CenterPoint -feero

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  • 7/24/2019 CenterPoint -feero



    EnergyTransmission &Substation

    Outage andClearance

    CoordinationProceduresReal Time Operations DepartmentRevised May 05, 201449

    CenterPaiif Transmission & Substation Outage and Clearance Coordination ProceduresFIILrgy

    CENTERPOINT ENERGY TELEPHONE NUMBERS........................................................... 3

    1 INTRODUCTION . . .... ............................................................ ....... . ,.............................. 41.1



    1 4

    APPLICAILIT! ., .. ......... . ... ................... . ... .................... ......................... .........PURPOSE .................................., ................ ........,. ...... ...... ..... ............. . ....

    COPIES OF THIS PROCEDURE.... ..........,........ , ..... .. ... ...... . ......... ........ ........

    "ACILIT! OWNERSHIP OR NAME CHANGE ......................... ............ ........ .., #.##.,##.



    . 41.51 6

  • 7/24/2019 CenterPoint -feero


    PROCEDURE CO$"LICTS...... . , ......... . ... .... ..... .......... ...... ... .........

    MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY ... ................. ... ....... ............ ,. ......... ..... ........






    1 #E$UIPMENT CHANGES ....... ............ .% .................... ...... ........, .................... .,.....

    GENERATION I$STALLATIO$ AND OPERATION ............ ....... .................... .. ......... ............

    POWER "ACTOR ..... .......... .......... .................... ......... ...,..... .......... ......... ..........4






    OLTA'( "L)CT)ATIO$S ..........., . .......,.... ................. ............., ...... ......... .........

    EMERGENCY RESPONSE .... ......... ...................... ................................ .....................



    2 CNP ACCESS TO T*( CUSTOMER'S "ACILITI(S ....... ... ...... ......... .......... ...........52.1 AUTHORI&ED REPRESENTATIE OF CNP.................. ................. ............... .................... 53 COMMUNICATIONS WITH CNP ..... ....... ............ ......... ........... .. . ............ . ...... 6

    3.1 REAL TIME OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT .. ............ ...... . ........ ......... ....................... 6

    3.2 SCHEDULING TRANSMISSION E$UIPMENT OUTAGES ............ ....................................... 63.3 TRANSMISSION ACCOUNTS DIISION .... ......... ... ... .... . ..... .... ......... .... !

    3.4 SUBSTATION AND E$UIPMENT IDENTIFICATION .. ......... .... ....... .................... !

    3.5 TELEPHONE LINES AND DATA COMMUNICATION .......... . ............... .................... ...... .... (

    3.6 ALARM RESPONSE........ ...... ....... ..... ............................ ......... . ......... ................. ...... "

    4 SWITCHING, CLEARANCES, GROUNDING ....... .................................... .,........ .........1)

    4.1 BILLABLE COSTS ,. ..... .......... .... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....................1*)4.2 SWITCHING ........ .. .. ........ .............. ............ .. .. . .... .................. .. ....... ... .......... ......... ..........1)4.3 CLEARANCES .... .... . . ...... .. . . . . ...... .... ... ...... ...... ...... . .... ......... I+.

    4.4GROUNDING ........... ...... . ..... .................. .........

    ............... .................... . ........ .......11


    4.6 TERMINOLOGY FOR SWITCHING ORDERS ........, .. . ...... . .................... . .... ... ...-......12

    4.! SWITCHING ORDER . ............................., ......... . ....., ............ ......... ..... .......14

    4.( TRANSMISSION SWITCHING CHEC LIST,..... ... , ............... .............. .. ........, .,........15

    5 OUTAGE SCHEDULING CHEC LIST ........... ..........+. ........,..... .......,.. ......,,. .........15.1 OUTAGE SCHEDULING CHEC LIST .. ........................ .......... .. .. ........... .. ....1

    6 UNPLANNED OUTAGES...... ..... .. .. . . ....... ..................... .................... . ..... .1-6.1 UNPLANNED OUTAGES .... ......... ......... ........., . ......... ................................ .........,.176.2 UNPLANNED OUTAGES OF 345 K FA!"L"T"ES E#U"PPED $"T% FERRORESONAN!EPROTE!T"ON ......... ................ ............. ......... ......... ......... .........., .............., ...... 176.3 EMERGENCY SWITCHING . .......................... ............ .. . ........................... . , .......... 1(

