Challenger Letters

To whom it may concern, Our class has become aware of a problem that greatly troubles us. We heard that the Challenger is losing its sponsor and it is losing its funding. Without its funding, the only Challenger Center in Indiana may close by the end of this year. It’s a really good experience for kids. You don’t just learn about the jobs, you learn about teamwork. You had many jobs such as, life support, communication officer, and isolation. All seven jobs are vital for the mission to succeed. If we close the center, the future generations won’t be as educated or driven to be an astronaut. When the past generation all dies off, we still need someone to keep the science moving along. We hope this letter brought the problem at hand to your attention. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Hannah and Evelyn


A popular space exploration center among elementary school students in Indiana will soon be shutting down operations in Decatur Township.

Transcript of Challenger Letters

  • To whom it may concern,

    Our class has become aware of a problem that greatly

    troubles us. We heard that the Challenger is losing its sponsor

    and it is losing its funding. Without its funding, the only

    Challenger Center in Indiana may close by the end of this year.

    Its a really good experience for kids. You dont just learn

    about the jobs, you learn about teamwork. You had many jobs

    such as, life support, communication officer, and isolation. All

    seven jobs are vital for the mission to succeed.

    If we close the center, the future generations wont be as

    educated or driven to be an astronaut. When the past

    generation all dies off, we still need someone to keep the

    science moving along. We hope this letter brought the problem

    at hand to your attention. Thank you for your time.


    Hannah and Evelyn

  • To whom it may concern,

    My name is Clayton and I am in the 6th grade. Yesterday, we were

    able to go to the Challenger Center. It was a blast!

    The Challenger was an unsuccessful Rocket launch. It held a seven man

    crew, and one of the crew was a teacher that was going into space to teach

    lessons from space. But when the rocket launched there was a problem, the

    gas from the gas tank leaked into the flame and ignited the gas.

    The Challenger Center taught me so much like how to work together

    and how to have fun with school work. I think that team work is a very

    important trait to have. A lot of kids think that learning and fun dont go

    together. This is sad. The Challenger Center helped me to see how it is

    possible to have fun and learn at the same time.

    Then after we completed our mission to the Moon I got word that if it

    didnt get enough money it would be shutting down for good. Then I was

    thinking if no one gave them money to run the place, no one would be able to

    have the experience I did and the next generation would not have good time

    learning. So please just get the word out and help out so future generation

    can love learning too!



    Pendleton, IN

    East Elementary

  • Challenger Learning Center

    To whom it may concern,

    Our schools 6th grade classes at East Elementary in Pendleton, Indiana have recently visited one of the many Challenger Learning Centers. It was a great experience! We were very sad to hear that

    the Challenger programs are having financial problems and need some help. The leaders of the

    Return to the Moon mission we cooperated in, told us this would be their last year in the business if they did not get enough funds to keep up and running.

    The Challenger Center shows kids the astronaut experience and sends them into

    space on a mission to learn about what different jobs go on in the spacecraft and mission control station. Our class all agreed that the trip was very educational and exhilarating. The Challenger

    Center is very helpful and makes the jobs easier for us to be successful in the flight. Kids can learn

    math, science, and reading at the Challenger Center during the amazing trip.

    We are hoping that you could be a sponsor and do a news broadcast on the

    Challengers financial problem. Thank you for everything, and the time you took to read this letter.


    Marilyn, Lyndsey, and Grace

  • The Challenger Center

    To whom it may concern,

    The Challenger Center has been going through money problems.

    They have had this problem for a couple of years, but this year is one of

    the most serious, but that can change. The challenger center has to pay

    for all of the electricity, equipment, and everything else that makes the

    challenger center a fun and educational place.

    The Challenger Center was definitely a new experience. We

    learned so much there and all hope to go back soon! There were jobs

    for every kid that helped a lot with teamwork and patience. We all

    helped out with the mission to make it successful. This fieldtrip helped

    and inspired all of us and we are grateful that we got to go.

