CFO Service in India

Corporate advisor & business Consultants Timely Advice . Right Value . Optimal Cost . Best Source A “Complete Business Solution” Service For SME’s, family business, Companies, Start-ups, Entrepreneurs, Owners & CEO’s to unlock their full potential for profitable growth.


CFO Service in India by The VisitingCFO Service Pack is specially designed and suitable for the companies and businesses that require the assistance of a CFO or Financial Director but not for all 30 days in a month. offers our top Finance & Accounting business service package, the cost effective & Experienced CFO Service without having the challenges and cost of a full time CFO. We will be involved in your strategic decisions and will effectively sit on your board. This package suits clients who are really serious about growing their business into the next generation of top companies. What’s included in this? • Comprehensive business & financial planning advice • Monitoring of KPI’s (Key Performance Indicator) across the company and all the functions. • Frequently advising the CEO, Board & the leadership team to help you make the right decisions at right time. • Determine your long term goals after meeting with key leadership team. • Development & Preparation of a 5 year strategic plan to help you reach there. • Develop & Prepare the Annual operational plan and Budgets for the company. • Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Management Reports to assist with managing your business, budget and cash flow. • Management reports for CEO for better decision making. • Annual Statutory Financial Statements analysis including submission to Companies auditor and ROC. • Tax Computations including submission to the respective tax authorities. • Tax payment reminders • Annual Return and submission to Companies House • TDS, Service Tax, PT, VAT, Custom and Excise compliance, • A monthly newsletter to keep your business up to date with the most current tax and business specific news. This VisitingCFO Service pack starts at Rs 75,000 per Month. Once set up, the monthly fee negates the need for a large quarterly & Yearend accounting bill. Our clients find this very useful for managing their cash flow. Should you require any of our other services, kindly visit our website and call us as and when required and we will quote for these on a time spent basis. Best regards VisitingCFO Partner Contact [email protected] , + 91 9987454045 Website | Facebook | LinkedIn

Transcript of CFO Service in India

Corporate advisor & business Consultants

Timely Advice . Right Value . Optimal Cost . Best Source

A “Complete Business Solution” Service

For SME’s, family business, Companies, Start-ups, Entrepreneurs, Owners & CEO’s to unlock their full potential for profitable growth.

Visiting CFO Service, A Complete Business Solution

As a “Visiting CFO” we at (a Indiba consultancy servicePrivate Limited group) Provide “Total Business Solution” to help Start-ups,CEO’s, Entrepreneur, Owner & CFO’s to manage their Business, Companies &organizations to unlock their full potential for profitable growth.

Let the CEO / Owner focus on key business area of the company anddeveloping the business & We take care of all the back office headacheand help you achieving all the success in your venture to take it toNEXT LEVEL.

We Help Startup Entrepreneurs, Companies, Owners, CEO’s & CFO’s inDeveloping New Idea and converting the Idea into successful Business, “Acomplete A to Z business solution”.

A specialised “Business Incubator Service” for Start up entrepreneurs& young professional from IDEA till IPO.

For all other Successful organizations to unlock their full potential forprofitable growth by Turnaround of the existing one for high performanceefficiency and Profitability.

Our Role as “Visiting CFO”

Our Role is similar to a full-time CFO, except for not being a full-time employee of the company.

An affordable solution to address your all business needs withoutthe expense and challenges of having a full time CFO on yourcompany’s payroll.

In case of need while interacting with your clients, vendors andbankers Visiting CFO work as an integral part of your leadership team.

As a Visiting CFO we can take your big picture vision and convertthat vision into a detailed action plan for priorityimplementation, monitoring & Control resulting assuredsuccess.

Visiting CFO Service offers you a cost-effective way to get theexecutive level help you need for a faster implementation.

The VisitingCFO’s acts as a supplement to your executive Financeleadership team. You get a proven CFO equipped with the skills,tools and processes to help you build a culture of highperformance , Efficiency and Profitable Growth throughout. allareas of your organization.


Highest Possible Standards, Simplicity in



Professional Integrity, Fairness, Respect &



Meeting Commitments with Quality


Best in World Class, Meeting and Exceeding

the Expectation of Clients


Consistently deliver high value to our clients through solutions & service that enable profitable growth to the Organization.

Visiting CFO Service

Visiting CFO Service, Corporate Advisory, Business Consulting, Financial Solutions, MIS, M&A, IPO, PE,VC Funding, Planning

Restructuring, Budgeting, Outsourcing

HR Solutions:CFO, Executive & Board Search,

Recruitment & Headhunting, Interim & Fulltime CFO &

Management, Corporate Training, Executive Coaching & Mentoring

Legal Advisory:Corporate & legal advisory, Org.

