centres de vaccination contre la fièvre jaune yellow-fever vaccinating centres


Transcript of centres de vaccination contre la fièvre jaune yellow-fever vaccinating centres

^ " ^ C E N T R E S D E V A C C I N A T I O N
Situation au 29 novembre 1968
Y E L L O W - F E V E R V A C C I N A T I N G
Situation as on 29 November 1968
Les renseignements fournis dans celte publication sont valables à la date de sa parution. Ils doivent être tenus à Jour à l'aide des notes publiées à cet effet dans le Relevé épidémiologique hebdomadaire.
Prière d'envoyer toutes remarques ou questions concernant la présente publication à l'adresse suivante:
Service de la Surveillance épidémiologique et de la Quarantaine Organisation mondiale de la Santé
1211 Genève
Télex 22335
The information given in this publication is valid on the date of issue. It should be kept up
to date with the notes of amendments published in the Weekly Epidemiological Record.
Any comments or questions concerning this publication should be addressed to:
Epidemiological Surveillance and Quarantine Unit World Health Organization
1211 Geneva
Situation au 29 novembre 1968
Situation as on 29 November 1968
Centres habilités par les adminis­ trations sanitaires à délivrer des certificats internationaux de vacci­ nation contre la fièvre jaune
Instituts préparant un vaccin anti­ amaril agréé par l ' O M S
Centres designated by health adminis­ trations for the issue of international certificates of vaccination against yellow fever
Institutes manufacturing yellow-fever vaccines approved by W H O
• - 2 -
A V A N T - P R O P O S
Le Règlement sanitaire international stipule que le certificat international de vaccination contre la fièvre jaune n'est valable que si le vaccin employé a été approuvé par l'Organi­ sation mondiale de la Santé et si le centre de vaccination a été habilité par l'administration sanitaire du territoire dans lequel ce centre est situé.
L a liste des vaccins approuvés par l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé figure à la page 45. l^s noms des centres et, dans certains cas, des vaccinateurs habilités sont publiés ci-après, conformément aux notifications reçues des administrations sanitaires.
Tous les certificats internationaux de vaccination ou de revaccination contre la fièvre jaune, y compris les certificats délivrés avant le I""' janvier 1966 (date d'entrée en vigueur du Règlement additionnel de 1965) et ceux qui ont été délivrés par un centre supprimé par la suite de la liste des centres de vaccination habilités, restent valables pendant dix ans.
The International Sanitary Regulations provide that an international certificate of
vaccination against yellow fever is valid only if the vaccine used has been approved by the
World Health Organization and if the vaccinating centre has been designated by the health
administration for the territory in which that centre is situated.
The list of vaccines approved by the World Health Organization is given on page 45.
The names of designated vaccinating centres, and in a few instances of vaccinators, are pub­
lished below, in accordance with the notifications received from health administrations.
A l l international certificates of vaccination or revaccination against yellow fever,
including those issued prior to 1 January 1966 (date of entry-into-force of the Additional
Regulations of 1965) and those issued by a centre, which subsequently has been deleted
from the list of designated vaccinating centres, remain valid for ten years.
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Afrique du Sud South Africa
Tout fonctionnaire médical du Ministère Any of the following medical officers de l'Hygiène des catégories suivantes, of the Department of Health stationed at stationné dans l'un des centres indiqués the centres listed below: ci-après:
District Surgeons Government Pathologists Medical Inspectors Medical Officers of Health Port Health Officers Regional Director andjet Assistant Regional Director, State Health Services
Belleville Kimberly Piet Retief
Benoni Klerksdorp Port Elizabeth
Durban Neispruit Tzaneen
Johannesburg: South African Railway Sick Fund, Headquarters, Director of Medical Services,
South African Railways, Health and Industrial Welfare Section, Headquar­ ters, Director of Health Services
Umtata: Tembuland Hospital, Medical Superintendent
Les militaires suivants : The following military officers :
Commanding Officer, No. 1 South African Military Hospital, Voortrekkerhoogte, Pretoria Commanding Officer, No . 2 South African Military Hospital, Wynberg, Cape Deputy Assistant Surgeon-General, Natal Command, Durban
Algérie Algeria
Constantine: Hôpital militaire Laveran
Allemagne, République fédérale d'
Emden : Essen:
Institut fiir Hygiene und Arbeitsmedizin des Universitâtsklinikums (Zulassung Nr. 6)
Hygiene-Institut der Universitat D r Walburga Spannaus, Grabenstrasse 35 (Zulassung Nr. 7) Bernhard-Nocht-lnstitut fiir Schiffs- und Tropenkrankheiten Hafenarztlicher Dienst, Seewartenstrasse 9 a Impfanstalt, Hinrichsenstrasse I Dr W. Sander, Karpfangerstrasse 19
(Hamburg Vaccinating Centre No. 4) Dr K . Sievers, Vorsetzen 49 (Hamburg Vaccinating Centre No. 5) D r G . A . Staudinger, Ferdinandstrasse 58
(Hamburg Vaccinating Centre No. 7) Staatliche Impfanstalt
— 5 —
Allemagne, République fédérale d' (suite) Federal Republic of Germany (contd.)
Hygiene-Institut der Universitat
Dr F . Fruhwein, Maximiliansplatz 23 (Bavaria Vaccinating Centre No. I)
Prof Dr A . Herrlich, Zamboninistrasse 19 (Bavaria Vaccinating Centre No. 2)
Dr K . Herrligkoffer, Plinganserstrasse 120 A (Bavaria Vaccinating Centre No. 3)
Dr E. Holthausen, Graf-Lehndorff-Strasse 11 (Bavaria Vaccinating Centre No. 4)
Dr E. Holzer, Kolner Platz 1 (Bavaria Vaccinating Centre No. 13) Dr P. N . Kessler, Komwegerstrasse 3 (Bavaria Vaccinating Centre
No. 14) Dr H . H . Langen, Rotdornstrasse 5 (Bavaria Vaccinating Centre
No. 16) Prof Dr G . Mollier, Elektrastr. 67 (Bavaria Vaccinating Centre No. 5) Max v. Pettenkofer-Institut fiir Hygiene und medizinische Mikrobio­
logie der Universitat (Bavaria Vaccinating Centre No. 6) Dr E. Sommerfeld, Dachauerstrasse 90 (Bavaria Vaccinating Centre
No. 15) Prof Dr H . Stickl, A m Neudeck 1 (Bavaria Vaccinating Centre No. 7) Prof. Dr D. Vogt, Pettenkoferstrasse 8a (Bavaria Vaccinating Centre
No. 8) Hygiene-Institut der Universitat (Zulassung Nr. 8) Hygienisches Institut der Stadt (Bavaria Vaccinating Centre No. 10) Dr R. Hirsch, Konigstrasse 32 (Bavaria Vaccinating Centre No. 9) Staatliches Institut fiir Hygiene und Infektionskrankheiten Gesundheitsamt (Baden-Wiirttemberg Vaccinating Centre No. N W 1) Tropenheim Paul-Lechler-Krankenhaus (Baden-Wiirttemberg Vacci­
nating Centre No. S W H II) Tropenmedizinisches Institut der Universitat (Baden-Wiirttemberg
Vaccinating Centre No. S W H 1) Dr P. Kobke, Olhafen (Niedersachsen Vaccinating Centre No. A u 1) Farbenfabriken Bayer A G , Arztliche Abteilung-Impfstation (Zu­
lassung Nr. 9) Institut fiir Hygiene und Mikrobiologie der Universitat (Bavaria
Vaccinating Centre No. 11) Missionsârztliche Klinik (Bavaria Vaccinating Centre No. 12)
Allemagne orientale Eastern Germany
Berlin: Regierungspoliklinik, Leipzigerstrasse 5-7
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Hafenarzt :
Delegado de Saùde: Bailundo Benguela Caâla Cabinda Camacupa Capelongo Cela Dondo Gabela Ganda Ganguelas
Lobito Luanda Malange Maquela do Zombo Menongue Moçâmedes Nôqui Nova Lisboa Novo Redondo Porto Alexandre Porto Amboim
Quibala Sâ da Bandeira S. Antônio do Zaire S. Salvador do Congo Saurimo Silva Porto Uige Vila Luso
Vila Pereira d'Eça Vila Salazar
Vila Teixeira de Sousa
Public Health Service — Gezondheidsdients
Lago Oil and Transport Co., Ltd, Medical Department, Medical or/ou Acting Director
Dr A . F. Dussenbroek (General Practitioner)
Public Health Service, Acting Chief — Geneeskundige Dienst Royal Dutch Airlines, Medical Department — Medische Dienst
K . L . M .
