA Inter Bank Credit AdviceICP Investment Corporation of PakistanIDBP Industrial Development Bank of PakistanM.D Managing DirectorMT Mail TransferNBP National Bank of PakistanNDFC National Development Finance CorporationNWFP North West Frontier ProvincePIFC Pakistan Industrial Finance CorporationRTC Rupee Traveler Cheque


SAMG Special Assets Management GroupSBP State Bank of Pakistan SEVP Senior Executive Vice PresidentUBL United Bank Limited.V.P Vice PresidentWHT with Holding Tax


EXECUTIVE SUMMARYNow a day’s strong and efficient capital and financial institutions are the basic

requirements of each county. So no country can be considered strong without having

strong enough capital and financial institutions and markets. One of the components

of these financial institutions are the banks. No one can deny the role the banks are

playing in the economic development of a country.

In Pakistan’s banking sector, UBL is one of the leading commercial banks. Very

renowned bankers such as I.I. Chundrigar and Agah Hassan Abidi established UBL in

1959. From the very beginning, UBL was showing very good performance but in

1974 after the nationalization of commercial banks, the bank has received some very

severe financial shocks. The shocks received in 1995 were so severe that SBP had to

assume the control of the bank in order to save it from bankruptcy. But after taking

over the management of the UBL by the new set-up under the leadership of Zubyr

Soomro, the bank was successful in rebuilding its shattered image. The new

management started new schemes and injected new concepts in order to improve its

services to the clients. Now the bank is in very good financial position and also has

gained its lost Goodwill.

My three months internship in UBL Main branch Bannu, gave me a very good deal of

the practical experience about the bank, its personnel and various services it offers to

the clients. Although three months duration for studying organization by no means is

enough but I have tried my ever best to cover all the areas of the bank in my report.

This report highlights the operations and functions of bank. Banks acts as financial

agents to their customer; in return they get reward for their services. Banks play

important role in development of society. A strong economy must have a good

banking system.

United Bank Limited is one of the leading banks in Pakistan. This report explains how

different functions of UBL works and what are their services. During the critical

analysis, it was observed that UBL is one of the leading commercial banks of

Pakistan.UBL has a greater responsibility for safety and prudence. since commercial

banks must make a living by putting the money at their disposal to work, they are

faced with the problem of making a living without jeopardizing the safety of their

institution and UBL is doing all this very efficiently.




1.1 Background of study

United Bank of Pakistan is one of the leading and first government recognized bank in

Pakistan. Aimed to be the pre-eminent financial institution in Pakistan and achieve

market recognition both in the quality and delivery of service as well as the range of

product offering.

The reason of its development was that the UBL in addition to being a commercial

bank in the public sector at a time when all other commercial banks were in the

private sector

also came to acquire certain characteristics which to this day set it part from other

commercial banks of the country.

The establishment of UBL thus signaled the achievement of another milestone in the

development of the banking industry in Pakistan.

1.2 Objective of the study

For getting the Master degree of Business Administration, each student is required to

spend at least two months as an internee in a recognized organization. The students

are required to work in their own field in which they have done their specialization.

Main purpose of this program is to make students familiar with the practical work, as

there is great difference between what they have learnt during their MBA. And how

the job is practically done.

Another important aspect of the internship program is that internee is placed in most

of the departments of the organization through job rotation. It provides a glance of

each department, as the period is too short for learning in detail.

1.3 Scope of the study

1. It is a compulsory requirement for the award of Master’s Degree of Business


2. It will help the present and prospective students of the department in making

assignments and writing reports on the UBL, evolution of banking, importance

of banking and different operations.


3. It can also provide help to UBL’s management in identifying their Strengths,

Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

4. It can also provide assistance to students seeking financial data for analysis.


Banks play a central and very important role in the economic life of a country, that’s

why they are considered as the lifeblood of modern economy. Today no one can deny

the importance of banking in the economy. They facilitate and expedite trade and

commerce and provide a variety of services that one can’t imagine with out banks.

I have chosen the United Bank Limited Pine View Road branch for my

internship because it has all the departments a bank could have.

Besides this, UBL plays an important role in the economic development of


1.5 Report methodology

The methodology that I adopted for this research project is based on both the

primary as well as secondary data.

The sources of primary data were:

1. Formally arranged interview/ discussions with Management and staff


2. Personal observations.

The sources of secondary data were:

1. Annual reports

2. Over view of the UBL

3. Relevant books.

4. The web sit of UBL

During the research project, I observed that enough written material regarding the

Bank is not available, so I had count on my personal observation and interviews with

manager. I spent eight weeks in the local branch and collected information about

different departments of the bank from discussion and interview with manager, so

most of the data of this report is primary .I also availed assistance from few relevant



1.6 Limitation of the Report

There were however some limitations and that is the two months durations of

internship are nothing to gain entire knowledge of banking. Moreover the bank does

not want to provide data particularly about the rightsizing of employees and stuck-up

loans due to various reasons, so the reader must also keep this in mind.


The report has been divided into ten chapters.

Chapter 1: is about the introduction of the report. In this chapter it is discussed that

how the internship is important and what a student can learn from it. Light is also

thrown on the way in which the research has been conducted.

Chapter 2: of the report is about evolution of banking. This chapter contains detailed

information that what role the banks play in the economic development of a country.

In this chapter the bank is defined. Growth of the banking globally as well as in

Pakistan is pointed here. As well as it is about the historical background of UBL. The

circumstances in which UBL was established and its growth is discussed here.

Chapter 3: of the report is about the organizational structure of UBL. Hierarchy of

staff and various positions of seniority are shown and discussed through a Chart.

Chapter 4: covers various departments of UBL. Each department is separately given

due consideration. Various functions performed by different departments are


Chapter 5: this chapter is about services & product of UBL, throws light on various

financial products UBL offers to its customers.

Chapter 6: of the report consists of SWOT analysis.

Chapter 7: is consists of Findings and Recommendation of UBL




The word bank is derived from Latin word “Bancs” or “Banque”, which

means a bench. The explanation of this origin is attributed to the fact that

the Jews in Lombardy transected the business of money exchange on

benches in the market place. When the business failed, the people destroy

the bench.

Incidentally the word bankrupt is said to have been evolved from this


The opponents of this opinion argue that if it was so, then how is it that

the Italian money changers were never called Banchierei in the middle


Other authorities hold the opinion that Bank is derived from German

word back which mean joint stock fund. Later on, when the German

occupied major part of Italy, the Back was italicized into Bank

Historical Background and Growth of UBL:

“The reserve Bank of India which was given the responsibilities of

exercising control over banking sector did not perform its duties properly

in Pakistan.”

The real momentum was given to banking system when the State Bank of

Pakistan, was established on 1st July 1948. But a real turn took place in

the banking section when a renowned banker Agha Hassan Abdi took

initiative of opening a bank, which he announced to the different mode

from the others. His dream became true when the first branch of United

Bank Limited (UBL) was opened at Macleod Road (now 1.1. Chandrigar

Road Karachi) on 7th November 1959.

This achievement was recurred after passing through many problems and

after completion of a lot of legal formalities. UBL was established on 24 th


July 1959 as a public limited company with registered office at 1.1

Chandrigar Road, Karachi. The authorized capital was Rs. 2, 00,00,000

issued, subscribed and paid up capital was a Rs 1,00,00,000 share of Rs.

101 each. . The bank currently operating through 1300, branches in all the

major cities of the Pakistan and its registered office are situated at state

life insurance corp. Building # 1, 11. Chundrigar road, Karachi.

