Changes to January Masses!Changes to January Masses!...Entrance Antiphon Lk 2:16 The shepherds went...

Families come in all sorts of forms and variations and because of their nature, made up of people, change over time. As we age new members come along, if we have a large extended family, or if we belong to the last vestiges of a family line, we experience diminishment. Both are sobering experiences – change is inevitable and an occasion or an opportunity to reflect on our own life and the lives of those around us. The Holy Family experienced sudden change and challenge – they had to adapt and make new plans – leave the certainty they new and venture to new places and adapt to new situations. Sometimes change is subtle and incremental so we are not aware of the changes taking place around us and even within us. The wisdom is often in the older people and in the Gospel Simeon and Anna who recognise who Jesus is and prophesied his future. Families this year have faced many challenges and we have all had to learn new ways of being together and supporting each other sometimes at a distance. The aged and frail have been dramatically affected and families have struggled to keep them safe and support them appropriately. This year there has been the Royal Commission into aged care and the many issues around good care for people as they age. We hear the wisdom of the older people in todays readings and so are reminded of the wisdom figures in our own families. It is interesting to experience, with progression of time and the greying of the beard, how you become a grandfatherly figure. Presiding at funerals and prayers for older people surrounded by their family and friends is very sobering and makes one reflect how others might see us and reflect on our life. In family life all members need time, time to talk and listen, time to reflect and pray, time to enjoy each other’s company, time to listen to the stories of family, time to sit and muse. I remember fondly sitting with my grandmother and her telling stories of growing up near Lismore and recounting stories from the 1880’s – how they celebrated Christmas, rode horses to school, how they would transverse creeks and rivers across fallen trees, playing cards and learning to pray with someone well in their 80s with a quick mind and kind words was a very enriching experience. Two little children walking along a wall and one calls out to the other for her to stop and come and look at the water droplets on the spider web in the sunlight she had found. We all need that sense of wonder and awe at God’s creation. I pray this Christmas and holy season you have had the chance and the time to connect or reconnect with those you love and who have been part of your journey. May we cherish our relationship with friends and family and may we learn the lessons of life from each other. Yours in the Lord Jesus Christ, Fr. Michael McLean, Parish Priest Family Prayer for the Feast of the Holy Family. We give you thanks Lord God who has blessed us with life and love. You have given us the gift of the family. Help us to nurture and to protect to guide and to love one another. Through the intercession of the Holy Family: Jesus, Mary and Joseph – protect us. Give us wisdom and courage, joy and faithfulness in responding to our special vocation as a Christian family so we may help each other to grow in grace and love to the glory of God. Amen.

Transcript of Changes to January Masses!Changes to January Masses!...Entrance Antiphon Lk 2:16 The shepherds went...

  • Families come in all sorts of forms and variations and

    because of their nature, made up of people, change over time.

    As we age new members come along, if we have a large

    extended family, or if we belong to the last vestiges of a family

    line, we experience diminishment. Both are sobering experiences

    – change is inevitable and an occasion or an opportunity to

    reflect on our own life and the lives of those around us.

    The Holy Family experienced sudden change and

    challenge – they had to adapt and make new plans – leave the

    certainty they new and venture to new places and adapt to new

    situations. Sometimes change is subtle and incremental so we

    are not aware of the changes taking place around us and even

    within us. The wisdom is often in the older people and in the

    Gospel Simeon and Anna who recognise who Jesus is and

    prophesied his future. Families this year have faced many

    challenges and we have all had to learn new ways of being

    together and supporting each other sometimes at a distance.

    The aged and frail have been dramatically affected and

    families have struggled to keep them safe and support them

    appropriately. This year there has been the Royal Commission

    into aged care and the many issues around good care for people

    as they age. We hear the wisdom of the older people in todays

    readings and so are reminded of the wisdom figures in our own

    families. It is interesting to experience, with progression of time

    and the greying of the beard, how you become a grandfatherly

    figure. Presiding at funerals and prayers for older people

    surrounded by their family and friends is very sobering and

    makes one reflect how others might see us and reflect on our


    In family life all members need time, time to talk and

    listen, time to reflect and pray, time to enjoy each other’s

    company, time to listen to the stories of family, time to sit and

    muse. I remember fondly sitting with my grandmother and her

    telling stories of growing up near Lismore and recounting stories

    from the 1880’s – how they celebrated Christmas, rode horses to

    school, how they would transverse creeks and rivers across

    fallen trees, playing cards and learning to pray with someone

    well in their 80s with a quick mind and kind words was a very

    enriching experience.

