Chaplaincy Team - Ss Alban and Stephen Catholic … · Chaplaincy Team and we’d like to tell you...

Hi there, we’re the Chaplaincy Team and we’d like to tell you about what we’ve been doing this term. We would love to tell you all about what we do as a team and we’d love to tell you a bit about us and why we wanted to be on the Chaplaincy Team. Chaplaincy Team Find out all about us inside...

Transcript of Chaplaincy Team - Ss Alban and Stephen Catholic … · Chaplaincy Team and we’d like to tell you...

Hi there, we’re the

Chaplaincy Team and we’d like

to tell you about what we’ve

been doing this term. We would

love to tell you all about what

we do as a team and we’d love

to tell you a bit about us and

why we wanted to be on the

Chaplaincy Team.

Chaplaincy Team

Find out all about us inside...

1st Christmas Half Term Volume 1: Issue 1

We always work as a team.

Us, doing our Children In Need assembly

Thoughts of the week

Some of the thoughts of the

week that we have had so

far have been: Whenever you

did it for any of my people,

no matter how unimportant

they seemed, you did it for


Also we had: This is a new

year, a new start and things

will change.

What we have done

Well, as you all know, we

have had a non-school uni-

form day for Children in

Need. Also, we have

launched a competition to

write an advent prayer. We

are all very exited for we

will be organizing lots of

wonderful things for Christ-


Well, this year we have done lots of interesting

things already so we will try hard to fit in as many

as possible.

What have we already done this year?

Volume 1: Issue 1

What we do...

We meet every Monday in the ICT

Suite and discuss how we can

help the school to grow in fun,

faith and friendship. We also or-

ganize many events and lead the

school in our weekly Gospel Prep-

aration assembly. Sister Anita is

always there to help us when we

need it and she is an amazing













All about us...

Sister Anita

Sister Anita guides us at all meetings and is always there to help us and listen to us if we are in any difficulty. She at-tends all of the meetings and she also interviewed each of us when trying for the position

Who we are...







We are hosting a prayer writing competition during Advent and we are doing an Advent Art competition with the parish to produce a piece of artwork on the subject of putting Christ back into Christmas.

Our Thoughts

I wanted to join the Chaplaincy Team because I was assisting a

member of the team to organise the Children In Need day, and so I

was pretty much accepted into the family of the Chaplaincy Team. I

went some meetings and saw the peace, joy, happiness and Good

News that they spread around the school as well as their assistance

in guiding others to the understanding of the meaning of the gos-


The Chaplaincy Team are great helpers, teachers, preachers and

most of all, amazing friends. We all work together as the way to

succeed with anything is teamwork. Everyone has a job, however

small or silly, everyone is needed and everyone finds fun, faith and

friendship. The group is led by Sister Anita O’Leary who guides and

helps us with all of our exciting, interesting and difficult decisions.

The Chaplaincy Team are always there, ready to listen and to

lend a helping hand to those who need it.

By Elizabeth

Our Thoughts

As I walked up to my Chaplaincy Team interview I felt a little bit

nervous. I have wanted to be in the Chaplaincy Team ever since I saw

their interesting assemblies I quite like making PowerPoints so I thought I

would be good for the job. A few weeks ago I had filled out a sheet asking

me why I would be a good member. Sister Anita, the youth coordinator,

asked me about my sheet and why I had given those certain answers.

Fast forward to the last day of term I found there was a letter with

my name on it.

It read…

You have been chosen for the Chaplaincy Team.

I was really excited that I had been chosen to be in the Team and I

really enjoy working with them.

By Arthur

The Christmas Story

Hi, I’m Mary and I’d like to tell you about something very special that happened to me long, long ago….. I have a son , you may have heard of him. His name is Jesus, Jesus Christ. I think you should know how he was born .

It all started nine months before . I was just cleaning up after break-fast, my husband Joseph had already gone out to work, when an angel came to my house . I was frightened. Well of course I was. I fell to my knees and the angel , called Gabriel , told me I was going to have a baby and I was to call him Jesus.

Mary’s Story

The Christmas Story

Many months later, a message came from Cesar Augustus telling us that all men were to travel to the town of where they were born to be counted. At this point I was almost nine months preg-nant and having to trav-el to Bethlehem, where Joseph was born , by don-key was not a welcome thought.

It was a cold winters day when we began our journey to Bethlehem. Lots of other people were also going. We journeyed for hours and hours and we soon became very tired. It was terribly dark when we finally arrived and it was such a picture to see Bethlehem after our long, long journey. I couldn't wait to get to my nice, warm bed, but, as I was soon to find out, I would not have a bed that night...

The Christmas Story

Of course, we then had to find somewhere to stay BUT even though we tried many, many places only one inn let us stay but, we didn't get to go into the inn ... They gave us their stable for the night so that was where we settled, arranging our things to make it as hom-ly as possible .

Eventually, my baby was born , and, as there was no cradle, I laid him in a manger. Some time later, a group of shepherds came to see us and brought us some lambs. It warmed my heart that people could be so, so kind as to leave what they were doing and come to see my son . They also offerd to help us for, they knew I was only a young girl . They knelt by my side, staring in awe at my firstborn son .

Far in the East three wise

men, had seen the star proclaiming

the birth of a Messiah, Jesus, so

they loaded their camels and fol-

lowed the star for many days and


When they arrived in Bethle-

hem, they saw the star over a sta-

ble. They thought that a stable was

an unlikely place for a KING to be

born but God spoke to them and

told them that his son was not the

king of a country or state but the

king of all people.

They entered the stable and

bowed their heads and gave them

their gifts of Gold, Frankincense

and Myrrh on Epiphany morning.

Wise Men’s Narration

Prayer Competition

Class 1:

Class 2:

Class 3:

Class 4:

Class 5:

Class 6:

Class 7:

Class 8:

Alicia Moss

Adelina Amparan

Charlotte Taylor

Dylan Doyle

Celeste Jones

No Entries

Isabelle Ablett

Ben Dodd

We’d also like to thank everyone who took the time to enter

our competition. We were very impressed with the standard

of prayers that were entered and it was a very hard job to

judge but we could only choose one winner for each class.

The overall

winner was


Bond and

her prayer

was read

out in a




So, I guess it’s goodbye from

us for now and we will look

forward to seeing you again

next term. I hope that you

have enjoyed reading this



Merry Christmas

Have a happy and holy Christmas