(General Practitioners)
Shell Curaçao Ltd C .S .M neeskundige Dienst
Dr J. H . Beckers D r J. W. van der Kraan D r A . R . Perret-Gentil D r Ch. F. Winkel D r A . A . M . Zwager
Government Medical Officer — Gouvemments-Geneeskundige: Bonaire St Eustatius Saba
St Maarten
Arabie Saoudite
Dahran : Jeddah:
Saudi Arabia
Quarantine Department, Sanitary Station
Buenos-Aires: Direcciôn de Sanidad de Fronteras y Transportes, Secretaria de Salud Piiblica de la Naciôn
Le Ministère fédéral de la Santé (par l'intermédiaire de ses services division­ naires dans chaque état)
The Commonwealth Health Depart­ ment (through its Divisional Offices in each state)
Autriche Austria
Graz: Amt der Steiermarkischen Landesregierung, Radetzkystrasse 15 Innsbruck: Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung, Landhaus Klagenfurt : Amt der Kamtner Landesregierung, Amulfplatz 1 Linz: Amt der Oberosterr. Landesregierung, Harrachstrasse \6a Salzburg: Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung, Chiemseehof Wien: Amt der Niederosterr. Landesregierung, Herrengasse 11
Bundesstaatliche Impfstoffgewinnungsanstalt, Possingergasse 38 Hygiene-Institut der Universitat, Kinderspitalgasse 15 l A E A - U N I D O Joint Medical Service, Vienna Magistrat der Stadt, Mag. Abt. 15, Gonzagagasse 23
Bahamas Bahamas
Grand Bahama: Freeport Authority West End Medical Officer of Health Chief Medical Officer Nassau :
Harbour Island
Bahrein Bahrain
Barbade, La
— 8 —
Institut de Médecine tropicale
Section des Maladies tropicales de la Direction générale des Services de Santé
Centre médical du Ministère des AflFaires étrangères, rue Bréderode 9
Sabena, Service médical Section de Médecine tropicale de la Direction générale des Services
de Santé
Aracaju (Sergipe)
Belo Horizonte e Uberaba (Minas Gérais)
Boa Vista (Rio Branco)
Curitiba (Paranâ) Florianôpolis (Santa Catarina) Fortaleza (Cearâ) Goiânia (Goiâs) Joâo Pessoa (Paraîba) Macapâ (Amapâ)
Maceiô (Alagoas) Manaus (Amazonas) Natal (Rio Grande do Norte) Niterôi (Rio de Janeiro)
Pôrto Alegre e Santa Maria (Rio Grande
do Sul) Pôrto Velho (Rondônia) Recife (Pernambuco) Rio Branco (Acre) Rio de Janeiro (Guanabara) Salvador e Ilhéus (Bahia) Sào Luiz (Maranhâo) Sào Paulo e Santos (Sào Paulo) Teresina (Piaui) Vitôria (Espirito Santo)
Rio de Janeiro: Inspetoria de Saùde do Porto, Praça Maréchal Âncora
— 10 —
Montreal Inter­ national Airport:
Regina (Sask.):
St John's, (Newfoundland) :
Sydney (N. S.):
Victoria (B. C ) :
Department of Veterans Affairs, Colonel Belcher Hospital, Senior Treatment Medical Officer
Department of Veterans Affairs, Colonel Mewburn Pavilion, Uni­ versity of Alberta Hospital, Senior Treatment Medical Officer
Halifax Clinic, Medical Services, Pier 21, Medical Officer in charge Canadian National Railway Medical Clinic, 935 Lagauchetiere, West Montreal Clinic, Medical Services, 150 St Paul Street, West, Medical
Officer in charge
Quarantine Service, Dorval, P.Q., Medical Officer in charge Ottawa Bureau, Medical Services, No. 3 Temporary Building, Welling­
ton Street Department of National Health and Welfare, Quarantine Service Quebec Clinic, Medical Services, Champlain Harbour Station,
Wolfe's Cove, P. Q., Medical Officer in charge Department of Veterans Affairs, Motherwell Building, Corner Vic­
toria and Rose Streets, Senior Treatment Medical Officer Department of National Health and Welfare, Quarantine Service St John Clinic, Medical Services, Immigration Building, West Saint
John, Medical Officer in charge St John's Clinic, Medical Services, Federal Building, North Druck­
worth Street, Medical Officer in charge Sydney Clinic, Medical Service, 63 Chariotte Street, Medical Officer
in charge
Quarantine Service, Malton, Ont., Medical Oflîcer in charge Quarantine Medical Officer, 18 Crown Street
Vancouver Clinic, Medical Services, Immigration Building, Foot of Burrard Street, Medical Officer in charge
Victoria Clinic, Medical Services, 816 Government Street, Medical Officer in charge
Medical Services, 705 Commercial Building, 169 Pioneer Avenue, Regional Medical Officer
Les certificats de vaccination délivrés par les centres indiqués ci-dessus portent le timbre du National Health and Welfare Quarantine Service, Canada, avec l'indi­ cation du nom de la ville dans laquelle le centre est situé.
Vaccination certificates issued at the above centres will bear the stamp of the Department of National Health and Welfare, Quarantine Service, Canada, with the addition of the name of the city wherein the centre is located.
Cap Vert, Des du Cape Verde Islands
Delegado de Saùde: Praia S. Vicente Sal
Antofagasta: Jefatura Zonal Concepciôn: Centro de Salud Concepciôn
Magallanes: Centro de Salud Punta Arenas Santiago : Centro de Salud San Borja, Vacunatorio Intemacional Valparaiso: Centro Salud Almendral
Centro Salud Vifia del Mar
Chine (Taiwan) China (Taiwan)
Sanidad Portuaria Instituto Nacional de Salud Direcciôn Departamental de Higiene y Centro de Higiene Sanidad Portuaria Direcciôn Departamental de Higiene Sanidad Portuaria Direcciôn Departamental de Higiene y Centro de Higiene Secretaria de Higiene
Comores, Des Comoro Islands
Anjouan : Grande Comore: Mayotte: Moheli:
Hôpital de Nombo Hôpital de Moroni Hôpital de Dzaoudzi Hôpital de Fomboni
Congo (Brazzaville) Congo (Brazzaville)
Brazzaville : Infirmerie de Garnison
Dolisie: Service des Grandes Endémies, Secteur opérationnel Pointe-Noire: Service urbain d'Hygiène
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Baudouinville Kamina Lubumbashi
Boma Kasenga Luluabourg
Bukavu Kikwit Matadi
Gandajika Kisangani Mbandaka
Goma Kolwezi Mbuji-Mayi
Gemena Kindu
Kinshasa: Aéroport de Ndji l i , Service de Quarantaine Beach Fima, Service de Quarantaine Centre médical Air-Congo Cliniques universitaires de Lovanium
Institut d'Hygiène Marcel Wanson Lubumbaschi : Cliniques universitaires
Côte d'Ivoire
Port of Havana, Secciôn de Cuarantenas
Marselisborg Hospital
(Statens Seruminstitut, Regional Laboratory, County Hospital)
— 13 —
El Salvador El Salvador
San Salvador: Direcciôn General de Salud, Oficina de Vacunaciôn, Calle Arce 827
Equateur Ecuador
Espagne Spain
Barcelona Mâlaga Tenerife
Cartagena Santander Vigo
Madrid: Escuela Nacional dc Sanidad Instituto Provincial de Sanidad
Etats-Unis d'Amérique United States of America
/ . Centres de vaccination du U.S. Public Health Service
I. Centres of the U.S. Public Health Service
Alameda (Cal i f ) : Atlanta (Ga.): Baltimore (Md.): Bethesda (Md.): Boston (Mass.): Brownsville (Texas): Buffalo (N. Y . ) : Cape M a y ( N . J.): Charleston (S. C ) : Chicago (111.):
U.S. Coast Guard Base, Government Island U.S. Public Health Service Outpatient Clinic U.S. Public Health Service Hospital Employee Health Service, Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health
U.S. Public Health Service Hospital
U.S. Quarantine Station U.S. Public Health Service Outpatient Clinic U.S. Coast Guard Receiving Center
U.S. Public Health Service Outpatient Clinic U.S. Public Health Service Outpatient Clinic
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Centres de vaccination du U.S. Public Health Service (suite)
/. Centres of the U.S. Public Health Service (contd.)