    Two little children walking along a wall and one calls out

    to the other for her to stop and come and look at the water

    droplets on the spider web in the sunlight she had found. We all

    need that sense of wonder and awe at God’s creation. I pray this

    Christmas and holy season you have had the chance and the time

    to connect or reconnect with those you love and who have been

    part of your journey. May we cherish our relationship with

    friends and family and may we learn the lessons

    of life from each other.

    Yours in the Lord Jesus Christ, Fr. Michael McLean, Parish Priest

    Family Prayer for the Feast of the Holy Family.

    We give you thanks Lord God who

    has blessed us with life and love.

    You have given us the gift of the family.

    Help us to nurture and to protect to guide and to love

    one another.

    Through the intercession of the Holy Family:

    Jesus, Mary and Joseph – protect us.

    Give us wisdom and courage, joy and faithfulness

    in responding to our special vocation as a Christian

    family so we may help each other to grow in grace and

    love to the glory of God.


  • Entrance Antiphon Lk 2:16 The shepherds went in haste, and found Mary and Jo-seph and the Infant lying in a manger. 1. O sing a new song to the Lord, for he has worked won-ders. His right hand and his holy are wrought salvation.

    2. The Lord has made known his salvation, he has revealed his justice in the sight of the nations. He has re-membered his mercy and his truth toward the house of Is-rael.

    3. All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. Sing joyfully to God, all the earth; make melody re-joice and sing.

    The Gloria Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

    First Reading Gen 15:1-6. 21:1-3 A reading from the book of Genesis Your own son shall be your heir.

    The word of the Lord was spoken to Abram in a vision, ‘Have no fear, Abram, I am your shield; your reward will be very great’. ‘My Lord’, Abram replied, ‘what do you intend to give me? I go childless...’ Then Abram said, ‘See, you have given me no descendants; some man of my household will be my heir.’ And then this word of the Lord was spoken to him, ‘He shall not be your heir; your heir shall be one of your own flesh and blood.’ Then taking him outside he said, ‘Look up to heaven and count the stars if you can. Such will be your descendants,’ he told him. Abram put his faith in the Lord, who counted this as making him justified.

    Responsorial Psalm Ps 104:1-6. 8-9. R.vv.7.8(R.) The Lord remembers his covenant for ever.

    1.Give thanks to the Lord, tell his name, make known his deeds among the peoples. O sing to him, sing his praise; tell all his wonderful works! (R.)

    2. Be proud of his holy name, let the hearts that seek the Lord rejoice. Consider the Lord and his strength; constantly seek his face. (R.)

    3. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, the judgements he spoke. O children of Abraham, his servant, O sons of the Jacob he chose. (R.)

    4. He remembers his covenant for ever, his promise for a thousand generations, the covenant he made with Abra-ham, the oath he swore to Isaac. (R.)

    Second Reading Heb 11:8. 11-12. 17-19 A reading from the letter to the Hebrews The faith of Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac.

    It was by faith that Abraham obeyed the call to set out for a country that was the inheritance given to him and his descendants, and that he set out without knowing where he was going. It was equally by faith that Sarah, in spite of being past the age, was made able to conceive, because she believed that he who had made the promise would be faithful to it. Because of this, there came from one man, and one who was already as good as dead himself, more descendants than could be counted, as many as the stars of heaven or the grains of sand on the seashore. It was by faith that Abraham, when put to the test, offered up Isaac. He offered to sacrifice his only son even though the promises had been made to him and he had been told: It is through Isaac that your name will be carried on. He was confident that God had the power even to raise the dead; and so, figuratively speaking, he was given back Isaac from the dead.

