Cf. John 12:3 Holy Cross Lutheran ·...

Holy Cross Lutheran Church “Sharing the Ointment for Jesus’ Feet, Giving God our Very Best” Cf. John 12:3 Our mission statement: Celebrating God’s love by worshipping God, caring for each other, and serving in community. Vol. 24 No. 7 July 2018 A bad year for rabbits, the winter was so brutally frigid that the starving quail and pheasants marched with impunity past shivering cats and dogs to eat with the chickens. The raccoons with their cute little opposable thumbs were desperately ripping shingles off the chicken house trying to burrow through the roof into warmth and freshly laid omelets. The night the raccoon fell through, the chickens woke us with a squawking cacophony, equaled only by Ray Stevens’ rendition of “In the Mood: Barnyard Style,” at top volume on a good stereo. Dad and I jumped into clothes and ran to the chicken house to see what in Sam Hill (Samael?) was causing the commotion. In the luminous snow, the moonlit air made my nostril hairs crinkle and freeze. Plywood and cinder blocks provided a temporary fix until the morning. Next day we rustled up a car battery, an old electric fence charger and we ran a string of wire around the roof, the windows, and the door. Unauthorized critter personnel were bound to have a shocking new experi- ence if they dared trespass. Sure enough, late that afternoon, emboldened by previous successes, that raccoon came by for his sunny-side up. He touched the wire, hollered bloody murder and took off running on air like a Carl Lewis broad jump. Too bad it was before the days of video cams. BERGY’S BABBLE: ANIMAL FARM” … /// ...

Transcript of Cf. John 12:3 Holy Cross Lutheran ·...

Page 1: Cf. John 12:3 Holy Cross Lutheran · 2018. 6. 29. · Rocky Raccoon never came back. My bedroom was on the second floor,


Holy Cross Lutheran Church

“Sharing the

Ointment for Jesus’

Feet, Giving God

our Very Best” Cf. John 12:3

Our mission statement:

Celebrating God’s love

by worshipping God,

caring for each other,

and serving in community.

Vol. 24

No. 7

July 2018

A bad year for rabbits, the winter was so brutally frigid that the

starving quail and pheasants marched with impunity past shivering cats and

dogs to eat with the chickens. The raccoons with their cute little opposable

thumbs were desperately ripping shingles off the chicken house trying to

burrow through the roof into warmth and freshly laid omelets.

The night the raccoon fell through, the chickens woke us with a

squawking cacophony, equaled only by Ray Stevens’ rendition of “In the

Mood: Barnyard Style,” at top volume on a good stereo. Dad and I jumped

into clothes and ran to the chicken house to see what in Sam Hill (Samael?)

was causing the commotion. In the luminous snow, the moonlit air made my

nostril hairs crinkle and freeze.

Plywood and cinder blocks provided a temporary fix until the

morning. Next day we rustled up a car battery, an old electric fence charger

and we ran a string of wire around the roof, the windows, and the door.

Unauthorized critter personnel were bound to have a shocking new experi-

ence if they dared trespass.

Sure enough, late that afternoon, emboldened by previous successes,

that raccoon came by for his sunny-side up. He touched the wire, hollered

bloody murder and took off running on air like a Carl Lewis broad jump.

Too bad it was before the days of video cams.


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Telephones couldn’t even take pictures then. They just hung on the wall

with a crank on the right side, a honker in the middle to speak into and a

miniature Victrola speaker to hold up to your left ear. Video proof of a spe-

cies of flying raccoon would have been a cryptozoologists dream. Anyway

Bif Skinner’d been proud of that one-trial learning curve. Rocky Raccoon

never came back.

My bedroom was on the second floor, north side of the first house

ever built by a Swedish ship builder named Engwall. Sturdy as an oak, with

long beams that stretched from stem to stern, it would rock and sway in a

windstorm like a Viking ship. My room was heated by the kitchen directly

below it. At night, I slept with the north window open. That way I could fall

asleep to the keening ululations of the coyote on the north 80, while he sang

his lullabies of love and hunger.