Cleveland (Ohio): Detroit (Mich.): E l Paso (Texas) : Galveston (Texas) : Hamilton (Mont.): Honolulu (Hawaii): Houston (Texas): Jacksonville (Fla.): Memphis (Tenn.): Miami (Fla.): Mobile (Ala.): New Ix)ndon
(Conn.): New Orleans (L^a.) ; New York City
(N. v.): Norfolk (Va.): Philadelphia
(Pa.): Pittsburgh (Pa.): Port Arthur (Texas): Portland (Maine) : Portland (Oreg.): St Louis (Mo.): San Diego (Calif.): San Francisco
(Cal i f ) : San Pedro (Calif.): Savannah (Ga.): Seattle (Wash.): Tampa (Fla.): Washington ( D . C ) : Yorktown (Va.):
U.S. Public Health Service Outpatient Clinic U.S. Public Health Service Hospital U.S . Quarantine Station, Santa Fe Street Bridge U.S. Public Health Service Hospital Rocky Mountain Laboratory U.S. Public Health Service Outpatient Clinic
U.S. Public Health Service Outpatient Clinic U.S. Public Health Service Outpatient Clinic U.S. Public Health Service Outpatient Clinic
U.S. Public Health Service Outpatient Clinic U.S. Public Health Service Outpatient Clinic
U.S. Coast Guard Academy
LI.S. Public Health Service Outpatient Clinic U.S. Public Health Service Hospital
U.S. Public U.S. Public U.S. Public U.S. Public U.S. Public U.S. Public U.S. Public
Health Health Health Health Health Health Health
Service Service Service Service Service Service Service
Outpatient Outpatient Outpatient Outpatient Outpatient Outpatient Outpatient
Clinic Clinic Clinic Clinic Clinic Clinic Clinic
U.S. Public Health Service
U.S. Public Health Service
U.S. Public Health Service
U.S. Public Health Service
U.S. Public Health Service
U.S. Public Health Service
U.S. Coast Guard Reserve
/ / . Private, local and State health department centres
Akron (Ohio): 73 — Health Department Albany (N . Y . ) : 97 — New York State Department of Health, Division of Labora­
tories and Research Albuquerque (N . Mex.) : 7 — Lovelace Clinic Alexandria (La): 245 — Alexandria-Rapids Parish Health Unit Amarillo (Texas): 134 — Amarillo Bi-City-County Health Unit
— 15 —
Etats-Unis d'Amérique (suite) United States of America (contd.)
II. Centres de vaccination privés, municipaux II. Private, local and State health ou d'un Etat (suite) department centres (contd.)
205 — University of Texas, Student Health Service
Baltimore (Md.): 51 — Esso Shipping Co.
144 — Seafarers' Baltimore Medical Clinic
Bartlesville (Okla.): 61 — Phillips Petroleum Co.
Baton Rouge (La.): 238 — East Baton Rouge Parish Health Unit
Beaumont (Texas): 113 — Jefferson County Health Department
Berkeley (Cal i f ) : 129 — Cowell Memorial Hospital, Student Health Service, Uni­Berkeley (Cal i f ) : versity of California
Birmingham (Ala.): 95 — Jefferson County Health Department
Bisbee (Ariz.): 249 — Cochise County Health Department
Boise (Idaho) : 63 — City-County Health Department
Boston (Mass.): 174 — Logan International Airport, Medical Station of the Massa­Boston (Mass.): chusetts General Hospital
Bozeman (Mont.): 165 — Gallatin County Health Department
Brooklyn (N.Y.) : 8 — Farrell Lines Inc.
75 — Seafarers' Welfare Plan
Chapel H i l l (N.C.): 228 — District Health Department
Charleston (W.Va.): 58 — Kanawha Charleston County Health Department
Charlotte (N.C.): 14 — Mecklenburg County Health Department
Chattanooga (Tenn.): 154 — Chattanooga-Hamilton County Department
Cheverly (Md.): 261 — Prince George's County Health Department
Chicago (111.): 49 — Clearing Industrial Emergency Hospital Inc.
225 — Roosvelt University Health Service
191 — United Air Lines Medical Department, O'Hare Field Station
Cincinnati (Ohio): 27 — Twelfth Street Health Center
Clemson (S.C.): 162 — Clemson College, Student Health Service
Cocoa Beach (Fla.): 193 — TWA/Kennedy Space Center, Occupational Health Facility
Colorado Springs (Colo.): 240 — City-County Health Department
Columbia (Mo.): 37 — University of Missouri, Student Health Service
Corpus Christi (Tex.) : : 57 — Corpus Christi-Nueces County Health Unit
Dallas (Texas): 15 — City Health Department
Davis (Calif.): 216 — University of California, Cowell Student Health Center
Dayton (Ohio): 116 — Division of Health
Dearborn (Mich.): 86 — Ford Motor Co.
— 16 —
II. Centres de vaccination privés, municipaux ou d'un Etat (suite)
No .
Durham (N.C.): 83
Elkhart (Ind.): 34
Enid (Okla.): 252
Erie (Pa.): 186
Fort Worth (Texas): 44 258
Freeport (Texas) : 120
Fresno (Cal.) : 239
II. Private, local and State health department centres (contd.)
— Tidewater Oil Company Medical Department — Denver Department of Health and Hospitals, Disease Control
Service — Des Moines-Polk County Health Department — Henry Ford Hospital — Duluth Clinic — Duke Medical Private Diagnostic Clinic, Duke University
Medical Center — Olin Memorial Health Center, Michigan State University — imperial County Health Center — Elkhart County Health Unit — Garfield County Health Department — County Health Department — City Health Department — Cumberland County Health Department — Marathon Oil Co. — Coconino County Health Department — Esso Research and Engineering Co., Medical Division — Broward County HeaUh Department — Department of Public Health and Welfare
— American Airlines, Greater Southwest International Airport
— Freeport Medical and Surgical Clinic
— County Health Department
— Alachua County Health Department
— Gaston County Health Department
— Harrison County Health Department
— Washington County Health Department
— American Export Isbrandtsen Lines Inc.
— National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Center Medical Office
— City Health Department — Clarke and Williamson Clinic for Magnet Cove Barrium Cor­
poration — Feagin Clinic —- Harris County Health Department — Houston Clinic — Humble Oil and Refining Co. — Kelsey-Seybold Clinic — Ledbetter Clinic
— 17 —
Etats-Unis d'Amérique (suite) United States of America (contd.)
II. Centres de vaccination privés, municipaux II. Private, local and State health ou d'un Etat (suite) department centres (contd.)
Houston (Texas): 170 — Methodist Hospital, Texas Medical Center
( suite — contd.) 47 — Milby Clinic 143 — Seafarers' Welfare Plan, Medical Department 146 — Tenneco Overseas Co. 69 — Texaco Inc., Health Division
125 — Withers Medical and Surgical Clinic
Huntington (W.Va.): 226 — Cabell-Huntington Health Department
Indianapolis (Ind.): 3 — Indiana University, Medical Center Clinic
lowa City (lowa): 81 — University Hospital, Student Health Service
Ithaca (N.Y. ) : 90 — Gannett Medical Clinic, Cornell University
Jackson (Miss.): 82 — Mississippi State Board of Health, Division of Preventable Jackson (Miss.): Disease Control
Jacksonville (Fia.): 224 — Industrial-Marine Medical Services
Jamaica (N.Y.) : 232 — American Airlines, Inc., Medical Department, J F K Interna­Jamaica (N.Y.) : tional Airport
55 — Eastern Ai r Lines Medical Department, Eastern Ai r Lines Terminal, J F K International Airport
10 — Pan American World Airways, Inc., J F K International Airport
12 — Trans World Airlines Inc., Medical Department, J F K Inter­ national Airport
Kalamazoo (Mich.): 137 — County Health Department
Kansas City (Mo.): 5 — Trans World Airlines, Inc.
Knoxville (Tenn.): 79 — Knox County Health Department
La Crosse (Wise): 100 — Gundersen Clinic
Lafayette (La.) : 248 — Lafayette Parish Health Unit
Lake Charles (La.): 246 — Calcasieu-Lake Charles Health Unit
Lansing (Mich.): 207 — Ingham County Health Department
Las Vegas (Nev.): 222 — Clark County District Health Department
Lawrence (Kans.): 139 — Watkins Memorial Hospital, University of Kansas, Student Lawrence (Kans.): Health Service
Lewiston (Idaho): 117 — North Central District Health Department
Lincoln University (Pa): 210 — Lincoln University
Linden (N.J.): 74 — Esso Research and Engineering Co.
Little Rock (Ark.): 41 — Arkansas State Health Department
Logan (Utah): 223 — Utah State University, Student Health Service
Los Angeles (Cal i f ) : 213 — California State College, Student Health Center
178 — University of California, Student Health Service
161 — White Memorial Hospital Clinical Laboratory
Louisville (Ky.): 101 — Louisville and Jefferson County Department of Health
Lynchburg (Va.): 135 — Bureau of Public Health
Madison (Wise): 19 — University Hospitals, Student Health Clinic
Marrero (La.): 126 — West Bank Surgical Clinic
Miami (Fla.): 111 — Eastern Ai r Lines Medical Department
30 — Pan American World Airways, Inc., Medical Department, Airport
Midland (Mich.): 140 — Midland City-County Health Department
— 18 —
Etats-Unis d'Amérique (suite) United States of America (contd.)
