Centrally Speaking



GUARANTEED. Or it’s free! Call Central Freight 1-800-782-5036 Choose the road to on-time success... Details on Page 9

Transcript of Centrally Speaking

Call Central Freight 1-800-782-5036

When Close Isn’tGood Enough.

Choose the road to on-time success...GUARANTEED. Or it’s free!

Details on Page 9


Welcome to Another Edition of Centrally Speaking

Centrally Speaking is published by Oser-Bentley Custom Publishers,LLC, a division of Oser Communications Group, Inc., 1877 N. KolbRoad, Tucson, AZ 85715. Phone (972) 687-9035 or (520) 721-1300,fax (520) 721-6300, www.oser.com. Oser-Bentley Custom Publishers,LLC specializes in creating and publishing custom magazines.Inquiries: Tina Bentley, [email protected]. Editorial comments:Karrie Welborn, [email protected]. Please call or fax for a newsubscription, change of address, or single copy. Single copies: $5.95.This publication may not be reproduced in part or in whole withoutthe express written permission of Oser-Bentley Custom Publishers,LLC. To advertise in an upcoming issue of this publication, pleasecontact us at (972) 687-9035 or (520) 721-1300 or visit us on theWeb at www.oser-bentley.com. Summer 2009

Corporate HeadquartersP.O. Box 2638

Waco, TX 76702-2638

5601 West Waco Drive Waco, TX 76710800-782-5036

Don Orr – President & Chief Executive OfficerVicky O’Brien – Chief Financial Officer

Tom Botsios – Vice President of OperationsDave Heim – Vice President of Transportation

Bill Wilson – Vice President of HR & Risk Management

Tony Antone – Central Division Vice PresidentJames Purvis – Southwest Division Vice PresidentChuck Salazar – Western Division Vice President

Darren Mikesich – Central Division Vice President/SalesLarry Mohr – Southwest Division Vice President/Sales

Mike Heisterkamp – Western Division Vice President/Sales

Calvin Bindseil – Vice President Business Development

We hope you enjoyed our last issue of Centrally Speaking as much as we enjoyed bringing theinformation to you about our company, Central Freight Lines. We are proud of our great heritageand how we have been instrumental in changing the face of our industry.

In the toughest of economic times we continue to be a leader in providing valuable services to theshipping arena. Today’s headlines are about constant change. Hybrid cars are no longer a concept. TheSmart Car is becoming more familiar on our roads, and Central is working toward the reduction ofour own carbon footprint. The medical field is close to unheard of medical breakthroughs, includinga cure for the common cold. The market has continued to fluctuate but we remain optimistic aboutthe prospect that our nation will recover soon and that together, we will become stronger as a result.

Central is not the same company we were three years ago. We are now privately held. We have anaggressive, professional management team in place that has a combined experience level of morethan 80 years in the industry. We made a business decision to streamline our systems and grow witha dynamic new software tool that watches every piece of our freight every step of the way.

Training has become a forefront with us. From dock workers to sales staff, continuous trainingprograms have been established to keep all of us informed of changes in the industry for our safetyand the successful movement of our customer’s freight.

We continue to change in order to meet our customer’s needs. Central understands the marketplaceand knows internal evaluation is necessary to remain competitive. With all these changes going on,we want you to know, at heart, we are still the Central Freight Lines we were 83 years ago and carejust as much about your business now as we did then.

Enjoy this new edition.


Bill WilsonVice President of HR & Risk ManagementCentral Freight Lines, Inc.

In this issue47


Safety AwardCentral Freight Lines Wins Top Honors

Spotlight: Julie GilletteKnowledge & Experience BenefitCentral Freight’s Expansion

Opening of a New TerminalCentral Freight Lines IncreasesCapacity in Chicago


Central Freight Lines Wins Top Honors

Central Freight Lines, Inc. is pleased to announce that itis the recipient of the American Trucking Associations,Inc. (ATA) President’s Trophy for 2008.

The highest transportation safety award in the UnitedStates, the President’s Trophy, is presented annually toonly one motor carrier in each of the following threecategories: less than 25 million miles, 25-100 millionmiles, and more than 100 million miles driven annually.Central received this honor in the 25-100 million milescategory and was designated by judging officials to havethe most complete and effective Fleet Safety Programswithin the industry.

Susan Chandler, Executive Director of Safety & LossPrevention Management Council of ATA, indicatedthat Central was “… judged most outstanding on thebasis of its safety record, programs and communityoutreach activities.”

