Changing landscape of teaching metroleads - jan 2013




Transcript of Changing landscape of teaching metroleads - jan 2013

  • 2. OUR PLANSpecific 21st century teaching techniques: Just in Time Teaching & Clickers (Jeff) The Flipped Classroom (Andrew)General 21st century teaching issues: Discussion of video about todays students
  • 3. In what area have you studied/taught?A) HumanitiesB) Natural sciences & mathematicsC) Professions & applied sciencesD) Social sciencesE) Teacher education no surer way to offend.
  • 4. Think about either your teaching or teaching youhave observed. Was there a method for holdingstudents accountable for preparing for class?A) Stern threats and/or playful pleading.B) A paper method (quiz, journal, others?)C) A digital method (clickers, others?)D) Just in Time Teaching.E) Some other method.
  • 5. FEEDBACK THAT WORKSImprovement of performance is actually afunction of two perceptual processes. Theindividuals perception of the standards ofperformance, and her/his perception of his/herown performance. The Feedback Fallacy Steve Falkenberg (via Linda Nilson)
  • 6. JUST IN TIME TEACHINGOnline pre-class assignments Learner Teacher(WarmUps)First half: Conceptual questions, answered in sentences Graded on thoughtful effort
  • 7. WARMUP: GREATEST VALUEWhat do you think is the greatest value in askingstudents to answer open-ended questions priorto class?6 of 8 They may think2 of 8 They may engage in classIt opens the door. Sometimes just a bit, butthat can get things started faster.
  • 8. WARMUP: GREATEST VALUEOpen-ended questions make students think and haveto put the information in their own words. It was myworst nightmare in college. It also makes the studentaware of the material and possibly more engagedduring class.This would hopefully allow students time to thinkabout the class material they are learning, and to alsoformulate opinions and questions about the material. Itwould keep them engaged in the class, and learningand experiencing more.
  • 9. JUST IN TIME TEACHINGOnline pre-class assignments Learner Teacher(WarmUps)First half: Conceptual questions, answered in sentences Graded on thoughtful effortSecond half: Responses are read just in time Instructor modifies that days plan accordingly. Aggregate and individual (anonymous) responses are displayed in class.
  • 10. For an average class at MSU Denver, whatfraction of students do you think do theirpreparatory work before class.A) 0% - 20%B) 20% - 40%C) 40% - 60%D) 60% - 80%E) 80% - 100%
  • 11. STUDENT FEEDBACK315 students in 7 classes over 4 terms (roughly 6%) Agreed orThe WarmUps have Strongly Agreedhelped me to be more prepared 70%for class than I would otherwise be.helped me to be more engaged in 80%class than I would otherwise be.helped me to learn the material 64%better than I otherwise wouldbeen worth the time they 57%required to complete
  • 12. MORE JITT?Much more information to be had: Theoretical basis for effectiveness Empirical evidence for effectiveness Writing good questions Using metacognitive questions Practical questions and pitfalls
  • 13. The Flipped Classroom Andrew J. Bonham January 25th, 2013
  • 14. The Flipped Classroom Outline: A Case Study: Biochemistry Lab Open Discussion Resources
  • 15. Case Study:Video Recitations The Goal: Address time constraints and differences in instructor background knowledge for Biochemistry Laboratory Allow greater focus on sample safety and technical expertise
  • 16. Technology Used Employed Youtube-hosted video Recitations Created using Screencast-O-matic (website and offline tool), Bamboo drawing stylus
  • 17. Video Recitations Videos walk through core concepts of the experiment Provide background principles and point out common errors Focused on providing material instructor might not have time to cover in lab
  • 18. A library of content
  • 19. Video Recitation Outcomes After initial period, student engagement at 80+% Several students used their smart phones to review during class Repeated views, especially before assignments due
  • 20. Outcomes & Student Comments Video tutorials were helpful & a good use of technology I liked that videos explained the labs in more detail Videos prepared us for lab Watched Time from Sept 1st to October 22nd: 283 minutes (57 views for an enrollment of 60)
  • 21. Open Discussion Starting Topics What are the challenges of the Flipped Classroom? Are there classes its a bad idea for? How to adapt to teaching this way
  • 22. Resources Dan Spencers Flipped Classroom Resources 8_77nx3GDdB6C-tE/edit?pli=1 EdTechTeacher UNC The Flipped Classroom
  • 23. WARMUP: NOTEWORTHY VIDEOIn the video "A Vision of Students Today" what isone item that really struck you as surprising ornoteworthy?3 of 8 Negative(ish) toward professors3 of 8 Negative(ish) toward studentsHow unprepared most professors are to teachtheir courses in a the new technologyenvironment that is second nature to kids.
  • 24. WARMUP: NOTEWORTHY VIDEOWhat is technology the solution too? I liketechnology. I try to use it a lot in my classes;however, as I viewed the student responses inthe video Im not sure what they expecttechnology to do?
  • 25. WARMUP: NOTEWORTHY VIDEO"I found it noteworthy about students mentioning thatthey inheritated problems from other generations, thatthey will have to deal with. I feel that students todayare so used to having so many resources at theirhands, such as IPhones, laptops, etc..., but do notrealize that these are items that most people have toreally work for. Students will complain about the cost ofeducation, but may not always fully see the value in aneducation, and that with a job after school, they couldbe part of the solution to the problems the country isfacing. Technology is great, but has also allowed somany people to lose some of the social skills that willhelp them in every day life.
  • 26. WARMUP: YOUR QUESTIONSWhat question would you most like to ask yourcolleagues in METROLEADS about this video?is the problem portrayed in this videorepresentative?Chime in with your opinion:A) The issues portrayed are a real problemB) The issues portrayed are not-representativeC) Other
  • 27. WARMUP: YOUR QUESTIONSWhy are we so resistant to giving up traditionalforms of pedagogy?How can we embrace this communicationchange to improve how the institutioninterfaces with students, faculty and thecommunity.Updating the college curriculum to includetechnology is great for the younger students,but what about older students who return tocollege? []
  • 28. WARMUP: YOUR QUESTIONSAs faculty or staff, how do you look at studentstoday? Do you feel they are learning valuablelessons in your class, or do you feel that theyneed to start learning more real life lessons, thatwill benefit them in the real world andemployment? How can we change technology in theclassroom to appeal to the new learner and keepthem interested. How can we train students tolearn about a trade that isnt there yet.
  • 29. FINAL COMMENTWhat to do? Scholarly teaching Evidence-based practices Imitate!
  • 30. YOUR SUMMARYFor yourself or to share?What was the biggest shift in your thinking duringthis discussion?What is the biggest question you feel needs moreattention from the discussion?Visit to see these slides