II. Centres de vaccination privés, municipaux II. Private, local and State health ou d'un Etat (suite) department centres (contd.)
Minneapolis (Minn.): 4 — University of Minnesota, Health Service
Missoula (Mont.): 233 — Missoula City-County Health Department
Mobile (Ala.): 50 147
104 — National Bulk Carriers
Montgomery (Ala.): 121 — State of Alabama Department of Public Health, Bureau of Preventable Diseases
Monroe (La.): 250 — Quachita Parish Health Unit
Morgan City (La.): 180 - Tidex, Inc.
Morgantown (W.Va.) : 153 — West Virginia University Health Service Nashua (N.H.) : 220 — Sanders Associates, Inc.
Nashville (Tenn.) : 77 — Metropolitan Health Department Newark Airport (N.J.) : : 159 — Medical Dispensary Building No. 5 New Haven (Conn.): 190 — City Health Department New Orleans (La.) : 122 — Browne-McHardy Clinic, Gravier Street Division
148 — Houston, Roy, Faust and Ewin Industrial Clinic 243 — Tulane University, School of Medicine, Immunization Clinic 127 — Seafarers' Welfare Plan, Medical Clinic
New Rochelle (N.Y.) : 262 — Public Health Department New York City (N.Y.) : 29 — American Export Lines, Inc., Medical Director, Pier 84
45 — California Texas Oil , Co., Ltd, Medical Department 201 — Columbia University Health Service
39 — Executive Health Examiners, Industrial Division
175 — International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation 46 — Isthmian Steamship Co., Medical Department
no — Maritime Medical Service 11 — Mobil Oil Corporation, Medical Department
118 — Moor-McCormack Lines, Inc. 9 — Norwegian Public Health Service
91 — Pepsi-Cola Co. 25 — Rockefeller Foundation, Medical and NaturaljSciences
20 — Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey), Medical Department 42 — C.V. Starr and Co., Inc., Medical Department
31 — Texaco, Inc., Health Division 59 — Time, Inc., Medical Department 71 — United Fruit Co.
107 — United Nations Health Service 157 — Washington Heights District Health Center, New York City
Health Department
Norman (Okla.): 215 University of Oklahoma, Student Health Service
Oberiin (Ohio): 194 — Oberiin College, Student Health Service
Odessa (Texas): 132 — Ector County Health Department
— 19 —
IL Centres de vaccination privés, municipaux ou d'un Etat (suite)
/ / . Private, local and State health department centres (contd.)
Oxford (Ohio): Pascagoula (Miss.): Paulsboro (N.J.): Pearl River (N.Y.) : Pensacola (Fia): Philadelphia (Pa.):
Phœnix (Ariz.): Pittsburgh (Pa.):
Provo (Utah): Pullman (Wash.): Richmond (Va.) :
Rochester (Minn.): Rochester (N.Y.) : Rockledge (Fla.):
Sacramento (Cal i f ) : Salisbury (Md.): Salt Lake City (Utah): San Antonio (Texas) :
San Bernardino (Calif.):
San Francisco (Calif.) :
San Luis Obispo (Cal i f ) :
San Pedro (Cal i f ) : Santa Ana (Cal i f ) :
184 — Miami University, Student Health Service 182 — Jackson County Health Department 36 — Mobil Oil Co., Medical Department 64 — American Cyanamid Co.
103 — Escamba County Health Department 67 — University of Pennsylvania Hospital, Department of Medicine
173 — Temple University Hospital 160 — Maricopa County Health Department
105 — University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public Health 80 — Gulf Oi l Corporation Clinic
112 — Southeastern District Health Department 199 — Portland State College, Student Health Service
197 — Isabella McCosh Infirmary, Princeton University 196 — Brown University Health Services
119 — Rhode Island Health Department, Communicable Disease Control Office
253 — Brigham Young University Student Health Center 145 — Washington State University, Student Health Service Clinic 141 — City Public Health Department
De mars au 13 juin 1962, ce centre a utilisé le cachet officiel suivant — From March to 13 June 1962, this centre used the following official stamp:
Official vaccination Virginia 450870550USA
Les certificats portant ce timbre et délivrés pendant cette période sont valables — Certificates bearing this stamp and delivered during the above period are valid.
164 — Mayo Clinic, Section of Clinical Pathology 99 — Strong Memorial Hospital
189 — Brevard County Health Department 202 — Sacramento State College, Student Health Service
166 — County Health Department 259 — Wicomico County Health Department
70 — University of Utah, College of Medicine 62 — Minter Clinic 84 — Petty Geophysical Co. Clinic
227 — County Health Department 167 — Seafarers International Union, Examination Clinic 123 — Pan American Airways, International Airport
92 — Overseas Medical Center 208 — San Francisco State College, Student Health Service 198 — San Jose State College, State Health Center 263 — Santa Clara County Health Department
150 — County Health Department 1 — Burns Steamship Co.
169 — Orange County Health Department
— 20 —
Spartanburg (S.C.): 242 Springfield (111.): 23 Syracuse (N.Y.) : 98 Tallahassee (Fia.): 106 Tempe (Ariz.): 206 Traverse City (Mich.): 172 Tucson (Ariz.): 138
Tulsa (Okla.): 255 Twin Falls (Idaho): 133 University Park
(N. Mex.): 158 University Park (Pa.): 131 Urbana (111.): 192 Valley Forge (Pa.): 156 Victoria (Texas): 188 Waltham (Mass.): 230 Washington ( D . C ) : 18
II. Private, local and State health department centres (contd.)
Wayne (N.J.): West AUis (Wise): White Plains (N.Y.) : Wichita Falls (Texas) Williamstown (Mass.) Wilmington (Del.):
Winston-Salem ( N . C ) :
General Electric Company, Industrial Clinic University of Washington, Hall Health Center Caddo-Shrcveport Health Unit County Health Department
First Aid Station, Illinois Public Health Department City Hospital
Leon County Health Department Palmcroft Medical Center Thirlby Clinic
Pima County Health Department City-County Health Department South Central District Health Department
Student Health Service Pennsylvania State University, Ritenour Health Center University of Illinois Health Center American Baptist Convention, Medical Department County Health Department Stonemann Infirmary, Brandeis University
18 — Department of State, Immunization CHnic 244 — Outpatient and School Health Services Clinic, Georgetown
University Medical Center 56 — American Cyanamid Co., Headquarters Medical Department
257 — Allis-Chalmers 136 — General Foods Corporation
; 221 — City-County Health Unit : 229 — Williams College Infirmary
35 — E . l . du Pont de Nemours and Co. Inc., Medical Division 185 — Hercules Powder Company, Medical Department
219 — Forsyth County Health Department
128 — Hospital of American Samoa, Department of Medical Services
32 — Community Health Center 33 — Community Health Center
214 — Peace Corps Medical Clinic
/ / / . Department of Defense
Le Directeur du Public Health Service des Etats-Unis a délégué aux Directeurs des Services de Santé de l'armée, de la marine et de l'aviation le droit d'habiliter leurs officiers médecins à délivrer des cer­ tificats internationaux de vaccination con­ tre la fièvre jaune.
The Surgeon General of the United States Public Health Service has delegated his authority to the Surgeons General of the Departments of the Army, Navy and A i r Force for their commissioned Medical Officers to issue international certificates of vaccination against yellow fever.