United bank limited is one of the most famous bank working in different

area of Pakistan, UBL is now officially the second largest private sector

bank in Pakistan with its 25 percent growth in deposits to RS 237 billion

in 2004.

Progressive Banking was a vision that came true in 1959 with the birth of

UBL. It brought in an era of modern banking and customer care beyond

the ordinary.

The Bank launched a variety of consumer banking products and services

– UBL Drive, UBL Cash line, UBL Address, UBL Business Line, UBL

Wallet ATM card and UBL Business Partner.

UBL is one of the largest commercial banks in Pakistan with assets of

over RS. 190 billion, Net Assets of over RS. 13 billion and a solid track

record of 47 years. UBL offers its services through a nationwide network

of over 1300, branches spread all over Pakistan and 15 overseas branches.

The Bank earned RS 4.3 billion pre-tax profits in 2003, a 59 percent

increase over the previous year, and announced a dividend of 22.5 per

cent. This remarkable performance was based on a record growth of 38

percent in advances, which grew from RS 72.8 billion in 2002 to RS

100.2 billion in 2003 driven by growth in deposits from RS 158.3 billion

in 2002 to RS 185.1 billion in 2003.

The Bank was privatized in 2002, through the sale of 51 percent stake to

a consortium of the Abu Dhabi Group led by His Highness Shaikh

Nahayan Mabarak al Nahayan and the Bestway Group led by Sir


Mohammed Anwr Pervez,. The issue is unsecured and subordinated to

payment of principal and profit to all other indebtedness of the Bank

including deposits.

United Bank Limited is one of the largest commercial bank in the

country. With almost 47 years of good standing to its valued clients, it

has stood the test of time, producing assets of over RS. 282 billion.

It offers its services through a wide network of over 1300, domestic

branches all over Pakistan and 25 overseas branches as part of global


Management of UBL.

Essential Staff (1959).

UBL consisted of the following staff after establishment.

1 Mr.Ismail Ibrahim Chundrigar Chairman

2 Mr.Muhammad Shafiq Saigol Manager Director

3 Mr.Muhammad Rafiq Saigol Director

4 Mr.M.Bashir Saigol Director

5 Mr. A. Razaq Dada Director

6 Mr. Mian M. Yahya Director

7 Mr. Saeed Saigol Director

8 Mr. Agha Hasan Abdi Director

Mr. Ismail Ibrahim Chandrigar died in 1960 and was replaced by Mr.

Habib Ibraheem Rahmatullah while Mr.Shafiq Saigol retired in 1962 and

Agha Hassan Abdi took charge as managing director.

After Nationalization (1974).


On 1st January 1974 all commercial banks were nationalized and the

boards of directors of these banks were dissolved. Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad

Youdafi took charge as president of UBL. After nationalization 14 units

of commercial banks were merged in order to form 5 units. On 1977

commercial bank limited and Union Bank were merged with UBL.The

names and tenure of various presidents of UBL after nationalization are

as under.

S.No Name of President From To

1. Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad Yousafi 01-01-1974 31-12-1976

2. Mr. Kh. Zaiuddin 01-01-1977 31-12-1979

3 Mr. Sami 01-01-1980 03-02-1982

4 Mr. M. Sadiq Dar (Acting President) 04-02-1982 31-12-1982

5 Mr. Tajamul Hussain 01-01-1983 15-07-1988

6 Mr. Amjad Ali 16-07-1988 04-02-1989

7 Mr. Maqbook A. Soomro 05-02-1989 18-07-1989

8 Mr. Saleem Malik 19-07-1989 01-08-1990

9 Mr. Maqbool A. Soomro 01-08-1990

10 Saeed Butt

11 Aziz Ullah Mamon

12 M. R. Khan

13 Zubair Soomro


14 Amir Zafar Khan

Present dataThe name and designations of present top management


UBL Opperations.

From the very start of its operations UBL is providing very efficient and

courteous services to its clients, and as a result of these it has achieved

progress in a very limited span of time. UBL has also the honors of

earring profit in the very first year after the commencement of business in


UBL introduced computer services and also offered many

remunerative schemes for its depositors and clients. UBL givens

advances to small,


1 Highness shaikhnayan mabarak


2 Sir Mohammad anwar pervez OBE


3. Mr. Atif R. Bohari President &CEO

4 omar ziad jaafar al askari Director

5 Mr.zamer Mohammad choudry


6 Dr.ashfaque Husain khan Director

7 Mr. Mohammad sami saeed Director

8 Mr.aqil ahemad nasir Company sectary&chief legal

9 Mr.amir Karachi wala SEVP/Group chief financial officer


medium and big industries, commercial establishments,

agriculturists and other needy persons. UBL collects electricity, gas and

telephone bills from public on behalf of various departments and issues

T.V licenses on behalf of Pakistan Television Corporation.

UBL has established and organized branches both inside and out side

Pakistan. These are two subsidiaries and joint ventures of UBL as under.

1. Subsidiaries:

UBL A G. Zurich (Switzerland) established in 1968. Its paid up capital of dollars 2722 thousand, deposits

of dollars 5827 thousand and advances of dollars 5538 thousand as

on Dec 31, 1962.

UBL of Lebanon and Pakistan established in 1968.

Its paid up capital of dollars 379000 deposit of dollars

125978 advances of dollars 1983313.

2. Joint Ventures :

a. Commercial bank of Oman Limited (Mascot) established in


b. United Saudi Commercial Bank Limited (Saudi Arabia)

established in 1982.

c. UBL has been presenting a very good track record since its

inception into banking business.

3. Branches

UBL has a large network of branches, which extends to the

remotest areas of the country. In December 1983 there were 1623

branches where in 1974 it had only 1238 branches. At present UBL have

1096 domestic branches. and present 15 overseas branches. some names


are .bahrain,Qatar,Saudi Arabia,united Arab emirates,yemenarab

republic,uk,Switzerland,Egypt,oman and the united states.

6 Role of UBL in KPK.

The role of UBL has developed largely; through out the country in very

short period of forty seven years. The bank is operating in the entire

country and has branches all over the country and overseas. In N.W.F.P,

UBL is operating successfully. The number of branches of UBL in

Peshawar region is 156 up to dec.2001 i.e. there are total 14 Hub

Branches in Peshawar region and under these Hub branches, there are 142

spokes branches. These 156 branches come under the Peshawar Region,

for which there is a Regional head Quarter (RHQ) in Peshawar.

The list of hub branches come under the Peshawar Region is as under.

1. Peshawar 6. Haripur 11. Mardan

2. Bannu 7. D.I. Khan 12. Swabi3. Mansehra 8. Mingora 13. Kohat4. Timergara 9. Nowshera 14. Abbotabad5. Hangu 10. Bathela

2.7 Mission Statement of UBL

“We shall dominate Pakistan’s financial markets and be the leading bank

of Pakistan in term of quality of customer services, assets, profits and

reserves. We shall consistently try to be among banks in the Pakistan.

Comparing over selves to international standards. We shall be a modern

universal bank. Our employees will be efficient, motivated and have

corporate pride”

2.8 Objectives of UBL

Objectives mean the end towards which an activity is aimed. An

organization without objective is like a person who is wandering with no


purpose. All the activities of an organization are due to its objectives and

goals. And for the attainment of those objectives, various types of

financial products and plans are developed. UBL has also some

objectives, which are as under.

To ensure growth and development of the bank.

To use resources of the bank efficiently.

To get more deposits.

To participate in development of the country.

Paying special attention to the areas, which are under developed.

To develop SME’S.

