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  • 8/3/2019 Chap 12 New



    Key Establishment Protocols

    Maithili Narasimha

    April 30, 2012

  • 8/3/2019 Chap 12 New




    Classification and framework Key transport based on symmetric encryption

    Key agreement based on symmetric techniques

    Key transport based on public-key encryption

    Key agreement based on asymmetric techniques Secret sharing

    Conference keying

    Analysis of key establishment protocols

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    Concepts and Classification

    Key establishment: a shared secret becomes available totwo or more parties, for subsequent cryptographic use.

    key transport protocol one party creates, and securely transfers it to the other(s).

    key agreement protocol: key establishment technique inwhich a shared secret is derived by two (or more) parties

    key pre-distribution vs. dynamic(session) key establishment

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    Use of trusted servers

    trusted third party, trusted server, authentication server, keydistribution center (KDC), key translation center (KTC)

    and certification authority (CA).

    secure key establishment

    each party in a key establishment protocol be able to determine the true

    identity of the other(s) which could possibly gain access to the resulting

    key, implying preclusion of any unauthorized additional parties from

    deducing the same key secrecy of key and identification of those parties with access to it

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    evidence that an identified party possesses a given key

    evidence that a key is possessed by some party

    identity of party which may possibly share a key

    identity of the source of data

    identity of a party, and aliveness at a given instant

    depends on context of usage



    explicit key


    key confirmation

    (implicit) key


    data origin



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    Classification and concepts

    (Implicit) Key authentication one party is assured that no other party aside from a specifically identifiedsecond party may gain access to a particular secret key

    independent of the actual possession of such key by the second party, or

    knowledge of such actual possession by the first party

    Key confirmation one party is assured that a second (possibly unidentified) party actually

    has possession of a particular secret key

    Explicit key authentication

    both (implicit) key authentication and key confirmation hold

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    Motivation for use of session key

    Session key ephemeral secret, i.e., one whose use is restricted to a short

    time period after which all trace of it is eliminated


    to limit available cipher-text

    to limit exposure in the event of (session) key compromise

    to avoid long-term storage of a large number of distinct secret


    to create independence across communications sessions or


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    Key Establishment Protocol Characteristics

    nature of the authentication

    reciprocity of authentication: unilateral vs. mutual key freshness

    key control: key distribution vs. key agreement


    number of message exchanges bandwidth

    complexity of computations


    third party requirements

    on-line (real-time), off-line, or no third party

    degree of trust required in a third party

    type of certificate used


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    Assumptions and Adversaries


    passive attack: adversary simply records data and


    active attack: adversary modifies or injects messages

    What are the attackers roles?

    deduce a session key using information gained by eavesdropping;

    participate covertly in protocol initiated by one party, and influence it by alteringmessages so as to be able to deduce the key

    initiate one or more protocol executions, and combine messages from one withanother, so as to carry out one of the above attacks

    without being able to deduce the session key, deceive a legitimate party regardingthe identity of the party with which it shares a key

    In entity authentication, adversarys objective is to arrange that one party receivesmessages which satisfy that party that the protocol has been run successfully witha party other than the adversary.

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    PFS and Known Key Attacks

    perfect forward secrecy Compromise of long-term key does not compromise past session keys

    PFS ensures that previous traffic is locked securely in the past

    known-key attack

    compromise of past session keys allows either a passive adversary to

    compromise future session keys, or impersonation by an active adversary

    in the future

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    Classification and framework

    Key transport based on symmetric encryption

    Key agreement based on symmetric techniques

    Key transport based on public-key encryption

    Key agreement based on asymmetric techniques

    Secret sharing

    Conference keying

    Analysis of key establishment protocols

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    Point-to-Point Key Update Key Transport with one pass

    Long term symmetric key K shared between A and B

    A B: EK(rA) {rA is the session key}

    Implicit key authentication

    Additional fields

    timestamp, sequence number: freshness

    target identifier: prevent undetectable message replay Hence A B: EK(rA, tA, B)

    Mutual authentication: B A: EK(rB, tB, A): K = f(rA, rB)