According to CFL officials, this award comes as a result ofthe hard work by employees throughout the 83 year historyof Central Freight Lines. Everyone at CFL works togetherto maintain a culture in which Central and Safety aresynonymous. It is an immense honor for a company to beviewed as the standard bearer among all carriers.

In winning this award, Central Freight Lines hasaccomplished something that is unsurpassed by any othercarrier in the world — they’ve been the recipient of thishonor a total of five times in the last 25 years. Carrierswho achieve this distinction are only eligible again fouryears after having been awarded the honor.

“Our secret is that we hire good people who care aboutsafety,” Bill Wilson, Vice President of Human Resourcesand Risk Management said. “The drivers that we hire careabout the job they do and care about the safety of others.Our work ethic inspires a commitment to quality. It’s whatour culture is all about.”

Winners of the President’s Trophy were formallyannounced at the ATA Safety & Loss PreventionManagement Council’s Safety & Human ResourcesNational Conference & Exhibition, September 24-26,2008, in Nashville, Tennessee.

Central Freight Lines qualified for the top honor byreceiving a first place award in the General CommoditiesLess-than-TruckLoad (LTL) Line-Haul Division, 10-50million miles driven category and a third place award inthe General Commodities LTL Line-Haul Division, 10-50million miles driven category. Central was also awarded afifth place finish in the General Commodities LTL Local(P&D) Division, 10-50 million miles driven category.

Wilson continues, “At Central Freight Lines, safety goeshand in hand with quality. This performance record issomething to be cherished and serves as a benchmark for

Safety Award

(Facing Page) ATA President's Trophy Award

(Below) Left to Right -Dave Heim, VP ofTransportation & BillWilson, VP of HR & Risk Management

successful programs throughout the motor transportationindustry. To be called upon to provide guidance andinformation to safety organizations and to othercompanies is a significant honor and one our employeesand management hold dear.”

ATA President’s Trophy AwardThe ATA President’s Trophy is awarded to three divisionsof motor carriers, distinguished by both carrier size andthe numbers of miles driven during the contest year.

To be eligible, participants must submit an exhibit that hasearned first, second, or third place in its division andcategory during the annual Truck Safety Contests.Competition is open to all trucking companies in America.

Judging is completed in two phases. The first phase iscompleted by the Safety Directors and Vice Presidents ofAmerican Trucking Companies, who are members of theATA Safety Management Council. This group selectsthree finalists from each division, who are placed intophase two of the judging process.

Phase two involves judges selected from theAdministration Agencies in Washington, DC. Agenciesthat regularly provide judges for this event are the FederalMotor Carrier Safety Administration, the CommercialVehicle Safety Alliance, the Federal HighwayAdministration, the Virginia State Police Department andthe Maryland State Police Authority.

About Central Freight LinesHeadquartered in Waco, Texas, Central Freight Linesis a Less-than-Truckload (LTL) for-hire commonmotor carrier of general freight commodities.Founded in 1925, the company is privately owned byMr. Jerry Moyes and operates from 52 terminalsthroughout the South, Southwest and West Coast.

Central Freight Lines is recognized throughout theUnited States for its ongoing accomplishments insafety, compliance and quality. Along with the ATAPresident’s Trophy, Central has been repeatedlyrecognized by state and national safety councils,associations, governmental agencies at all levelsand by compliance and enforcement bodies. ManyCentral employees have been named State Driversof the Year, National Drivers of the Year and Captainson the ATA America’s Road Team. In addition, onedriver received the U.S. Presidential Medal of Honorfor Heroism.

Among other honors, the company was selected by theU.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT),Transportation Safety Institute, to be their postercarrier. This selection was based on Central’sexemplary record of safety, compliance andassociation activities that promote goodwill andhighway safety in America. For more information,contact Central Freight Lines at 800-782-5036 or visitus online at www.centralfreight.com. ■


“This performancerecord issomething to becherished andserves as abenchmark forsuccessfulprogramsthroughout themotortransportationindustry.”Bill WilsonVP of HR & Risk Management


As Central continues technology investment!

Valentine’s Day carries its own esteem, but this year itwas an especially exciting one for Central Freight.

February 14th marks a significant milestone for theDigital Dispatch Management System (DDMS) project;it was the day when more than 50 percent of our P&Ddrivers and dispatchers implemented the first phase ofthe DDMS project. So far, the Waco, Phoenix, FortWorth, Dallas, Pico Rivera, Houston, Kansas City, LittleRock, and Fontana terminals have actively engaged inphase one of the DDMS project.