To increase industrialization in the country.

To provide financial help to the farmers.

To provide employment opportunities.

To make people more of mind to have saving habits



Organizational structure of a firm provides boundaries for authority of

persons and clarifies individual responsibility and authority. It shows who

is responsible to whom, and who has the authority to give orders to

someone. An organization having dual authority or vague structure would

not have clear direction and will face hurdles in getting its goals and

objectives. Therefore, it is very important for any organization to have a

well-established structure of responsibility and authority. An organization

structure should be so designated to clarify the environment so that


everyone knows his duty and who is responsible for what. It results to

remove obstacle to performance caused by confusion and uncertainty of

tasks and to furnish a decision making communication network reflecting

and supporting enterprise objectives.


UBL also has a well defined formal organizational structure. UBL is a

very vast organization. In the organization set up of UBL, the highest

authority rests with Board of Directors which consists of Chairman,

Deputy Chairman, President & CEO and the directors. In which four

directors are from UBL, one from Pakistan Banking Council, one from

Ministry of Finance and one who is also the secretary of the board. So the

Board of Directors is an eight member team, and is responsible for policy

formulation and making important strategic decisions.

Paste Chart

The names of the Board of Directors are as follows:


H.H Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan



Mr. Muhammad Anwar Pervez, OBE, HPK PRESIDENT & CEO

Atif R. Bokhari DIRECTOR

Zameer M. Choudrey DIRECTOR

Omar Z. Al Askari DIRECTOR

Muhammad Tehsin Khan Iqbal DIRECTOR

Ahmad Waqar Director

Javed Sadiq Malik

The authority, which is second highest, lies with executive committee. It

consists of seven members, including the president and secretaries are in

charge of divisions. The members are Senior Executive Vice President

(SEVP) of UBL. There are twenty divisions, which have their own Senior

Executive Vice President (SEVT). Executive Vice President (EVP), or

Senior Vice President (SVP), the

SEVP to international divisions manages the operations of foreign

countries branches.The rest of the divisions work along their functional

lines as shown in the organizational chart.

At the National level, UBL has a network of branches spread

allover the country and its field operations are one of the most extensive

among the leading banks in Pakistan. At provincial level the bank is

managed by SEVP, who is assisted by General Manager (OM), who is

EVP or SEVP. The OM is responsible for either a number of regional

areas or in charge of various provincial departments such as

Administration, General Recovery, Loans, Inspection, etc. The

complexity and extensiveness of the operations in a given province


determine the number of OMs. OMs are assisted by circles executives

who are of the rank of SEVP or VP.

The entire country is divided into Circles which are further divided into


The circles are administered by circle executive. Each zone is comprised

of a number of branches, which are managed by branch managers who

are mostly Grade I or Grade II officers. Some large sized branches are

also managed by AVPs.


The concept of HUB and Spoke branches was introduced by ANZ Grind

lays Bank (now renamed Standard Chattered Bank). The bank couldn’t

get the deMr.ed benefits and withdrew form it. Another bank which

adopted the concept was National Bank of Pakistan (NBP), which also

couldn’t get the deMr.ed results so both the banks disbanded it. Recently

UBL has implemented this scheme with high hopes. Under the concept

big branches of a zone are given the status of Hub branches. The Hub

branches monitor the activities of spokes branches. The number of

branches under a Hub branch depends upon the resources of Hub branch

and the location of the spokes branches e.g. in Peshawar there are two

hub branches one is Peshawar Cantt branch and the other one is Khyber

Bazaar branch. All the spoke and Hub branches work under the

concerned area manager. He is responsible for the performance of these

branches. He sits in the Hub branch and is assisted by a Vice President. In

UBL this new concept of banking has shown tremendous results and is

quite successful here. Unlike ANZ and NBP, UBL is getting benefits

from it, and has improved its performance quite well.


4.3 DIVISION OF UBL’S OFFICE Basically there are two types of offices in UBL

1. Head Office

2. Regional Head quarters

1. Head Office

Head office of UBL is in Karachi. It exercises overall control over the bank. The head office (HQ) has various functions.

It formulates polices and ensures its implementation.

To supervise and control the operations of the regional offices.

To formulate policies and ensure its implementation by the field


To deal/liaison with foreign donors like IBRD (World Bank),


Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank, KFW (German


FMO Netherlands etc.

To deal with Ministry of Finance.

To supervise RHQs.

To sanction loan applications received from the branches.

To deal with ministry of finance.

2. Regional Head Quarters

There are Eleven Regional Offices of UBL which fully cooperate

with the Head Office. UBL Regional Offices performance with

reference to sanctions, disbursement, recoveries, and deposit

mobilization is of vital importance to the bank operations. The

functions are as follows:


To implement the policies formulated by the Head Office.

To extend the credit facilities by keeping in view all the prescribed


To recover/collect the existing long-term credits extended by the

bank as per schedule.

To assist customers in the process of development by advancing

loans for viable financial projects.

All the 1056 UBL branches are the representatives of the bank.

These branches provide commercial as well as non-commercial banking

facilities. Various structures involved in the organization of UBL are

given below.


As the UBL was privatized the management started thinking about the

consumer products as well the commercial products. For this purpose the

management started hiring from all over the world in order to collect the

cream, and make a world class team without any doubt.

The management took the consumer head from the bank which is

consider as the pioneer in the consumer sector “City Bank”, and then he

joined hands management and made all the possible ways to make UBL a

World Class Bank on the Consumer Side as well in the Commercial

Sector. They made collectively the plans to make Consumer Assets

Centers in all over the country which was introduced first time in


The UBL’s Consumer Assets Centers are the state-of-the-art in the main

cities like Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and Peshawar. The Consumer

Assets Centers are divided in main Head Office, Regional Centers and


New Cities. At the time of launch the regions were 10 in the country but

now it has been increased to 14.

In Consumer Assets centers the products are divided in to two types: The

Secured, and Un-secured Products. The Secured include UBL Autos,

UBL Address, and Credit Card while the UBL Money and UBL Cashline

comes under the canopy of Un-secured Products.

There is a Group Executive, a Global Sales Head, Head Secured

Financing, Head Un-secured Financing, National Sales Managers,

Regional Sales Managers, Relationship Managers and the Relationship



The executive authority for the general direction and supervision of

the Bank operations or the conduct of business of UBL vests in

Board of Directors. The board consists of a Chairman and seven

other Directors.

The chairman of the Board of Directors is the “Managing

Director”. All the members of the Board of Directors, as well as

the Managing Directors are appointed by the government of



Executive committee of UBL consists of seven members. With the

expectation of the president, and secretary all other members

serves as In charge of many divisions. These members are Senior

Executive Vice President (SEVP), or consultants hired on contract

basis. The Division Heads that work under SEVP or consultants are

either Senior Vice President (SVP), Executive Vice President

(EVP) or Vice President (VP). The members of the executive


committee other than the M.D. shall hold office for such period as

may be determined by the Board. The decisions of the executive

committee, other than those, which relate to matters specified by

the board in this behalf, shall be laid before the board

FUNCTIONS OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The members of the executive committee other than the M.D. shall

hold office for such period as may be determined by the Board of


The decisions of the executive committee, other than those, which

relate to matters specified by the board in this behalf, shall be laid

before the board for approval.

Subject to the general or special direction of the board, The

Executive Committee may deal with any matter within the

competence of the board.


The Managing Director is responsible for the efficient working of

the organization. He performs his duty according to the policies

formulated by the Board of Directors and is directly answerable to


The Federal Government on such salary and on terms and

conditions shall appoint the MD as it might deem fit.