    Key Transport with challenge-response

    B A: nB : for freshness A B: EK(rA, nA, nB, B)

    B A: EK(rB, nB, nA, A)

    Does not provide PFS

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    Point-to-Point Key Update

    Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol 2 (AKEP2)


    (B, A, rA, rB), hK(B, A, rA, rB)

    (A, rB), hK(A, rB)

    Session key W = hK(rB)

    AKEP1 B A: (B, A, rA, rB, (r, W hK(r)), hK(B, A, rA, rB, (r, W hK(r))

    Optimization: r= rB

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    Shamirs no key algorithm


    KA mod p

    (KA)B mod p

    (KAB) A-1

    mod p


    Provides key transport

    No a priori information is required

    Protection from passive adversaries

    Does not provide authentication

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    Basic setup

    A, B, a trusted server share long-term pairwise secret keys a priori Server either plays the role of KDC and itself supplies the session

    key, or serves as a key translation center (KTC)

    A and B share no secret, while T shares a secret with each

    Goal: for B to verify As identity, establishment of a shared key


    A requests from T credentials to allow it to authenticate itself to B

    T plays the role of a KDC, returning to A a session key encrypted for A

    and a ticket encrypted for B

    The ticket contains the session key and As identity authentication of A to B when accompanied by appropriate message

    created by A containing a timestamp encrypted under that session key

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    A T: A, B, NA NA: freshness

    T A: EKBT(k, A, L), EKAT(k, NA, L, B): L: lifetime

    A B: EKBT(k, A, L), Ek(A, TA, Asubkey)

    B A: Ek(TA, Bsubkey) Optional mutual authentication

    Properties Since timestamps are used, the hosts on which this protocol runs must

    provide both secure and synchronized clocks

    If initial shared keys are password-derived, protocol is no more securethan secrecy of such password or their resistance to password-guessingattack

    Asubkey and Bsubkey allow transfer of a key from A to B

    Lifetime is intended to allow A to re-use the ticket

    A creates new authenticator with new timestamp and same session key k

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    Needham-Schroeder important primarily for historical reasons


    1. A T: A, B, NA2. T A: EKAT(NA, B, k, EKBT(k, A))

    3. A B: EKBT(k, A)

    4. B A: Ek(NB)

    5. A B: Ek(NB-1)

    Properties The protocol provides A and B with a shared key k with key


    (4) and (5) provide entity authentication of A to B. B to A can be obtainedusing redundancy check on NB upon decrypting message (4).

    If acceptable for A to re-use key k with B, A may securely cache (3) withk

    To prevent replay of (4), Ek(NA) should be appended to message (3), and (4)should be replaced by Ek(NA1, NB) allowing A to verify Bs knowledge of k

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    Needham-Schroeder vs. Kerberos

    Kerberos lifetime parameter is not present in N-S

    In N-S, (2) (which corresponds to Kerberos ticket) is double-


    authentication here employs nonce rather than timestamp

    since B has no way of knowing if k is fresh, should k ever becompromised, any party knowing it may both resend message (3)

    and compute a correct message (5) to impersonate A to B

    This situation is ameliorated in Kerberos by the lifetime parameter which

    limits exposure to a fixed time interval.

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    Otway-Rees protocol


    A B: M, A, B, EKAT(M, A, B, NA) M: Another nonce

    B T: M, A, B, EKAT(M, A, B, NA), EKBT(M, A, B, NB)

    T B: EKAT(k, NA), EKBT(k, NB)

    B A: EKAT(k, NA)

    Properties Only 4 rounds

    Does not require timestamps

    Provides key authentication and key freshness but not entity authenticationand key confirmation

    NA could be eliminated in (1), (2), and replaced by M in (3), (4)

    Could provide key confirmation and entity authentication (5 round)

    B A: EKAT(k, NA), Ek(NA, NB)

    A B: Ek(NB)

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    to recap








    Needham-Schroeder shared-key


    Shamirs no-key protocol

    point-to-point key update

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    Classification and framework