— 21 —
Institute of Turku University)
Montpellier: Nantes: Nice: Paris:
Rouen : Strasbourg: Toulon: Toulouse:
Hôpital d'Instruction des Armées Robert Picqué Sous-Centre Port de Bordeaux Hôpital des Armées Clermont-Tonnerre Centre hospitalier régional Hôpital des Armées Jean-Louis Centre hospitalier
Institut Pasteur Institut Pasteur Bureau municipal d'Hygiène Hôpital d'Instruction des Armées Laveran Institut Bouisson Bertrand Centre hospitalier régional Aéroport de Nice-Côte d'Azur, Bloc médico-social
Institut Pasteur U N E S C O , Service médical Centre hospitalier régional. Laboratoire central Institut d'Hygiène et de Bactériologie
Hôpital d'Instruction des Armées Sainte-Anne Centre hospitalier régional de Purpan
Institut Pasteur
Institut Pasteur
Institut Pasteur
— 22 —
Koforidua Kumasi Sunyani Takoradi
Centre sanitaire de l'Attique Service sanitaire de l'Aéroport Centre sanitaire d'Eraclion Centre sanitaire Service sanitaire du Port
Centre départemental de la Santé
Ambulance Secteur No 1 du Service des Grandes Endémies, Médecin-chef
Service d'Hygiène, Médecin-chef
Bes anglo-normandes
Guernsey: Jersey:
Channel Islands
Health Department, Lukis House Medical Officer of Health Public Health Committee Laboratory
— 24 —
Bombay: Port Health Organization Santa Cruz Airport, Health Office
Calcutta: Ail India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health Dum Dum Airport, Health Organization Port Health Organization
Cochin: Port Health Organization Damâo: Health Delegacy Delhi : Palam Airport, Health Organization
Public Health Laboratory, Municipal Corporation Diu: Health Centre Goa: Health Centre Hyderabad: Institute of Preventive Medicine Jamnagar: Irwin Hospital Kandla: Port Health Organization Kasauli: Central Research Institute Lucknow: Balrampur Hospital Madras: King Institute of Preventive Medicine Guindy
Port Health Organization, Port Health Officer, Assistant Port Health Officer orlou Assistant Airport Health Officer
Mormugâo: Maritime Health Station New Delhi: Armed Forces M.I. Room Porbandar: Office of the Civil Surgeon Visakhapatnam: Port Health Organization
Dr John Fleetwood, "Glenvera", Proby Square Health Authority, Chief Medical Officer, City Hall Military Hospital, Collins Barracks General Military Hospital, Curragh Training Camp
— 25 —
Our Lady of Lourdes International Missionary Training Hospital Irish Shipowners Association, 30 George's Quay St Bricin's Hospital
Trinity College, Department of Bacteriology, School of Pathology Dr Joseph Bernes, 47 Fitzwilliam Square Dr Ivor Hooper, 2 Mount Harold Terrace, Leinster Road Irish International Airlines Medical Centre County Medical Officer City Medical Officer
Airport Medical Officer
Ashkelon : Eilat: Haifa:
Jerusalem : Tel Aviv:
Government Health Unit Government Health Centre District Health Office of the Ministry of Health Seaport Quarantine Station, District Health Office of the Ministry of Health District Health Office of the Ministry of Health Lod Airport Quarantine Station
Ufficio sanitario provinciale. Medico provinciale Ufficio d'Igiene e Sanità, Ufficiale sanitario Ufficio sanitario provinciale. Medico provinciale Ufficio di Sanità marittima. Medico di Porto Ufficiale di Sanità marittima. Medico di Porto Ufficio sanitario provinciale. Medico provinciale Ufficiale di Sanità marittima Ufficio d'Igiene del Comune Capoluogo Ufficio sanitario provinciale. Medico provinciale Ufficio di Sanità marittima, Medico di Porto Ufficio sanitario provinciale. Medico provinciale Ufficio del Medico provinciale Ufficio di Sanità marittima. Medico di Porto Ufficio sanitario provinciale. Medico provinciale Aeroporto di Linate, Ufficio di Sanità aerea Ufficio d'Igiene del Comune Capoluogo Ufficio sanitario provinciale. Medico provinciale
— 26 —
Italy (contd.)
Savona: Torino:
Ufficio d'Igiene e Sanità, Ufficiale sanitario Ufficio di Sanità marittima. Medico di Porto Ufficio sanitario provinciale. Medico provinciale
Ufficio sanitario Ufficio sanitario Ufficio del Medico provinciale
Ufficio sanitario Alitalia, Servizio sanitario, Aeroporto Fiumicino F A O (Organisation pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture
Agriculture Organization), Ufficio sanitario Ufficio d'Igiene del Comune Capoluogo Ufficio di Sanità acrea. Medico di Aeroporto Ufficio quarentenario Ufficio sanitario Ufficio d'Igiene del Comune Capoluogo Ufficio sanitario provinciale. Medico provinciale Lloyd Triestino, Servizio sanitario Ufficio d'Igiene communale Ufficiale di Sanità marittima. Medico di Porto Ufficio sanitario provinciale. Medico provinciale Aeroporto della Malpensa, Ufficio di Sanità aerea Ufficiale di Sanità marittima. Medico di Porto Ufficio sanitario provinciale. Medico provinciale Ufficio sanitario
Food and
Ministry of Health, Epidemiological Section Comprehensive Health Centre, Slipe Pen Road Shipping Association, Medical Department University Hospital of the West Indies Medical Officer of Health
Miura City Tokyo International Airport Quarantine Station, Haneda-Anamori-
cho, Ota-ku Quarantine Station, Kaigandori, Naka-ku, Yokohama City
Jordanie ^ " ' ^
District Hospital Medical Officer of Health Provincial General Hospital Medical Officer of Health Government Medical Officer Provincial General Hospital Medical Officer of Health Airport (Port Reitz) Health Authority
Medical Officer of Health Port Health Authority Provincial General Hospital Airport (Embakasi) Health Authority Assistant Director of Laboratory Services, Ministry of Health City Medical Officer of Health County Council Medical Officer of Health
Kenyatta National Hospital County Council Medical Officer of Health Medical Officer of Health Provincial General Hospital Hospital Medical Officer of Health District Hospital
Mena-el-Ahmadi :
Centre de Vaccination pour les Certificats internationaux, Ministère de la Santé publique
Bureau of Public Health and Sanitation, Sub-Station
Bureau of Public Health and Sanitation, Sub-Station Firestone Plantations Company Bureau of Public Health and Sanitation Bureau of Public Health and Sanitation, Sub-Station
— 28 —
Preventive Health Centre Medical Officer deputized by the Director of Medical Service Municipality of Tripoli, Health Office Seaport Quarantine Centre
Hôpital :
Health Centre, Medical Officer of Health Cottage Hospital, Medical Officer in charge Duchess of Kent Hospital, Medical Officer in charge
General Hospital Laboratory
Institute of Medical Research, Virus Research Officer Institute of Medical Research, Senior Pathologist
— 29 —
Ministry of Health Headquarters
Sanitary Office Royal Naval Hospital (in respect of Admiralty and Admiralty civilian
personnel and their families)
Médecins-chefs des Unités (Unidad) et Centres (Centro) d'Hygiène et d'Assis­ tance (Salubridad y Asistencia) de l 'Admi­ nistration nationale d'Hygiène
Chief Medical Ofiîcers of Units (Uni­ dad) and Centres (Centro) of Health and Assistance (Salubridad y Asistencia) in the National Health Service
Les personnes qui, dans la Principauté, sollicitent la vaccination antiamarile sont invitées à se rendre à :
Toulon (France):
Persons in the Principality who desire to be vaccinated against yellow fever are advised to go to :
Hôpital maritime Sainte-Anne
Nampula Pebane Porto Amélia Quelimane
Guarda-mor de Saùde do Porto Medico das Unidades Militares Director do Laboratorio de Analises Clinicas Guarda-mor de Saùde do Porto Medico das Unidades Militares Medico das Unidades Militares
Namibie Namibia
District Surgeon:
— 30 —
II Divisiôn de Epidemiologîa y Estadistica Vital, Ministerio de Salubridad Pûblica
Burutu: Calabar: Enugu: Ibadan:
Oshogo Oyo Sokoto Warri Yola Zaria
U . A . C . Hospital St Margaret's Hospital Park Lane Nursing Home Jericho Nursing Home University College Hospital Ife Specialist Hospital University of Ife, Health Centre Health Office Plateau Hospital
Health Office, Medical Officer in charge Nursing Home Hospital, Niger Dams Project Health Office Nursing Home Nigeria Airways Clinic Port Health Office
University of Lagos, Medical Centre University Teaching Hospital University of Nigeria, Medical Centre Braithwaite Nursing Home Military Hospital (for military personnel only
Health Department — Helserad Dr Fritz Caspersen Brigade Surgeon Norway South Board of Health
Health Department — Helserad Medical Office for Seamen — Legekontoret for sj0menn, Engen 39
— 31 —
Health Department — Helserad Medical Office for Seamen — Legekontoret for sj0menn Eidanger Salpeterfactory, Medical Office — Helseavdelingen, Eidanger
Salpeterfabriker Board of Health — Nordkapp Helserad Board of Health — Rana Helserad Health Department — Helserad Health Department — Helserad Medical Office for Seamen, Grew Wedels Plass — Legekontoret for
sj0menn Norwegian America Line, Medical Office Ullevâl Hospital, Fever Department — Epidemiavdelingen, Ullevâl
sykehus Department of Public Health — Helserad Statens Institutt for Folkehelsen Board of Health Medical Office for Seamen — Legekontoret for sj0menn, Kongs­
gaten 46 Municipal Hospital — Sykehus National Microbiology Laboratory — Statens mikrobiologiske labo­
ratorium Board of Health — Helserad Medical Office for Seamen — Lekekontoret for sjamenn National Bacteriological Laboratory — Statens bakteriologiske
laboratorium Health Department — Helserad
(a) Health Department—Medical Officers;of Health of: Auckland Invercargill South Auckland Christchurch Napier Takapuna Dunedin Nelson Timaru Gisbome New Plymouth Wanganui Greymouth Palmerston North Wellington Hamilton Rotorua Whangarei Hutt
(b) Ministry of Defence — A l l Commissioned Medical Officer of the Royal New Zealand Navy, the New Zealand Army and the Royal New Zealand Ai r Force
2. Private vaccination centres No du cachet
Stamp No.