    Gospel Lk 2:22-40 A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke The child grew to maturity, and he was filled with wisdom.

    When the day came for them to be purified as laid down by the Law of Moses, the parents of Jesus took him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord – observing what stands written in the Law of the Lord: Every first-born male must be consecrated to the Lord – and also to offer in sacrifice, in accordance with what is said in the Law of the Lord, a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons. Now in Jerusalem there was a man named Simeon. He was an upright and devout man; he looked forward to Israel’s comforting and the Holy Spirit rested on him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death until he had set eyes on the Christ of the Lord. Prompted by the Spirit he came to the Temple; and when the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the Law required, he took him into his arms and blessed God; and he said: ‘Now, Master, you can let your servant go in peace, just as you promised; because my eyes have seen the salvation which you have prepared for all the nations to see, a light to enlighten the pagans and the glory of your people Israel.’ As the child’s father and mother stood there wondering at the things that were being said about him, Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, ‘You see this child: he is destined for the fall and for the rising of many in Israel, destined to be a sign that is rejected – and a sword will pierce your own soul too – so that the secret thoughts of many may be laid bare.’

    There was a prophetess also, Anna the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was well on in years. Her days of girlhood over, she had been married for seven years before becoming a widow. She was now eighty-four years old and never left the Temple, serving God night and day with fasting and prayer. She came by just at that moment and began to praise God; and she spoke of the child to all who looked forward to the deliverance of Jerusalem. When they had done everything the Law of the Lord required, they went back to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. Meanwhile the child grew to maturity, and he was filled with wisdom; and God’s favour was with him.

    Gospel Acclamation Heb 1:1-2 Alleluia, alleluia! In the past God spoke to our fathers through the prophets; now he speaks to us though his Son. Alleluia!

    ! “Copyright” Editio typica tertia, 2002, apud Administrationem Patrimonii Sedis Apostolicæ in Civitate Vaticana. Venditio operis fit cura Librariæ Editricis VaticanæThe prayers are from the English

    Translation of the Roman Missal © 2010 International Committee on English in the Liturgy Inc. (ICEL). All rights reserved.

  • Offertory Antiphon Ps 30: 15-16 In you, O Lord, I have placed my hope. I said, You are my God, my times are in your hands. 1. In you, O Lord have I hoped; let me never be confounded, deliver me in your justice.

    2. Bow down your ear to me; make haste to deliver me, for you are my strength and refuge.

    3. Into your hands I commend my spirit, for you have redeemed me, O Lord, O God of truth.

    Communion Antiphon Bar 3:38 Our God has appeared on the earth, and lived among us.

    1. The Lord is king, he is clothed with beauty, robed is the Lord and girt about with strength.

    2. For he has established the world, which shall not be moved. Your throne is prepared from of old; you are everlasting.

    3. Truly your decrees are worthy of trust; holiness befits your house, O Lord, for length of days.

    St Mark’s Parish Office Closure.

    The Parish Office will be closed

    from Friday 25 December 2020

    and reopen

    Monday 11 January 2021

    For emergencies call (02) 9181 1795 and leave a

    message for us to contact you as soon as we can.

    Changes for the month of JanuaryChanges for the month of JanuaryChanges for the month of JanuaryChanges for the month of January. From Sunday 3 January 2021 (inclusive) there will be NO 10:30am Sunday MassNO 10:30am Sunday MassNO 10:30am Sunday MassNO 10:30am Sunday Mass.

    From Wednesday 6 January 2021 (inclusive) there will be NO 6:00pm Wednesday Mass.NO 6:00pm Wednesday Mass.NO 6:00pm Wednesday Mass.NO 6:00pm Wednesday Mass.

    Changes to January Masses!Changes to January Masses!Changes to January Masses!Changes to January Masses!

    The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

    Prayer of the Faithful Leader: God so loves us that he sent his only Son to be with us. Gathered here together we have the confidence to turn to our Father with our needs.

    Reader: We pray for the leaders of our Church. Pope Francis continues to show great care for those families who are refugees and so may all other leaders in our Church be emboldened to do the same. (pause). In your goodness. All: Lord hear our prayer.