Our P&D drivers and dispatchers in these terminals haveembraced the use of this technology as a pathway to thefuture. During the week of installation, our drivers wereoverheard making comments like, “This system is mucheasier to use than the old paper manifest” and “I love thissystem because it is easy to use and reduces the time spentwaiting on hold.” Our dispatchers have also remarked:“This system makes it very easy for me to see where mydrivers are and what their current status’ are without

much effort.” Another comment was, “With thecomputerized map, I am able to see what is going on andfeel more in control of my drivers than ever before.”

Our system-wide roll out is made possible by using anad-hoc staff of field operations and managementpersonnel who share a commitment and desire to makea difference. Project facilitators Curt Campbell, ChrisRacanelli and Dan McKeehan are helping to lead ourcompany into the future. Supporting the projectfacilitators is our well organized and talented ITdepartment which enables the team to remain onschedule and on budget.

In addition to providing roll out support, the ITdepartment has been working hard to develop and testthe programs required for creating a seamless flow ofreal-time information from our P&D drivers to ourcustomers. This mission critical data will also beprovided to our operations management team to helpimprove service and efficiency. To do this, the ITdepartment is developing another set of dynamic tools toefficiently manage the data and improve their decisionmaking capabilities.

“Forward thinking commitments are extremely rareduring challenging economic times and this projectshows a sincere investment in our company’s future,”states Mark Stein, Director of Operations Services. “Iam very proud our company has chosen to investin our future.”

The overall goal of DDMS is to intelligently injecttechnology into our dispatch management process inorder to provide real time shipment status informationto our customers; provide improved decision makingtools to our P&D dispatchers; and to improve theoutbound load planning process in order to increaseline-haul efficiency and improve service.

By implementing DDMS, we are choosing to make asignificant investment in our future that will paydividends for many years to come. ■

Excitement Builds

“With thecomputerized

map, I am able tosee what is goingon and feel morein control of my

drivers than everbefore.”– David Greeny,

Dallas Dispatcher

(Below) Mike Hambrick,Dallas Terminal Managerand Raul Venegas,Dallas Dispatcher


Spotlight: Julie GilletteKnowledge & Experience BenefitCentral Freight’s Expansion

Julie Gillette may be new to Central Freight, but she is notnew to the industry. Since 1980, Julie has been perfectingher logistics skills for her challenging new position,Director of Truckload Capacity. “Julie is a valuable additionto our aggressive new team as we move forward in newmarkets,” states Bill Wilson, VP of HR & Risk Management.“Central Freight is all about service and adapting as ourcustomers’ needs evolve and expand,” continues Bill.

Both Julie and Central Freight are beginning somethingnew. Julie joined Central Freight in November 2008.Central Freight is expanding its capabilities through ourout-of-network truckload capacity partners. With heryears in the field, Julie has a portfolio of the most trustednames in the industry and is able to network quickly tosend a customer’s product to its final destination. Thisnew department takes Central Freight out of its scope ofservice while utilizing many different types ofequipment, expanding the overall services of thecompany. Central Freight, through the TruckloadCapacity Division, has expanded CFL’s touch to allcontinental states as well as Canada and Mexico. Thisallows the company to serve more people in more places.

Expansion requires reaching out and creatingrelationships with other partners. Julie takes therequirements of the customer, contacts an out-of-network partner that delivers to the client’s destinationand puts client product and delivery destinationtogether. Easy, one call does it all. Julie can be reachedat 866-947-9373.

The out-of-network Truckload Capacity group expandsthe use of equipment, including but not limited to:

• Flatbed• Van• Stepdeck• RGNs• Refrigerated

Julie celebrates her ninth wedding anniversary this yearwith her husband Scott. Julie, Scott and their “miracle”son, Blake, live in Houston. There was a special birthdayparty in February for Blake, who turned six that month.Blake has a miniature chopper, practicing for the day hewill be able to join mom and dad on their Harley. ■

“Julie is avaluableaddition to our aggressivenew team aswe moveforward innew markets.”Bill Wilson, VP of HR & Risk Management

Julie Gillette - Director of Truckload Capacity,husband Scott and son Blake


Central Freight Lines is pleased to announce the openingof our new, state-of-the-art facility in the greater Chicago,Illinois area.

The enhanced terminal in an ultra modern industrial parkincludes a 53,220 sq. ft. truck terminal consisting of 60cross dock insulated doors with canopy and bumperlocks. The seven plus acre facility is complete with securityfencing and electronic protection with motion sensors aswell as live patrolled guard service to safeguard ourcustomers’ freight. Also included is a 25,775 square footclimate controlled warehouse facility available for ourcustomers’ use.