Auckland: 1 — Public Hospital, Director of Laboratory Services 2 — D r S. Hills, 16A Claude Road 3 — Port Health Officer
— 32 -
Christchurch ; 4 — Public Hospital, Clinical Pathologist 5 — Christchurch Airport, Port Health Officer 6 — Lyttleton, Port Health Officer
Dunedin : 32 — Medical School, Professor of Preventive and Social Medicine
Gisbome: 8 — Public Hospital, Clinical Pathologist Greymouth : 9 — Public Hospital, Medical Superintendent Hamilton : 10 — Public Hospital, Clinical Pathologist Invercargill : 11 — Dr N . G . Prentice, 119 Don Street Napier : 12 — Public Hospital, Clinical Pathologist
13 — Public Hospital, Medical Superintendent 14 — Public Hospital, Hastings, Medical Superintendent
Nelson : 15 — Dr B.A. Kaye, 284 Hardy Street 16 — Public Hospital, Blenheim, Medical Superintendent
New Plymouth: 17 — Public Hospital, Clinical Pathologist Palmerston North : 18 — Public Hospital, Clinical Pathologist
19 — Ohakea Airport, Port Health Officer Rotorua: 20 — Public Hospital, Medical Superintendent
21 — Public Hospital, Tauranga, Medical Superintendent South Auckland: 22 — Middlemore Hospital, Otahuhu, Clinical Pathologist Takapuna : 23 — North Shore Hospital, Medical Superintendent
24 — Whenuapai Airport, Port Health Officer Timaru: 25 — Public Hospital, Clinical Pathologist Wanganui : 26 — Public Hospital, Clinical Pathologist Wellington : 27 — Public Hospital, Clinical Pathologist
28 — Port Health Officer 29 — Dr P.P. Lynch, Kelvin Chambers, The Terrace
Whangarei : 30 — Public Hospital, Medical Superintendent 31 — Port Health Officer
Ouganda Uganda
Toro: Kilembe Mines Hospital
A l l Districts: District Medical Office A l l Districts, Townships and Municipalities: Medical Office of Health
Pakistan Pakistan
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
— 33 —
Colon : David: Panama City:
En outre, les médecins de V United Fruit Company (et représentants du Service de la Fièvre jaune) à:
Bocas del Toro (Almirante) Chiriqui (Armuelles)
In addition, the Medical Officers of the United Fruit Company (and representatives of the Yellow-Fever Service) at:
Papua et Nouvelle-Guinée, Terr, australien Papua and New-Guinea, Austrahan Terr.
Lae: Department of Health Port-Moresby: Department of Health
Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen N . V . Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken Medical Department, Medical
Director Municipal Medical and Health Service, Director — Gemeente Huis,
Town Hall Bacteriological-Serological Laboratory State University, Director Institute for Tropical Medicine, Director Municipal Medical and Health Service Port Hospital — Haven Ziekenhuis
Governmental Medical Service - West Buitensingel 15
Dc Legerplaats
Rijksgeneeskundige Dienst, Noord-
Section of Preventive Medicine, Inspection of the Military Me- j dical Service, Nassau- plein, 35
(Pour les militaires et leurs familles — For persons in military service and their families)
Pérou Peru
Iquitos : Area de Salud de Loreto Lima: Centro de Vacunaciones de la Divisiôn de Immunizaciones, Ministerio
de Salud Tingo Maria: Oficina de la Divisiôn de Immunizaciones
Station d'Hygiène et d'Epidémiologie du Port, Nowy Port, rue Zamknieta 31
Service sanitaire et épidémiologique, rue Polska, 6 Station d'Hygiène et d'Epidémiologie du Port, Nabrzeze Wladys-
lawa IV
Service sanitaire et épidémiologique, rue Nowogrodzka, 82
San Juan : Santurce:
U.S. Public Health Service Outpatient Clinic No. 214 — Peace Corps Medical Clinic
Lisboa :
Delegaçao de Saùde, Ministério da Saùde e Assistência, Pâteo da Inquisiçào
Delegaçao de Saûde, Ministério da Saùde e Assistência Inspecçào de Saûde do Funchal, Ministério da Saûde e Assistência,
Ilha da Madeira Escola Nacional de Saûde Pûblica e Medicina Tropical, Ministério
da Saûde e Assistência et Ministério do Ultramar, Rua da Junqueira Serviços Técnicos de Defesa Sanitâria dos Portos, Fronteiras e Trans­
portes Colectivos da Direcçao-Geral de Saùde, Ministério da Saùde e Assistência — Sanidade Marîtima, Cais da Rocha Conde de Obidos
Delegaçao de Saùde, Ministério da Saùde e Assistência, Av. Rodrigues de Freitas, 108
Port Quarantine Office Airport Quarantine Service Municipal Department of Health Vaccination Centre, Abassia
Vaccine Production Laboratories, Dokki , Vaccination Centre Port-Said Harbour Quarantine Station
République Centrafricaine
Bangui : Hôpital
Institut Pasteur
Saïgon : Service de Police sanitaire
République-Unie de Tanzanie
Arusha Lushoto
Bukoba Mbeya
Dodoma Mbulu
Iringa Morogoro
Kahama Moshi
Kigoma Mpwapwa
Kilosa Mtwara
Kilwa Musoma
Korogwe Mwanza
Singida Songea Sumbawanga Tabora Tanga Tukuyu
Dar es Salaam: City Council Vaccinating Centre Tanzania People's Defence Forces Vaccination Centre University College Vaccinating Centre
Kondoa: District Hospital Mikumi: Kilombero Sugar Company Hospital Mwadui: Williamson Diamonds Hospital
Tunduru: Mbesa Mission Hospital
Rhodésie du Sud Southern Rhodesia
Medical Officer: Bulawayo Salisbury Umtali Gwelo Triangle Sugar Estates
General Hospital: Fort Victoria Gatooma Que Que
Que Que: Municipality, Deputy Medical Officer of Health
Wankie: Wankie Colliery Co., Ltd, Medical Department
Roumanie Romania
— 36 —
Bristol: Cambridge: Cardiff: Carlisle: Chelmsford : Coventry: Derby : Doncaster : Dundee: Edinburgh : Exeter :
Glasgow : Gloucester: Grimsby : Harlow:
Street Public Health Department Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre County Borough Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre County Borough Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre County Borough Health Department, Yellow-Fever Vaccination
Centre City and County Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre County Health Department, Shire Hall Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre County Borough Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre County Council Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre Health Department Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre County Council Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre County Borough Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre King's Cross Hospital, Yellow-Fever Inoculation Centre Public Health Department
City Council Health Department Vaccination Centre, IA Southernhay West
Glasgow Corporation Immunization Centre Royal Hospital, Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre, Southgate Street Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre, Queen Street Industrial Health Service, Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre, Edin­
burgh Way Pembrokeshire County Council Health Department, Merlins Hi l l City and County Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre, Royal Borough of Kingston-upon-
Thames County Council Vaccination Centre, Ashton Road Clinic City Council Immunisation Centre, 8 Park Square County Borough Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre, City Health
Department, l A Greyfriar Motor Corporation, Yellow-Fever Vaccination Service City Health Department Vaccination Centre Health Department Vaccination Centre, Hatton Garden University, School of Tropical Medicine, Pembroke Place Air Corporations Joint Medical Service British Broadcasting Corporation, Medical Service, Yellow-Fever-
Vaccination Centre British Petroleum Co. Ltd, Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre British United Airways, Medical Department Commonwealth Development Corporation, Medical Service Corporation of London, Yellow-Fever Vaccination Service, Unilever
House, Blackfriars, E.C.4 Costains Industrial Health Services, Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre,
111 Westminster Bridge Road, S.E. 1
— 37 —
Royaume-Uni (suite) United Kingdom (contd.)
