Change in Singapore patent law

Change in SG Patent Law Yosuke Tanaka 20 April 2013


Summary of change in Singapore patent law

Transcript of Change in Singapore patent law

Change in SG Patent Law

Yosuke Tanaka20 April 2013

Current System

n Fast track and Slow track

n Rely on corresponding granted patent

n Self Assessment System

Fast track

n 12 month - Filing application in Singapore

n 21 month - Request for Examination

n Written Opinion, Examination Report

n 42 month - Request for Certificate of Grant

Slow track

n 30 month - National phase entry into Singapore

n 39 month - File a block extension for slow track

n 21 month 39 month - Request for examination

n Written Opinion, Examination Report

n 42 month 60 month - Certificate of Grant

Alternative route

n Rely on corresponding granted patent or IPRP

n EP, GB, US, CA, JP, KR, AU, NZ granted patent which is claiming the same priority application

n 42 month (Fast track) or 60 month (Slow track)

n File divisional application to buy another 42 month

Self Assessment System

n Grant condition for current system

n all claims are examined

n Even if some claims are not novel, inventive, industrial applicable, they can be granted

New System

n Only 1 track (no more Fast and Slow track)

n Supplementary Examination

n Positive Grant System

n Notice of Eligibility

New single track

n 12 month - Filing application in Singapore; or

n 30 month - National phase entry into Singapore

n 36 month - Request for examination

n Written Opinion, Examination Report

n 2 month from Notice of Eligibility - Pay grant fee

Alternative route

n 12 month - Filing application in Singapore; or

n 30 month - National phase entry into Singapore

n 54 month - Request for supplementary examination

n Submit corresponding granted patent

n 2 month from Notice of Eligibility - Pay grant fee

Positive grant system

n Grant condition for new system

n all claims are examined

n Notice of eligibility

n Without notice of eligibility, the application cannot be granted. Only Novel, Inventive and Industrial applicable invention can be granted.


n No more Fast track and Slow track

n Examination or Supplementary Examination

n Self Assessment to Positive Grant

n Notice of Eligibility is required

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