One coyote always sounds like a chorus of several. This one, whose

voice I knew, had such a varied repertoire that on a good night with full

lunar inspiration, he could do a reasonable imitation of the Bethany Oratorio

Society, sopranos each one starting out on a different measure of the

“Hallelujah Chorus”, at the same time, in a different key. At the time I was

really into Hindemuth and Paganini, so I considered my trickster coyote an

admirable composer. I just couldn’t quite predict what he’d sing next. Just

short of a melodic groove, he’d introduce an interesting variation on a yo-

deled arpeggio that would make Coltrane sound like “Chopsticks”.

Later that year he became my nemesis as I discovered he was the

one responsible for a daily dead chicken. As the nights got warmer, the

days longer, and me busier with track season and music festivals, I got lazy

about herding the chickens in every night. I let them free-range and roost

overnight in the big junipers making up the north windbreak. … /// ...

… /// … Bergy’s Babble — “Animal Farm”

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It wasn’t long before I’d notice every morning, a pile of white chick-

en feathers and coyote tracks. The rabbit population reduced by the winter,

the predator was in the barnyard and eating better’n me. Apparently he’d

learned to climb trees as well. After a week of staying up until midnight

chasing chickens out of trees, catching them one by one and still finding

feathers of the one I’d missed the next morning, I got mad. If you are eating

my chickens I don’t care how good you sing.

The county bounty was two bucks for a set of coyote ears. I’d solve

my problem and be a rich hero at school, the first kid to bag a coyote.

The canine serenades always stopped about 3:00 AM and then the trickster

hunted ‘til dawn. So I bundled up, slipped out of the house at 3:00 with

my .22, and got on an outbuilding roof under branches, downwind from the

coyote’s trail. I didn’t move for 3 hours. My body was singing, “Help, I’m

a Rock,” and I was numb and hungry.

Finally, I knew I couldn’t stop shivering and the trickster would

catch the movement and hear my stomach growling, so I clambered down

for breakfast. At 7:00 I headed for the barn to do chores and what do you

know? There’s the coyote sauntering down his trail, tongue lolling, engaging

in a pre-salivatory fantasy about chicken juniperette. We both leaped in the

air, and took off in opposite directions. Me for the rifle, and him for his den

and a meager fare of field mouse hors d’ouvres. From then on his nightly

howling always had a refrain that went, “Ha, ha, I watched you for 3 hours

and you didn’t see me coming.”

One group of fauna thrived that winter. The skunks had lots of fur

and slept most of the time. If they woke up, they’d gorge on dog food at

night when the dogs were in the house, and then go back to sleep. They

would come out in force when the nights warmed and held a thick fog.

Their only real enemy was speeding cars.

… /// … Bergy’s Babble — “Animal Farm”

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… /// ...

Jerry found an orphaned litter and so everyone on a five mile stretch

of township section line road got a baby skunk to try and keep alive by hand

feeding. We named our new baby Thumper, because she playfully stamped

her front feet and threw her tail in the air pretending to spray us. Fortunate-

ly, baby skunks aren’t developed enough to actually spray. Now when an

adult skunk does a round-off, the smart kids do a skedaddle.

We all started out with the same idea. Keep the polecats until their

musk glands were developed and then release them with natural defenses

intact. But Thumper became a housepet, building her nest out of shredded

sheet music in the music closet. It wasn’t exactly the Peaceable Kingdom,

but she got along well with 2 dogs and 3 cats.

Everything was fine until that fateful Sunday dinner after church

where I truly learned the meaning of divine retribution. I had been admon-

ished in every tone of voice except, ‘telephone,’ “Do not feed the animals

from the kitchen table or you’ll be sorry.” So, reveling in the human fasci-

nation with original sin, I slipped Lady, a chicken bone. She dropped it.

Thumper and Herr Sigmund von Schnapps, the dachshund who tried

to eat Santa at the school Christmas Pageant, began a battle for possession

of that fowl fibula. Snarling, stamping, there’s the round-off………………

I was sorry!!

You know that stuff about tomato juice? Don’t believe it! Taking a

bath with 20 pounds of baking soda barely made a dent in my personal

olfactory radiance.