    Reader: We pray for the leaders of our country that they may remain committed to the values of family life and give support to those who have had difficult beginnings. (pause). In your goodness. All: Lord hear our prayer.

    Reader: We pray for those agencies and organisations who support families and family life. May they be given the courage and resources to continue to positively assist families in our community. (pause) In your goodness.

    All: Lord hear our prayer. Reader: We pray for all the families gathered here. In all of our imperfections may we be lifted by the love of God shown to us through the Holy Family. (pause) In your goodness. All: Lord hear our prayer.

    Reader: We pray that those who have died and will live forever with the Lord in compassion and love, especially those whose anniversaries occur at this time. (pause) In your goodness. All: Lord hear our prayer.

    Leader: Loving Father, you revealed yourself to us through a humble family, so hear the prayers of these families that gather in love. We make our prayers through the power of the Spirit and in the name of Jesus, your Son. All: Amen.

  • Blessed are you, Father, who in your infinite love sent us your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, that we may have life, and have it in abundance.

    By the power of the Holy Spirit, renew our Eucharistic communities. May they be places, of encounter with the living Christ, centres of evangelisation and

    outreach to our community in love and mercy.

    Grant us the gifts of faith, hope and love to be faithful disciples of Jesus and radiant witnesses to the people of Sydney.

    Our Lady, Help of Christians, Pray for us!

    Our Lady of Guadalupe, Star of the New Evangelisation. Pray for us!

    St Mary of the Cross Mackillop. Pray for us!

    St Mark. Pray for us!

    On New Year’s eve, or New Year’s day the household gathers for a blessing for the new year and peace.

    The calendar of the new year may be held during the blessing. Our lives are made of days and nights, of

    seasons and years, for we are part of the universe of suns and moons and planets.

    We mark ends and we make beginnings and, in all, we praise God for the grace and mercy that fill our every day.





    9.30am Morning Mass

    The Epiphany of the Lord The Epiphany of the Lord The Epiphany of the Lord The Epiphany of the Lord ---- Chalking the Door: Chalking the Door: Chalking the Door: Chalking the Door: An Epiphany House Blessing

    Don’t forget to collect your chalk from Mass next weekend

    (2 | 3 January ) to give your house it’s 2021 House Blessing.

    THANK YOU:THANK YOU:THANK YOU:THANK YOU: The members of St Mark’s Catholic Women’s League sincerely thank our most reverend Frs. Michael, Denis and John, along with Sec. Vicki and her hard working team, for keeping the functions of the Parish smoothly operating during the long pandemic close-down.

    Wishing you all every blessing for Christmas and 2021

    Judith Brown Judith Brown Judith Brown Judith Brown President

    Thanks from St Mark’s Vinnies The theme of the 2020 Vinnies Christmas Appeal is “You can stop an Australian Family from “You can stop an Australian Family from “You can stop an Australian Family from “You can stop an Australian Family from reaching breaking point this Christmas”.reaching breaking point this Christmas”.reaching breaking point this Christmas”.reaching breaking point this Christmas”.

    We are pleased to report that your generous donations have raised almost $5,000 to date. The proceeds have been able to help families with food hampers, grocery vouchers and assistance with their bills.

    We were also thrilled with the response from our St Mark’s parishioners who assisted with either donating, packing or delivery of the 88 hampers to families within the region -earlier in the month. As one of the recipients noted to a member “ When you don’t have much the Vinnies Christmas Hamper makes all the

    difference, knowing someone is thinking about us” Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas

  • Introducing our new St Mark’s parishioners &

    congratula/ons to their parents.

    Register to attend Mass on

    - St Mark’s Website - Register with trybooking before



    Weekday Masses: Weekday Masses: Weekday Masses: Weekday Masses: Monday - 8:00am Tuesday - 9:30am Wednesday - 7:30am Thursday - 9:30am Friday - 8:00am Saturday - 11am Adoration & 12pm Mass

    Weekend Masses:Weekend Masses:Weekend Masses:Weekend Masses: Saturday - Vigil - 5.30pm

    Sunday - 9:00am & 6:00pm

    Registration is essential St Mark’s Limit is 80St Mark’s Limit is 80St Mark’s Limit is 80St Mark’s Limit is 80 (seating is in the nave,

    back foyer and sanctuary).