The MD shall hold office for term of three years, which the

government may extend from time to time.

The MD shall be the Chief Executive of the organization and shall

perform such functions as required by the Ordinance and the rules

and regulations made for the past.


Organizational Hierarchy C

Board of Directors

Executive Committee







Office Grade 1

Non Clerical Staff Clerical Staff Officer Grade III Officer Grade II


Organizational Hierarchy Chart of consumer sector in UBL

Board of Directors

Executive Committee


Group Executive

Global Sales Head

Head Secured Financing

National Sales Manager

Senior Sales Manager

Regional Sales Manager

Non-Clerical Staff Processors Relationship officers

Relationship Manager

Head Un-secured Financing


Location map WITH an integrated network of over 1000 branches in Pakistan as

well as Overseas, UBL gives you direct access to a comprehensive range of better banking facilities to help you monitor your business locally as well as internationally.




UBL like other commercial banks established various departments for the

performance of various functions. Some of the departments of UBL are

Foreign Exchange department, Advance Department, Accounts

Department, Deposit Department and Remittance department etc.

Now we will highlight the various function performed by the

different departments in the UBL.


The Accounts department of UBL mainly deals in the accounts of

customer maintained at the bank. The accounting book maintained for

this services is known as cashbook. The summary book and ledger are

maintained through computer.

The cashbook is used for balancing the cash received and cash paid at the

end of the day.

Kinds of Accounts:

i. Current Account

ii. Saving Account

iii. Fixed Account

i. Current Account:

There is no restriction on the deposit and withdrawals of money in this


ii. Saving Account:


In Pakistan saving deposit account can be opened with a very small

amount of money, and the depositor is issued a chequebook for

withdrawals. Return is paid at a flexible rate.Calculated on by yearly

basis. However, withdrawals of limited accounts are generally allowed

only one or twice a week. The consumers have to give a notice of about

two weeks before the withdrawals of large amount” the minimum amount

of money required for opening the saving Account is Rs. 500/- while to

remain the A/c is running position the account holder has to maintain a

balance of Rs. 100/- for the withdrawals are concerned there is no

restriction but the bank discourages very regular withdrawals of small


iii. Fixed Account:

“The deposits that can be withdrawn after a specified period of time are

referred to as fixed or term deposits.” The account holder keeps a

specified amount of money for a definite period of time. The amount

deposited is not withdrawal by cheques, And after the maturity of the

previously agreed rate of return.

A single individual, partners and companies, too can maintain such

accounts as well. The period of which these deposits are help by the bank

ordinarily varies from three months to 60 months with the agreement

made between the customer and the banker.

iii. Business Bank Account.(BBA A/C):

This is the special type of Account (A/c) offered by UBL. This type of

A/c is opened for the students and salary holders. In this A/c there are

some facilities offered for the A/c holder such as……..

I. No restriction of minimum balance.

II. ATM facility.


III. No restriction on drawing.

IV. Transfer facility.

V. Receiving from others Banks with minimum commission.

VI. Receiving of salary from others Banks before 1st of the month.


This department is concerned with the transfer of money from one place

to another. In this, various modes of transferring money are available

which are discussed below.

A. Mail Transfer (MT):

In this the money is transfer from one place to another by mail. If the

person is account holder of the bank, then the banker debit his account

with the amount of money he wants to transfer. The concerned bank

officer will prepare the necessary vouchers to make the mail transfer

complete. It contains on;

1) Debit Voucher: Debiting the account holder for the amount to

be sent plus the commission and postage charged.

2) Credit Voucher: credit the drawer branch

3) Mail Transfer Register: The remittance is entered in the mail

transfer issue register.

But if the person is not an account holder in the initiating branch,

then he has first to deposit the stated money with the same bank and then

the above process starts.

B. Telegraphic Transfer (TT):


People who want to transfer money quickly and without delay use this

type of transferring money. This type of transfer is also very simple. The

person who wants to transfer money fills the TT application form. The

applicant asked to deposit money to be remitted plus the amount of

commission and telegraph charges. After the amount is deposited with

cashier, the officer incharge remittances will prepare the TT message.

The TT message also carried a test number which is a sum of values

derived from number items like date, amount, and the drawer branch

consecutive number etc. then this telegram is sent to the bank where the

money is to be transferred. After receiving the telegram the drawer bank

makes payment after the test number is correctly decoded according to

the procedure prescribed.

C. Demand Draft (DD)

In this way the person who wants to remit money goes to the bank and

fills the application form by filling the name of the drawer branch,

amount and the payee’s name. The amount to be remitted is deposited

with the cashier along with the commission on DD and the in charge of

remittances department will prepare the instrument. It is signed by two

officers of the branch and is then handed over to the applicant. The

amount can be received by presenting DD to the drawer branch

personally or through a bank.

D. Uniremote (ON LINE TRANSFER).

It is the most faster transfer of money from one bank to another with in

the country.


Thorough on line facility you can transfer the amount from one city to

another city in no time without commission (if you are account holder of

the Bank).

In this method the transferor A/c are Debited by the Bank and the

transferee A/c are Credited (to whom the amount is transferred) by his

Bank where he has A/c.

The amount is transferred in no time. Online transfer bring great

revaluation in the business world and make business more secure and


The trader transfer money to the seller through bank, and the seller sent

goods to the buyer as soon as possible, and thus buyer save his traveling

charges , as well as he also not close his business of the buying of goods

for the business.


One of the important functions of the bank is to receive surplus money

from the individuals, firms and institutions etc. It can be said about the

deposit that it is the lifeblood of any bank. A bank cab not runs its

business without the deposits.

The bank usually receives deposits in the following type of accounts,

which are as under.

1) Current Account

2) Saving Deposit Account

3) Fixed Deposit or Time Deposit

4) Call Deposit

`The classification of deposit chiefly on the basis of time and the purpose

for which the account is opened with the bank.


Now we will study the various types of deposits in detail:

1. Current Account:

This type of deposit is withdrawal by crepes whenever the customer

draws crepes on this account. As such deposit is also termed demand

deposit. In Pakistan, bonds do not allowed any interest on such deposit.

And the bond treat these deposit as current liabilities. The banker also

requires the customer to maintain a minimum amount of balance. If the

customer fails to do so, then bank makes deduction from such

accounts/deposits under the heading on incidental chargers.

“Until a few decades bank, the proportion of current deposits in relation

to fixed deposits was very small. In recent years, however, the position

has changed remarkably”.

2. Savings Deposit Account:

In Pakistan a saving deposit A/c can open with a very small

amount of money and the depositor is issued a chequebook for

withdrawals. Return is paid at a flexible rate calculated on six months

basis. However, withdrawals of limited amount are generally allowed

only twice a week. The customer has to give a notice of about two weeks

before the withdrawals of large amounts.

Such account may be maintain and run by an individual, partners and

companies as well. The most important character of this type of deposit

is issued with a chequebook for withdrawals. The account holder is

returned with profit rate, calculated on six months basis.

3. Fixed or term Deposit:

It is payable to the customer after the expiry of a certain duration. The

duration of fixed deposit are various from three months to sixty months.

The bankers offer different rate of return on the fixed deposits depending


upon the duration of the deposit. The amount deposited in fixed account

is not withdrawn able. The amount is received back after the expiry of

fixed period.

One of the most important aspects of term deposit for the banks is that the

money of this deposit can be invested in various what the bank consider


This type of deposit is also known as single transaction account. It is

because the account holder cannot operate upon the account like other

deposit accounts. The banker usually gives a receipt of the fixed deposit

mentioning the amount of money and date of maturity of the deposit. No

pay in slip book, passbook or chequebook is issued to the customer.