The next morning, Dad took me to the vet’s office with Thumper for

a scent-glandectomy. You know you are persona non grata, when the vet

starts crying when you walk in the examination room.

The only people who would talk to me, The Stinking Pariah, for a

week were the other kids. They kept their distance, but the problem was

acceptable collateral damage, part of farm life, better’n losing your hand in

an augur for sure.

… /// … Bergy’s Babble — “Animal Farm”

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JUNE 2018

Altar flowers were donated by:

03 Ann Larson

13 Fredda Yurk

20 Betty Mooney to the Glory of God

27 Wayne & Ruby Schaper

And dear Thumper, darling Polecat de Parfum? She went through

life stamping her feet, throwing herself into her round-off spray position and

nothing bad would happen, and we’d laugh, at first with relief and later with

joy as she did her trick just to make us laugh.

What we reflexively feared in the ‘natural order’ of things had be-

come a game of joy, a deeper relationship than the natural order could imag-

ine or realize.

“Oh, skunk, where is thy stink?” The stink of death is sin and the

power of sin is the law, but the skunk is just havin’ a little fun with us. He’s

our pet! We’re not his victim! And we know, because we’ve been sprayed

with the water of death, and died and lived to tell about it. We can say with

confidence and joy, “Death is just another episode in eternal life in Christ,

who gives us the victory!” I Corinthians 15. Easter life is amazing!

See you in worship…………………….. BERGY

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MAY 16, 2018

The May 2018 Church Council meeting was called to order by

President Warren Schick on Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 2:00 p.m.

Pastor Berggren opened the meeting with a prayer.

In attendance were: Pastor Jim Berggren, Pastor Jhon Jairo Arroyave,

Warren Schick, Bettie Baring, Pat Curran, Deacon Karen Davidson,

Julie Kilkenny, Wendy Lambeth, Bettye Raschke, Wayne Schaper, and

Fredda Yurk. Jay Byerly did not attend.

The minutes from the April Council meeting were submitted by Julie

Kilkenny and unanimously approved by Council. They will be submit-

ted for publication in Crossties and on the website.

The Treasurer’s report was presented by Wayne Schaper. Offerings for

the month of April were $28,961, which was down $1,984 from the

previous month. Expenses for the month of April 2018 were $36,380,

an increase of $345 from the previous month. Year to date expenses

exceeded offerings by $5,034. The checking account balance at

4/30/18 was $217,697, not including restricted funds. Mr. Schaper

noted that HCLC expenditures are in line at 33% of the annual budget,

but cautioned that historically there is a decrease in collections during

the summer months. The Endowment Committee has $299 interest

available for disbursement. The Treasurer’s report was unanimously

approved as presented.

Pastoral Staff Reports:

Pastor Berggren updated Council on his activit ies over the past

month. He conducted memorial services for HCLC members Chris

Wignes and Charles Pace, as well as Betty Ann Christ and James Otto

Zenk. He asked Council for recommendations for a new representative

for Memorial Area Ministries (MAM), which meets one night a month.

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… /// … HCLC Minutes for Council Meeting —May 16, 2018

Warren Schick agreed to fill in temporarily until a replacement can

be found. Pastor Berggren noted a couple of pastoral changes in the

area: Advent Lutheran Church and Memorial Drive Lutheran Church.

Pastors Berggren and Arroyave, Deacon Davidson and Gloria

McGarvey represented Holy Cross at the Synod Convention earlier

this month.

Deacon Karen Davidson r epor ted that she had a busy month with

nursing facility and in-home visits, as well as prayers, phone calls

and visits for HCLC members and friends. Adult Forum is currently

covering the book When Christians Get It Wrong, which discusses

changing attitudes of young adults as regards traditional church affil-

iation. After this topic Bruce Elijah will be conducting a several

week study of topics in the Old Testament. Deacon Davidson also

continues her preparation of the PowerPoint presentation for the

early worship service.

Pastor Arroyave noted the celebr a tion of Fir st Communion will

be on May 27th for 15 girls and boys.