    6.4 EMERGENCY SWITCHING CHEC LIST .,....... . .. ............ . ............... ... ........................ 1#50


    Transmission & Substation Outae and Clearan/e Coordination Procedures

    ^`nor9.0 OT*(R ((R'($C! CO$DITIO$S.,.... ......... ......... .................... ......... ............... 12

    - '($(RATIO$ tP(RATIt$....................... ........................... .......... ................................ 127.1 APP!CA"!!T# . ................................ .........,.....,..... . ... ,........ ......$.... ......,....,.. 1%7.2 '!T OP()AT!O' ... .............. ......... ...... ... . ................. ............ ................ ......... 1%

    5 PROT(CTI( R(LA!I$' A$D CO$TROL... . ......... ............ .......... .......... ...........,.. 6%5.1 S(TTI$'S "OR R(LA!S I$STALL(D "OR T*( PROT(CTIO$ A$D A)TOATIC)(COS!'4 O* C'P T)A'S+!SS!O' !'(S.. ......,.. .......... ........... ........ .............. 20.2 APP!CA"( )(A# S(TT!'-S ..................... ........................... .... ......... .. ............ 20

    5.3 CO)$ICATIO$S CO$$(CTIO$S TO (L(CTRO$IC D(IC(S............ . ... .............. ...... 6%2 (7)IP($T ADDITIO$S, R(PLAC(($T, )P'RAD(S A$D R(OAL ........ 61%.1 (/!P+('T CA'-(S ....... .. ..... ..................... ......,.................... ........... ,.. . ........ 21

  • 7/24/2019 CenterPoint -feero


    2.6 ODI"ICATIO$, R(PAIR, A$D R(PLAC(($T O" C)STO(R (7)IP($T .............. 61

    1% (7)IP($T AI$T($A$C( ..... ......... ......... ......... ..................... .... .............. 6310.1 C'P +A!'T('A'C( .... ....... ........ ...................... ................. . .. ......... ........,...... 21%.6 C)STO(R AI$T($A$C( ..... ......... .......... ...,,.... . .....,.. .........., . .. .... .............. 63

    10. +O'T# !'SP(CT!O'S ................ ..... ..................... ................................. .............. 21%.4 7)ART(RL!, S(I8A$$)AL T(STI$', A$D I$SP(CTIO$ .... ............ .. .......... . ..... .......... 64

    10.5 3C "ATT()# S#ST(+ .......... ......... .... ... ........... . . ., .,.................... .. .......... 2410. *'CT!O'A T(ST!'- . . ........ ....... ...........,.. ,... ......... ..,.... ............ . .......,..,.. 241%.- SP(CIAL I$SP(CTIO$ A$D T(STI$' ......................... ................................................... 64

    11 PLA$T D(SI'$ CO$SID(RATIO$S..... . ................... ......... .................... ............... 6011.1 ((R'($C! S!ST(S ...................... .................... ........ . ........... .....,... .............. 60

    11.2 ATO+AT!C )(COS!'- .................... ................................ . ,.. .. .. .... .. ............ 2511. S#ST(+ OTA-( ....... # ............ ......., ........ ........ .....,..........,..............,.... . .......... 2511.4 (L(CTRICAL PROT(CTIO$ COORDI$ATIO$ ST)DI(S .......... ........................................ 60

    11.0 S)STATIO$ D(SI'$ SP(CI"ICATIO$S ............ ... ... ............. ................., .............. 6


    ceuterPoitrt Transmission & Substation Outae and Clearan/e Coordination Procedures

    CenterPoint (ner9 Telep:one $umbersReal Time O/0 D/07/ ;t C?uta@ Pe/@@iestCa@/enterp/@intener9.eem

    O;=/ $;/ /all -13B6%-86-14 =Primar9? or -1386%-8612

    +etering 3eartmentig6 &'(a)e Me(e*i+) 7189%489888%Me(e*i+) E+)i+ee*i+) 71920797507Transmission A//ounts Representaties>

    'ar9 D9er -1386%-8361

    Arodi 'onEaleE -1386%-83016

    :oe ;Cli

  • 7/24/2019 CenterPoint -feero


    in/ludin Gorms, ma9 be reprodu/ed.

