Chapter 1 KS

Sora was on her way over to the kaleido stage from her dormitory when her phone rang. She took out her small flip phone out of her pocket and look at the caller ID, it was Kalos,”Hello Boss?” “Ahh Sora, so nice of you to pick up. I need you to come to the stage at once in the big hall. We have a meeting concerning our next show and I was wondering if you could get everyone that you see on the way here to meet me here. Only a few of the cast has shown up and I need all of the crew.” “Of course Boss, you can count on me!” Sora said into the phone. She hung up the phone and began looking for people that belonged to the cast and the crew. She saw 3 figures making their way to the dormitories. “Anna, Mia, May! We have to go to the main stage at Kaleido Stage, Kalos is having a meeting concerning the next show and wants everyone to attend!” “Sora!” Anna waved and made her way hastily towards the magenta haired acrobat. “We have to go back to the dorms to get Sarah, she called us to go and get her, she was walking down the stairs and got into a nasty situation with two burly men asking for someone, want to help?” May not waiting for her to answer stated, “We need all the help we can get if they pose to be a trouble to Sarah, you know how she is.” Indeed Sora knew how Sarah could be at times, there was a time in the year after Leon and Sora had performed the Angel’s Manuver and there were a few fans who had broken into the rooms upstairs to get into Sora’s bedroom, normally if she had people in her room that she didn’t want there she would be calm and civilized trying not to result in violence, but the mob of boys wouldn’t listen. So she did the only thing that she could think of, she yelled at the top of her lungs for the dorm super visor to get them. If only the boys listened to Sora and did as they were told, she almost felt sorry for them. Sarah was now burned into her mind as the ‘Man Slayer’ and she never would forget it. She watched as the boys screamed for their mommy to get them, she even saw one pray to god for the she devil, who

Transcript of Chapter 1 KS

Page 1: Chapter 1 KS

Sora was on her way over to the kaleido stage from her dormitory when her phone rang. She took out her small flip phone out of her pocket and look at the caller ID, it was Kalos,”Hello Boss?”

“Ahh Sora, so nice of you to pick up. I need you to come to the stage at once in the big hall. We have a meeting concerning our next show and I was wondering if you could get everyone that you see on the way here to meet me here. Only a few of the cast has shown up and I need all of the crew.”

“Of course Boss, you can count on me!” Sora said into the phone. She hung up the phone and began looking for people that belonged to the cast and the crew.

She saw 3 figures making their way to the dormitories. “Anna, Mia, May! We have to go to the main stage at Kaleido Stage, Kalos is having a meeting concerning the next show and wants everyone to attend!”

“Sora!” Anna waved and made her way hastily towards the magenta haired acrobat. “We have to go back to the dorms to get Sarah, she called us to go and get her, she was walking down the stairs and got into a nasty situation with two burly men asking for someone, want to help?”

May not waiting for her to answer stated, “We need all the help we can get if they pose to be a trouble to Sarah, you know how she is.”

Indeed Sora knew how Sarah could be at times, there was a time in the year after Leon and Sora had performed the Angel’s Manuver and there were a few fans who had broken into the rooms upstairs to get into Sora’s bedroom, normally if she had people in her room that she didn’t want there she would be calm and civilized trying not to result in violence, but the mob of boys wouldn’t listen. So she did the only thing that she could think of, she yelled at the top of her lungs for the dorm super visor to get them.

If only the boys listened to Sora and did as they were told, she almost felt sorry for them. Sarah was now burned into her mind as the ‘Man Slayer’ and she never would forget it. She watched as the boys screamed for their mommy to get them, she even saw one pray to god for the she devil, who she never thought she would use the term to describe Miss Sarah as, to release them.

Now Sarah was in a predicament and Sora would need to return the favor her friend did for her, except now it was 2 burly men not 20 screaming fan boys.


Sarah was standing at the door looking at two massively over sized men staring down at her. They were holding up a picture of a young woman that had a mask over her face that resembled a Panda. She had long magenta hair and seemed to be 13 years old. The men kept on repeating said line : Anata wa kono shōjo o mita koto ga arimasu ka? (Have you seen this girl?)

Poor Sarah who doesn’t know a thing about the language Japanese, much less know to speak it, just stared at the man with a confused face. The only thing that she knew about the customs of Japanese was that some martial artists use a Katana and that at some festivals often people wear tradional robes of some sort.

Oh god I wish Sora was here, she’d know what to do, then she sneezed, someone is thinking about me!?

Page 2: Chapter 1 KS


Sora and the 3 others were walking back to the dormitories when they saw 2 burly men at the entrance.

They ran to the door and saw one man in his 30’s with a thin mustache holding up a photo and the other man in his late teens with tan skin, with a daggar of some sort in a sheath at his side, with his arms folded in front of himself. Sora took a step closer to the men and she almost hid. The man in his 30’s, is that who I think it is?

She looked over his face again and saw the small tattoo of two initials over his right shoulder and gasped “Akio?”