Ch 11 notes0 - Weebly

Chapter 11 Internationalism and Nationalism Chapter Issue: Does promoting internationalism affect nationalism? Related Issue #3: Should internationalism be pursued? Name: ___________________ Chapter 11 – Internationalism and Nationalism Chapter Issue: Does promoting internationalism affect nationalism? Related Issue #3: Should internationalism be pursued? Looking Ahead How have changing world conditions promoted internationalism? How has the United Nations affected nationalism? How have various international organizations affected nationalism?

Transcript of Ch 11 notes0 - Weebly

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Chapter 11 Internationalism and Nationalism

Chapter Issue: Does promoting internationalism affect nationalism?

Related Issue #3: Should internationalism be pursued?

Name: ___________________Chapter 11 – Internationalism and Nationalism

Chapter Issue: Does promoting internationalism affect nationalism?Related Issue #3: Should internationalism be pursued?

Looking Ahead• How have changing world conditions promoted internationalism?• How has the United Nations affected nationalism?• How have various international organizations affected nationalism?

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How have changing world conditions promoted internationalism? (pages 246-248)

A century ago, Canada was a rural country. Computers had not been invented yet, and the world wars - and the DESTRUCTION they created - had not yet occurred. Since then, the world community has experienced many growing pains. However, GLOBALIZATION has changed the way people like Canadians communicate, travel, engage in politics, do business, socialize, and experience other cultures.As the world becomes more globalized, the challenges that affect one country can spread far and wide.

See the example in your text of when one farmer died in China in November 2002 then led to a worldwide breakout of an infectious disease that infected 26 countries, including Canada.

Terrorism and climate change are two other challenges, other than globalization, that the international community faces. Global challenges like these require global efforts to resolve. Multilateral, internationalist solutions are often the only way to solve large-scale challenges.

Global Communication (page 246)

1. What did NOT exist in the 1960’s? (1 mark)

2. Who was Marshall McLuhan? (1 mark)

3. What did this Canadian man already know? (1 mark)

4. What were technological developments doing concerning information? (1 mark)

5. What did McLuhan predict? Especially on what? (1 mark)

6. What was his famous 1967 book titled? (1 mark)

7. What has electric circuitry overthrown? (1 mark)

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8. What has electric circuitry moved and to where? (1 mark)

9. What is the message? (1 mark)

10. What has become unworkable? (1 mark)

The Global Village (page 247)

1. What inventions have proven McLuhan right about the effects of the information revolution? (1 mark)

2. How can people NOW communicate and what are they NOT connected to?(1 mark)

3. What are they formed? (1 mark)

4. What was it that McLuhan predicted way back in 1967? (1 mark)

5. How do YOU think being able to communicate with people all over the world might promote internationalism? (1 mark)

Voluntary Balkanization (page 248)

1. Why do some say that joining the online global community can be a bad thing?(1 mark)

2. Look at the FYI on page 248. What does it mean if something is “balkanized”?(1 mark)

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3. Name the 2 American experts who have studied the social effects of the Internet. (1 mark)

4. What has their research shown? (1 mark)

5. What has been the result of this? (1 mark)

6. What is the name of the book these 2 American experts have written?(1 mark)

7. What can happen once like-minded individuals locate each other on the Internet? (1 mark)

8. What do Van Alstyne and Brynjolfsson call this process? (1 mark)

9. What does “Balkanization” refer to? Where did it happen? (1 mark)

10. Why are Van Alstyne and Brynjolfsson concerned about the process of Balkanization? (1 mark)

11. What are Van Alstyne and Brynjolfsson fearful of? (1 mark)

12. What do Van Alstyne and Brynjolfsson fear will be harmed in the process?(1 mark)

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How has the United Nations affected nationalism? (page 249)(pages 249-254)The United Nations is not universally applauded for its internationalist efforts. The failure to stop the violence in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, as well as changing world conditions, has led some people to question the effectiveness of the UN.

Read what secretary-general KOFI ANNAN had to say about how the UN must adapt to changes in the world on page 249.

Changing the direction of the United Nations• a panel of diplomats and international leaders from around the world met in

2004• produced a report called “A More Secure World: Our Shared

Responsibility”• recommended that the UN relax its TRADITION of staying out of internal

conflicts – conflicts that occur within a country• report also said that UN had a responsibility to protect people when their

own countries cannot – protection could take various forms, including humanitarian aid, diplomatic missions, and as a last resort – military force

The last recommendation was controversial and was challenged almost immediately. Some viewed this as a direct challenge to a countries’ sovereignty and national interest.