    1.4 *acilit? O@ners6i or 'ame C6ange1.4.1 T:e Customer s:all inGorm C$P oG an9 /:ane in oners:ip or name oG t:eir

    inter/onne/ted Ga/ilities or Ga/ilities oned b9 ot:ers t:at are inter/onne/ted to

    t:eir Ga/ilities.

    1.5 Procedure Con/ Coordination Procedures


    1.-.6 T:e Customer s:all proide suGGi/ient noti/e to C$P oG an9 proposed /:anes

    to t:eir Ga/ilities as spe/iGied in Se/tion 2. T:is notiGi/ation s:all in/lude

    proidin ne/essar9 details, so t:at C$P /an proide /omments based upon a

    eneral, Gun/tional reie. T:e Customer s:all not pro/ure an9 euipment or

    materials or bein an9 orH until all C$P /omments are in/orporated or


    1.5 'eneration Installation and Operation1.5.1 Customers desirin to /onne/t eneration t:at ill operate in parallel to C$PJs

    transmission s9stem s:all Gile an appli/ation it: t:e (le/tri/ Reliabilit9 Coun/il

    oG Teas =

  • 7/24/2019 CenterPoint -feero


    6.1.1 An aut:oriEed representatie oG C$P s:all :ae a//ess to t:e CustomerFs

    premises Gor t:e purpose oG inspe/tin C$PFs irin and apparatus, repairin,

    ere/tin, remoin, or repla/in C$P oned euipment, readin C$P meters,

    and Gor all ot:er purposes related to t:e inter/onne/tion in/ludin sit/:in

    C$P euipment. T:e Customer s:all proide ne/essar9 euipment outaes to54



    Transmission & S; Outage Clearance Coordination Pro/edures


    allo C$P to perGorm periodi/ maintenan/e on euipment t:at C$P ons or to

    repair or repla/e euipment t:at C$P ons.

    3 Communi/ations it: C$P

    3.1 Real Time Operations Department3.1.1 RTO operates C$PFs transmission s9stem and /oordinates t:e operation oG

    inter/onne/ted :i: oltae Ga/ilities. RTO proides routine and emeren/9

    sit/:in instru/tions, issues /learan/es, and dispat/:es C$P personnel in

    response to ele/tri/al outaes and problems. T:e Customer s:all s/:edule

    planned outaes it: RTO and obtain Grom RTO sit/:in instru/tions Gor an9euipment at t:e CustomerFs substation t:at is dire/tl9 inter/onne/ted it:

    C$PFs transmission s9stem. Sit/:in in t:e CustomerFs Ga/ilities t:at are

    remote to t:e CustomerFs substation dire/tl9 inter/onne/ted it: C$PFs

    transmission s9stem does not need to be s/:eduled. C$P ill notiG9 t:e

    Customer one or more da9s in adan/e iG sit/:in is reuired in t:e

    CustomerFs substation Gor planned transmission line outaes or iG t:e

    CustomerFs substation ill be pla/ed in a sinle8ended /ondition.

    3.6 S/:edulin Transmission (uipment Outaes

    3.6.1 C$PFs substation euipment outae s/:edulin and reportin reuirements

    :ae been deeloped to support (RCOT reuirements Gor s/:edulin outaes

    on /ir/uit breaHers, bus se/tions, transmission lines, and transGormers t:at

    :ae an operatin oltae oG % H and :i:er and to support reuirements Gor

    s/:edulin outaes oG (RCOT Polled8Settlement =

  • 7/24/2019 CenterPoint -feero


    Gorm is in/luded in t:is do/ument. T:e RTO S9stem Controller /an be

    /onta/ted at 65185248%421 or at t:e RTO *OTLI$( 65185248160.

    3.6.0 (R'OT Approals 8 T:e RTO S9stem S/:eduler ill /oordinate a reie and

    notiGies t:e Customer :et:er t:e outae /an be s/:eduled Gor t:e desired da9.

    Transmission line outaes and t:e eneriEation oG ne euipment reuire t:e

    approal oG (RCOT. T:e Customer s:all notiG9 t:e RTO S9stem S/:eduler as

    soon as possible iG an outae is /an/eled prior to t:e outae date, T:e

    Customer s:all immediatel9 notiG9 t:e RTO S9stem Controller iG an outae is

    /an/eled on t:e da9 oG t:e outae. C$P endeaors to notiG9 t:e Customer as

    soon as possible :en it is deemed ne/essar9 to /an/el an outae.