Old Business and Committee Reports:

President Schick presented updates for several ongoing items:

Building and Grounds:

The carpet in the Youth Room has been removed, revealing a brick

floor. The floor (circa 1955) has some cracks and will need to be

sealed, but things are under way sooner than previously estimated.

Many thanks to Bruce and Cathy Elijah, Jay Byerly, Pastor Berggren

and Warren Schick! Wayne Schaper reported that work is also in

progress on the exterior brickwork and windows of the room; the

contractors found more extensive damage around the windows and

are restoring the framing. Pastor Berggren volunteered to replace the

glass in the affected windows.

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… /// ...

… /// … HCLC Minutes for Council Meeting —May 16, 2018

Spanish Ministry team: A meeting is scheduled next week

with Pastor Chris Markert to seek Synod support and guidance for

this ministry.

Work continues on updating the Holy Cross website. Joe Lam-

beth and Cesar Majano will spearhead efforts to implement the

new platform.

The current plan is to have the updates of the Constitution and

Bylaws r eady for pr esenta tion at the Congr egational meeting

in December.

Telge Committee report: Pr esident Schick r eiter ated his de-

sire that Council and HCLC members encourage discussion and

get a feel for what the congregation wants to do in the future and

how the Telge property might fit into these plans.

Bethlehem Village: Cathy Elijah sent a pr oposal to Council

for a Bethlehem Village Community outreach event in December.

This would be separate from the Christmas in the Park event put

on by Spring Valley. Wendy Lambeth agreed to be the Council

liaison for this item.

Bettie Baring gave an update on WELCA activities for the month.

The May 5th meeting included the election and installation of new

board members. They in turn will select the convener for the coming

year. WELCA, along with the Ruth and Deborah Circles, is under-

taking the refurbishment of the restrooms in the Family Life Center

(Gym). WELCA is also following up on a “housewarming” gift to

the Houston Mennonite Church. Mr. Schaper noted that this year the

Mennonite Church will be holding their annual quilt sale at their

newly constructed campus on Wirt Road.

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… /// ...

New Business:

Warren Schick asked Council to consider how to update Holy

Cross’s policy on video presentations in the sanctuary for memorial

services. He has been approached by several people wanting to show

photos and videos of their loved ones at memorial services in the

sanctuary; however, this is not possible with the current system.

President Schick reported on the East Spring Branch Food Pantry

expansion. He got a favorable reception for his presentation at the

Hillshire Village meeting in May, and he is hopeful the expansion

will be approved. The Pantry will try to obtain a separate electric

meter for its activities.

Bettye Raschke presented some observations regarding mobility and

accessibility issues at HCLC. From the perspective of a person

relying on the assistance of a cane or a walker, there are areas that

Holy Cross can improve upon. She noted that the uneven parking lot

is worrisome and hard to navigate, as is getting in the Atrium doors.

She mentioned that table communion, although only one Sunday per

month, is hard also for those with bad knees or hips. She pointed out

that sitting in a pew without one’s walker within reach (think re-

stroom breaks) can be distressing and assumes that an usher will

magically know if a person needs to get up in the middle of the ser-


Council discussed these points and noted that several of them are

easily resolved by:

1) having continuous communion every Sunday,

2) propping open Atrium doors before and after services,

3) allowing walkers to be stowed in the pew, and

4) volunteers (ushers, greeters) and members of the congregation

being more observant and proactive in this area.

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Next Council Meeting:

Wednesday, July 11, at 2:00 p.m. —FLCA

Church Council

Mr. Schaper noted a legacy gift from a Holy Cross member, to be

used toward capital improvements. After discussion Council voted to

use this generous gift toward the improvements in the Youth Room.

Mr. Schick reminded Council that Lizbeth Johnson (Lutheran

Foundation of the Southwest) would like to make a presentation on

Legacy Giving to the congregation. Deacon Davidson offered the

Adult Forum classroom one Sunday for this presentation. Mr. Schick

said he would get more information from Dr. Johnson to preview the

congregation before a time was scheduled.

Fredda Yurk reported that the problem with the water cooler and

delivery service has been resolved.