    Key transport based on symmetric encryption

    Key agreement based on symmetric techniques

    Key transport based on public-key encryption

    Key agreement based on asymmetric techniques Secret sharing

    Conference keying

    Analysis of key establishment protocols

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    Key Agreement(Symmetric key encryption)

    KDS is said to be j-secure if coalition of j or fewer users can do

    no better at computing the key shared by two than a party which

    guesses key without any pieces whatsoever

    Blom KDS bound: In any j-secure KDS(m-bit session key),

    secret data by each user must be at least m(j + 1) bits

    Bloms scheme

    engineered to provide unconditional security against coalitions of a

    specified maximum size

    initial keying material assigned to each user allows computation of larger

    number of derived keys one per each other user derived keys of different user pairs are not statistically independent

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    Classification and framework

    Key transport based on symmetric encryption

    Key agreement based on symmetric techniques

    Key transport based on public-key encryption

    Key agreement based on asymmetric techniques Secret sharing

    Conference keying

    Analysis of key establishment protocols

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    Key Transport using PKC without signature Needham-Schroeder

    PB(k1, A)

    PA(k1, k2)


    No signatures, Mutual authentication(key+entity), mutual key transport

    Modified NS

    PB(k1, A, r1)

    PA(k2, r1, r2)


    eliminating third encryption

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    Combining PK encryption and signature

    Encrypting signed keys

    A B: PB(k, tA, SA(B, k, tA))

    Problem: Data for encryption is too large

    Encrypting and signing separately

    A B: PB(k, tA), SA(B, k, tA) Acceptable only if no information regarding plaintext data can be deduced

    from the signature

    Signing encrypted keys

    A B: tA, PB(A, k), SA(B, tA, PB(A, k))

    Can provide mutual authentication with two messages(timestamps) orthree messages(challenge-response)

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    X.509 strong authentication protocols

    Assurances of X.509 strong authentication

    identity of A, and that the token received by B was constructed by A

    the token received by B was specifically intended for B;

    the token received by B has freshness

    the secrecy of the transferred key.

    X.509 strong two-way authentication

    DA=(tA, rA, B, data1, PB(k1)), DB=(tB, rB, A, rA, data2, PA(k2)),

    A B: certA, DA, SA(DA)

    B A: certB, DB, SB(DB)

    Comments Since the protocol does not specify inclusion of an identifier within the

    scope of the encryption PB within DA, one cannot guarantee that the

    signing party actually knows (or was the source of) plaintext key

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    Hybrid Key Transport using PKE

    Beller-Yacobi (4 pass)


    mutual authentication, explicit key authentication

    for applications where there is an imbalance in processing power between thetwo parties

    identity of the weaker party remains concealed from eavesdroppers

    Algorithm B A : certB = (IB, nB, GB) : certificate generated with RSA

    A B : PB(K) =K3 mod nB

    B A : EK(m, {0}t) : symmetric key encryption

    A B : EK((v, w), certA) : DSA signature with precomputation

    Comment To achieve mutual authentication, each party carry out at least one private-keyoperation, and one or two public-key operations

    careful selection of two separate public-key schemes RSA public operation and ElGamal private-key operation are cheap

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    Hybrid Key Transport using PKE

    Beller-Yacobi (2 pass)


    A B

    precompute x, v = gx mod nS select random challenge m

    verify certB via PT(GB) send m, certB

    compute (v, w) =SA(m, IB) certB = (IB, nB, GB) send PB(v), Ev(certA, w) recover v, set K = v

    certA = (IA, uA, GA) verify certA, signature (v, w)

    Properties: slightly weaker authentication assurances

    B obtains entity authentication of A and obtains a key K that A alone knows,

    while A has key authentication with respect to B For A to obtain explicit key authentication of B, a third message may be added

    whereby B exhibits knowledge through use of K on a challenge or standard

    message (e.g., {0}t )

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    Key Transport based on PKC

    #msgentity authenticationSign required




    1data origin onlyyes

    1data origin onlyyes

    1data origin onlyyes



    Beller-Yacobi (2-pass)