    3.6. Customer Substation (a/uations 8 Durin emeren/ies reuirin ea/uation

    oG t:e CustomerFs Ga/ilit9, t:e Customer s:all /onta/t RTO prior to t:e

    ea/uation and proide inGormation reardin t:e operational status oG t:eir

    substation and asso/iated support Ga/ilities, su/: as substation station seri/e

    poer, batter9 and batter9 /:arer, and abilit9 Gor C$P to a//ess t:e

    substation. T:e CustomerFs substation is an interal part oG t:e inter/onne/ted

    transmission s9stem and disablin t:em :as an impa/t on t:e ele/tri/al rid.

    . Transmission Accounts 3iBision3.3.1 C$PFs Transmission A//ounts Diision is responsible Gor /oordinatin t:eCustomerFs seri/e needs it:in C$P. Transmission A//ounts representaties

    endeaor to inGorm t:e Customer oG lori rane planned sit/:in and proMe/ts

    t:at ma9 aGGe/t t:e CustomerFs Ga/ilit9.

    3.3.6 T:e Customer s:all notiG9 t:e Transmission A//ounts representatie as

    spe/iGied in Se/tion 2 :en euipment additions or remoals are planned or

    :en :i: oltae euipment % H and :i:er or asso/iated euipment

    reuires modiGi/ation or repla/ement. T:e Customer s:all /onta/t a

    Transmission A//ounts representatie to reuest /urrent C$P spe/iGi/ations

    and appli/able bills oG material Gor substation euipment additions and


    3.3.3 Transmission A//ounts representaties ma9 be /onta/ted Gor an9 uestions/on/ernin t:e operation oG t:e CustomerFs substation. T:e Transmission

    A//ounts representaties are listed on Pae 1 oG t:is do/ument.

    .4 Substation and (uiment !denti

  • 7/24/2019 CenterPoint -feero


    telep:one s9stem.

    3.0.6 T:e Customer s:all maintain data a/uisition euipment to proide real8time

    data to RTO :en it :as been installed at ele/tri/ eneratin Ga/ilities,

    3.0.3 C$P maintains a /ommuni/ation /ir/uit Gor real time data iG C$P Superisor9

    Control and Data A/uisition =

  • 7/24/2019 CenterPoint -feero


    ^^' F0'neryy Transmission & Substation Outae and Clearance Coordination Procedures

    4 S>:=, C+/0>/, G0;=

    4.1 illable Costs4.1.1 'roundin and sit/:in reuested b9 t:e Customer to be perGormed durin

    ot:er t:an normal orHin :ours is billable to t:e Customer.

    4.1.6 'roundin and sit/:in /:ares ill be aied under t:e Golloin /onditions> T:e Customer reuestin sit/:in or roundin a/tiities b9 C$P is a

    transmission oltae seri/e /ustomer t:at is inter/onne/ted to C$PFs

    transmission s9stem t:rou: a /ustomer8oned substation; and T:e reuested a/tiities are to allo t:e Customer to perGorm maintenan/e

    a/tiities or euipment uprades on its transmission oltae Ga/ilities it:in t:e

    CustomerFs substation; and T:e sit/:in =0;= /+ >/ 0/ 0/@;// >>;0

    normal C$P orH da9, : ;=/ >77/>= /0+/0 : )()),

    ;=/ >>+;= +/0 : 16)).

    4.FG .3 Outaes etendin be9ond t:e timeGrames identiGied in Se/tion on a

    Gor/ed basis ma9 result in billin Gor asso/iated sit/:in and roundin

    a/tiities, as determined on a /ase8b98/ase basis.4,1.4 Outaes it: sit/:in or roundin a/tiities reuested Gor more t:an to

    /onse/utie da9s ma9 be subMe/t to /:ares Gor ea/: additional /onse/utie

    da9, een iG t:e outaes o//ur it:in t:e timeGrames identiGied in Se/tion, unless earl9 or intermittent outae restoration is reuired b9 (R'OT or

    Gor C$P s9stem reuirements.