This new location not only provides enhancedsecurity, but has excellent access to a major interstateat two full interchanges thus reducing downtime dueto traffic congestion.

“This investment in our infrastructure is critical to ourvision of continuing to provide uncompromised service toour customers,” states Tony Antone, Division VicePresident for Central Freight Lines.

The relocation represents Central’s commitment to ourcustomers and their changing needs in today’s market.Customers are looking for new, innovative ways tomanage their supply chain and this new facility is justone of the many ways Central is pro-actively providingsolutions to help our customers maximize efficiency intoday’s market.

Central Freight Lines is a multi-regional carrier that hascontinued the tradition of providing unparalleled serviceto its customers for more than 83 years. Central Freightcurrently services regional overnight and second daymarkets in 15 states. ■

Opening of a New TerminalCentral Freight Lines Increases Capacity in Chicago

“This investmentin our

infrastructure iscritical to our

vision ofcontinuing to


service to ourcustomers.”- Tony Antone, Division

VP for Central Freight Lines


Now the carrier that brought you reliability andperformance for more than 83 years brings youspeed and precision through an expedited,guaranteed service.

Central Freight Lines’ FIRST GROUNDGUARANTEED service extends to all direct servicepoints within our system. Eligible zip codes andtransit times may be found on our website atwww.centralfreight.com.

“We feel confident about our on-timeperformance,’” said Tom Botsios, Vice President ofOperations. “With the implementation of ourdynamic Digital Dispatch Management System, weare able to follow the movement of freight in real-time from pickup to delivery and everywhere inbetween, to ensure the freight is on schedule tomeet the commitment to our customer.” Tomexplains, “Our emphasis on customer service makesguaranteeing our service a step in proving we arethe Best In Class LTL carrier in the marketplace.

We continually strive to add exceptional value in allaspects of our business and to build stronger, long-term business alliances with our customers.”

When you need guaranteed on-time delivery of yourLTL shipments, use Central First Ground. For a 20percent premium (minimum of $25.00) on yourfreight bill, you get guaranteed on-time delivery,based on our current service standards or it’s free.

To activate Central Freight’s First GroundGuaranteed service, the shipper, consignee or thethird party payer must specifically request a “FirstGround Guaranteed” pickup via phone no laterthan 3:00 PM the day of pickup. The freight mustbe ready for pickup no later than 4:00 PM thatbusiness day and the original bill of lading musthave the notation “First Ground Guaranteed.”

Call 1-800-782-5036 for Central First GroundService or ask your local Account Manager foradditional information. ■

FROM HERE TO THERE, ON TIME, GUARANTEED.When Close Isn’t Good Enough Call Central Freight

Choose the road to on-time success…

GUARANTEED. Or it’s free!


Central Freight introduces our “Preferred PalletProgram,” a simplified, dimension basedpricing program.

No need for complex tariffs and discount programs,this program offers fixed cost per pallet based ondimensions, weight and number of pallets tenderedon one bill.

No need to look up zip codes, the Preferred PalletProgram is a state-to-state rate structure. From Texas,Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona, California,Nevada to Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware,Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina,South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama — CentralFreight provides full state coverage.

“At Central Freight Lines, we understand themarketplace and have created programs to simplifythe shipping process for our customers,” states MariEllen Borowski, Director of Business Development.“The National Motor Freight Classificationapplication, for new shippers, can be cumbersomeand confusing. Our Preferred Pallet Program takesfreight classification out of the equation,” continuesMari Ellen.

Customers know the cost before they ship — noneed to call for a quote. Simply log onto our websitewww.centralfreight.com and select the “PreferredPallet Rate Quote” tab, and the rate and current fuelsurcharge will automatically be calculated alongwith a quote number.

Auditing your freight bills just became easier; asa convenient chart is located on the PreferredPallet Flyer eliminating any disputes related tofreight charges.

Call your Account Manager or Customer Service at1-800-835-0375 to sign up today. ■

Simply Irresistible...Preferred Pallet Program


Proud MemberCentral Freight Lines has joined the SmartWay™Transport Partnership, an innovative collaborationbetween the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) and the freight industry, designed to increaseenergy efficiency while significantly reducing greenhousegases and air pollution.