The new church directory, which was updated by Calvin and Tillie

Remmert, will be available in the narthex on Sunday.

The next Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 20,

2018, at 2:00 p.m.

Upon motion to adjourn, the meeting was closed with the Lord’s


Respectfully submitted,

Julie Kilkenny

… /// … HCLC Minutes for Council Meeting —May 16, 2018

Happy 4th of July!

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Holy Cross members celebrating birthdays this month:

02 Elias Escamilla

03 Nancy Beamesderfer

04 Gordon Tinker

07 Yedith Gomez

08 Meredith Schomburg

Christopher Lambeth

09 Laura Ruthstrom

11 Jessica Latigo

12 Calvin Remmert

Ashley Aleman

Lissett Hernandez

16 Gloria McGarvey

17 Vicenta Yáñez

18 María Villegas

Giselle Díaz

20 Betty Firth

24 Ilda Torres

26 Jessica Villegas

27 Antonio Díaz

28 Julie Kilkenny

29 Irene Meyer

31 Loy Dell Kaltwasser

If your name is not listed or if this is incorrect information

please contact Ann Larson so that the list can be corrected.

Ann Larson (713) 957-0972 email: [email protected]

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July 7, 2018 — 9:00 a.m. —1:00 p.m.

Please come to support our Holy Cross Spanish Ministry.

Bring your car on Saturday, July 7.

Thank you!!

Pastor Jhon Jairo Arroyave


To all in the First Wednesday Breakfast Group – (guys and gals)


The first Wednesday in July is the 4th. So – at our 06 June meeting, we

decided to re-schedule the July meeting to the 11th.

Same time – same place - just one week later.

See you even sooner at Sunday service.


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Please assist in sponsoring a child through Memorial Assistance Ministries’

annual program to help students be prepared at the start of the 2018—2019

school year.

You may make a donation in any amount to help purchase school clothing

and supplies for a child in need.

100% of donations will be used to purchase clothes and supplies. Fifty

dollars can supply the necessary clothing for an elementary or middle school

student so that they can meet their school’s dress code.

Please help a child start the school year right!

We will accept donations in the atrium on Sundays:

July 15 and July 22, 2018.

Call Angie Eckermann for more information

at (281) 497-3022.

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The Friendship Club will be meeting July 21, at 4:00 pm for a picnic and a

movie. We will be grilling hamburgers and will have all the trimmings.

Please RSVP to Gloria McGarvey (713-686-3252) by July 18, so meat can

be purchased. We will be eating at 4:00 pm so we will have time for the


Nancy Beamesderfer



7901 Westview Dr. Houston, TX 77055

July 19, 2018 9am—1pm

Back to School Immunizations Free

Parents must bring the “Original shot record”

Food Fair, Free Fruits & Vegetables

Mary White

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Sharon Wagner won the 2017—18 quilt that was prepared by the Heavenly


We thank our congregation for their support in our latest project. We put

this money toward the refurbishing of the Family Life Center (Gym)


We are grateful to WELCA for donating funds to help complete this pro-

ject. We also thank Ruth & Deborah circles for their generous donations.

Thank you!

Our appreciation goes to Alan Lambeth for purchasing and installing taller

toilets, A.D.A. safety bars and new door openers. We really appreciate you,

Alan! These changes have helped make a safer environment.

Heavenly Quilters

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Please remember to bring your Christmas cards and other cards for the

children at St. Jude.

The cards can be placed in the box located in the Family Life Center

and I will send them to St. Jude for the children's projects.

Nancy Beamesderfer



welcomes donations of calendars, note cards, note pads, stationery, etc.

These donations are made available to the residents of the apartments during

their stay for treatment at the various Med Center hospitals and are very


There is a donation box in the Fellowship Hall near the west entrance and I

deliver all donations to the Apartments on a regular basis.

Thank you in advance for supporting this project.

Marilyn Flick

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2 Corinthians








2 Corinthians



















6:30-34, 53-56


2 Kings








JULY 2018

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Haiti to Houston

What a whirlwind it has been since coming back to Haiti from furlough.

