Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s...

Ch 3 Building strong families

Transcript of Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s...

Page 1: Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs. -Strong families also.

Ch 3 Building strong families

Page 2: Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs. -Strong families also.

Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter.

-It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs.

-Strong families also meet the emotional, intellectual

and social needs too.

-The family should be the child’s first teacher; they

should love one another,

as well as show how to take turns, share, and work

toward common goals.

-By living with others in the family, children are

prepared to live with others in society.

Page 3: Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs. -Strong families also.


Nuclear family- includes a mother and father and at least one child. There are two parents to help raise the children

Single-parent families: includes either a mother or a father and at least one child. The absent parent might have died or left after a divorce

Custodial parent: is the one in which the child resides, a necessary break from the challenges of single parenthood

Blended families: is formed when a single parent marries another person, who may or may not have children. This new parent becomes the child step parent

Page 4: Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs. -Strong families also.

Extended families: includes a parent or parents, at least one child, and relatives other than a parent or child who live with them.

Legal guardian: is a person who is designated by a legal process to assume responsibility for raising a child

Adoption is a legal process in which a child may enter a family they weren’t born into, they have the same legal rights as biological children

Page 5: Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs. -Strong families also.

Family life cycles: Beginning stage: a couple works to establish a home and their marriage relationship

Stage 1: expanding stage: prepares and adjusts to parenthood

stage 2: developing stage: as children grow, parents work to meet childrens challenging needs to help them develop independence

Stage 3: launching stage: children gradually leave home to support themselves

Middle age: a couple renews their relationship and prepares for retirement.

Retirement: the couple stops full time work and adjusts to having more free time

Page 6: Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs. -Strong families also.

Trends affecting families: Mobility: Families being spread out all over and try to maintain strong ties

Aging population: People living longer, advances in medicine; thus people are not only caring

for their children but also their parents Intergenerational: relationships between older and younger age groups

Economic changes Primary concern as to why both parents are employed. Major impact

because families are smaller then they used to be and having children later in life

Workplace changes People getting laid off and finding new careers; and a higher number people

who work out of their homes

Technology Makes life easier and more complicated. The more technology the higher

effects of people being more isolated from one another

Page 7: Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs. -Strong families also.

Sources of Family Support-

With all the stresses and demands anymore in life, it is important that

family members be there for each other. If they are not, or if the

problem is serious it is important to seek professional help

Building a Strong Family-

Families are not just a group of individuals who happen to be related, they

are a group where all members should feel accepted and safe. As families

spend more time together they form stronger bonds and traditions, which

are all very important

Page 8: Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs. -Strong families also.

Traditions provide a sense of continuity, understanding, and appreciation that brings a family together. There are 3 types of traditions:

1.Celebration Traditions- events that are centered on special occasions such as birthdays and holidays.

2.Family Traditions- events and special activities created to fit a

family’s lifestyle such as vacations or family reunions

3. Patterned Family Interactions- actions centered on daily routines in life such as dinnertime and bedtime

Page 9: Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs. -Strong families also.

Shared values: beliefs that are held by an individual, family , community or society.

Acceptable behavior in respect to honesty, respect, responsibility, friendliness, kindness, and tolerance.

Things that help shape values include: Society Family Religious affiliations if there are any Friends School

Page 10: Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs. -Strong families also.

Handling family conflict: Understand each others view points

Learn to resolve differences

Understand each others feelings

Tips to handle them effectively: Keep cool Be an active listener Use positive body language

Page 11: Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs. -Strong families also.

Chapter 3.2 Effective parenting skills

Page 12: Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs. -Strong families also.

Meeting childrens needs Physical needs: Food, clothing and shelter

Emotional and social needs: Feel safe, loved and cared for

Intellectual needs: Minds are stimulated and given the opportunity to learn

When parents don’t or cant meet their childs basic needs it can lead to deprivation which is the lack of critical needs and an encouraging environment

Page 13: Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs. -Strong families also.