    4.1.0 7uestions reardin /:ares s:ould be dire/ted to t:e Transmission A//ounts


    4.6 Sit/:in

    4.6,1 C$P perGorms ne/essar9 sit/:in at t:e remote end oG a C$P transmission

    line Gor outaes at t:e CustomerFs substation t:at reuire sit/:in oG C$P

    transmission lines. C$P proides sit/:in instru/tions Gor t:e :i: oltae

    dei/es in t:e CustomerFs substation t:at is dire/tl9 inter/onne/ted it: C$"Fstransmission s9stem. Sit/:in instru/tions are not proided Gor remote

    Ga/ilities inter/onne/ted to t:e CustomerFs substation t:at is dire/tl9

    inter/onne/ted it: C$PFs transmission s9stem. A

  • 7/24/2019 CenterPoint -feero


  • 7/24/2019 CenterPoint -feero


    E !< all t6ree lig6ts dim immediatel?E reset t6e targets ;

  • 7/24/2019 CenterPoint -feero


    4.(.1 T:/ ++= > 0>/;0/ 0/ 0 :/ ? :/ >:= /0 :/ ;=/

    : // >:/;+/ : ;:0K/b9 t:e RTC S?/7 S>:/;+/0 =-1386%-8

    21#6C($T(R P7I$T($S)ITTAL 1FERS+UNDAT(> J

    (R'!O)TA'( RQ


  • 7/24/2019 CenterPoint -feero




    RE#UESTED Oie 8 ON S"TE Oie 8E*4'. C++ P:8CO$TACT Cell r:





    TI(DAGI!8 %

    COtGT#C I$(A'(tdC!

    R(STOR(TI$(C$" TO'RO)$Dline !I$

    R(ASO$ "ORO)TA'(MR(AR0

    A++ O;=/ R/@;/ S:;+ / /7+/ to La L,.Q8>.sr ,>M 0 $;/ >++ !1#24!82!14 =J !1#824!825!1

    >.5 Ot6er (mergenc? Conditions.0.1 Customer substations are an interal part oG t:e inter/onne/ted transmission

    s9stem and disablin t:em :as an impa/t on t:e ele/tri/al rid. In /ertain

    emeren/9 situations, t:e Customer ma9 ea/uate or s:ut don t:eir Ga/ilit9. In

    su/: /ases, t:e Customer s:all endeaor to Heep t:e portion oG t:eir substation

    t:at is dire/tl9 /onne/ted to t:e transmission rid in seri/e, unless spe/iGi/all9

    dire/ted ot:erise b9 (R'OT or C$PFs RTO S9stem Controller,

    7 -eneration Oeration7.1 Alicabilit?-.1.1 T:is se/tion applies onl9 iG t:e Customer operates ele/tri/ eneratin Ga/ilities and

    parti/ipates in t:e :olesale transmission marHet, T:e Customer s:all Gollo t:e

    (RCOT Operatin 'uides and (R'OT Proto/ols or ot:er reulator9 reuirements

    t:at appl9 to t:eir Ga/ilities

    -.6 )nit Operation

    -.6.1 :ere C$P ons t:e inter/onne/tin substation and t:ere is not an in8line

    breaHer to s9n/:roniEe a eneratin unit, t:e Customer :as /ontrol oG O$PFs


    ^ t8ettt^r4:tf$$

    %iter;lyTransmission & Substation ;=/ and Clearance Coordination Procedures

    substation breaHers t:at are Gun/tionin as enerator breaHers. C$P :as

    operational /ontrol oG t:e dis/onne/t sit/:es asso/iated it: t:ese breaHers.

    -,6.6 T:e Customer s:all :ae eneration /ontrol personnel on dut9 at t:e eneratin

    unit site at all times t:at t:e eneratin units are on8line.

    -.6.3 T:e Customer or CustomerFs representatie s:all notiG9 t:e RTO S9stem

    Controller =65185248%421? immediatel9 beGore a unit is s9n/:roniEed and

    /onne/ted to C$PFs transmission s9stem.

    -64 T:e Customer s:all operate units to support t:e transmission s9stem oltae b9reulatin rea/tie poer output up to leels demonstrated in t:e (RCOT tests as

    reuired in t:e (RCOT Proto/ols. T:e Customer s:all maintain t:e (RCOT

    spe/iGied oltae leel unless ot:erise dire/ted b9 t:e RTO S9stem Dispat/:er

    or (RCOT.