    Sunday Mass Sunday Mass Sunday Mass Sunday Mass ---- on on on on ---- demanddemanddemanddemand from 6:00am on St Mark’s Parish YouTube Channel or view from our website.

    Visit our website for Pray at HomePray at HomePray at HomePray at Home details and more:

    Parish Priest: Very Rev Fr Michael L McLean PP EV Priest in Residence: Fr Denis Minns OP

    Assistant Priest: Fr John Pham

    Pastoral Associate: Sr Antonia Nedu ISR

    Chairperson Parish Pastoral Council: Ms Celine Cheng

    School Principal: Ms Rachel Bourke

    St Mark’s Catholic Parish 33 Tranmere Street, Drummoyne NSW 2047

    Tel: (02) 9181 1795 Email: [email protected]

    Parish Website:

    Please respect the sacredness of our church and remember to turn off your mobile phone. Thank you

    Keep them in Your Prayers

    In your love and concern, please pray for the following In your love and concern, please pray for the following In your love and concern, please pray for the following In your love and concern, please pray for the following sick members of our community: sick members of our community: sick members of our community: sick members of our community: Christopher Pinto, Rocco Zoccali, Patricia Ryan, Carolina Bastoni, Meagan Ficarra, Lina Giannandrea, Rita Arcidiacono and Brian McCarthy & all St. Mark’s Parish community members unwell at this time.

    Anniversaries and those we are remembering at this time: Chris Grady, Roslyn Iris Poppen, Maureen Cleur, Eileen O’Neill, Larry O’Neill, Nunziatina Spata, Peter Cotter, Fr Terence Purcell, George Peres Da Costa, Ivan Phillips, Lucila Garcia de Rincon, Karl Soumar, Cynthia Gregory and Rosa Ilacqua.

    Recently Deceased: Recently Deceased: Recently Deceased: Recently Deceased: Patrick Griffith, Fr Robert Flaherty, Monsignor Luigi Porta (Italy), Bishop Stephen Tjephe (Myanmar) Marguerite Rushworth, Damian Hess, Joseph Abbonizio and Giuseppe Grieco. . . . We pray for those who have died and offer our prayers to We pray for those who have died and offer our prayers to We pray for those who have died and offer our prayers to We pray for those who have died and offer our prayers to their families. May they rest in peace. their families. May they rest in peace. their families. May they rest in peace. their families. May they rest in peace.

    In memory at Christmas:In memory at Christmas:In memory at Christmas:In memory at Christmas: As the holidays approach, we remember the loved ones who

    will not be with us this year, our parishioners and family members who have past. They are in our hearts as we come together to celebrate the birth of the Jesus. Even though they are not with us physically, we know that they are held in the loving mercy of God. Because of our faith we know they are

    celebrating with all the angels and saints in heaven.

    Fr Michael, Fr Denis and Fr John and the parish staff say

    Thank you all for the lovely cards and gifts we have received during

    this festive season.

    VISITING ST MARK’S: VISITING ST MARK’S: VISITING ST MARK’S: VISITING ST MARK’S: During this Joyous Season, we will welcome many visitors to our Church and for some, it may be the only time they attend Mass. Let us prepare to give them a warm welcome into our Parish Community as we wish blessings for the Season.




    Gospel Reflection Look at any newspaper, magazine, television current affairs program or social commentary and you will be bombarded with the notion that the institution of family is under attack. Rather, what appears to be under attack is a particular view of what it means to be ‘family’. Society in general and governments in particular are recognising the reality that ‘family’ is a much more fluid term than it used to be. Rather than an attack on family, it might be argued that there is in fact an embracing of the concept of family by making its definition much broader.

