CHANGE UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM FORM€¦ · There is no foreign language requirement for the new Gen...

CHANGE UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM FORM Rev 01/11 1. General Information College: Arts & Sciences Department: Sociology Current Major Name: Sociology Proposed Major Name: Current Degree Title: BA/BS Proposed Degree Title: Formal Option(s): Proposed Formal Option(s): Specialty Field w/in Formal Option: Proposed Specialty Field w/in Formal Options: Date of Contact with Associate Provost for Academic Administration 1 : Bulletin (yr & pgs): 2014-15, 181- 184 CIP Code 1 : 45.1101.01 Today’s Date: 1/21/2015 Accrediting Agency (if applicable): Requested Effective Date: Semester following approval. OR Specific Date 2 : Dept. Contact Person: Edward Morris Phone: 257-4413 Email: [email protected] 2. General Education Curriculum for this Program: The new General Education curriculum is comprised of the equivalent of 30 credit hours of course work. There are, however, some courses that exceed 3 credits & this would result in more than 30 credits in some majors. There is no foreign language requirement for the new Gen Ed curriculum. There is no General Education Electives requirement. Please list the courses/credit hours currently used to fulfill the University Studies/General Education curriculum: Please identify below the suggested courses/credit hours to fulfill the General Education curriculum. General Education Area Course Credit Hrs I. Intellectual Inquiry (one course in each area) Arts and Creativity Humanities Social Sciences Natural/Physical/Mathematical II. Composition and Communication Composition and Communication I CIS or WRD 110 3 Composition and Communication II CIS or WRD 111 3 III. Quantitative Reasoning (one course in each area) 1 Prior to filling out this form, you MUST contact the Associate Provost for Academic Administration (APAA). If you do not know the CIP code, the (APAA) can provide you with that during the contact. 2 Program changes are typically made effective for the semester following approval. No program will be made effective until all approvals are received.

Transcript of CHANGE UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM FORM€¦ · There is no foreign language requirement for the new Gen...

Page 1: CHANGE UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM FORM€¦ · There is no foreign language requirement for the new Gen Ed curriculum. ... . 3 hours or PSY 216 …. 4 hours SOC 304 …. 3 hours SOC 305


Rev 01/11 

1. General Information  

College:   Arts & Sciences Department: Sociology  

Current Major Name:  Sociology Proposed Major Name:   

Current Degree Title:      BA/BS Proposed Degree Title:    

Formal Option(s):  Proposed Formal Option(s):             

Specialty Field w/in Formal Option: 

Proposed Specialty Field w/in Formal Options: 


Date of Contact with Associate Provost for Academic Administration1:    

Bulletin (yr & pgs): 2014-15, 181-184

CIP Code1: 45.1101.01 Today’s Date:  1/21/2015  

Accrediting Agency (if applicable):    

Requested Effective Date:     Semester following approval.  OR    Specific Date2:   

Dept. Contact Person:   Edward Morris Phone:   257-4413 Email:  [email protected]    2. General Education Curriculum for this Program: The new General Education curriculum is comprised of the equivalent of 30 credit hours of course work.  There are, however, some courses that exceed 3 credits & this would result in more than 30 credits in some majors.  

There is no foreign language requirement for the new Gen Ed curriculum.   

There is no General Education Electives requirement.  

Please list the courses/credit hours currently used to fulfill the University Studies/General Education curriculum:    Please identify below the suggested courses/credit hours to fulfill the General Education curriculum. 


General Education Area    Course  Credit Hrs 

I.  Intellectual Inquiry (one course in each area) 

  Arts and Creativity      Humanities      Social Sciences      Natural/Physical/Mathematical   


II.  Composition and Communication 

  Composition and Communication I    CIS or WRD 110  3 

  Composition and Communication II    CIS or WRD 111  3  

III.  Quantitative Reasoning (one course in each area) 

1 Prior to filling out this form, you MUST contact the Associate Provost for Academic Administration (APAA). If you do not know the CIP code, the (APAA) can provide you with that during the contact.  2 Program changes are typically made effective for the semester following approval. No program will be made effective until all approvals are received.

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  Quantitative Foundations3      Statistical Inferential Reasoning   


IV.  Citizenship (one course in each area) 

  Community, Culture and Citizenship in the USA      Global Dynamics   


Total General Education Hours  3. Explain whether the proposed changes to the program (as described in sections 4 to 12) involve courses offered by another department/program. Routing Signature Log must include approval by faculty of additional department(s).  

This change may affect the Department of Community and Leadership Development in the CAFE. That department's approval is attached to this form.

 4.  Explain how satisfaction of the University Graduation Writing Requirement will be changed.  

Current  Proposed 

  Standard University course offering.  qqqList:   

  Standard University course offering.  qqqList:   


  Specific course – list:     Specific course) – list:    5.  List any changes to college‐level requirements that must be satisfied.  