    We really hope that you do this news story to help the Challenger

    Center come back so kids will be able to get the experience we got to

    feel like we are in space. This new story could help the Challenger

    Center get a lot of sponsors and donations to keep this exciting place


    We want to thank you for your time for reading our letters for this

    serious cause.


    Arien, Haley, and Emma

    Miss. Moriartys 6th grade class at East Elementary.

  • To whom it may concern,

    The Challenger Space Shuttle was a devastating failure. Many people were in shock from

    the explosion. So the astronauts families came together to create a learning center for kids and

    adults to see what it would be like to go to space. There are many of these learning centers

    around the world. Fortunately we have one in the state of Indiana. But the thing is that this

    learning center is going to be shut down because they are not being funded so we are sending this

    to you so we can help the next generation of the world to enjoy this great opportunity.

    The experience was really exciting. It was a fun environment to learn about space shuttles

    and science experiments. You need everyone to get the probe to the moon and it helps you

    during high stress situations. The whole thing was almost a real life scenario. It made me want to

    think about being in the NASA program. I would like for kids to experience this great almost real

    life mission.

    We are hoping that you donate your time to reading this letter. Please spread the word.


    Zion, Taylor, and Caleb

  • To whom it may concern,

    Challenger Learning Center needs money. It will close down

    soon due to lack of funding. This is important for children to learn

    about what happened to the Challenger on January 28, 1986.

    This simulation allows children to feel what its like to be in a

    space shuttle. My experience with the Challenger simulation was

    excellent. I was the NAV (Navigation) team. The NAV team was a

    pretty hard task, but with teamwork, my friend, Sadie, and I

    landed the ship successfully on the moon. Austins experience

    was that the Life Support had to work under pressure, like when

    the spacecraft crew only had five minutes of oxygen and we had

    to tell the people on the spacecraft. Jakes experience was that

    it was pretty exciting because he was on the remote team. He

    was in high stress situations. We are hoping that you can spread

    the word so people will want to donate some money to the

    Indianapolis Challenger Learning Center. Thank you for your



    Corbin, Austin, and Jake

    Pendleton, IN

    East Elementary School

  • To whom it may concern,

    We heard that the Challenger needs money or they will close down at the end of the

    year. So they need a sponsor or sponsors. Here are some reasons why they should be saved.

    There are seven jobs that you are able to do in the challenger. Each job is very

    important to the mission and its success. The jobs are probe, medical, navigation, data,

    communication, remote, life support, and isolation. We all do this for what happened to the space

    ship the Challenger.

    Something the Challenger also does is helping you with teamwork. It helps by being

    able to get along better. Also work better together and get things done quicker. This is something

    else the Challenger helps with.

    Challenger is not only about space and a way to get out of school. It is educational. You

    have to read all the time like when Zion and Sydney where at the communication desk. They had

    to read there scripts all the time. Or when I was at the glove box and had to weigh rocks.

    So these are some reasons why you help with the Challenger or sponsor it. Thank you

    for your time today. From East Elementary


    Logan, Kyle, and Mycala

  • To whom it may concern,

    The Challenger Center needs money to continue. They will be

    closing if they do not receive any money. That will really stink because

    other kids next year and the years after that wont get to experience what

    the Challenger Center is like.

    Yesterday my class and I went there and had a great time. We used

    math, science, reading, and teamwork skills. I have learned a lot about

    outer space and everything that goes on the space craft and mission


    We were hoping that people could donate money to prevent it from

    closing. That would be fantastic. It would help the people who work at

    the learning center and the kids. Thank you for your time.



  • To whom it may concern,

    The Challenger Learning Center is a great way to learn and have

    fun at the same time, but Houston we have a problem. The Challenger

    Center has lost their funding and unfortunately they are closing down.

    Every year our 6th grade classes at East Elementary come to the

    Challenger Center and have a blast while experiencing what it would be

    like to maintain a space shuttle from the Mission Control and on the

    Space Station, and land a probe on the moon. We want this tradition to

    keep on flying!

