Chap 2 DT Creativity Innovation Brainstorming

Creativity and Innovation” Denise-Margaret Thompson, Eng., Ph.D. CPS-IDEAS “Conceptual Blockbusting, Brainstorming: A guide to better ideas!

Transcript of Chap 2 DT Creativity Innovation Brainstorming

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“Creativity and Innovation”

Denise-Margaret Thompson, Eng., Ph.D. CPS-IDEAS

“Conceptual Blockbusting, Brainstorming: A guide to better ideas! ”

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Entrepreneurship and Small Bus. Mgt.: Course components Class Participation


Exercises and Assignments

Entrepreneur Interviews

Group Project: Business Concept, Feasibility Study and Plan Development

Phase I, II and III


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Course Structure! Course Item Percentage

Class Participation and Quizzes 15% (5 bonus pts)

Phase I - Concept Approval (5/8) 5% Entrepreneurial Interview (5/13) 5% Phase II - Feasibility Analysis (5/13) 10% Phase III - Complete Plan (5/28) 25% Midterm Exams (5/13; 5/19) 20% Final Exam (TBA) 25% TOTAL 105%

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Definitions of Creativity The production of novel and useful ideas Thinking new things The dynamic thinking activity involving

both conscious and subconscious mental processing

The integrated function of knowledge and imagination and evaluation

Play with imagination and possibilities leading to new and meaningful connections and outcomes

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The ability to apply creative solutions to problems or opportunities to enhance or to enrich people’s lives; doing new things.

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Enhancing National, Organizational and Individual Creativity?

How?? !!

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Why Creative Thinking? Trinidad & Tobago needs thinkers who can

integrate exploration, investigation, flexibility and play, with higher level thinking skills to become effective problem solvers

Challenges? Individual, Organizational, Societal, Technical,

Entrepreneurial, Political, Environmental and Economic Development challenges

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Why Creative Thinking? Individual Benefits

Creativity makes life more interesting and productive

Organization and Industry Benefits Creativity promotes innovations in product

and process development, and customer service

National and Societal Benefits Creativity enriches the culture and

improves the quality of all our lives

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Can We Learn to Be Creative?

By overcoming paradigms and by suspendingBy overcoming paradigms and by suspendingconventional thinking long enough to consider newconventional thinking long enough to consider newand different alternatives!and different alternatives!


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How Creative Are You? HundredChun HundredChun HundredChun HundredChun Hundred

  O R H ES W S

Umph Umph Umph Of the Spirit


Stand I

S Media

2 1111 STO CK THEBLUEFACE Intensity


Objection Ruled

W E B Roll RollRoy Roy

Tomb of 210,N


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How Creative Are You?

Fortune 500 Scattered Showers

Triumph of the Spirit

Grace Period

Rhodes Scholar

I Understand Spring Break Media Bias

Two for One Stock Split

Blue in the Face

High Intensity Spreadsheet

Objection Overruled

Web Links Rolls Royce Tomb of Tutankhamen

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Creative Problem Solving: Identify goal, wish or challenge Gather data Clarify the problem GENERATE IDEAS Select and strengthen solutions Plan for action

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Steps in the Creative Problem Solving Process: Preparation Investigation Transformation Incubation Illumination Verification Implementation Evaluation

A dynamic balance between DIVERGENT THINKING (generating options) and CONVERGENT THINKING (selecting options)

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“Cracking Creativity!” (Michalko) Seeing what no one else is seeing

Knowing how to see Making your thought visible

Thinking what no one else is thinking Thinking fluently, making novel combinations Connecting the unconnected Looking at the other side, looking in other worlds Finding what you’re not looking for Awakening the collaborative spirit

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Failure: Just Part of the Creative Process!

For every 3,000 new product ideas: Four make it to the development stage. Two are actually launched. One becomes a success in the market.

On average, new products account for 40 percent of companies’ sales!!

Creativity is an important source for building a competitive advantage.

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100 IDEAS!!


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Where to find IDEAS? Technology changes

Moore’s Law, Metcalf’s Law, Disruptions Market changes

Value chain disruption/obsolescence/vulnerability Deregulation

Societal changes Changes in ways we live, learn, work, etc.

Brontosaurus factor Arrogance Loss of peripheral vision, Deadened reflexes –

turning the tanker Irrational exuberance

Undervalued assets

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CREATING IDEAS…!!Divergent Thinking/ Fluent Thinking…….