Why might some nation-states see UN intervention in their internal affairs as interfering where it does not belong?

Answer the following questions concerning IRAN on page 250.1. What is the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty meant to prevent? (1 mark)

2. When did Iran sign the treaty? (1 mark)

3. What does the UN do through an agency called the International Atomic Energy Agency? (1 mark)

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4. What did the IAEA find out in 2003? (1 mark)

5. What can enriched uranium be used for? (1 mark)

6. What did Western members of the IAEA suspect Iran was doing? (1 mark)

7. What did the IAEA want Iran to do? (1 mark)

8. How did the government of Iran respond? What two things did they say in response? (1 mark)

9. What had Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said in the past to make the West suspicious of him? (1 mark)

10. What do many believe Ahmadinejad would do? (1 mark)

11. How did Ahmadinejad view the situation in 2007? (1 mark)

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Protecting the Common Human Heritage (pages 251-253) In 1945, the United Nations created UNESCO.

Write out what UNESCO stands for below:

UNESCO promotes international cooperation in the fields of education, science, culture, and communication. It works to create respect for the value and dignity of all civilizations and culture. One way UNESCO does this is by promoting the idea of a common human heritage, such as world heritage sites, traditional skills and knowledge, and the arts.

Common Human Heritage:

One of the challenges facing UNESCO is to identity and protect the natural and cultural sites that are part of the common human heritage. UNESCO has established a list of world heritage sites – locations that UNESCO believes represent the heritage of all people, no matter where they live. It chooses sites for either their natural or cultural value.

1) See the list on page 251 and consider the words of Shobita Punja’s in Voices.2) Read the sections “Making Difficult Choices” and “World Heritage Sites in Canada” on page 252 and examine the photo essay on pages 252/253. Can you think of any other sites in Canada that could be classified as World Heritage Sites?

Threats to Common Human Heritage (page 254)UNESCO must work hard to safeguard the common human heritage but sovereign nation-states control what goes on within their borders. Sometimes they may choose to ignore or even destroy their cultural or natural heritage (examples of this on page 254).

Balancing the need to preserve the common human heritage against the national interest of a particular country is a challenge that UNESCO continues to struggle with.

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How Have Various International Organizations Affected Nationalism?

(pages 255-261)

Many of the forces that shape globalization - trade, safer and faster transportation, and improved communication - also shape the growth of internationalism. Each of these forces increases contact among countries at both governmental and non-governmental levels.

But SOME people believe that this increased contact is a double-edged sword. It may ENCOURAGE internationalism and cooperation among countries. It may also ERODE the sovereign power of nation-states.

Economic Organizations (page 255)An old saying suggests that a rising tide lifts all boats. In economic terms, this has come to mean that when trade everywhere increases, everyone benefits - big businesses, small businesses, and individuals. This idea has strongly influenced many recent international trade agreements.

Those who believe this believe in the theory of the trickle-down effect. The belief is that when developed countries have more money, they will spend it on goods and services produced in less developed countries. So everyone will benefit - eventually. Believers in the trickle-down effect say that economic benefits always flow from the top to the bottom of the economic ladder. Many international economic organizations, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the European Union (EU) promote this idea.

For a visual of the trickle-down effect, look at Figure 11-14 on page 255.

We will now examine the World Trade Organization on page 256 and answer the questions on the chart on the following page in your booklet.

We will also complete another chart from page 257 “The View From Here” and look at some reasons why the World Trade Organization is so controversial.

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Pascal Lamy and Maude Barlowon the World Trade Organization

Pascal LamyDirector General, World Trade


Key Words That Reveal His Views

I believe that . . . reducing trade barriers, has been, is and will remain, essential to promote growth and development, to improve standards of living and to tackle poverty reduction. The World Trade Organization remains the most efficient and most legitimate forum to open and regulate world trade. The most efficient because it works at the service of all the participants and because of its modern system to solve trade disputes. The most legitimate, because it is the fairest system of all, as all the decisions are taken by all the members, large or small, strong or weak.