    -.6.0 T:e CustomerFs oltae reulators, speed oernors, and poer s9stem

    stabiliEers, iG reuired b9 (RCOT, s:all be in seri/e :eneer eneratin units

    are on8line. T:e Customer s:all immediatel9 notiG9 (RCOT :eneer a oltae

    reulator, speed oernor, or poer s9stem stabiliEer is taHen out oG seri/e or

    pla/ed ba/H in seri/e. T:e Customer s:all maintain settins as /lose as pra/ti/al

    to Gie per/ent speed reulation.

    -.6. T:e Customer s:all maintain eneratin units on8line durin s9stem Greuen/9

    and oltae e/ursions per (RCOT Operatin 'uides;.er/ot,/omBmHtrulesBuidesBnoperatinB/ur,

  • 7/24/2019 CenterPoint -feero


    5 Prote/tie Rela9in and Control5.1 Settins Gor Rela9s Installed Gor t:e Prote/tion and Automati/ Re/losin oG C$P

    Transmission Lines

    5,1.1 '$P /al/ulates and implements all settins Gor t:e CustomerFs rela9s installed Gor

    t:e prote/tion and automati/ re/losin oG C$P transmission lines and Gor t:e

    CustomerFs rela9s installed to preent ba/H8eneriEin C$PFs s9stem Gromeneration installed on t:e lo side oG t:e CustomerFs poer transGormers. On a

    /ase8b98/ase basis, C$P ma9 issue settins Gor ot:er rela9s oned b9 t:e

    Customer. T:e rela9 settins implemented b9 C$P Gor t:e CustomerFs rela9s ill

    be proided to t:e Customer upon reuest.

    8.2 Alicable )ela? Settings5.6.1 T:e Customer s:all proide C$P it: t:e settins oG t:e CustomerFs rela9s t:at

    trip or /lose t:e CustomerFs :i: oltae =% H and :i:er? /ir/uit breaHers, T:e

    Customer s:all proide to t:e Transmission A//ounts representatie an9

    proposed settins /:anes Gor su/: rela9s Gor C$PFs reie.

    8. Communications Connections to (lectronic 3eBices5.3.1 An ele/troni/ dei/e t:at /an dire/tl9 or indire/tl9 trip a /ir/uit breaHer /onne/ted

    to a C$P transmission /ir/uit is not alloed to be monitored t:rou: routableproto/ol /ommuni/ation =i.e. (t:ernet? or dial8up /ommuni/ation. onitorin oG20


    CettterPtllttt Transmission & Substation outae and Clearan/e Coordination ProceduresIr#ergy

    t:is ele/troni/ dei/e Gor meterin data or eent data or an9 /ommuni/ations

    pro/essor /onne/ted to t:is ele/troni/ dei/e is onl9 alloed t:rou: a serial port,

    su/: as odbus, D$P3, or S(I. "ast eter. Control /ommands are not alloed

    t:rou: t:e serial port.

    # E@;7/ Additions, R/+>/7/, U=0/ R/7+

    2.1 (uipment C:anes

    2.1.1 T:e Customer s:all notiG9 t:e Transmission A//ounts representatie it:suGGi/ient noti/e to meet t:e timeline and data reportin reuirements in Table 6

    belo :en euipment additions or remoals are planned or :en :i: oltae

    euipment or asso/iated euipment reuires modiGi/ation or repla/ement, T:e

    Customer s:all notiG9 t:e Transmission A//ounts representatie prior to

    perGormin Gun/tional testin and allo C$P to itness t:e testin.

    2.1.6 T:e Customer s:all proide euipment and installation, in/ludin testin and

    inspe/tions, per appli/able C$P spe/iGi/ations and bill oG materials. T:e

    Customer s:all proide ne/essar9 details, su/: as drains, spe/iGi/ations, and

    manuGa/turer t9pe and /atalo number, Gor C$PFs reie. All C$P /omments

    must be in/orporated or resoled beGore an9 euipment or materials are pro/ured

    or an9 orH is beun.

    2.1.3 (RCOT Proto/ols reuire t:at all /:anes to euipment rated at % H and aboebe /ommuni/ated b9 C$P to (RCOT prior to t:e in8seri/e date as spe/iGied in

    Table 6 belo.

    2.1.4 (RCOT onl9 approes eneriEation reuests :en t:e transmission element is

    satisGa/toril9 modeled in t:e (RCOT $etorH Operations odel.

