Certification Andrea Piras [email protected] Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is...

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Transcript of Certification Andrea Piras [email protected] Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is...

Page 1: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.


Andrea [email protected]

Page 2: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.


Brief Overview of Asymmetric CryptographyWhat is certification?X.509X.509 CertificateExtensionsQualified CertificateQC ExtensionsCertificate AuthorityItalian CAsCertificate Revocation List

Page 3: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.


Java PackagesJava Code ExampleMicrosoft, Netscape & CertificatesBibliography

Page 4: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography

Based on: discrete logarithm problem, elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem, factoring problem, e-root problem

Key Pair: Public (can be showed), Private (kept secret)

Encryption(public key) Decryption(private key)

Encryption(private key) Decryption(public key)

Page 5: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography

Attack: Man in the middle



Page 6: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

What is certification?

It’s the process to release certificates (digital documents attesting to the binding of a public key to an individual or an entity).

Not perform cryptographic operations with keys.

It’s a service of the public key infrastructure (PKI).

Page 7: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.


It’s the ITU-T (also known as CCITT) Recommendation to define the certificate sintax.

Used in a lot of authentification and secure communication protocols (ex. SSL).

Exist 3 versions: Version 1 published in 1988 Version 2 published in 1993 Version 3 published in 1995

Page 8: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

X.509 Certificate

An X.509certificate consists of the following fields:

VersionInteger (1, 2 or 3)

Serial numberOwn and unique integer

Signature algorithm IDIdentificator of the signature algorithm and the optional parameters

Issuer nameSome information about the issuer: country, locality, state or province, street, organization, organizational unit, common name, e-mail, etc.

Validity periodTwo dates: not valid before and not valid after

Page 9: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

X.509 Certificate

Subject nameAs issuer name (country, locality, state or province, street, organization, organizational unit, common name, e-mail, etc).

Subject public key The certificated public key; key algorithms: ECDSA, Diffie Hellman, DSA, RSA.

Issuer unique identifier Versions 2 and 3 only

Subject unique identifierVersions 2 and 3 only

ExtensionsVersion 3 only

Signature on the above fieldsUsing private key of the issuer

Page 10: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.


CriticalIf it is impossible

performing the extension, the certificate is refused

Not CriticalIf it is impossible

performing the extension, the extension is ignored


Page 11: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.


AuthorityKeyIdentifier indicate which is issuer public key corrisponding at the private key used for signing,ever not critic.

BasicConstraints used only in a CA Certificates, how deep a certification path, if the deep is 0 it’s a CA leader certificate, ever critic.

CertificatePolicies some phrases insert by the issuer.

CRLDistributionPoints how find informations about distribution points and the reason, ever not critic.

IssuerAltName alternative name for the issuer.

SubjectAltName alternative name for the issuer, critic if the subject is null.

Page 12: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.


NameConstraints a name space within which all subject names in subsequent certificates in a certification path, can been indicated restrictions to some subject name or subject alternative names, if no name of the type is in the certificate it’s acceptable, it’s possible make restrictions on host or domain, minimun number is 0 and the maximun is absent, used only in CA certificate and ever critic.

KeyUsage the purpose of the key in the certificate: digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment, keyAgreement, keyCertSign, cRLSign, encipherOnly, decipherOnly; ever critic.Ex. if the public key is used only for signing, digitalSignature and nonRepudiation must be setted true.

ExtendedKeyUsage some addition to or in place of the basic purposes of the KeyUsage.

Page 13: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.


SubjectKeyIdentifierobtained applying SHA-1 at the certicate public key, recommended, ever not critic.

SubjectDirectoryAttributes another subject informations, ever not critic.

PolicyMappings used in CA certificate for mapping the issuer policy with the subject policy making the issuer equal to the subject, not critic if it’s a CA certicate.

PolicyConstraints constrains path validation to prohibit policy mapping or require that each certificate in a path contains an acceptable policy identifier.

Page 14: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Qualified Certificate

Extension of the X.509 certificate

Identify the subject with an high level of security preventing repudiation

Must contain the extensions: •BiometricInformation•CertificatePolicies•KeyUsage•QualifiedCertificateStatements•SubjectDirectoryAttributes

Page 15: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

QC Extensions

BiometricInformationholds the hash value corresponding to some specific biometric information which itsself is not included but may be referenced by means of an URI.

QualifiedCertificateStatements statements about qualified certificate, ex: restrictions on CA's liability, certificate issued in accordance with a particular legal system.

Page 16: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Certificate Authority

Any trusted administration able to issue certificates assuring the subject identity

and which is his public key.

Exist a hierarchy of Cas

CA certificate lower level CAsLow level CA release low assurance certificatesHigh level CA release high assurance certificates


Page 17: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Italian CAs

The candidate company must present the request and 58 documents (legal, administrative, econimic, security planning, operation planning).