Restructuring, Contract negotiation, Online Agreement, Advice & Online Locker & Legal


IT, ERP & Systems:Custom Application Development

& Mobile Solutions, Websites, Process Consulting, ERP - SAP,

Oracle selection & Implementation, Outsourcing

Total Business Solution is founded by the a team of highly experianced Management,Finance & HR professional from Finance, HR, accounting, supply chain, education andengineering background and is led by Dr. Dhirendra Gautam, a professionally qualifiedChartered, cost & Management accountant with Ph.D. in business Management.Previously Global CFO, Director Finance & Business Planning with leading MNC’s likeSuperMax, Pepsi, Unilever & Al Khodari Group.

The team members have over 20 years of best in class experience and have beeninstrumental in execution of substantial number of high profile Virtual CFO service,Advisory and Recruitments assignements through out the country India, MENA, SouthAsia reason and worlwide.

Our innovativeness, insight and optimum practices translate into work of the highestquality. Our Visiting CFO Service, corporate advisory, HR, Recruitment, Legal, IT, ERP andBusiness consulting services adhere to the highest ethical standards of maintaining ourclient’s integrity.

Indiba Consulting is built on ideas and focused on execution, where humane values andperformance recognition create a highly stimulating work place.

Our vision is to be at the fore-front in our profession through our creativity and vision,our ability to spot the hidden opportunities, to solve the unsolved and to anticipate andmanage change.

About Indiba Group

Vision . Confidentiality . Innovation

Our Visiting CFO Partner & CEO

• Strategic Thinker & Business planner, interest in client BusinessModels and methods of execution with a view of creatingOrganizational Culture that is focused on generating valuethrough Change.

• Professionally qualified Chartered, cost & Managementaccountant with Ph.D. in business Management.

• Previously worked as: Global CFO – SuperMax Group (150 country) Group CFO – Al Khodari group (Africa & Middle east) Director Finance & Business planning – PEPSI (GCC) Head of Finance (Shared Service) – UNILEVER Finance Manager – MOTOROLA

• A seasoned professional specialized in generating shareholders’value through turnaround, reengineering, restructuring, M&Aand integration of acquired business.

• Development of international business & joint ventures. Leadingthe companies for getting Investors Funding, PE/VE, IPO andlisting them on stock exchange.

• 20 years of hands-on experience in managing & Leading thebusiness & finance function.

• Worked in UK, Singapore, Middle East & India

• FMCG, Construction & Contracting, Retail, Financial Services,Utilities, Travel, Transportation and Logistics, Pharmaceutical,

Manufacturing and other service industries.

Dr. Dhirendra Gautam(Ph.D. , CA , ICWA)

1 Building strategy for long term profitable Growth.Including Strategic Planning, Annual & Operational Planning & budgeting,

2 YOY growth & Profitability Enhancement & Cost reduction.

3 Process & efficiency improvements, Control and Compliances

4 Fund raising, Debt and Private Equity, JV’s, M&A & Corporate restructuring.

5 Management & Financial reporting, Strengthening finance & accounting team

6 Monitoring cash flows & Working Capital

7 Contract negotiations & Agreements

8 Business Systems implementation, ERP (SAP/Oracle)

9 Shareholders, Board & Investor reporting and

We work as a “Strategic partner to lead & Manage”

What we do as Visiting CFO

Represent company as its CFO, whenever required by the company. If required we may carry the company business card.

Co-ordinating with Banks & financial institutions for financial facilities and Loans including LC, LG, bank guarantee, bill discounting and other facilities.

Advising CEO & its Directors for future business association, Joint venture and Agency agreement, Mergers, Acquisitions, PE, investment, listing & IPO.

Play important role in Preparing agreements, Contract, negotiation and ensuring its legal and financial compliance and safeguarding company’s interest.

Interacting with Company’s clients, vendors and associates as its CFO and work as an integral part of company’s leadership team.

Help develop Company's strategic growth plans, provide insights of financial Support to eliminate business risk & challenges.

Provide Company and its CEO with budgets, analyses, MIS and forecasts on demand.

Provide total Finance , IT and HR solutions without being the overhead of these positions

Manage all Accounting & Transaction Processing, AP, AR, FA, GL , Payroll, MIS, All Taxation and managing the Internal & Statutory Audit & Compliance.