    2,6 odiGi/ation, Repair, and Repla/ement oG Customer (uipment

    2.61 C$P notiGies t:e Customer oG problems in t:eir Ga/ilities oG :i/: C$P be/omes

    aare, T:e Customer s:all proide an9 needed euipment modiGi/ations, repairs,

    or repla/ement it:in an appropriate time Grame. T:e Customer s:all repla/e

    euipment t:at C$P demonstrates is no loner rnaintainable. On a /ase8b98/ase

    basis, t:e Customer and C$P s:all deelop t:e responsibilities Gor t:e

    modiGi/ation, repair, and repla/ement oG t:is euipment.

    2.6.6 Industr9 eperien/e ma9 di/tate t:at /ertain euipment be modiGied, repaired, or

    repla/ed due to manuGa/turin deGe/ts or una//eptable Gailure rates and

  • 7/24/2019 CenterPoint -feero


    /onseuen/es. T:e Customer s:all, it:in an appropriate time Grame, modiG9,

    repair, or repla/e euipment based on manuGa/turer issued produ/t seri/e

    adisories or C$P issued adisories.21


    ^^ Ct^nferPttlttt0$

  • 7/24/2019 CenterPoint -feero


    Gor maintenan/e b9 C$P. C$P ill label euipment maintained b9 C$P.

    1%.1.6 C$P ill endeaor to /oordinate C$P maintenan/e it: t:e CustomerFs

    maintenan/e outaes.

    1%.1.3 C$P transmission line outaes are reuired Gor C$P to perGorm testin oG

    appli/able ae traps oG t:e Customer.

    1%.1.4 Outaes oG approimatel9 ten :ours duration Gor /ertain oG t:e CustomerFs

    Ga/ilities are reuired Gor C$PJs periodi/ maintenan/e oG C$P :i: oltae

    meterin instrument transGormers. TransGormer outaes are reuired Gor meterin

    instrument transGormers installed on t:e :i: side oG transGormers. A total

    separation Grom C$PFs s9stem ma9 be reuired Gor /ertain substation


    10.2 Customer +aintenance1%.6.1 T:e Customer s:all perGorm periodi/ inspe/tions and preentie maintenan/e

    on all stru/tures and euipment oned b9 t:e Customer e/ept Gor euipment

    desinated b9 C$P Gor maintenan/e b9 C$P. T:e Customer s:all not perGorm

    preentie maintenan/e on t:e euipment maintained b9 C$P. T:e Customer

    s:all maintain euipment los and test reports, :i/: s:all be proided to C$P

    upon reuest.1%.6.6 Dependin upon oners:ip, euipment maintained b9 t:e Customer ma9

    in/lude t:e Golloin; line sure arresters, potential and /urrent transGormers not

    oned b9 C$P, /ouplin /apa/itors, /ouplin /apa/itor potential dei/es,

    sit/:es =in/ludin auiliar9 /onta/ts and motors iG installed?, breaHers =bus:ins,

    me/:anism, tanHs?, transGormers =bus:ins, sure arresters, main tanH, load tap

    /:aner, alarms?, rela9s not tested b9 C$P, and DC batter9 s9stem euipment.

    1%.6.3 T:e Customer s:all notiG9 t:e RTO S9stem S/:eduler at least ten =1%?

    business da9s in adan/e beGore perGormin maintenan/e on potential or /urrent

    transGormers /onne/ted to C$P meters.

    10. +ont6l? !nsections1%.3.1 T:e Customer s:all perGorm mont:l9 inspe/tions to in/lude t:e Golloin as

    appli/able.C+ ;+ /> ;0 /@;7/ i>+;= / >0+ >/q eriG9 + +//+

    D /0? 007/0 0=/ +/ 0/;0/23


    ccnrcr3(=(r'> Transmission & Substation Outage and Clearance Coordination Procedures


    0 eri

  • 7/24/2019 CenterPoint -feero


    (l Clean batter? sur

  • 7/24/2019 CenterPoint -feero


    t:at o//urs ea/: time a /apa/itor banH is eneriEed. (uipment, su/: as motor

    /ontra/tors, adMustable speed dries, prorammable loi/ /ontrollers, and :i:

    intensit9 dis/:are lamps, /an be sensitie to t:ese s:ort duration oltae sa

    and transient oltae os/illation.

