KENYA TRADE NETWORK AGENCY (KENTRADE)  Simplifyin g Trade Processes For Kenya’s Competitiveness  OPENING SPEECH BY MR ALEX KABUGA DURING THE DEVELOPMENT OF STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOPS) WORKSHOP BY PARTNER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES ON MARCH 10, 2014 AT LAKE NAIVASHA COUNTY CLUB, NAIVASHA  Distinguished participants  Ladies and Gentlemen Good Morning! It gives me great pleasure to welcome all of you this morning to the “STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOPS) WORKSHOP “jointly organized by KenTrade and International Finance Corporation (IFC). The objective of the workshop is to develop SOPs for the Partner Government Agencies (PGAs) for the Kenya TradeNet System. Let me first take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to you for finding time out of your busy schedule and to turn up for this workshop. This is a clear indication of the importance that you attach to the implementation of the Kenya TradeNet System and your relationship with KenTrade. As you are no doubt aware, the Kenya TradeNet System was officially launched by President Paul Kagame of Rwanda in the presence of H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta and other regional leaders. This was after 2 years of a series of sensitization workshop, training on how to use System, Business process re  engineering of which many of you here with us today were part of. To this end, we are sincerely grateful to each one of you and those who may have not made it to this particular workshop for your tireless effort and support that has made KenTrade to reach this far.



    Simplifying Trade Processes For Kenyas Competitiveness





    Distinguished participants

    Ladies and Gentlemen

    Good Morning!

    It gives me great pleasure to welcome all of you this morning to the


    organized by KenTrade and International Finance Corporation (IFC). The

    objective of the workshop is to develop SOPs for the Partner Government

    Agencies (PGAs) for the Kenya TradeNet System.

    Let me first take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to you for

    finding time out of your busy schedule and to turn up for this workshop. This

    is a clear indication of the importance that you attach to the implementation

    of the Kenya TradeNet System and your relationship with KenTrade.

    As you are no doubt aware, the Kenya TradeNet System was officially

    launched by President Paul Kagame of Rwanda in the presence of H.E

    President Uhuru Kenyatta and other regional leaders. This was after 2 years

    of a series of sensitization workshop, training on how to use System, Business

    process re engineering of which many of you here with us today were part

    of. To this end, we are sincerely grateful to each one of you and those who may

    have not made it to this particular workshop for your tireless effort and

    support that has made KenTrade to reach this far.

  • You may also be aware that implementation of the Kenya TradeNet System

    has adopted a phased approached based on specific modules used by various

    stakeholders. I am happy to inform you that currently the following modules

    are live in the System: Impending Arrival Report , Manifest Import Declaration

    Form, Payment Gateway and Permits issued by the following Fifteen Partner

    Government Agencies involved in Phase 1 and 2 namely:

    1. Kenya Revenue Authority

    2. Kenya Bureau of Standards

    3. Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services

    4. Pharmacy and Poisons Board

    5. Port Health

    6. Department of Veterinary Services

    7. Horticultural Crops Development Authority Kenya Wildlife Service

    8. Kenya Dairy Board

    9. Kenya Sugar Board

    10. Coffee Board Kenya

    11. National Bio-Safety Authority

    12. Pest Control & Produce Board

    13. Mining & Geological Department

    14. Radiation & Protection Board

    I am aware that you have been working hard to train and configure the Kenya TradeNet System in line with your organizations procedures and requirements for the last few months and that the following Partner Government Agencies are now ready to commence piloting of the System:

    1. Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority - Tea Directorate

    2. Central Firearms Bureau

    3. Nursing Council of Kenya

    4. Anti-Counterfeit Agency

    5. Kenya National Police Service

    6. Kenya National Chamber of Commerce & Industry

    7. Ethics and Anti-Corruption Authority

  • 8. NEMA

    9. OGEFREM

    10. Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board

    One of the key components of operationalization of any System is the

    development and use of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). SOPs assist

    users to efficiently operate the System. Prior to roll out of the Phase 1A

    modules, stakeholders developed and approved SOPs for the System.

    Today you are gathered here to carry out this very critical exercise of

    developing SOPs for use by the end users in your organizations. May I take

    this opportunity to remind you that the success of the roll out of the System in

    your organizations depends entire on your individual contribution (As a

    subject expert) and that; stakeholders will entirely depend on you for

    guidance. Please put your best foot forward as you undertake this critical


    Please remember that implementation of the Kenya TradeNet System is at a

    critical stage that requires total involvement of our stakeholders. To this end,

    with support that we received from the International Finance Corporation

    (IFC), we have embarked on developing SOPs that will ensure that our

    stakeholders fully understand the operation of the System.

    Today's workshop has therefore been designed specifically to enable you to

    come up with SOPs for PGAs in Phase 3 of the System.

    As I conclude ladies and gentlemen, I urge you to be open, contribute your

    views positively and work with your colleagues to come up with a document

    that will spearhead the roll out of Kenya TradeNet System in the next phase.

    Finally, I wish to thank the International Finance Corporation for sponsoring

    this workshop and your Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) for releasing you to

    participate in this workshop.

  • I thank you and may God Bless you all.