Managing Cost – Revenue – Profit for the wealth maximization of the Shareholders and Tax Planning

Help Company design, install and manage the policies, procedures, and job descriptions essential for company’s smooth operation

Our service as : Visiting CFO

Business Incubator Service:VisitingCFO offers an innovative business Incubator service for Startups, entrepreneurs &young professional by training them, how to Setup & Manage your business and mentoringthem to successfully lead the business for Profitable Growth. Our VisitingCFO’s offers followingbusiness incubator Service:

Helping with Basics of business Skills & etiquettes

Local regulatory compliance & business formation

Intellectual property management, Patents & Copyrights

Cloud Computing, accounting/financial management

Financial Facilities, banking, loans & Funds

Help with presentation skills

Providing Links to strategic partners

Access to angel investors or venture capital

Comprehensive business training programs

Advisory boards and mentors

Management team identification

Networking activities

Marketing assistance

Technology commercialization assistance

Website & Social media Management skills.

Our service as : Visiting CFO

Corporate Advisory & Business SolutionVisitingCFO’s help & advise entrepreneurs, business owners & Professional to think through theidea of making innovative and improved decision, an out of the box thinking with effectiveimplementation strategy. This advisory service & solution can be for a new idea of business,turnaround solutions, M&A, Restructuring, JV or in the area mentioned below.

Developing new and improved business ideas for success.

Turnaround solution for the existing business for high performance efficiency & Profitability

Corporate Governance & Code of Business Principles

Evaluation of existing business to prepare a complete health check report and provide measures for improvements to maximize owner’s Wealth.

Organization and Business restructuring

Business Valuation and Internal controls

International Structuring

Private Equity, VC & Equity Funding

Debt and Equity funding, Loan and Financing facilities

Leading major joint ventures with Win-Win objectives.

Mergers and Acquisition (M&A)

World class practices and Procedures

Performance & process improvements

Benchmarking with best in class industry.

Forecasting & Sensitivity Analysis

Our service as : Visiting CFO

Strategic Planning VisitingCFO’s closely work with the company and management peoples to identify and quantifythe important factors which are impacting the business at present and will also affect thefuture growth and success. We use that information to prepare financial projections andactionable strategies with action plan and assigned role and responsibility that helps youvisualize your company’s future and ensure profitable growth and success. We providefollowing service to our clients in area of strategic planning, budgeting and Forecasting.

Strategic Business & Corporate Planning

Growth & Profitability Planning (Enhanced YOY top & bottom line )

Annual Operational planning (AOP)

Budgeting & Budgetary Controls





Operation – Production & Manufacturing

Capex & Opex

Forecasting & Sensitivity Analysis

Rolling forecast

Variance Analysis

Our service as : Visiting CFO

IPO, CMA & Listing SupportA successful IPO need expert & Experience team with prior IPO experience but IPO is always afirst time experience for any company. Our VisitingCFO’s ensures helping our clients to go forIPO with our expert advisors having hands on IPO & listing experience to successfully lead,Manage the overall IPO process and list your company on the stock exchange.

Leading the company to IPO & Public listing

Identifying and engaging efficient advisors, Merchant Bankers, Lead managers, underwriters, Financial Advisors, legal, tax and audit advisors.

Financial, Legal and Operational due-diligence.

Book Building & Developing the detailed Financial & Valuation Model

Steering & Coordinating the team & advisors relating to IPO and monitoring their performance

Developing Investor Presentations, Ads. & Videos

Co-ordinating the Road-Shows for Institutional & retail Investor:

Ensuring SEBI, CMA and other Compliances & Reporting post IPO

Our service as : Visiting CFO

Transaction Processing & Accounting with GAAPHaving all accounting records maintained as per local GAAP is mandatory for the companiesand business entities. We ensure our clients having a proper GAAP Accounting, each month willbe an accurate and a true and fair representation of all financial activity what happened in themonth, and each month can be compared to other months in a meaningful way.

This will not only help the companies having a proper accounting as per GAAP but gives ameaning full data to produce a world class MIS and information on the basis of which a betterdecision can be taken by the Management. Our VisitingCFO’s ensure addressing all areas oftransaction processing as follows:

Processing of all accounting Transaction as per Indian GAAP / US GAAP / IFRS Reporting

Month End Closing Procedures

Outsourcing of the Business process to a cost effective and efficient place.

Centralization of all support function for the group of companies.

Setting up the Shared Service for Finance & Accounts, HR , IT and Business systems

Shared Financial Services /KPO, FAAO, BPO

Re-structuring of Accounting systems and other business process

Conducting internal and Management Audit

Our service as : Visiting CFO

Financial Analysis, Reporting & MIS: VisitingCFO’s have expertise in financial analysis, reporting & MIS. We carefully analyze yourfinancial results looking for trends, clues to operating more efficiently, and information that willassist you in future decision-making. We can similarly analyse your operations. We wouldidentify key operations indicators, and set up systems to track those indicators and measureperformance monthly, weekly, or even daily if needed.