    In this feast we celebrate the Holy Family: Jesus, Mary and Joseph. The model of family that we have in this Holy Family is a model that would not be entirely out of place in the 21st Century. Mary was a very young woman; possibly no more than 13 or 14 years old. Joseph was an older man; possibly on his second marriage. There was a degree of scandal about the conception of their child and Joseph seriously contemplated whether or not he would go ahead with the marriage. They were forced to flee their homeland and seek protection as refugees in Egypt. We see from today’s passage that the parents are doing their best to be faithful to their religious and cultural traditions whilst worrying about what the future holds for their son. It is a picture that is not too different from the situation in which many families today find themselves. So while we celebrate today the feast of the Holy Family, it is very much a celebration of every family.

    Historical Context – Ritual The ritual of purification referred to in today’s passage would take place 40 days after childbirth. It was a ritual for the mother, not the child. Mary and Joseph took the opportunity of attending the Temple to bring Jesus into the presence of God who, according to tradition, dwelt in the Temple. The tradition associated with this purification of women after childbirth dictated that a lamb and a turtledove or pigeon be sacrificed. However, for the poor, an extra turtledove or pigeon could be substituted for the lamb. This fact gives us an indication of the status of Mary and Joseph.

    Scriptural context – Fulfilling prophecy The writer of the gospel of Luke uses this presentation event to announce or forecast the ministry of Jesus. The explicit identification of the poverty of Mary and Joseph is an indicator of the emphasis that Jesus will give to the poor throughout his ministry. The gospel writer also makes plain the link between the Temple (the Jewish tradition) and the ministry of Jesus. Tying these events into the prophecies of both Simeon and Anna reinforce the prophetic nature of this whole episode. Jesus is portrayed in this gospel as the fulfilment of the prophecies of scripture.

    Living the Gospel – Faithful A strong image that emerges from this passage is the faithfulness of Mary and Joseph. Their whole purpose in visiting the Temple is to fulfil the requirements of their faith. They are faithful to the Jewish tradition and it is into this tradition that they initiate Jesus. The faithfulness of Mary and Joseph is a hallmark of their life as a family. Their faithfulness is a significant element of what we celebrate in the feast of the Holy Family and their faithfulness to God and to one another is a model for all families and for all people. © Greg Sunter

    If you would like to join the Planned Giving Program, join the Planned Giving Program, join the Planned Giving Program, join the Planned Giving Program, fill out a new GREENGREENGREENGREEN planned giving card that can be found at the Church near the collection bowls and return to the Parish office. Deductions can be made via your credit card or envelopes. Planned Giving, helps run the parish of St Mark’s and offers a tax deduction. Through the support of our Parishioners in the Planned Giving Program we are able to meet our Parish Budget commitments and plan for our future. * TheTheTheThe First CollectionFirst CollectionFirst CollectionFirst Collection is for the support of the Priests of the Archdiocese and also contributes to Priests working in poorer Parishes and special ministries. * TheTheTheThe Second CollectionSecond CollectionSecond CollectionSecond Collection includes the Planned Giving Program and is the Parish’s main includes the Planned Giving Program and is the Parish’s main includes the Planned Giving Program and is the Parish’s main includes the Planned Giving Program and is the Parish’s main source of incomesource of incomesource of incomesource of income. Though most of the pastoral work of the parish is done by volunteers, there are a number of expenses related to the running of our Parish Church, Parish Office and Presbytery. These funds remain in the parish for the care, maintenance, insurance, secretarial services, utilities and other expenses incurred to maintain the day to day running of the parish for our community. Thank you for your support. Visitors if you would like to make a donation theVisitors if you would like to make a donation theVisitors if you would like to make a donation theVisitors if you would like to make a donation the Second CollectionSecond CollectionSecond CollectionSecond Collection is for our St Mark’s Parish. is for our St Mark’s Parish. is for our St Mark’s Parish. is for our St Mark’s Parish. * Christmas envelopes Christmas envelopes Christmas envelopes Christmas envelopes can be placed in any of the collection plates. * Tap n’ Pray Machines Tap n’ Pray Machines Tap n’ Pray Machines Tap n’ Pray Machines - for those who do not carry cash we have Tap n’ Pray machines available First Collection & 2nd Collection.