Physical needs Under law parents must fulfill a child's needs

Parents are also responsible for their child's health and safety

They are responsible to make sure that: They are in a car seat suited for their age Eliminating hazards in the home Know where their children are at all times

Page 14: Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs. -Strong families also.

Emotional and social needs Parents must Nurture their children so they become: Socially ready Emotionally read and independentRemove barriersShow love and supportCommunicating and giving them time and attention

A parent can show to much love and support that can prevent the child from learning how to deal with the ups and downs of life

Page 15: Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs. -Strong families also.

Intellectual needs: Children begin learning at birth

They learn from: touching, tasting, and playing with objects around them

Parents can nurture early learning through: Playing with their children Filling their environment with interesting sounds, smells, sights

and things to touchParents need to continue to provide opportunities for play and

learning such as playing ball, borrowing books from the library

Page 16: Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs. -Strong families also.

Parenting styles: Parenting style: How parents and other caregivers care for and discipline children

Authoritarian: believes children should obey their parents without question

Assertive-democratic: children have more input into the rules and limits of the home. They learn to take responsibility

Permissive: parents give children a wide range of freedom. Children set their own rules and are encouraged to think for themselves.

Page 17: Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs. -Strong families also.

Guiding childrens behavior Can be the hardest yet the most rewarding task of parenting

Guidance means to use firmness and understanding to help children learn how to behave

Self discipline: the ability to control their own behavior

It promotes security and positive self esteem and it helps children learn the difference between right and wrong

Children develop a conscience, or an inner sense of what is right

Three basic ways to successfully guide children:

Being a role model

Setting limits

Positive reinforcement- a response that encourages a particular behavior

Page 18: Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs. -Strong families also.

Be specific Clearly comment on the behavior Comment on the behavior as soon as possible Recognize the behavior right away Recognize small steps Encourage steps in the right direction Help children take pride in their actions Praising them for doing something for themselves Tailor the encouragement to the needs of children Praise behaviors that are hard for children Use positive reinforcement wisely Do not praise all the time, it will no longer motivate them

Page 19: Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs. -Strong families also.

Dealing with inappropriate behavior

Deal with the behavior quickly and appropriately

The childs age should determine the response to the inappropriate behavior

1) is it expected behavior appropriate 2) does the child understand the behavior was wrong 3) did the child do the behavior knowingly and deliberately

Page 20: Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs. -Strong families also.

Unintentional misbehavior If the child had no way of knowing it was wrong Do not scold but explain why they shouldn’t have done somethingUsing punishment effectively:

punishment used thoughtfully and with good judgment can be effectiveReminds children that appropriate behavior is important and teach them that there are consequences

Page 21: Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs. -Strong families also.

Negative Reinforcement: a response aimed at discourage children from repeating an inappropriate or unacceptable behavior

Natural consequences: when children suffer from the actual result of their actions

Logical consequence: discipline the child that has a connection to the misbehavior: coloring on the table =taking the crayons away

Loss of privileges: most effective for children ages 5 and over, make sure the privilege taken away is related to the misbehavior

Time-out: a short period of time in which a child sits away from other people and the center of activity. The purpose is so the child a chance to calm down and regain self control. One minute of time per year of age.

Page 22: Ch 3 Building strong families. Everyone needs food, clothing, and shelter. -It is the family’s responsibility to meet these needs. -Strong families also.

Poor disciplinary measuresBribing: children don’t learn self-control, they learn to expect rewards for ending inappropriate behavior. Therefore they will misbehave so they can get a reward

Making children promise to behave: children may feel forced to lie about misbehavior rather than disappointing someone they love

Shouting or yelling: can frighten young children, those that yell aren’t modeling acceptable behavior

Shaming or belittling: shouldn’t ridicule children’s mistakes or make comments

Threatening to withhold love: creates a fear of being rejected or abandoned

Exaggerating the consequence: to threaten wildly impractical consequences. This can cause a parent to lose credibility.