In today’s world no one country can keep itself self-sufficient in every

area of life. So they have to trade with other countries for the things,

which she does not have. But such Business required a medium of

Exchange, which is acceptable to the countries concerned. So they

usually do business through the medium of stable currencies of the world.

For such International Business transaction the bank utilize the service of

its Foreign Exchange Department. The department plays very crucial and

important role in international trade. The service, which Foreign

Exchange Department of the banks offers, is the parallel banking with

general banking and additional function of import and Export Business

controlled by State Bank of Pakistan. The rules and regulations are

framed by the SBP.

In UBL its foreign exchange department as per SBP regulations carries

out the international banking. The SBP exercises full control over the

Foreign Exchange Business. No transaction is considered effective


without permission from the SBP under Foreign Exchange control Act

1947. Foreign Exchange regulations are issued though the Exchange

control Department of the SBP.

Any transaction in the international Banking shall be carried out at rates

determined by the SBP. For this purpose the SBP fix the rate of US

dollar with other currencies. Foreign Exchange rate committee in

Karachi Head Office does this by the formula approved by SBP and as

published daily. It also makes sure the rates approved are conveyed to

the braches on the same day.

Foreign Exchange Department provides the following services to the


Foreign Exchange Currency Accounts

Foreign Exchange Remittance Facility

a. Foreign Currency Account:

“Government of Pakistan has introduced many important reforms in

foreign exchange control in the county in February, 1990, for the purpose

of strengthening foreign exchange reserve.” UBL as an authorized

commercial bank offer the facility of foreign currency account in four

currencies, which are US Dollar, Japanese Yen, German Mark, and UK

Pound sterling.

The foreign currency account facility by UBL is available both for

Pakistani citizen currency account is similar to opening of local currency

account. The account may be an individual or joint account. There are

two types of foreign currency account.

Current Account

Saving Account


i. Current Account:

Just like local currency current account holder no interest is given

to the foreign currency account holder. Foreign Currency A/C are also

exempted from Zakat, Income Tax, Wealth Tax, the Account holder can

shift his money abroad through Foreign Exchange remittance services

ii. Saving Account:

UBL offers a very handsome rate of return foreign currency saving

accounts. The profit is paid in currency in which is opened. This account

too is exempted form. Zakat, Income Tax and Wealth Tax. The facility

of inward outward remittances is granted to the customer.

Purchase and Sale Of Foreign Currencies:

Foreign currency department of UBL also has a very extensive

system for the purchase and sale of foreign currencies. UBL is an

authorized dealer in the touring currency, given the authority by SBP.

UBL deals in the sale and purchase of the following foreign currencies.









Besides deposits the other major function of the bank is to advance

money to the clients. This function of the bank contributes a great deal to

the revenues to the bank. Due to its utmost importance to the bankers’

success, this area is given special importance and attention.

Bank normally makes advances of the types:

Commercial Finance

Agriculture Finance

Industrial Finance

Export Finance

Import Finance

The banks also advance to small size businesses and construction

companies etc. Many UBL Branches are having departments for granting

advances to the borrowers. Normally, it is responsible for performing the

following functions.

a. To handle all the cases of short or long term loans.

b. To process all the cases concerned.

c. To forward the cases for approval and consideration to the higher


d. Direct dealing with the borrowers.

e. To insure the disbursement of loan.

f. To inform the high authorities about various loans.

UBL make advances in the following ways.


Through this credit facility, the banker advances loan to the

borrower after having tangible asset as a security. Main characteristics of


this facility are that the total amount is not given to the borrower at once

rather it is given in installments, or when over required. The borrower

has to the interest only on the amount outstanding against him.

The cash credit facility is given either through by hypothecation or

pledging of goods. Some requirements are as under.

i. Custody of stock remains with the borrower.

ii. Bank lien on the stock.

iii. Stock hypothecated must be insured against fire etc.

iv. Customer must submit the stock report on monthly basis.

v. Frequent stock verification to be done by UBL.

vi. Bank may send officers or staff in order to supervise


Some characteristics of pledging asset against loan. Stocks are

pledged with under banks lock and key.

Stock must be duly insured against for and burglary.

On monthly basis stock reports has to be prepared by the

borrower duly incorporating delivery of goods, if any during the


Delivery of goods/stock is made against cash payments.


This credit facility is a very advanced form of advancing

money/credit to the borrower. It is also termed as factoring. In this

facility, the bank purchases the bills of beaching from the borrower. The

bank gives face value of the bill to the borrower after deducting interest

on the remaining period required for the bill to mature.



Some time it happens that a reliable, regular customer may ask for

a very short period credit. The bank accommodates such customers

through the facility of over-drafting. In this facility the bank charges

interest on the outstanding amount only. This facility may be given

without any security or is provided against some collateral. It might be a

temporary facility or an over-draft-limit may be sanctioned to the

customer, which may be used again and again during a certain period of



It is an association of banks; usually set up in a given locality for the

Purpose of inters changing credit claims. Nearly, everywhere this

function is performed by the central bank of a country. But in cities where

there is a no branch of central bank, other authorized banks perform this

fiction. In Pakistan, the areas where there is no central bank branch the

function of clearing house is performed by National Bank of Pakistan


In undertaking the process of inter changing credit the following

procedure is adopted. In banking business when creditor asks for some

payment, it is always the chouse through which the payment is asked for.

But there arises to situations when the payee for payment through

cheques. The payee may be account holder in the same bank i.e. of

drawer or he may not be the account holder in the same bank.

When the payee is an account holder in the same bank, then the cheque is

directly transferred from one to the other. And the total assets and

liabilities of the bank remains the same. Then in such cases the payee

deposits cheque in this bank drawn on some other bank. The bank with

the cheque is deposited becomes the creditor of the drawers bank. The


debtor bank will pay this amount of the cheque by transferring it from

cash reserves if there is on off setting transaction.

In daily business of the bank, there are a number of chepues deposited

with one bank, which are drawn by other banks. The drawer bank

becomes indebted to the bank in which the chques are deposited for

collection. In the same way the creditor banks also receive cheques

drawn on other banking giving blooms of payment by them. Now it will

be very inconvenient, uneconomical for the bank to transfer cash for

fulfilling reciprocal obligations. The best, easiest and safest way will be

to off set the reciprocal claims of each other and transferring only the net

amount due by any on the Clearing House provides this facility.

The clearance house is the branch of central bank of Pakistan or in case of

area where on central bank is available. The representative of each bank

meets at fixed time on all business day of week. This meeting is held in

the bank performing duties of clearing house. The messenger of the

various commercial banks gathered at the clearance house and

transferring cheques payable by other banks while collecting drawn on

their banks. A summary sheet is prepared describing the number of

cheques received and delivered by a bank at the clearance house.

Normally, the banks maintain two books for clearing house.

Inward clearing book.

Outward clearing




In banking services UBL provides a number of services. These services

include customer banking, merchant banking and corporate banking. The


following is the brief description of various services offered by the UBL

to its customers.

1. General Deposits:

Due to the ever-increasing need for capital there are now a few business

enterprises, which are carried, put totally with the owner’s equity/capital.