Financial Planning, analysis and recommendations

Board and Management Reporting

MIS, Financial statements and Reports

Working Capital Management

Earnings and Cash flow enhancement

Treasury and forex management

Accounting as a Service (AAS)Having full time accounting staff in a company is very common, who handle the day to daytransactions of the company. VisitingCFO’s manage these staff members onsite at afrequency determined by the client’s needs. This allows the business owner to focus onother aspects of the business rather than spending time managing the accountingfunction. We will train the staff, helping them become more knowledgeable and morevaluable. We will identify staff members who are in the wrong job, and we can help findsuitable replacements.

We offer this service to our clients in all Support function like Accounting, Finance, IT,Human Resource (HR).

Our service as : Visiting CFO

Business Compliance & Controls ServicesVisitingCFO’s helps clients and companies to consistently grow profitable and in order toensure the consistent growth we perform various accounting and Business health check. Weassess all policies and procedures of the company, its internal control and audit system andprovide expert recommendation to the management and leadership to improve this at par withworld class business practices and Industry standards.

Accounting Health check

Business Health check

Accounting Policies & Procedures

Concurrent Audit

Internal Controls & Risk Matrix

Independent and Non Executive Directors:

As a Visiting CFO we work as a business partner to the leadership & management of Our client to lead and manage their business for profitable growth.

For mutual win-win business goals & synergetic alliance our Visiting CFO’s engage with our partnering companies in their leadership & Management roles as:

Non Executive Director

Independent Director

Board Member & Share holders

Our service as : Visiting CFO

Peoples Management, Recruitment & Succession PlanningAs a Visiting CFO we help our client in headhunting & recruiting best ever talent & expertleadership team, matching their business expansion requirement to lead the journey ofsuccessful profitable growth. We specialized in recruiting the position of leadership team,CFO, CEO, CXO and Board Member both Executive & None Executive / Independent.

CFO, CEO & CXO Headhunting

Interim & Outsourced CFO Placement

Full time CFO

Executive Coaching and Mentoring

Recruitment & Executive Placements

Leadership developing,

Leadership Growth Profiling

Entrepreneurship skills and competency development

Organizational Development

Performance Management

Compensation & benefit planning and implementation

Grading and rating of skilled manpower

Succession Planning and

Exit Planning

Our service as : Visiting CFO

ERP, IT, DMS and Business systems Management:ERP implementation is always a first time experience of any company, They just know what isERP but never have idea which ERP is good for them and can meet their current as well asbusiness requirement of next 10 years. Selecting Wrong ERP and having Failed Implementationis very Common. Our Visiting CFO team ensure selecting the right ERP for the Company andMonitor to have a Successful implementation with assured result.

Business Process Consultancy pre ERP selection and implementation.

QuickBooks Pro Advisor, Consultant and Implementation Partner.

Study of Business requirement to suggest the best ERP / Financial system

ERP – Implementation & Project management (SAP & Oracle e-business suite R12)

Ensuring optimum level implementation till Go live & post go-live support.

IT implementation – Payroll & other HRMS systems

EDMS– Enterprise document management system the Multi-level Workflow solution anddocument management.

Automation of Existing business process & work flow

Online Approvals and Flow of documents

Full automation of support functions of the companies- Finance, Accounting, HR, IT andBusiness system.

Implementation of Enterprise Document and Process Management System

Huge cost reduction and Efficiency –Visibility-Control tool.


• Consumer products & FMCG

• Infrastructure & Real estate

• Industrial, Mfg. & Eng.

• Retail , SC & Distribution

• Pharma & Health Care

• Aviation, Shipping, Logistics

• Banking, Finance, Insurance & Asset Mgt.

• Education

• Service & IT companies


• India

• Regional


• North Africa

• Asia

• Levant

• Cross-border/ international


• Companies & MNC

• SME’s

• Conglomerates

• Family Groups

• Consulting Groups

Client Base - Overview

Business Beyond Boundaries

We are flexible in our engagement model as per therequirements. Based on the requirement and discussion wecan work on a Dedicated or Project Model.

Our Team of Visiting / Virtual CFO’s are from diverse businessbackground and having hands-on expertise in delivering theresult and exceeding the exception.

Client Engagement

Disciplined - People, Thoughts, Actions

Contact On: [email protected]

Call: +91 9987454045

Mumbai Office:Visitingcfo.comc/o Indiba Consultancy Services Private LimitedOffice No – 57, Ground Floor, Knowledge Towers, CBD Belapur, Sector 11Navi Mumbai – 400614.

Cell : +91 9987454045Tel. + 91 22 65206530,

Skype: dgautam21

Email: [email protected]

UAE, Dubai Office:Fortune Executive Towers, T-1, Jumailrah Lake Towers, P.O.Box 241330, Dubai. UAE

We can start immediately, For more details Contact us:

Contact Us