    Beller-Yacobi (4-pass)X.509 (3-pass)random #s

    X.509 (2-pass)timestamps

    signing encrypted keys

    separate signing, encrypting

    encrypting signed keys

    Needham-Schroeder PK

    basic PK encryption (1-pass)

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    Classification and framework

    Key transport based on symmetric encryption

    Key agreement based on symmetric techniques

    Key transport based on public-key encryption

    Key agreement based on asymmetric techniques Secret sharing

    Conference keying

    Analysis of key establishment protocols

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    Diffie-Hellman and ElGamal Diffie-Hellman

    Setup: prime p, generator g of Zp*

    gx mod p

    gy mod p

    gyx mod p

    fixed exponent: zero-pass key agreement with special certificates

    Signature is required!

    ElGamal one-pass key agreement

    b is Bs secret key

    A B : gx mod p

    Shared key gxb

    Unilateral key authentication

    no entity authentication or key confirmation

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    MTI/A0 Protocol

    A B : gx mod p

    B A : gy mod p

    A: k = (gy)aPKbx = gya gbx = gya+bx

    B: k = (gx)bPKay


    Message independent

    Secure against passive attacks only

    Provides mutual (implicit) key authentication but neither key confirmation

    nor entity authentication

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    STS Algorithm

    gx mod p

    gy mod p, Ek(SB(gy, gx))

    Ek(SA(gx, gy))


    Mutual entity authentication

    Mutual (explicit) key authentication

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    Gunthers implicitly-certified ID-based PK Algorithm

    Summary: TTP creates an implicitly-certified, publicly-recoverable DHPK for A, and transfers to A the corresponding private key.

    1. TTP selects p and g of Zp*, a random integer t, gcd(t, p 1) = 1 as its

    private key, and publishes its public key u = gt mod p

    2. TTP assigns to each A DN IA and a random integer kA with gcd(kA, p1)= 1, then computes PA = g

    kA mod p

    PAis As reconstruction public data, allowing other parties to compute PAa


    3. T solves the following equation for a

    h(IA) = tPA + kAa (mod p 1)

    4. T securely transmits to A the pair (r, s) = (PA, a) (ElGamal signature on


    5. Any other party can then reconstruct As public key PAa(=gkA a ) by

    computing PAa = gh(IA) uPA mod p

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    DH with Implicitly-certified keys


    A B : IA, PA

    B A : IB, PB, (PA)y mod p

    A B : (PB)x mod p

    Shared key K = PAya PB


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    Key Agreement (Asymmetric technique)









    ElGamal key agreement


    #msgentity authenticationkey authentication

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    Classification and framework

    Key transport based on symmetric encryption

    Key agreement based on symmetric techniques

    Key transport based on public-key encryption

    Key agreement based on asymmetric techniques Secret sharing

    Conference keying

    Analysis of key establishment protocols

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    Secret Sharing


    To safeguard cryptographic keys from loss, desirable to create backups

    The greater the number of copies made, the greater the risk of security

    exposure; the smaller the number, the greater the risk that all are lost

    enhanced reliability without increased risk

    facilitate distributed trust or shared control for critical activities by gatingthe critical action on cooperation by t of n users.

    Basic idea

    to start with a secret, and divide it into pieces called shares which are

    distributed amongst users such that the pooled shares of specific subsets of

    users allow reconstruction of the original secret

    may be viewed as a key pre-distribution technique, facilitating one-time

    key establishment, wherein the recovered key is pre-determined

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    Secret Sharing

    Trivial (n, n) scheme

    S = Si

    Shouldnt split r bit key into r/t pieces

    Threshold schemes

    A (t, n) threshold scheme (t n) is a method by which

    a trusted party computes secret shares Si, 1 i n from an initial secret S andsecurely distributes Si to user Pi such that the following is true:

    any t or more users who pool their shares may easily recover S

    but any group knowing only t 1 or fewer shares may not

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    Secret Sharing

    Shamirs threshold scheme

    based on polynomial interpolation, and that a uni-variate polynomial y =

    f(x) of degree t 1 is uniquely defined by t points (xi, yi)