So borrowing is becoming an essential feature of today’s enterprise. But

in case of banking business borrowing from outside sources is all the

most vital. And this is very common observation in the banking business

that in a given bank’s found treassures the borrowed capital is much

greater than its own capital. Bank borrows mostly in the form of various

deposits the greater the difference between the rate of borrowing and

lending; the greater will be the profit margin, for the bank. But the bank

look forward for more deposits, as this will create more funds available

for employment. So greater deposits will result in greater return for the

bank and as a result greater profit. In banking business these deposits are

the lifeblood of a bank. In deposit being the main advantage for the

customer is as debts.

When bank receive a deposits from a customer a relationship of debtor

and creditor is established. Customer becomes creditor while bank takes

the responsibilities of debtor. On receiving of deposits the acquired

liability for that much amount while becoming of the deposit, it can

invest anywhere it deems right with out consulting the creditor of the

deposit. But it does not mean that the bank becomes the sole owner of

this amount, rather through an implicit agreement the bank will be liable

to pay the depositor money as and when the depositor demand.

2. Current Deposits:


UBL offers the facility of current a/c both in Pakistan rupees and foreign

currencies. On maintaining such accounts these is no restriction on the

customer residence. These accounts are usually maintained by

businessman and business concerns. It is become that they can take and

deposit money as money times as they deem right during the banking

hours. As such these accounts are payable on demand. In Pakistan on

offer any interest. Some of the solvent features of this a/c are as.

i. No restriction on number of with drawls from a/c’s and on prior

notice is required for with drawl.

ii. These a/c’s are regulated under the rules and regulation of SBP

especially deposits of $1000 is free from all exchange control.

iii. Conversion of these funds into any currency and transfer for of

these finds into any country is not restricted.

iv. The foreign currency a/c’s are acceptable as a collateral against

rupee loans.

v. In case of payment to third party standing instruction by customer

is required.

vi. By debiting these a/c’s a TC can be obtained.

vii. For obtaining lockers facility preference is given to foreign

currency a/c’s holders.

3. Saving Deposits:

The main objective of maintaining saving deposits in running

status by the bank is to develop saving habits in the people of our

country. Such people may include young people, married or household

woman. These people can start their a/c by depositing only a small

amount at a time. These accounts can also be opened in foreign


currencies. Some year ago it was not possible to withdraw money from

saving a/c more than two times in a weak and prior notice was to given

the bank for drawing money above a certain level. This restriction is now

removed by SBP and the customer can deposit and withdraw money as

and when required by the client during the banking hour.

Some of the silent features are as under:

Interest is payable by the bank in accordance with the rates

announced by SBP.

No restriction on the number of withdrawals and the amount

of withdrawals during a week.

The funds of this a/c can be utilized for purchasing

Government and other securities such as foreign exchange leader

certificates, special saving certificates and foreign currency bearer


Principal and interest earned there is on exempt from income

tax and Zakat.

In accordance with Govt. of Pakistan regulation, customer’s

deposits are free from all exchange controls.

If payment of a certain amount is to be made to a third party

at regular intervals i.e. monthly, quarterly, standing instruction to

this effect can be issued to the banker.

TC can be issued to the customer by debiting the customer’s

a/c for the amount.

Preferences given to foreign currency saving account holder

in providing locker facility.


Conversion and transfer of the currency into any other

currency or country is not restricted.

The rate of return on these a/c’s are not fixed and are computed and

announced at the end of the half year after half yearly and yearly closing

in June and December respectively.

4. Fixed Deposits:

These deposits are created by a single as such there are two transaction

involved. One is when some body deposits the money and the other when

the customers withdraw the money after or before the due date. In case of

withdrawing the deposit before maturity no interest is paid to the deposit

holder. The rate of return on time deposits various with the duration for

when the deposit is created. The duration various from a day as long as

five years.

5. Uni cash:

Now days carrying cash while going out of your place is very risky.

Every body wants maximum security while keeping is money in his

pocket. People make use of TC and other various credits cards for this

purpose. UBL provides such facility through UNI-CASH the

management of UNI-CASH is carried out in following ways.

a. PIN (Personal Identification Number)

Personal identification number (PIN) is very important number allotted

when a UNI-CASH card is issued to the customer. This number is made

unique by giving four-digit can financial number and when it is used in

conjunction with the UNI-CASH card is enable the customer to avail the

cash point facilities. The allotted PIN number is kept event confidential


form the bank staff by printing it in a special number buy the computer on

a pre-sealed, tamper proof PIN millers. These PIN-MILLERS can only be

seen when the customer opens the envelope.

b. Pin Change:

When a customer after availing the facility first time with the UNI-CASH

card, he/she will be required to change PIN (Personal Identification)

number is sought from security point of view. The change number

selected by the customer should be such that the customer can easily

remember it and can not be easily guessed by other.

c. Card Serial Number:

Card serial number is given to a particular UNI-CASH card which the

customer can know by looking at the card. The first line contains the

UNI-CASH card serial number with the customer’s name, a/c number

and card expiry date is followed in the subsequent lines.

d. Withdrawal Limit:

This limit is determined at the time of depositing money for availing the

facility of UNI-CASH card. The limit depends upon money deposited.

e. Cash Points:

To facilitate the process of getting money through UNI-CASH card a

number of cash points are available in the country. The machines may be

used round the clock. UNI-CASH card are used in these machines for

drawing money from the account and for availing a number of other

facilities such as the following.

i. Balance Inquiry

ii. Mini Statement

iii. PIN Change



UBL WALLET VISA is a secure innovative card providing the customers

the benefits of both an ATM (automatic tailor machine) and a debit card

locally and internationally.

With UBLVISA WELLET , the customers have the power of using your

card at more than 925 ATMs across the countory and over 900,000 VISA

ATM locations world wide in 150 countories and over 5,000 ORIX

locations across the nations and 22 millions VISA merchant locations

world wide. It can be used 24hour day,

7 days a week at all UBL ATMs as well as others ATMs in 1Link &

MNET network.


1. Insert the card in to the slot labeled “insert card”.

2. Select the Language.

3. Use the keypad to enter the personal Identification number(PIN).


In the main menue, select an icon to conduct a transact


1. Select “cash” withdrawal” from the main menue.

2. Select the account type.

3. Enter the required amount in multiples of Rs.500* and press OK.


1. Select mini statement from the main menu.


2. Select the account type.

3. Collect the mini statement.


1. Select “pin change” from the menu.

2. Use the keypad to enter your new PIN.

3. Reenter your new PIN to confirm.

FUNDS TRANSFER. (from UBL to UBL to others banks):

1. Select “funds transfer” from the menu.

2. Select the type of funds transfer you to wish to conduct.

3. Select the account from which you wish to transfer funds.

4. Select the account to which you wish to transfer funds, or type in the

account number according to the given layout.

5. Type in the amount of funds that you wish to transfer.

6. Confirm the account name and number and amount of funds to


The Funds transfer.


1. After shopping, present theUBL Wallet to the cashier the

UBL Wallet

is accepted at all outlets exhibiting the VISA logo as well as ORIX

logo displaying machines.

2. The cashier will swipe your UBL Wallet through the point of

sale(POS) Terminal and enter the purchase amount.


3. It is as simple as buy, swipe & sign. Simply purchase the

item, swipe the card

At the POS terminal and sign on the receipt generated. For

transactions on the ORIX network simply enter the PIN to complete the




The word “SWOT” consists of four words, which are stands for

Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, respectively.

Through the “SWOT” Analysis technique one can analyze the present

condition and performance of a given organization and can prepares plans

for the future.

In the SWOT Analysis of UBL the following points can be discussed in




Its Strengths are as follows.

Having reputation for high customer banking services.

3rd largest Bank of Pakistan

Easy asses to branch locality.

Large network.

Professional and skilled management.

