CFEE Case Study #1 Sandcastles Carla Marshall

DISCOVER SANDCASTLES FESTIVAL C.F.E.E. Case Study #1 Carla Marshall, Supervisor of Festivals & Events City of Burlington 426 Brant St. P.O. Box 5013 Burlington, ON L7R 3Z6 [email protected] ph: 905.335.7724

Transcript of CFEE Case Study #1 Sandcastles Carla Marshall

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C.F.E.E. Case Study #1

Carla Marshall, Supervisor of Festivals & Events City of Burlington 426 Brant St. P.O. Box 5013 Burlington, ON L7R 3Z6 [email protected] ph: 905.335.7724

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Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION|FINAL ASSESMENT .................................................................................. 2

DISCOVER SANDCASTLES | EVENT OVERVIEW .................................................................. 2

discover sandcastles | history & growth .............................................................................................. 2

discover sandcastles | marketing .......................................................................................................... 4

marketing | branding ........................................................................................................................... 4

marketing | advertising & promotion................................................................................................ 4

marketing | media coverage .............................................................................................................. 6

DISCOVER SANDCASTLES SWOT ANALYSIS .................................................................. 7

DISCOVER SANDCASTLES CONCLUSION ....................................................................... 8

APPENDIX A TOURISM BURLINGTON EVENT SUMMARY .............................................. 9

APPENDIX B EVENT POSTER ........................................................................................ 13

APPENDIX C ON SITE SIGNAGE ................................................................................... 14

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discover sandcastles festival C A S E S T U D Y # 1


This CFEE case study will demonstrate how the required courses were applied in the creation, planning,

marketing, and execution of this festival.

Discover Sandcastles was founded in 2007 to increase awareness and visitation to the

Burlington Beachway – a beautiful, natural sand beach on the shores of Lake Ontario.


Discover Sandcastles is now Day 1 of a two day Children’s Festival weekend festival in Burlington, Ontario.

Located on the shores of Lake Ontario, Beachway Park features natural sand and is the perfect setting for the

Discover Sandcastles Festival. The event has grown from a small Master Sand Sculptor demonstration and

workshop (attendance: 150) to a full day festival featuring 3 master sand sculptors building larger than life

sand sculptures, an amateur sand sculpting completion, live entertainment, activities and a marketplace

(attendance: 3,500).

discover sandcastles | history & growth

The Burlington Beachway used to be a well kept secret. A small group of residents knew about the local gem

but otherwise it was not a well known attraction in or outside of Burlington. Occasionally, a request would

come through for a beach volleyball tournament but otherwise, it remained an under-utilized site. We did

some research to determine if there were plans to host any sandcastle themed activities on the beach and

found out that another department at The City of Burlington was trucking

sand into a community centre and hiring a Sand Sculptor to come out and

sculpt in this ‘exported’ sand. It seemed that Burlington needed a

Sandcastle celebration where the sand already was!

The plan was to test public response to the idea so the first year we hired

a Master Sand Sculptor to sculpt a seven foot sandcastle and invited the

public to watch it take shape. The last hour of the demonstration included

a workshop teaching attendees tricks to build their own sandcastle.

The response was extremely positive with 150 participants in the

workshop and countless others coming to admire the castle, which

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included a dragon and a princess. We received encouraging feedback, including inquiries for the next

Sandcastle event.

The second year, we repeated the demonstration and workshop format and easily doubled our attendance

and participation. We also decided to test a Sandcastle Competition on the weekend following the

demonstration. Promotion included both events and registrations were taken during the demonstration, which

added a revenue stream to the events and secured repeat visits to The Beachway.

After successfully testing both the Master Sand Sculptor Demonstration & Workshop and the Discover

Sandcastles Competition, we put both events together in 2009 to create the Discover Sandcastles Festival. The

full day event featured the Master Sand Sculptor, Competition and added entertainment components such as

live music, community exhibits and activities on the beach. We partnered with the Burlington Children’s Festival

to cooperatively market the event and offer residents and visitors a weekend of events at The Waterfront at

Downtown Burlington. This also allowed for cost savings in some event logistical and entertainment


In 2010, we strengthened our partnership with The Burlington Children’s Festival and were awarded a

Celebrate Ontario Grant to enhance and green the two events. These additional funds ($30,000) allowed us

to enhance the entertainment, number of master sculptors and add a market place to Saturday’s event. These

enhancements contributed to increasing our Competition registration by 70% over 2009’s registration

numbers. A waste diversion centre was also created and staffed which resulted in the collection and diversion

of 100 kg of Blue Box materials, and 170 kg of Green Cart organics materials for 90% diversion rate for the


Tourism Burlington also supported Discover Sandcastles in 2010 with a number of marketing initiatives and

staff onsite conducting surveys. For a report of their involvement and results, please see Appendix A: Tourism

Burlington Event Summary.