The Brainstorming Process

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The Brainstorming Process: Rule out judgement (Suspend evaluation)

Seek Quantity (Quantity breeds Quality)

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The Brainstorming Process: Rule out judgement (Suspend evaluation)

Seek Quantity (Quantity breeds Quality)

Build on Options (Mental Hitch-hiking)

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The Brainstorming Process: Rule out judgement (Suspend evaluation)

Seek Quantity (Quantity breeds Quality)

Build on Options (Mental Hitch-hiking)

Seek Novel Associations (Freewheel)

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Brainstorming Guidelines Keep the group small – “Two pizza rule.” Make the group as diverse as possible. Company rank is irrelevant. Have a well-defined problem, but don’t

reveal it ahead of time. Limit the session to 40 to 60 minutes. Take a field trip. Appoint a recorder.

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Brainstorming Guidelines Use a seating pattern that encourages

interaction. Throw logic out the window. Encourage all ideas from the team. Shoot for quantity of ideas over quality of

ideas. Forbid criticism. Encourage idea “hitch-hiking.” Dare to imagine the unreasonable.

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Anther Creative Problem Solving Technique:

Substitute: Can I substitute something/someone?? Combine: Can I combine with something else?

Adapt: Can I adapt something to this?

Magnify? Modify? Can I modify/change in any way?

Put to Other Use: Can I put to some other use?

Eliminate: Can I eliminate something from it?

Rearrange?Reverse? What happens if I rearrange?

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Enhancing and Applying Creativity (Csikszentmhalyi):

Curiosity and Interest: Cultivating “flow” in everyday life: Cultivate habits of strength: Internal Traits: Problem Finding: Practice Divergent Thinking: Choose a special domain:

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Techniques for Improving the Creative Process

Mind-mapping A graphical technique that encourages

thinking on both sides of the brain, visually displays relationships among ideas, and improves the ability to see a problem from many sides.

Brainstorming Goal is to create a large quantity of novel and

imaginative ideas.

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Techniques for Improving the Creative Process

TRIZ A systematic approach designed to solve any

technical problem, whatever its source. Relies on 40 principles and left-brained

thinking to solve problems.

Rapid prototyping Transforming an idea into an actual

model that will point out flaws and lead to design improvements.

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Protecting Your Ideas Patent – a grant from the Patent

and Trademark Office to the inventor of a product, giving the exclusive right to make, use, or sell the invention for 20 years from the date of filing the patent application.

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er o

f A




s o

r P



1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Number of Patent Applications and Patents Issued

Patent Applications

Patents Issued

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The Steps to a Patent

Establish the invention’s novelty

Document the device

Search existing patents

Submit the patent application

Prosecute the patent application

Study search results

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Protecting Your Ideas Trademark – any distinctive word,

symbol, design, name, logo, slogan, or trade dress a company uses to identify the origin of a product or to distinguish it from other goods on the market.

Servicemark – the same as a trademark except that it identifies the source of a service rather than a product.

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1980 1985 1990 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Trademark Applications and Trademarks Issued

Trademark Applications

Trademarks and Renewals Issued

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Protecting Your Ideas Copyright – an exclusive right that

protects the creators of original works of authorship such as literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works.

Copyrighted material is denoted by the symbol ©.

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Protecting Your Ideas

Type of Protection

What It Covers

Time Required


Copyright Works of original authorship

About 2 weeks About $30

Trademark Logos, names, phrases

6 – 12 months $900 - $1,500

Design patent Look of an original product

Up to 2 years $5,000 - $20,000

Utility patent How an original product works

2 – 5 years $5,000 - $20,000

Business method patent

A business process

2 – 5 years $5,000 - $20,000

Source: Anne Field, “How to Knock Out Knock Offs,” Business Week, March 14, 2005.

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Enhancing Organizational and Individual Creativity

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Tips for Enhancing Organizational Creativity Include creativity as a

core company value Embrace diversity Expect creativity Expect and tolerate

failure Encourage creativity

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Tips for Enhancing Organizational Creativity Create a change of

scenery periodically View problems as

challenges Provide creativity training Provide support Develop a procedure for

capturing ideas

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Tips for Enhancing Organizational Creativity Talk with customers Look for uses for your

company’s products or services in other markets

Reward creativity Model creative


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Tips for Enhancing Individual Creativity

Allow yourself to be creative Give your mind fresh input every day Observe the products and services of

other companies, especially those in completely different markets

Recognize the creative power of mistakes

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Tips for Enhancing Individual Creativity

Keep a journal handy to record your thoughts and ideas

Listen to other people Listen to customers Talk to a child Keep a toy box in your office Read books on stimulating creativity

or take a class on creativity Take some time off