AIPA (Autorità per l'Informatica nella Pubblica Amministrazione) is the italian authority, born with the law 12 February 1993, no.39, to release the permission to a company to issuing certificates.

20 march2001

7 CA known by AIPAS.I.A. S.p.A. (27/01/2000) …Seceti S.p.A. (06/07/2000)

Page 18: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Certificate Revocation List

A list of certificates revoked before their expiration date.

The causes are: certificated public key compromised certificate subject changedCA’s private key compromised

A CRL is maintained by a CA.

The CRLs are downloadable by verifiers from CAs or central repositories, or CAs send CRLs to verifiers at regular intervals.

When the certificate expires, it’s cancelled from the CRL.

Page 19: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Java Packages

Page 20: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.


Java Code Example


import java.util.*;import java.security.*;import javax.crypto.*;import iaik.x509.*;import iaik.x509.extensions.*;import iaik.asn1.*;import iaik.asn1.structures.*;

public class CertificateExample{ public static void main(String[] args){ Security.addProvider(new iaik.security.provider.IAIK());

X509Certificate cert = new X509Certificate();

KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(“RSA”, "IAIK"); kpg.initialize(1024, new SecureRandom()); KeyPair kp = generator.generateKeyPair(); ….

Page 21: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.




Java Code Example

…. Name issuer = new Name(); issuer.addRDN(ObjectID.country, “IT"); issuer.addRDN(ObjectID.organization ,“CRS4"); issuer.addRDN(ObjectID.commonName,

“CRS4 Certificate");

Vector extensions = new Vector(); extensions.addElement(new KeyUsage( KeyUsage.digitalSignature | KeyUsage.decipherOnly));

GregorianCalendar dateStart = new GregorianCalendar(); GregorianCalendar dateStop = new GregorianCalendar(); dateStart.add(Calendar.DATE, -1); dateStop.add(Calendar.MONTH, 6); ….

Page 22: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.


Java Code Example

…. cert.setSerialNumber(java.math.BigInteger.valueOf(1)); cert.setIssuerDN(issuer); cert.setSubjectDN(issuer); cert.setPublicKey(kp.getPublic()); cert.setValidNotBefore(dateStart.getTime()); cert.setValidNotAfter(dateStop.getTime()); cert.addExtension(extensions[0]); cert.sign(AlgorithmID.sha1WithRSAEncryption, kp.getPrivate()); …. }}

Page 23: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Microsoft, Netscape & Certificates

Microsoft Windows 2000Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5Microsoft Outlook Express 5.5

Netscape Navigator 4.75Netscape Messenger 4.75

Page 24: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Microsoft, Netscape and Certificates

Page 25: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Microsoft, Netscape and Certificates

Page 26: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Microsoft, Netscape and Certificates

Page 27: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Microsoft, Netscape and Certificates

Page 28: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Microsoft, Netscape and Certificates

Microsoft Internet Explorer ignores the html tag<keygen>,

own of Netscape

Page 29: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Microsoft, Netscape and Certificates

Page 30: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Microsoft, Netscape and Certificates

Page 31: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Microsoft, Netscape and Certificates

Page 32: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Microsoft, Netscape and Certificates

Page 33: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Microsoft, Netscape and Certificates

Page 34: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Microsoft, Netscape and Certificates

Page 35: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Microsoft, Netscape and Certificates

Page 36: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Microsoft, Netscape and Certificates

Page 37: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Microsoft, Netscape and Certificates

Page 38: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Microsoft, Netscape and Certificates

Netscape knows CA certificates from user certificates because, before to send the certificate, it’s sent own content-type:

application/x-x509-ca-cert for CA certificate

application/x-x509-user-cert for user certificate

Page 39: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Microsoft, Netscape and Certificates

Page 40: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Microsoft, Netscape and Certificates

Page 41: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Microsoft, Netscape and Certificates

Page 42: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.

Bibliography• RSA Security Faqs

http://www.rsasecurity.com/rsalabs/faq• Public Key Infrastructure


• Ferragina, Luccio, Appunti di crittografia, Università degli Studi di Pisa

- Dipartimento di Informatica, settembre 2000

• IAIK-JCE 2.61 Reference

http://jcewww.iaik.tu-graz.ac.at• International Telecommucation Unit -Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T)


Page 43: Certification Andrea Piras piras@crs4.it Contents Brief Overview of Asymmetric Cryptography What is certification? X.509 X.509 Certificate Extensions.


• RFC3039 - Qualified Certificate Profileftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc3039.txt

• RFC2459 - Certificate and CRL Profile http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2459.txt

• AIPA - Autorità per l'Informatica nella Pubblica Amministrazione http://www.aipa.ithttp://www.aipa.it/servizi[3/normativa[4/circolari[2/aipacr22.asp