Ixindon: De la Rue Company Ltd, Medical Service London, Yellow-Fever (suite - contd.) Vaccination Centre
Dolphin Square Vaccination Centre, S.W. 1 Health Services of Norway, 41 Lancaster Gate, W.2 London Borough of Camden, Yellow-Fever Vaccination Service,
Hospital for Tropical Diseases, N .W.I London (Heathrow) Airport, Health Control Unit, Yellow-Fever
Vaccination Centre Marble Arch Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre, W.2 Mobil Oil Co., Medical Department, Yellow-Fever Vaccination
Centre N . A . A . F . L Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre, S.E. 11 Norfolk Place Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre, W. 2 Rank Organisation, Ltd, Medical Service London, Yellow-Fever
Vaccination Centre Westminster City Council, Yellow-Fever Vaccination Service, 53 Great
Cumberland Place, W . l Shell International Petroleum Co. Ltd, London Medical Division
Vaccination Centre Shipping Federation and London Port Health Authority Vaccination
Centre, King George V Dock, E.16 Sloane Square Vaccination Centre, S.W. 1 St George's Hospital Medical School, Yellow-Fever Vaccination
Centre United Kingdom Government Vaccination Centre
Maidstone: County Council Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre Manchester: Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre, Town Hall Middlesbrough: Health Department Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre Newcastle/Tyne: Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre Newport: Public Health Department, Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre Northampton : County Council Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre Norwich: Health Department Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre, 68 St Giles'
Street Nottingham: Medical Officer of Health, Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre Omagh: The Clinic, Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre, Johnston Park Oxford: County Borough Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre Penzance : County Council Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre Plymouth: Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre, Local Health Authority Sheffield: County Borough Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre Shrewsbury: Salop County Council, Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre, County
Health Department, Shirehall Abbey Foregate
Southampton : County Borough Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre
Southend-on-Sea: County Borough Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre
Swansea: County Borough Public Health Department, Guildhall
Taunton: County Council Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre
Tilbury: Shipping Federation and London Port Health Authority Vaccination Centre
Truro: County Council Yellow-Fever Vaccination Centre
York : Health Services Centre (Vaccination and Immunization), Duncombe Place
— 38 —
St Lucia
Samoa américain American Samoa
Pago Pago (Tutuila): No. 128 — Hospital of American Samoa, Department of Medical Services
Sâo Tomé et Principe
Sâo Tomé and Principe
Institut Pasteur Laboratoire de Biologie des Forces terrestres de la Zone d'Outre-mer
N " 1, 96 rue Blanchot Service d'Hygiène Service sanitaire du Port Hôpital colonial
Sierra Leone
Somalie Somalia
Baidoa Borama Belet Uen Burao Berbera
Medico di Porto:
Senior Medical Officer {in his absence — en son absence: Medical Of­ ficer in charge of Hospital)
Ufficio de Igiene del Municipio
Medical Officer of Healthjor/ow Medical Officer in charge of Hospital:
Atbara Kadugli Port Sudan Dongola Kassala Sennar E l Obeid Kosti Shendi Fasher Malakal Umm Ruwaba (Umruaba) Gedaref Merowe Wadi Haifa Geneina Nahud Wad Medani Juba Nyala Wau
Khartoum : Health Office, Province Medical Officer Lee Stack Laboratories, Assistant Director, Research Officer Commanding, Medical Corps
Suède Sweden
sjukvârdsfôrvaltningen, Marinkommando Vast Health Centre for Seafarers — Halsocentralen for sjofolk Infectious Diseases Hospital — Goteborgs infektionssjukhus Municipal Bacteriological Laboratory — Goteborgs stads bakterio­
logiska laboratorium, Sahlgrenska sjukhuset
Karlstad : Kristianstad : Lidkôping:
sjukvârdsfôrvaltningen Marinkommando Syd Infectious Diseases Clinic — InfektionskIiniken, Karlstads lasarett Infectious Diseases Clinic — Infektionskhniken, Kristianstads lasarett Infectious Disease Clinic — Infektionskhniken, Lidkopings lasarett Infectious Diseases Clinic — InfektionskIiniken, Regionsjukhuset Infectious Diseases Clinic — Infektionskhniken, Lunds lasarett Central Hospital for Infectious Diseases — Epidemisjukhuset Infectious Diseases Clinic — InfektionskIiniken, Norrkôpings lasarett Central Hospital for Infectious Diseases — Epidemisjukhuset Central Hospital for Infectious Diseases — Epidemisjukhuset Central Hospital — Epidemisjikhuset Chief Division of Health, Defence Medical Board — Chefen for
hâlsovârdsbyrân i forsvarets sjukvârdsstyrelse Chief Heahh Administration Naval Commando East — Chefen for
sjukvârdsfôrvaltningen Marinkommando Ost National Bacteriological Laboratory — Statens bakteriologiska
laboratorium Stockholm-Arlanda Airport, Sanitary Authorities Stockholm-Bromma Airport, Sanitary Authorities Hospital Bacteriological Laboratory — Kliniskt-bakteriologiska labo­
ratoriet, Sundsvalls lasarett Infectious Diseases Clinic — InfektionskIiniken, Uddevalla lasarett Infectious Diseases Clinic — Infektionskhniken, Umeâ lasarett Infectious Diseases Clinic — Infektionskhniken, Akademiskasjukhuset Central Hospital for Infectious Diseases — Epidemisjukhuset Central Hospital for Infectious Diseases — Epidemisjukhuset Central Hospital for Infectious Diseases — Epidemisjukhuset Infectious Diseases Clinic — Infektionskhniken, Vâxjô lasarett
Institut tropical suisse Dr Markus Lauterburg-Bonjour, médecin-spécialiste des maladies
tropicales, F . M . H . en son absence I in his absence:
Dr Otto Golder, médecin-spécialiste des maladies tropicales, Waldeck-
strasse 23, Ostermundingen
Institut d'Hygiène de l'Université Chef du Service médical commun pour les Nations Unies et ses agences
spécialisées à Genève — Chief, Joint Medical Service of the United Nations and its specialized agencies in Geneva
Institut d'Hygiène de l'Université Institut de Médecine sociale et préventive de l'Université
Swissair, Service médical
Tchad Chad
Tchécoslovaquie Ciechoslovakia
Bratislava: Regional Hygiene Station, Tmavskâ cesta 60 Prague: Hygiene Station of the National Committee of the Capital, Rytîrskâ 12
Terres australes et antarctiques françaises French Southern and Antarctic Territories
Centre médical:
Kerguelen Nouvelle-Amsterdam Terre Adélie
Territoire français des Afars et des Issas French Territory of the Afars and the Issas
Djibouti: Service d'Hygiène
Togo Togo
Lomé: Hôpital
Shell (Trinidad) Hospital Texaco Trinidad Inc., Medical Centre General Hospital, Bacteriological Laboratory Carribean Medical Centre Office of the Medical Officer of Health Health Oflfice General Hospital, Tobago
Tunisie Tunisia
Bizerte: Tunis:
Turquie Turkey
Ankara: Istanbul :
Institut central d'Hygiène Direction générale des Services sanitaires des Côtes et Frontières
Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Alma-Ata: Second City Hospital, Sovetsk Rayon Baku : First Polyclinic, Rayon of the Twenty-Six Baku Commissars
Batum: Sailors'Hospital, Vaccination Post Dushanbe: Sanitation and Epidemiological Centre, Vaccination Post Erevan: City Sanitation and Epidemiological Centre Kaliningrad: Hospital of Medical and Sanitation Department, No. 1 Oblast Health
Department, City Vaccination Post Kiev: October Revolution Hospital Klaipeda: Port Sanitation and Epidemiological Centre, Section of Sanitation and
Quarantine Leningrad : Special Polyclinic No. 2 Minsk: City Sanitation and Epidemiological Centre Moscow: City Sanitation and Epidemiological Centre, Central Vaccination Post