I immediately started a three week stent on True North. The first week we

traveled to La Gonave, an island just west of Port au Prince. We worked

several days at a Haitian run clinic that had only one doctor so our 4 addi-

tional providers meant we could see so many more patients - 417 we strug-

gled with few translators but God made it work and we had a great clinic.

At the end of each boat trip we have about 24 hours to go back to campus,

do laundry, rest and get ready for the next trip. This week we returned to the

village of the very first True North trip, Les Anglais. We were welcomed by

so many friendly faces and had translators to help whether they were hired

by us or not. A whole community coming together to serve the people.

There was a construction crew on the boat this week so they went to a near-

by orphanage and painted it inside and out making it look so nice.

The third week was the Watermark team from Dallas. The team all work/

volunteer at a clinic in Dallas whose purpose is to serve the impoverished.

The week was challenging in that the waves were rocky and many became

sick or at best not feeling well.

Back to dry land! Not to my home in Titanyen but the upper campus as the

A&M athletic team was in Haiti so we opened the upper campus as they

needed a nurse on site. It gave me the opportunity to get some rest after the

boat trip and before the summer craziness begins. I went every day to the

main campus to lead the mobile team. God always provides exactly what

you need right when you need it. I will be home for two weeks and then

back to Bercy for the summer and I know it will be an amazing journey.

Much love,


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The homebound, disabled,

long-term ill and

prolonged recovering.

If you are not receiving HCLC

Prayer Request emails and would

like to, please contact

Renee Allcorn:

[email protected]

or call (713) 254-8638

Note that Prayer Request emails

are sent out daily, so if you are on

the email list and did not receive

any email, please contact Renee.



8:30 am—4:30 pm


8:30 am—2:30 pm

You may sign up for

Altar Flowers

in the Narthex.

Suggested donation is $50.00

and $12.00 for a rose.

Ed Cooper

Betty Firth

Betty Morris

Doris Pannell

Elaine Snell

Rosie Stork


If you have any questions call

Wayne Schaper, Sr. at (713) 465-5206.

MAY 2018

Receipts $ 24,022.00

Expenses 42,959.67

Balance < $ 18,937.67 >


Operational receipts

year to date received …….. $ 171,316.00

Expenditures year to date ..… 195,287.99

Balance < $ 23,971.99 > =======================

Building Rental $ 640.00




Saturday: 15

Sunday: 78


Sunday: 98

Maureen Fredrickson

David Garwick

Norma Hines

Jo Rita Kaltwasser

Bryan Kile

Mitchell Kilkenny

Nanette Luker

Donaldo Mendoza

Al Pivonka

Larry Polzin

Charles Pustejovsky

Vernon Thielemann

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100 Church Office

101 Sussy Terry

103 Rev. Jim Berggren Senior Pastor

104 Rev. Jhon J. Arroyave Hispanic Pastor

105 Karen Davidson Deacon

107 Financial Office

108 Stephen Ministry Office

109 Family Life Center

111 Volunteer Office

Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Spring Branch

A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)

7901 Westview Dr. Houston, Texas 77055

Tel. (713) 686-8253 Fax (713) 686-9095

E-mail: [email protected]


“Holy Cross Lutheran Church is a community of Christians

gathered by God’s grace and reaching out through God’s love.”


† Rev. Jim Berggren — Senior Pastor Email : [email protected]

† Rev. Jhon Jairo Arroyave — Hispanic Pastor Email : [email protected]

† Karen Davidson — Deacon Email : [email protected]

† Sussy Terry — Office Manager Email : [email protected]


Cathy Elijah Music Director / Organist

Jo Ann Meeker Pianist

Ann Crick Pianist


ELC (713) 461-5535


Warren Schick President

Bettye Raschke Vice-President

Julie Kilkenny Secretary

Wayne Schaper, Sr. Treasurer


6:00 p.m. — Atrium


English Service : 9:30 a.m.

Sunday School : 11:00 - 11:45 a.m.

Spanish Service: 11:00 a.m.

Estudio Bíblico y Escuela Dominical

12:00 noon

Office Manager & Events Coordinator