Well co-coordinated branch office system.

Experienced personnel.

Strong loyal customer group.

Excellent competitive skills.

Sound level of deposits.

Excellent promotional and marketing campaigns.


Weaknesses is something an organization lakes at doing that.for UBL

these are.

Customer having accounts with small amounts are not given the same

attention given to those with large amounts.

Security system of UBL main branch bannu very careless

Most of employees are overloaded with the work and promotion is

also not timely.

Low salaries to staff.


Political inter presence.

Low market value of the bank’s stock.

Bad recovery of over due advances.

Un-satisfactory working condition of branches.

No availability of sophisticated equipments in branches.

In efficient system of recruiting and selecting of personnel.


An external situation, which an organization can benefit from,is called


Increase the serving customer group.

Due to efficient and experienced management group,UBL can

improve and expend its foreign operations successfully.

Enter new markets.

Increase product line to serve large range of customers needs.

Hiring of well-qualified personnel in the work force.

Deployment of sophisticated technology in offices and branches.


Increase the number of new local and foreign banks.

Low moral of employees.

Political interference in the affairs of the bank.

Lake of consistence in policies due to Political instability.

Low saving rated in the country.

Economic recession in the country.


This “SWOT” Analysis is a mirror to the bank o its present condition.

From this analysis we can conclude that the bank has done some

professional changes in its banking system. The management can develop

elaborated strategy planes for capitalization the available opportunities.

One area where the bank has done some work is the improvement in

customer services.

The bank should maintain principle of professional management and

adhere the sound and sophisticated banking rules and regulations in order

to build confidence of people in the institution


After the establishment of UBL in the year of 1959, the bank was

successful in achieving some of its objectives. In the very first the bank

earned a handsome profit.

After the exhaustive era of nationalization, the bank is now transforming

to private ownership again. The decade of 60’s was dominated by on

exceptional increase in economic activities. This result in bringing

various changes in the management and structure of the commercial

banks. In area of management more professional were brought in and the

same was done with the structure.

UBL was not an exception to these changes. In the last decade of the

century the bank had witnessed very bad banking business. To rebuild the

bank new professional people were inducted under the leadership of

Mr.Zahoor Soomro. Under this leadership the bank introduced incentive

schemes and products such as CARAMMAD, ZARAMMAD and UNI-

MAHANA, etc, schemes were introduced. The bank also reshaped the

product of Rupee Traveler’s Cheque (RTC) with a new name of



All these schemes were very successful in stopping the capital flight from

the country, which was the result of the foreign currency a/cs in May

1998 after the nuclear detonation. Now the bank is focusing on improving

the standard of its services facilities, specially improving its corporate

banking and more customer satisfactory culture. All these new and

potential improvements are signs of bright future for the UBL.

After the conclusion I would like to recommend some points which I

think if given due consideration by the UBL management will definitely

result in improving the bank’s image, goodwill and position as well. Like

other companies, for expansion of its business the bank should focus its

activities on increasing its stockholders equity. And also the hank should

be obliged and fulfill its obligations to its customer, stockholders and

public. Some suggestions may be given in order to give right


Development and maintenance of congenial work

environment for the bank employees.

Achieving more customer satisfaction through quality


Increasing assets and decreasing expenses through letter


Playing more responsible role in the social environment of

the society meaning full filling the social obligations as well.




Recommendations are based on the previous sections of a report and are

suggestions that the analyst feels are required to be implemented in order

to improve further the standing and position of the firm in the financial

world. These are thus based on the findings and shortcomings noted in an

organization while working with it and then writing on it. Opinions of

various capable individuals are sought who through their real life


experiences and deep insight are better able to judge whether the course

of action adopted by the organization is going to prove fruitful or does it

require further improvement in the form of changes in its strategies.

Following are the findings and recommendations for various Departments

that were felt are required while consulting the staff members of UBL,

Main Branch Bannu.

7.1 Deposits Department

The comparative analyses reveal that UBL has the lowest share of

Deposits out of the total in the market. Since deposits are the

lifeblood of a bank, it should attract more customers and expand its

deposit base in the following manner

7.1.1 Simplification of Procedures

The procedure of opening an account should be simplified. The

account opening form should be self-explanatory and include

translations in Urdu for those customers who are not well read,

since the fact cannot be ignored that many people do not have a

good understanding of English.

7.1.2 No Duplication of Activities

Once the account opening form is filled there should be no reason

to submit a written application for opening an account, since it not

only is a wasteful and time consuming exercise on the part of the

customer but also makes filing lengthy.

7.1.3 Incentives for Depositors

Those who deposit large amounts of money or are old customers of

the bank should be given free credit lines up to a certain limit.


Besides, financial advice should be provided to customers in case

there is a change in the market trend before they seek for it.

7.1.4 Integrated Marketing Approach

All the officers in Deposits Department should be involved in

marketing and not just opening accounts and maintaining their

records. This can be done through improving their personnel

relations’ skills and applying the Uni-Service concept of visiting

the potential customers at their offices and homes.

7.1.5 Performance Appraisal

UBL should follow the performance evaluation policy strictly and

award those who bring in deposits and help it increase its market

share. Unfortunately, this has been stated in the bank’s policy but is

not being implemented.


The Remittances Department at the Branch is divided into Inland

Remittances and Foreign Remittances.

Both these are dealt by separate officers and involve using specific

stationary and procedures. The following recommendations are

made for this very important Department of the bank

7.2.1 Organizing the DepartmentThe Department is spread over the entire bank with no specific

person or desk for the purpose. Usually drafts and telegraphic

transfers are made in the cash counter that results in hassle for the

other customers. A senior officer detached from the other officers

performing inland remittance transactions handles the foreign

remittances. It would be better for them to sit together so that they

can benefit from his experience and know how.


7.2.2 Centralized Money gram Services

The customers receiving funds from abroad have to wait quite long

in order to get their money as the branch sends the application form

through fax to the City Branch from where it is confirmed whether

the amount has been credited to the Swabi. Branch or not. This

confirmation takes long at times and there is always a fear of the

bank losing its goodwill in case of lengthy delays. The service

should thus be decentralized and the Hub Branch having the

authority of directly confirming the amount.


The following recommendations are made for the Cash Department.

7.3.1 Expansion of the Cash Counter

The Cash Department at the Branch needs special attention in the

sense that the cash counter is small and becomes crowded when

there are more than five to six customers to attend. Customers

purchase drafts and other instruments from the very same counter

where utility bills are collected and cash is deposited and

withdrawn. Hence, if a new counter cannot be built due to certain

limitations the utility bills should be collected through a window so

that the regular customers do not face any problems.

7.3.2 Extended timings for Cash

In order for the bank to progress and compete with the others in the

market, it should extend the time for accepting and withdrawing

cash. The customers face great hardship especially when they come

from far off places and find that the cash counter is closed for the

daily transactions.



The following suggestions are made for this Department keeping in

view the problems noted in it.

7.4.1 Career Development

It has been noted that the officers taking bills for clearing do not

involve themselves much with the other operations of the bank and

thus remain on the very same post and seat throughout their

banking career. This is against the modern day policies of

organizations giving their employees conducive, rewarding and

equal opportunities of prospering and growing with it. Thus, the

Human Resource Department at the Head Office should prepare a

plan that shows the future growth potential of the employees based

on their job performance and evaluation and make it known to all.