Current  Proposed 

  Standard college requirement.         List: BaccalaureatedegreerequirementsinA&S:ForeignLanguageproficiencyasstatedinBulletin3‐6collegehoursindisciplinesinnaturalscience3‐6collegehoursindisciplinesinsocialscience3‐6collegehoursindisciplinesinhumanities120hoursminimumthatareacceptabletotheCollegeofA&S90hoursminimuminCollegeofA&S39hoursatorabove300levelforBAoratleast60hoursinphysical,biologicaland/ormathematicalsciencesforBS39hourswithinthemajor1coursethatincludessomelaboratoryorfieldexperience30hoursUKCore6hoursoffreeelectivesnotcountedtowardUKCoreormajorUniversitygraduationwritingandresidentrequirements 

  Standard college requirement.        List:   


  Specific required course – list:               Specific course – list:   

3 Note that MA 109 is NOT approved as a Quantitative Foundations course. Students in a major requiring calculus will use a calculus course (MA 113, 123, 137 or 138) while students not requiring calculus should take MA 111, PHI 120 or another approved course. 

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6.  List pre‐major or pre‐professional course requirements that will change, including credit hours.                

Current  Proposed SOC 101 …. 3 hours or CLD 102…. 3 hours plus one of the following: SOC 235…. 3 hours or SOC 299…. 3 hours

Any two Sociology courses at the 100 or 200 level (including CLD 102)…. 6 hours

   7. List the major’s course requirements that will change, including credit hours.  

Current  Proposed Major Core Requirements SOC 302 ….. 3 hours SOC 303 …. 3 hours or PSY 216 …. 4 hours SOC 304 …. 3 hours SOC 305 …. 3 hours Major Core hours … 12-13 Other Course Work Required for the Major From the Major Department: Choose 15 hours of 300+ level Sociology courses, at least 6 of which must be at the 400+ level ..................................................................... 15 hours From Outside the Major Department Choose 15 hours outside Sociology at the 300+ level. Maximum of 3 hours of 200+ level courses used to satisfy College requirements can also be counted here. These courses must be chosen from the list that follows, or approved by a Sociology Undergraduate Advisor .............................................................................................................. 15 hours A-H – all 200+ courses AAD 310, 340, 350, 399, 402, 499 AAS – all 200+ courses AC – all 200+ courses AEC 201, 302, 303, 304, 305, 309, 316, 320, 324, 341, 445G, 471, 479, 483, 510, 532 AED – all 200+ courses AEN 463G – CONTINUED – AIS 328, 330, 331, 435 ANT – all 200+ courses APP – all 200+ courses ARC 314, 315, 332, 333, 461, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515 BIO 325, 375 BSC 331, 527, 529, 546 CLA 210, 229, 230, 301, 302, 390, 450G, 509 CLD – all 200+ courses

Major Core Requirements SOC 302 ….. 3 hours SOC 303 …. 3 hours or PSY 216 …. 4 hours SOC 304 …. 3 hours Major Core hours … 9-10 Other Course Work Required for the Major From the Major Department: Choose 18 hours of 300+ level Sociology courses, at least 6 of which must be at the 400+ level … 18 hours From Outside the Major Department: Choose 15 hours outside Sociology at the 300+ level. Maximum of 3 hours of 200+ level courses used to satisfy College requirements can also be counted here … 15 hours Other Major hours … 33

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COM 249, 252, 281, 325, 350, 351, 365, 381, 449, 452, 453, 454, 462, 525, 571, 581 CPC 501 DHN 516 ECO – all 200+ courses EDL 401 EDP 202, 518, 522, 548, 557, 580 EDS 516, 547 EDU 305 ENG 211, 212, 230, 233, 241, 242, 251, 252, 260, 271, 274, 280, 284, 285, 290, 310, 330, 419G, 440G, 450G, 460G, 480G, 490G, 492G, 510, 519, 570 ENS – all 200+ courses EPE 301, 317, 554, 555, 557, 570 FAM 253, 254, 255, 350, 352, 357, 360, 390, 402, 475, 502, 509, 544, 553, 554, 563, 585 FCS – all 200+ courses FR 350, 465G, 470G, 504, 550, 553, 570 GEN 200, 300, 301, 501 GEO – all 200+ courses GER 263, 264, 311, 312, 317, 319, 361, 415G, 416G, 420G GRN 585 GWS – all 200+ courses HES – all 300+ courses HIS – all 200+ courses HJS 324, 325, 425 HMT 210, 270, 320, 330, 460, 470, 480, 488 HON – all 200+ courses HP 501 HSE 510 HSM 260, 351, 353, 354, 450, 451, 452, 510, 511 HUM – all 300+ courses IEC 508, 509, 552 ISC 311, 321, 331, 341, 351, 361, 371 431, 441, 451, 461, 491, 497, 541, 543 ITA 443G, 563, 566, 569 JOU 304, 319, 430, 455, 460, 485, 531, 532, 535 JPN 320, 321, 334, all 400+ courses KHP 300, 330, 430, 485, 547, 573, 580, 585 LA 205, 206 LAS – all 200+ courses LIN 210, 211, 212, 310, 317, 519 MAS 201, 300, 310, 319, 355, 453, 482, 520, 525, 555 MAT 247, 315, 414, 425, 470, 480, 522, 533, 547 MGT 301, 309, 320, 340, 341, 390, 410, 430, 491, 492, 499 MKT 300, 310, 320, 330, 340, 390, 410, 430, 435, 445, 450 MUS 201, 202, 203, 206, 222, 300, 301, 302, 303, 325, 330, 390, 400G, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506 NRE 201, 320, 330, 355, 381 NUR 510, 512, 514 OR 524, 525 PHI – all 200+ courses PHR 222, 520