Plague-Control Laboratory, Ministry of Health, Vaccination Post No. I Murmansk: City Sanitation and Epidemiological Centre Novorossiisk: Sailor's Polyclinic, Vaccination Post Odessa: Polyclinic of the Black Sea, Azov Maritime Health Department Poti: Port Sanitation and Epidemiological Centre Riga: Health Post of the Merchant Navy Port, Riga Maritime District, Poly­
clinic of the Latvian Maritime, Health Department
Sukhum: Sailor's Hospital Vaccination Post Tallinn: Port Polyclinic, Vaccination Unit Tashkent: Polyclinic of the Textile Combine, Vaccination Post
Tbilisi: Ninth City Polyclinic
Vilnius: Vilnius Republican Hospital
Venezuela Venezuela
Unidad Sanitaria:
Carûpano Maracaibo San Cristobal Ciudad Bolivar Maturin
Caracas : Divisiôn de Fiebre Amarilla y Peste Guiria: Medicatura Rural
Yémen Yemen
Taiz: Health Office, Hospital
Little Aden : B. P. Refinery Hospital
Port Health Services, Medical Officer
Mukalla: Hospital
Saiun: Hospital
Yougoslavie Yugoslavia
Bar : Medical Centre Branko Orlandic — Medicinski centar Branko Orlandic Beograd: Institute of Public Health — Zavod za zdravstvenu zastitu Socijalis-
ticke Republike Srbije, Dr Subotica Street, 12 Koper: Institute of Public Health — Zavod za zdravstveno varstvo Ljubljana: Institute of Public Health — Zavod za zdravstveno varstvo Nis: Institute of Public Health — Zavod za szdravstvenu zastitu Osijek : Institute of Public Health — Zavod za zastitu zdravlja Rijeka: Institute of Health — Zavod za zdravstvenu zastitu Sarajevo: District Institute of Health, Vaccination Centre — Centar za vakci-
naciju Streskog zavoda za zdravstvenu zastitu Split : Institute of Health — Zavod za zastitu zdravlja
Zagreb: Institute of Public Health — Zavod za zdravstvenu zastitu. Republic of Croatia
— 44 —
Mongu Mufulira Nchanga Ndola
Lusaka: Health Department, Civic Centre
Zone du Canal Canal Zone
Balboa : No. 32 — Community Health Center Margarita: No. 33 — Community Health Center
— 45 —
Le vaccin préparé dans chacun des la­ boratoires ou instituts suivants a été agréé par rOMS pour la vaccination contre la fièvre jaune devant précéder la remise d'un certificat international de vaccination ou de revaccination contre la fièvre jaune:
Vaccines manufactured at the following laboratories or institutes have been ap­ proved by WHO for vaccination against yellow fever prior to the issue of an inter­ national certificate of vaccination or re- vaccination against yellow fever:
Afrique du Sud South Africa
Johannesburg South African Institute for Medical Research
Allemagne, Rép. fédérale Berlin Federal Rep. of Germany
Australie Melbourne Australia
Robert Koch Institut
Commonwealth Serum Laboratories
Colombie Colombia
Bogota Instituto de Estudios Especiales Carlos Finiay
Swiftwater, Pa. National Drug Company
Yaba Yellow-Fever Laboratory, Federal Labo­ ratory Service
Amsterdam Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen (Royal Institute for the Tropics)
Beckenham, Kent Wellcome Research Laboratories
Dakar Institut Pasteur
Afrique du Sud 3 Alaska— Voir Etats-Unis d'Amérique 13 Algérie 4 Allemagne, République fédérale d ' 4 Allemagne orientale 5 Angola 6 Antigua 6 Antilles néerlandaises 6 Arabie Saoudite 6 Argentine 7 Australie 7 Autriche 7 Bahamas 7 Bahrein 7 Barbade 7 Belgique 8 Bermudes 8 Birmanie 8 Bolivie 8 Botswana 8 Brésil 8 Brunéi 9 Bulgarie 9 Burundi 9 Cambodge 9 Cameroun 9 Canada 10 Cap Vert, Iles du 10 Ceylan 10 Chili 11 Chine (Taïwan) 11 Chypre 11 Colombie 11 Comores, Iles 11 Congo (Brazzaville) 11 Congo, Rép. démocratique du . . . 12 Côte d'Ivoire 12 Cuba 12 Dahomey 12 Danemark 12 Dominique 13 E l Salvador 13 Equateur 13 Espagne 13 Etats-Unis d'Amérique 13 Ethiopie 21 Fidji 21 Finlande 21 France 21 Gabon 22 Gambie 22 Ghana 22 Gibraltar 22 Grèce 22
Grenade 22 Guadeloupe — Voir France . . . . 21 Guatemala 22 Guinée 22 Guinée portugaise 23 Guyane 23 Guyane française — Voir France . . 21 Haute-Volta 23 Hawaï — Voir Etats- Unis d'Amérique . 13 Honduras britannique 23 Hong Kong 23 Hongrie 23 Iles anglo-normandes 23 Inde 24 Indonésie 24 Irak 24 Iran 24 Irlande 24 Israël 25 Italie 25 Jamaïque 26 Japon 26 Jordanie 26 Kenya 27 Koweït 27 Lesotho 27 Liban 27 Libéria 27 Libye 28 Madagascar 28 Malaisie 28 Malawi 28 Mal i 28 Malte 28 Man, lie de 28 Maroc 29 Martinique — Voir France 21 Maurice 29 Mexique 29 Monaco 29 Mozambique 29 Namibie 29 Nicaragua 30 Niger 30 Nigeria 30 Norvège 30 Nouvelle-Calédonie 31 Nouvelle-Zélande 31 Ouganda 32 Pakistan 32 Panama 33 Papua et Nouvelle-Guinée 33 Pays-Bas 33 Pérou 33
Philippines 33 Pologne 34 Porto-Rico 34 Portugal 34 Qatar 34 République Arabe Unie 34 République Centrafricaine 34 République-Unie de Tanzanie . . . 35 Réunion, La Voir France 21 Rhodésie du Sud 35 Roumanie 35 Royaume-Uni 36 Rwanda 38 Saint-Christophe 38 Sainte-Lucie 38 Saint-Vincent 38 Samoa américain 38 Sào Tomé et Principe 38 Sénégal 38 Seychelles 38 Sierra Leone 38 Singapour 39 Somalie 39 Soudan . . 39 Suède . . . . 39
Suisse 40 Surinam 41 Souaziland 39 Syrie 41 Tchad 41 Tchécoslovaquie 41 Terres australes et antarctiques fran­
çaises 41 Territoire français des Afars et Issas . 41 Thaïlande 41 Timor portugais 41 Togo 41 Trinité-et-Tobago 42 Tunisie 42 Turquie 42 URSS 42 Uruguay 43 Venezuela 43 Viet-Nam, République du 35 Yémen 43 Yémen du Sud 43 Yougoslavie 43 Zambie 44 Zone du Canal 44
// ne faudrait pas conclure de la présentation adoptée dans cette pubhcattot, que / Orga­
nisation mondiale de la Santé admet ou reconnaît officiellement le statut ou les hmttes des
territoires mentionnés. Ce mode de présentation n'a d'autre objet que de donner un cadre géo­
graphique aux renseignements publiés.
Alaska — See United States of America 13 Algeria 4 American Samoa 38 Angola 6 Antigua 6 Argentina 7 Australia 7 Austria 7 Bahamas 7 Bahrain 7 Barbados 7 Belgium 8 Bermuda 8 Bolivia 8 Botswana 8 Brazil 8 British Honduras 23 Brunei 9 Bulgaria 9 Burma 8 Burundi 9 Cambodia 9 Cameroon 9 Canada 10 Canal Zone 44 Cape Verde Islands 10 Central African Republic 34 Ceylon 10 Chad 41 Channel Islands 23 Chile 11 China (Taiwan) 11 Colombia 11 Comoro Islands 11 Congo (Brazzaville) 11 Congo, Democratic Republic of . . . 12 Cuba 12 Cyprus 11 Czechoslovakia 41 Dahomey 12 Denmark 12 Dominica 13 Eastern Germany 5 Ecuador 13 El Salvador 13 Ethiopia 21 Federal Republic of Germany. . . . 4 Fi j i 21 Finland 21 France 21 French Guiana — See France . . . 21 French Territory of the Afars and Issas 41 French Southern and Antarctic Ter­
ritories 41
Gabon 22 Gambia 22 Ghana 22 Gibraltar 22 Greece 22 Grenada 22 Guadeloupe — See France 21 Guatemala 22 Guinea 22 Guyana 23 Hawaii — See United States of America 13 Hong Kong 23 Hungary 23 India 24 Indonesia 24 Iran 24 Iraq 24 Ireland 24 Isle of Man 28 Israel 25 Italy 25 Ivory Coast 12 Jamaica 26 Japan 26 Jordan 26 Kenya 27 Kuwait 27 Lebanon 27 Lesotho 27 Liberia 27 Libya 28 Madagascar 28 Malawi 82 Malaysia 28 Mali 28 Malta 28 Martinique — See France 21 Mauritius 29 Mexico 29 Monaco 29 Morocco 29 Mozambique 29 Namibia 29 Netherlands 33 Netherlands Antilles 6 New Caledonia 31 New Zealand 31 Nicaragua 30 Niger 30 Nigeria 30 Norway 30 Pakistan 32 Panama 33 Papua and New Guinea 33
Peru 33 Philippines 33 Poland 34 Portugal 34 Portuguese Guinea 23 Portuguese Timor 41 Puerto Rico 34 Qatar 34 Reunion — See France 21 Romania 35 Rwanda 38 Sâo Tomé and Principe 38 Saudi Arabia 6 Senegal 38 Seychelles 38 Sierra Leone 38 Singapore 39 Somalia 39 South Africa 3 Southern Rhodesia 35 Southern Yemen 43 Spain 13 St Kitts 38 St Lucia 38 St Vincent 38
Sudan 39 Surinam 41 Swaziland 39 Sweden 39 Switzerland 40 Syria 41 Thailand 41 Togo 41 Trinidad and Tobago 42 Tunisia 42 Turkey 42 Uganda 32 United Arab Republic 34 United Kingdom 36 United Republic of Tanzania . . . . 35 United States of America 13 Upper Volta 23 Uruguay 43 USSR 42 Venezuela 43 Viet-Nam, Republic of 35 Yemen 43 Yugoslavia 43 Zambia 44
The form ofpresentation in this publication does not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the World Health Organization of the status or boundaries of the territories as listed or described. It has been adopted solely for the purpose of providing a convenient geographical basis for the information herein.
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