    Setup: T begins with a secret integer S it wishes to distribute among n users. T chooses a prime p, defines a0= S, selects t1 random coefficients a1, ,

    at1 defining the polynomial over Zp, f(x) = t1j=0 ajx


    T computes Si = f(i) mod p for all i (1

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    Secret Sharing

    Properties perfect: Given knowledge of any t 1 or fewer shares, the shared secret

    remain equally probable

    ideal: The size of one share is the size of the secret

    extendable for new users: New shares (for new users) may be computed

    and distributed without affecting shares of existing users.

    varying levels of control possible: Providing a single user with multiple

    shares bestows more control upon that individual

    no unproven assumptions

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    Classification and framework

    Key transport based on symmetric encryption

    Key agreement based on symmetric techniques

    Key transport based on public-key encryption

    Key agreement based on asymmetric techniques Secret sharing

    Conference keying

    Analysis of key establishment protocols

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    Conferencing Keying

    A conference keying protocol is a generalization of two-party

    key establishment to provide three or more parties with a shared

    secret key

    Cliques, BD, TGDH, STR

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    Classification and framework

    Key transport based on symmetric encryption

    Key agreement based on symmetric techniques

    Key transport based on public-key encryption

    Key agreement based on asymmetric techniques Secret sharing

    Conference keying

    Analysis of key establishment protocols

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    Attack strategies and classic flaws


    man-in-the-middle attack on unauthenticated DH

    Reflection attack Original protocol

    1. A B : rA

    2. B A : Ek


    , rB


    3. A B : rB


    1. A E : rA

    2. E A : rA : Starting a new session

    3. A E : Ek(rA, rA) : Reply of (2)

    4. E A : Ek(rA, rA) : Reply of (1)

    5. A E : rA

    Can be prevented by using two different keys k1 and k2 for encryption

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    Attack strategies and classic flaws

    Interleaving attacks

    Flawed protocol

    1. A B : rA

    2. B A : rB, SB(rB, rA, A)

    3. A B : rA, SA(rA, rB, B)

    Attack1. E B : rA

    2. B E : rB, SB(rB, rA, A)

    3. E A : rB

    4. A E : rA, SA(rA, rB, B)

    5. E B : rA, SA(rA, rB, B) Due to symmetric messages (2), (3)

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    Analysis methods

    ad hoc and practical analysis (Provide heuristic security)

    convincing arguments that any successful attack requires resource level

    greater than the resources of the perceived adversary

    May uncover protocol flaws establishing that a protocol is bad

    Subtle flaws in protocols typically escape ad hoc analysis

    reducibility from hard problems proving that any successful protocol attack leads directly to the ability to

    solve a well-studied reference problem

    provably secure protocol

    A challenge is to establish that all possible attacks have been taken into

    account, and can be equated to solving the identified reference problems

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    Analysis methods

    complexity-theoretic analysis

    Model of computation is defined, and adversaries are modeled as having

    polynomial power. Security proof relative to the model is then


    The existence of underlying cryptographic primitives with specified

    properties is typically assumed.

    An objective is to design cryptographic protocols which require the

    fewest cryptographic primitives, or the weakest assumptions.

    Polynomial attacks which are feasible under such a model may in

    practice be computationally infeasible

    Despite these issues, complexity-theoretic analysis is invaluable forformulating fundamental principles and confirming intuition.

    A l i h d

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    Analysis methods

    information-theoretic analysis mathematical proofs involving entropy relationships to prove protocols

    are unconditionally secure

    Adversaries are modeled to have unbounded computing resources

    not applicable to most practical schemes for several reasons

    many schemes can at best be computationally secure

    typically involve keys of impractically large size, or can only be used once

    formal methods logics of authentication (BAN), term re-writing systems, expert systems,

    and other methods combining algebraic and state-transition techniques

    help in finding flaws and redundancies in protocols

    the proofs provided are proofs within the specified formal system, andcannot be interpreted as absolute proofs of security

    Absence of discovered flaws does not imply the absence of flaws

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    Thank You!