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PS – all 200+ courses PSY – all 200+ courses RC 515, 516, 520, 530, 540, 547 RUS 270, 271, 370, 380, 381, 400G, 499 SPA 312, 314, 320, 322, 324, 361, 424, 432, 434, 438G, 444, 454, 464, 474, 553 ST 500 STA – all 200+ courses SW 222, 300, 320, 322, 354, 400, 401, 421, 430, 444, 445, 450, 470, 505, 510, 514, 515, 516, 523, 571, 580, 595 UK 301 Other Major hours: ................................................................................ 30

 8. Does the pgm require a minor AND does the proposed change affect the required minor?      N/A           Yes      No          If “Yes,” indicate current courses and proposed changes below.  

Current  Proposed 

 9. Does the proposed change affect any option(s)?                   N/A           Yes      No     If “Yes,” indicate current courses and proposed changes below, including credit hours, and also specialties and    subspecialties, if any. 


Current  Proposed 

 10. Does the change affect pgm requirements for number of credit hrs outside the major subject         in a related field?                         Yes      No       If so, indicate current courses and proposed changes below.  

Current  Proposed 

 11. Does the change affect pgm requirements for technical or professional support electives?                    Yes     No       If so, indicate current courses and proposed changes below.  

Current  Proposed 

 12. Does the change affect a minimum number of free credit hours or support electives?                   Yes     No        If “Yes,” indicate current courses and proposed changes below.  

Current  Proposed 

 13. Summary of changes in required credit hours:  

  Current  Proposed 

a. Credit Hours of Premajor or Preprofessional Courses:   6 6  

b. Credit Hours of Major’s Requirements:  42-43 42-43  

c. Credit Hours for Required Minor:   

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d. Credit Hours Needed for a Specific Option:   

e. Credit Hours Outside of Major Subject in Related Field:   

f. Credit Hours in Technical or Professional Support Electives:   

g. Minimum Credit Hours of Free/Supportive Electives:  6 (see #5 above)  

h. Total Credit Hours Required by Level:  100:   200:   300:   400‐500:


i. Total Credit Hours Required for Graduation:       14.     Rationale for Change(s) –  if rationale  involves accreditation requirements, please  include specific references to that.    

These changes have been proposed to streamline the Sociology major. The total hours required for the major will not change. Instead, the possibilities for meeting requirements in the "Premajor," "Major Core," and "Outside the Major" areas will be made more flexible. For example, the Premajor requirement will still total 6 hours, but students can take 6 hours all at the 100 level, or take 6 hours all at the 200 level, or take one 100 level course and one 200 level course. In the Major Core area, one of the required courses in Sociology (SOC 305) will be replaced with any 300+ level Sociology course. In the Outside the Major area, the same number of 15 hours (3 of which may be at the 200 level) will be required, but students can select from any non-Sociology course instead of a specified list. We believe these changes will increase efficiency for students entering the major and progressing through the major. The changes will not affect the Arts and Sciences college requirements or the Sociology or Criminology minor requirements. The changes may affect the Department of Community and Leadership Development; a letter of support from that department is attached.

 15. List below the typical semester by semester program for the major. If multiple options are available, attach a separate sheet for each option.    

YEAR 1 – FALL: (e.g. “BIO 103; 3 credits”) 

See attached YEAR 1 – SPRING: 





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Signature Routing Log General Information:  Current Degree Title and Major Name:  Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science in Sociology  

Proposal Contact Person Name:   Edward Morris Phone: 257-4413 Email: [email protected]


Identify the groups or individuals reviewing the proposal; note the date of approval; offer a contact person for each entry; and obtain signature of person authorized to report approval. 

 Internal College Approvals and Course Cross‐listing Approvals: 


Reviewing Group Date 

Approved Contact Person (name/phone/email)  Signature 

Sociology Faculty 9/18/2013 Edward Morris / 257-4413 / 

[email protected] 

Sociology Chair 9/18/2013 Claire Renzetti / 257-4409 / 

[email protected] 

 /   /     

 /   /     

A&S EPC and Dean's Office

Ruth Beattie, Interim Associate Dean / 323-

9925 / [email protected]  

 External‐to‐College Approvals: 


Council Date 

Approved  Signature 

Approval of Revision4 

Undergraduate Council     

Graduate Council     

Health Care Colleges Council     

Senate Council Approval            University Senate Approval           


4 Councils use this space to indicate approval of revisions made subsequent to that council’s approval, if deemed necessary by the revising council.

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Joanie Ett-Mims
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