    The Challenger Center informs us about the Challenger disaster

    that happened in 1986. It teaches kids the importance of teamwork and

    skills like reading, science, and math, but in a fun way. We were

    independent without any teacher or instructor to guide us through the

    tasks. We had different jobs that each had a big impact on the final


    I really hope that you consider funding the Challenger Center and

    spreading the word. Thanks for reading this and considering helping out

    this exciting and educational experience!

    Thanks for your support,

    Sadie and Sydney

  • Pendleton Indiana, East Elementary

    To whom it may concern,

    I heard that the Challenger Learning Center has just recently lost their funding and

    will be forced to shut down the only Challenger Center in the entire state of Indiana,

    which would be a huge loss for many future students. The Challenger Center has

    taught students about the tragedy of the real Challenger shuttle which was carrying

    seven crew members including teacher Christa McAuliffe, who was going to be the

    first teacher in space. But sadly, just seconds after launch, the shuttle exploded due to

    malfunctioning of the fuel system (icicles were the cause of this issue). When I went

    to the Challenger shuttle simulation, I was blown away by how realistic it was,

    imitating the Mission Control room, the Mission Briefing room, and the Spacecraft

    itself! I had Life Support as a job, which was the group who kept everyone alive and

    breathing. We also had plenty emergencies, which helped us improve our

    communication skills along with helping us with our teamwork. Yesterday, my

    classmates and I had a chance to go to the Challenger Center. It was proof that people

    could have fun while learning! If the Challenger doesnt get their funds, the future 6th

    graders wouldnt have that experience to learn while having a good time. It would be a

    huge honor if you would spread the word about the Challenger Learning Centers

    time of desperate need. Thank you for reading this, it really makes me feel that people

    actually care about this issue.



  • Pendleton Indiana, East Elementary

    To whom it may concern,

    I heard that the Challenger Learning Center has just recently lost their funding and

    will be forced to shut down the only Challenger Center in the entire state of Indiana,

    which would be a huge loss for many future students. The Challenger Center has

    taught students about the tragedy of the real Challenger shuttle which was carrying

    seven crew members including teacher Christa McAuliffe, who was going to be the

    first teacher in space. But sadly, just seconds after launch, the shuttle exploded due to

    malfunctioning of the fuel system (icicles were the cause of this issue). When I went

    to the Challenger shuttle simulation, I was blown away by how realistic it was,

    imitating the Mission Control room, the Mission Briefing room, and the Spacecraft

    itself! I had Life Support as a job, which was the group who kept everyone alive and

    breathing. We also had plenty emergencies, which helped us improve our

    communication skills along with helping us with our teamwork. Yesterday, my

    classmates and I had a chance to go to the Challenger Center. It was proof that people

    could have fun while learning! If the Challenger doesnt get their funds, the future 6th

    graders wouldnt have that experience to learn while having a good time. It would be a

    huge honor if you would spread the word about the Challenger Learning Centers

    time of desperate need. Thank you for reading this, it really makes me feel that people

    actually care about this issue.



  • To whom it may concern,

    I go to East Elementary in Pendleton, Indiana, and my 6th grade class went on a

    felid trip to the Challenger Center. I have heard that the Challenger Center, which is a

    place for kids to learn and have fun, will be closing after this year because they do not

    have enough money. I just went to the Challenger Center yesterday and I had a blast. I

    honestly do not want the Challenger Center to close. Here are some reasons why I want

    the Challenger Center to stay open.

    It teaches kids to take responsibility to act like an adult. Also, it allows kids to

    work under pressure, to work with other people, and to work towards a common goal. It

    might motivate them to be an astronaut when they get older. Another thing, it makes

    them actually admit that they like to do math, reading, and science to their teachers.

    We are hoping that you could help us in some way, like have a fundraiser, or do

    a piece on the Challenger Center to help people see that they need money. I really dont

    want The Challenger Center to go out of business, because I want the 5th graders to go

    next year. It would be an honor if you would help us, and the Challenger Center.