By improving the environmental performance of ourfreight operations, Central Freight Lines will contributeto the Partnership’s goal of reducing 33 to 66 millionmetric tons of carbon dioxide and up to 200,000 tons ofnitrogen oxide per year by 2012. Carbon dioxide is themost common greenhouse gas and nitrogen oxide is anair pollutant that contributes to smog. By joiningSmartWay™ Transport Partnership, Central Freight Linesdemonstrates its strong environmental leadership andcorporate responsibility.

“Central Freight Lines realizes that burning fuel isnecessary to move goods efficiently by truck. We aretherefore collaborating with the EPA, through ourpartnership with SmartWay, to look at innovativeways to conserve our resources. We supportSmartWay’s initiatives to reduce the impact offreight transportation on the environment, and tohelp our industry reap the rewards of a more

efficient operation,” said Tom Botsios, VicePresident of Operations.

Launched in February 2004, the SmartWay™ TransportPartnership aims to achieve fuel savings of up to 150million barrels of fuel per year. The Partnership bringstogether major freight shippers, trucking companies,railroads, logistics companies and trade/professionalassociations to pursue mutually beneficial efficienciesthat result in emissions reductions and otherenvironmental improvements, as well as cost savings tothe companies. The Partnership currently hasapproximately 1,400 partners.

Central Freight Lines is a multi-regional carrier that hascontinued the tradition of providing unparalleled serviceto its customers for more than 83 years. Central Freightcurrently services regional overnight and second daymarkets in 15 states. Central’s First Ground is a guaranteeddelivery service option along with our Priority Oneexpedited service, meeting our customers’ critical needs.

For more information about Central Freight Lines, visitwww.centralfreight.com or call 1-800-782-5036. Forinformation about the SmartWay™ Transport Partnershipvisit www.epa.gov/smartway. ■

Central Freight Lines Joins U.S. EPASmartWay™ Transport Partnership

“We supportSmartWay’sinitiativesto reduce theimpact of freighttransportation onthe environment,and to help ourindustry reapthe rewards of amore efficientoperation.”Tom BotsiosVP of Operations


Central Freight has completed opening new facilitiesin Monroe, Louisiana; Lufkin, Texas; and Eagle Pass,Texas. These new terminals provide full pickup anddelivery services. The strategic opening of thesefacilities further demonstrates Central's commitmentto providing the best on-time and responsive serviceto our customers. Central Freight has been the LTLcarrier of choice in Texas for more than 83 years.

Monroe, Louisiana (318) 388-0503This new facility, located at 5321 I-20 Service Road, inconjunction with our facility in Shreveport, now providesunmatched coverage to all of northern Louisiana. Thesouthern part of the Pelican State is also well served byterminals in New Orleans and Baton Rouge.

Lufkin, Texas (936) 634-3314Located at 2205 N. John Redditt Drive, this facilityprovides full coverage to the piney woods of deepeast Texas. Matched with our existing terminals inTexarkana, Tyler and Bryan, they complete our blanketcoverage of the eastern part of the Lone Star State.

Eagle Pass, Texas (830) 752-1199Also serving Del Rio is our newest terminal locatedat 1430 Industrial Boulevard. Eagle Pass and DelRio are on the banks of the mighty Rio Grande Riverin southwest Texas (where the sun spends thewinter). The Eagle Pass terminal completes oursouthern Texas coverage along with existingfacilities in Laredo and San Antonio. ■

First Quarter OpeningsThree New Terminal Openings for Central Freight in Texas and Louisiana

The strategic openingof these facilities

further demonstratesCentral's commitmentto providing the best

on-time andresponsive service to

our customers.

Recently, we lost two key members of theCentral Freight Lines family.

Born June 23, 1944, Sonny Cosner passedon November 19, 2008. Patricia Jean Smithdied February 12, 2008 at age 67.

Sonny was Central’s Vice President of FleetDevelopment. He oversaw all ourequipment needs as well as managed theentire maintenance staff. Patricia wasknown as the “voice of Central FreightLines” and served as our Dallas switchboardoperator for over 30 years.

“At Central Freight Lines, we are truly like avery large family. For many of us, our entirecareers have been here at Central,” statedJana Clark, herself a 23 year employee.

Both Sonny and Patricia left an importantfootprint on our truck line and we are abetter family for having had them in ourlives. We will continue to miss them both.




ADVERTISER DIRECTORYCentral Freight would like to thank thefollowing advertisers for making thispublication possible:

Advantage Press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Chamblee & Ryan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

DBG Benefits Solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

GENCO Federal Credit Union . . . . . . . . 13

Great Dane Trailers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Interstate Battery Systems . . . . . . . . . . 14

John McClaren Chevrolet, Inc. . . . . . . . 13

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