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discover sandcastles | marketing

The marketing of Discover Sandcastles originally focused on the Sandcastle theme of the events and activities,

however numerous partnerships has grown the original creative into a brand with a logo and recognizable


marketing | branding

Free family fun on the beach was combined with the Children’s Festival same messaging of free fun for kids to

create a logo to brand the two days of programming together in 2009:

The hands represent children’s fun and brought this element in from past marketing pieces for Children’s

Festival. The placement of the hands create a sandcastle to represent Saturday’s theme and activities. As

Children’s Festival is coming up to its 20th year, it was decided to put both days’ activities under this well

known and long standing name.

marketing | advertising & promotion

Advertising and promotion for Discover Sandcastles and Children’s Festival included:

Waterfront Sandwich Board - displayed in Spencer Smith Park from May 24th, 2010 to September

6th, 2010

TV Commercial - aired on CHCH TV from July 19th to August 15th

Arena Board Advertising - displayed in City arenas a month prior to the event

Newspaper Ads – placed in 3 regional papers:

o Burlington Post 4 weeks prior to the event

o Oakville Beaver 2 weeks prior

o SNAP Burlington – August edition

Waterfront Events Flyer - 2000 event flyers distributed through all City of Burlington facilities

City Parent Ad

Children's Festival Poster - 100 posters displayed in all City of Burlington recreation facilities as well

as Children's Festival Sponsor locations and downtown storefronts (see Appendix B)

Web page including online registration for Sandcastle Competition

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Digital Screen Ad - displayed in all City of Burlington arenas from July 15th, 2010 to Aug. 15th, 2010

City Parent - Cover of Summer Holidaze publication

Read-o-graphs - message displayed on outdoor read-o-graphs in front of City of Burlington

recreation facilities from August 2nd to August 16th.

Live & Play recreation and leisure guide - ad + competition registration information in guide that is

distributed to over 70,000 households in Burlington

Free Event Web listings (e.g. FEO, Tourism Ontario on-line event calendars)

Event Program

Ice Cream Coupon - 100 coupons created for the St. Catherine's Travel Ontario Info Office on Friday

August 13th as part of a Tourism Burlington Promotion

Additional marketing done by Tourism Burlington included:

Visitor Guide Event Listing

Visitor Guide advertisement - Burlington events

Tear map advertisement - Burlington events

Festival and events brochure coop ad

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Tourism website listing

Tourism website feature box

Burlington Events Calendar

Tourism E-News Listing

Facebook and Twitter Listings

Tourism Burlington Day at St. Catherine's Ontario Travel Information Centre (Friday August 13th)

marketing | media coverage

One of the indicators that encouraged us to grow this festival has been the media coverage. Since the first

demonstration on the beach in 2007, the following media has followed and created buzz around this event:

CH television (Hamilton)

o CH Morning Live: Pre-event coverage/live interviews

o CH News at Noon: Pre-event coverage/live interviews

o CH Evening News: taped interview/event coverage

K-Lite FM (Hamilton)

o Community Calendar Event Listing

o Community Cruiser: Cut-ins during event

Hamilton Spectator

o Event listing: Too Good To Miss column

o Event photos and article

Burlington Post

o Event article: pre-event

o Cover, Photo feature, event article: post event

SNAP Burlington

o Event listing: Monthly Event Calendar

o Event photos and article

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Strengths Weaknesses

Unique event – no other sandcastle festival

within 175 km

Venue – beautiful natural beach on shores of

Lake Ontario with rare sand dunes

Timing – shares weekend of Children’s

Festival for resource efficiencies. During peak

summer holidays.

Wide appeal – attendees range from

children & families to youth and seniors

Tourist attraction – brings in visitors from

outside of Burlington

Interesting programming mix

Beach area for event can be affected by

Lake water levels e.g. high water leaves less

beach area for event set up

Minimal parking on site

Location is somewhat remote from main

Waterfront facility

Mixed use property can make defining event

area challenging

Limited/shrinking marketing budget

Some limited awareness of beach location

and how to access (off main roadways)

Opportunities Threats

Competition growth – adding Youth category

in 2011

Programming growth – adding more Master

Sand Sculptors and musical entertainment in


Revenue opportunities – exploring:

o sponsorship

o more vendors for expanded market

place, souvenir sales, etc.

o grants

Recent partnership/alliances with Children’s

Festival and Tourism Burlington will increase

event awareness and reach

City budget may be reduced with new council

goal of 0% tax increase

Burlington Master Beach Plan may position

Burlington Beachway for different uses

Location may not sustain rapid growth

New food services contract for on-site

concession may limit vendor opportunities

More Competition: Local community events

and neighbouring community events are

increasing in number and size.

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The growth and success of the Discover Sandcastles Festival is a result of a unique event in an exceptional

setting that has been well received and attended by both local residents and tourists. The Sandcastle

Competition will continue to grow as it now has a loyal following of competitors that have returned each year

and are planning to return in 2011. This will be augmented by new competitors that join each year.

Feedback received from the community, attendees, partners, and the media has been overwhelmingly

positive. Negative feedback has been connected to hopeful participants not being able to compete in the

Sandcastle Competition due to it selling out every year, especially in the Family Category. This allows us to

increase the number of spots we offer each year for the competition, which will more than double in its third

year (2011).

With the partnership and support of the Children’s Festival and Tourism Burlington, Discover Sandcastles will

gain credibility, and elevate its programming and features. Adding revenue streams will ensure that the event

is sustainable for years to come and can continue to grow to meet the expectations of its attendees, vendors,

and sponsors.