Maude BarlowNational Chair, Council of Canadians

Key Words That Reveal Her Views

What makes the WTO so powerful is that it has both the . . . authority to challenge laws, policies and programs of countries that do not conform to WTO rules and [to] strike them down if they are seen to be too “trade restrictive.” Cases are decided — in secret — by a panel of three trade bureaucrats. Once a WTO ruling is made, worldwide conformity is required. A country is obligated to [change] its laws or face the prospect of [endless] trade sanctions or fines.

The view I support _____________________________________________

My reasons for making this judgment _______________________________






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Views on the World Trade Organization

Government of Canada Aileen KwaDoes the WTO help a country improve its economic security?


Does the WTO help a country improve its economic security?


Do countries gain or lose control over their national affairs?


Do countries gain or lose control over their national affairs?


Is joining the WTO a good or bad idea for developing countries??


Is joining the WTO a good or bad idea for developing countries?


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The European Union (page 258)Some international organizations are formed to serve the interests of countries within a particular region. Some, such as the Arctic Council, provide a way to solve mutual problems and bring them to the attention of the rest of the world. Others, such as the European Union, are SUPRANATIONAL governments with a great deal of power.

1. What year did the European Union become an official supranational organization?(1 mark)

2. What was the EU’s main purpose? (1 mark)

3. What has the EU worked to create? (1 mark)

4. What 3 things does this mean for the economies of the EU? (1 mark)

5. What economic power did countries of the EU gain by working together? (1 mark)

6. What did each European country have before the EU was created? (1 mark)

7. Provide two examples of currencies. (1 mark)

8. What is the name of the common European currency? (1 mark)

9. Which two EU members have not accepted the common European currency? (1 mark)

10. Why have these two nation-states resisted adopting the common European currency? (1 mark)

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11. What have most EU members agreed to? (1 mark)

12. What do many EU members disagree on? (1 mark)

13. What does the proposed EU constitution say that is contentious for many of the EU members? (1 mark)

14. How many countries are members of the European Union? (1 mark)

15. What is the estimated population of the EU? (1 mark)

16. How many official languages exist in the EU? (1 mark)

17. When is Europe Day and why was this day chosen? (1 mark)

18. Name the two cities and their nation-states that the European Parliament meets?(1 mark)

19. Name 5 member countries of the EU. (1 mark)

20. Name 3 countries that are candidate to become members of the EU. (1 mark)

21. Name 5 countries that are non-member of the EU. (1 mark)

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Cultural and Language-Based International Organizations

Organization(s) Who does the organization


What nation-states are involved?

What purpose(s) does the organization serve?

International Indigenous

Peoples’ Organizations

-Indigenous People’s of the Arctic

Inspired the foundation of:

a) World Council of Indigenous Peoples

b) Inuit Circumpolar Conference

-decided to cooperate to further mutual interests of all Indigenous peoples

-helped develop the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous people

-promotes the interests and rights of Inuit and strengthens the cultural bonds that unite them

The Arctic Council


-governments of nation-states and Indigenous groups work TOGETHER to resolve issues of importance to Arctic peoples

-improve living conditions for Arctic peoples

-to protect the fragile Arctic environment

-broke new ground, gave official status to both Arctic Indigenous groups and nation-state governments

-wants to STOP climate change, pollution and ENCOURAGE sustainability and biodiversity

La Francophonie

French speaking peoples

all national govts or provincial govts that have French DESIGNATED as an official language

-promotes the French language, democracy, education, sustainable development, international cooperation, and support for human rights

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International Security Organizations (Page 261)Countries have always formed alliances to try to ensure their security. After WWII, the countries of Western Europe and North America feared the powerful military might of the Soviet Union.1) What alliance was formed in 1949 to protect themselves from the

USSR? (1 mark)

2) Can anyone name the alliance formed by the Soviet Union to counter balance the NATO alliance? - not in the textbook. (1 mark)

Although the Soviet Union was both a hostile and powerful nation-state, it never attacked a NATO member.

3) What did NATO countries agree upon if an attack occurred? (1 mark)

4) How did NATO countries respond when the USA was attacked in 2001? (1 mark)

5) As of 2008, where are NATO countries still fighting? (1 mark)

6) What are NATO troops attempting to do in this location? (1 mark)

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Taking Turns (Page 261) /10 marksHow much sovereignty should Canada give up for the

sake of internationalism?(Read what Rick, Jean, and Pearl have to say in response to this question.

Comment on what these 3 individuals have to say but make sure you answer the freakin’ question yourself as well.)



