7.4.2 Job Rotation

There should be job rotation of employees especially in this

department as it was felt that the employees here know quite less as

compared to the others. This will enhance their capabilities and

help them break the monotony making them find their work more


7.5 ADVANCES DEPARTMENTThere were certain drawbacks in the application and processing for

the loan requests that were observed at the branch. The findings and the

recommendations are as under

7.5.1 Proper Documentation


If valid documents are not obtained before sanctioning the loan

limit, it becomes irrecoverable in case of default by the borrower. It

has been noted that at times the related officers oblige the customer

by letting him submit the documents later and approving the limit

by getting the Disbursement Authorization Certificate from the

Credit Committee. It proves to be very time and resource

consuming afterwards tracing the borrower to bring in the

documents. Therefore, correct and complete documents should be

attained before the amount is sanctioned and no leniency shown in

any case.

7.5.2 Computerized Record

All the sanctioned cases should have record on the computer as it is

easy to access and does not involve the hassles of maintaining and

retrieving large and old files. For this purpose, training programs

should be organized for the Relationship Managers to enable them

to have a basic computer know how. Through this, they would also

be able to assess the financial position of the prospective borrower

in minutes by using related financial software.

7.5.3 Verification of SecurityPhysical verification of the security tendered is a must rather than

to merely rely on the documents. It had been noted that where the

property to be hypothecated/ mortgaged lay in remote areas such as

the Gadoon Industrial Estate regular physical visits are avoided by

the officers. This and the above factors result in an increase in the

non-performing loans of the bank and as result UBL had more

debts turned bad as compared to the other banks. For this purpose,

regular physical verification must be conducted of securities

pledged and hypothecated.



The following recommendations are for the bank as a whole

7.6.1 Development of Managerial Leadership

Good managerial skills make positive contribution towards higher

effective results. UBL should focus on the effective utilization of

its human resource by applying the modern style of management.

This can only be possible if political interferences are discouraged

especially when hiring and placing personnel and the recruitment

policies are changed to give preference to M.B.A. and M. Com.


7.6.2 Tests for Promotions

A sizeable portion of the officers at UBL is promoted without

conducting any tests and interviews. This results in undeserving

people sitting on the managerial posts and steering the organization

away from its goals and objectives in the long run.

7.6.3 Training for Credit Management

Special trainings on credit management should be imparted to the

staff dealing in financing activities of the bank. This is very

important in light of current loan default scenario in the economy.

7.6.4 Delegation of Powers

Delegating powers to the Department in-charges up to the greater

possible extent will most certainly reduce the workload on the

managers and they would be able to perform well by taking quick

remedial actions where necessary. Besides, the spare time will be

spent dealing with matters of more important nature.

7.6.5 Research and Development Department


A Research and Development Department in UBL will help it to

adopt new procedures and modern techniques that will help the

bank to compete with the others. An R&DD should be maintained

at all the Hub Branches that would define the target market for the

bank in that particular area and through its findings suggest

measures to improve the performance of branches

x. Introduction of Improved Technologies:

Technology plays an important role in this regard. No body can

stop the process of innovations. This process is not limited to any

particular branch or area. This is also happening in the field of

science and technology. Computer is the output of such activities.

Application of computer in the field of banking is not a novelty any

more. For this purpose if a separate research wing is established, it

will greatly benefit for the bank. Because this wing will Asses new

technologies that can be adopted by the bank.

xii. Communication:

Swift communication in any organization is the inevitable need.

But reliable, swift and workable communication is of utmost

importance to the bank. All the operation of the bank is very much

depending on inward and outward communication. And any

disturbance in the free flow of information will bring drastic

consequences. So to avoid such situation a more swift flow of

information is to be maintained. As this will aid management in

taking action in due time, and will also positively affect customer

service. So for the written or oral communication are concerned

that 7C’s are desired to be considered in bank.




In every business institution, of closely observed, there are a

number of internal and external problems which are faced by the

employees on the one hand and particular public on the other. During my

two months internship stay in United Bank Limited (Choke Bazaar

branch), which is small period by all means to know every thing about a

big organization like UBL, I realized that generally the employees face

two types of problems.

1) Internal Problems (Administrative Problems)

2) External Problems (Public Problems)

1. Internal Problems (Administrative Problems):

Administrative problems directly relates to the employees. I personally

feel and also heard the employees discussing about the timing of the

bank. These timings were not very convenient of the employees coming

from ruler and sub-urban areas. It was very difficult for them to attend the

office as early. The under development of the country also cannot help

peoples to overcome this problem because the mean of transportation and

communication are not up to standard. The employees often don’t have

their own conveyance and if they missed the buss they cannot enter their

names in the good book of in charge.

The second problem related to the time factor was the duration of the

working, which is very 1ong and boring for the employees regarding the

type of work they are bound to do. Account works if continued the

daylong irritates the person who had no time for refreshment/lunch,

which is in a normal routine of the banks that an employ remains busy

rottenly till late at night.


Often the employees of the bank work above the scheduled time and they

are not paid over time they just sit to obey the orders of the higher


Another thing, which I observe that they were not, granted leaves as

desired because of shortage of stuff and the nature of duty.

After the application of golden hand Shake scheme the problems of

shortage of stuff are increased very much because the most of the

experience stuff is now retired through GHS Schemes and new stuff is

not recruited. Now the same amount of work is done by lesser number of

employees and the burden per employee is increased.

Although the computer facilities are available with every branch but they

are not utilized properly because of the unavailability of the computer


2. External Problems (Public Problems):

The problems, which relate to the public or say clients, who visit bank in

connection with their business, are as external problems. In Pakistan

literacy rate quite low in backward areas. Nearly 80% of the people are

illiterate businessmen. They do not know the real procedure of cash

transaction and creates various problems for the bank employees. Some

times they ask very false question for nothing during the busy hours.

It is a normal routine for them to bring their friends also having a hope

that they will be offered a cup of tea with some sweet. The main problem

faced by the managers of the bank for which he has no solution is that

these illiterate visitors come to the office and the managers from out side

places for example Lahore and Karachi etc for their clients receive use



It becomes very difficult to send a special messenger to the concerned

person for telephone calls and hence disturbs the office routine. Visitors

use stationary and envelops frequently. Illiterate clients entered the bank

in their routine work badly and produce irritation even they also use the

pen of the employees and kept them waiting for some time.


Regardless of it that a problem is of the external nature or that of the

internal nature, it is necessary for the bank administration to solve them

properly so that the bank can run better towards the achievement of its

predetermine objectives. Using the proper way of administration could

solve both the problems internal and external.

All the employees working in the bank may be granted motorcycle

advance, which may be recovered into easy installments with out interest,

while sanctioning the advance, period of the services should not be taken

into accounts it closes the way for a newly recruited employee. Also there

should be one or two tea breaks for the relaxation of the employees

during the work hours.

Approximately one or two clerks may be appointed other then the

sanctioned strength, so that on the time when one takes leave could be

replaced by the person in extra. This may cause some financial problems

to the bank for which an institution always tries to get side off. But it will

help the bank in negotiating the public properly, which will increase the

good will result in business and profit of bank.

The workers should given leave at any emergent time. This will increase

the desire of the workers for work. Proper remuneration to a worker

brings positive results for an institution. It is therefore suggested that if


anemployee works more than four hours as over time should be given full



i. Annual Report of United Bank Limited (UBL), 2010-10

ii. Mr. Riaz saheb lecturar in IMS UST Bannu.

iii. Sir Rahman ullah lecturar in IMS UST Bannu.

iv. Mr. Javed khan branch manager of UBL (Parety gate bannu).

v. Hanif ullah khan customer servecies manager in UBL (Parety gate


vi. Strategic management by fred R David 10th Edition.