    11.3.6 It is important to /onsider oltae sa ?

  • 7/24/2019 CenterPoint -feero


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  • 7/24/2019 CenterPoint -feero


    inimum A//eptable (le/tri/al, e/:ani/al, and Stru/tural Desin

    C:ara/teristi/s Gor $e 340 H Inter/onne/tion Substation Constru/tion80

    +a? 15,20148888888888888888888T:e8C8enterPo:tit8sXner98minirn8unra//eptabie8eie/tri/a 1,8Fme/:ani/al,8and8stru/tural8de

    Gor ne 340 i/ Inter/onne/tion substation /onstru/tion are listed belo>1. M7;7 /0= +=/ Q 36.0 .2. I7;+/ +//+ =0 /@;7/ +/ /+< X13%% H II.

    . "us and s@itc6 !nsulator !mulse 'eve' I'ea7a)e; 100 !' "! ;21 inc6es=.4. Apparatus bus:in =por/elain insulators, /ir/uit breaHer bus:ins transGormer bus:ins, et/.? Impulse

    leel =leaHae? X13%% H IL =660 In/:es?.

    0. In a /ontaminated area, all por/elain =i.e. insulators, /ir/uit breaHer bus:ins transGormer bus:ins,et/.? s:all be /oated it: a room temperature ul/aniEin =R$? sili/one rubber.>. P6ase9to9ground clearance ;metal9to9metal= 105 inc6es.

    7. P6ase9to96ase clearance ;meta19to9metal= 11% inc6es.5. IG t:e /onGiuration oG t:e inter/onne/tion substation Ga/ilities and /onne/tion to t:e CenterPoint(ner9 Ga/ilities is su/: t:at 340 H transmission s9stem netorH poer Glo /ould Glo t:rou: t:einter/onne/tion substation durin planned and net /ontinen/9 outaes, t:en t:e minimum/ontinuous /urrent ratin oG all euipment in t:e inter/onne/tion substation is 4,%%% amperes.

    2. An9 340 H /ondu/tor >/> :++ ;+K/ 77;7 ;+/ -20 H/mii >;>0.1%. aimum anti/ipated Gault /urrent X 3 HA rms s9mmetri/al t:ree p:ase and sinle p:ase, BR oG 10

    and a duration oG %.60 se/onds.

    11. $ormal anti/ipated ind speed /onditions /ombined it: maimum Gault /urrent X 10 mp:, 3 HA.16. aimum anti/ipated ind speed /onditions /ombined it: redu/ed Gault /urrent =5%Y? X 14%

    mp:, 0% I+A.13. :en a CenterPoint (ner9 substation is adMa/ent to t:e inter/onne/tion substation, t:e

    Inter/onne/tion substation bus :ei:t s:all /onGorm to CenterPoint (ner9 substation bus eleations

    unless ot:erise areed to b9 CenterPoint (ner9.

    14. Dire/t li:tnin stroHe s:ieldin desin s:all /ompl9 it: I((( standard 225.10. Substation =0; 7 />/ =0;= s9stem s:all /ompl9 : IEEE 0 ().

    1 o< 281

    +a? 15, 2014..8:en8a8CZntZr.Point8(ner.98substation8is8ada/ent8to8t:e.inteCCanne/tion8substation,8t:e888 888inter/onne/tion substation s:all /onne/t Its substation round mat to t:e CenterPoint (ner9 substation

    ground mat.1-. )nless ot:erise areed to b9 CenterPoint (ner9, t:e /ir/uit breaHers s:all :ae a 4%%% ampere/ontinuous /urrent ratin, s9mmetri/al Interruptin /apabilit9 oG 0% HA =terminal Gault as ell as s:ortline

    Gault /apabilit9?, RS upradable to 3 HA RS it: t:e addition oG TR /apa/itors. T:e /ir/uit

    breaHer s:all not :ae a /apa/itor a/ross t:e interrupters. Cir/uit breaHer /urrent transGormers =CTs?

    t:at dire/tl9 /onne/t to t:e CenterPoint (ner9 prote/tie rela9in s/:emes s:all be 4%%%>0 multi8ratio,

    to CTs per bus:in, it: C5%% a//ura/9 at t:e 3%%%>0 tap. T:e se/ondar9 resistan/e oG t:e CTs s:all

    not eceed 0.0025 o6ms er turn.1(. S;0=/ 00//0 :++ / >+ : 77;7 0/ CO oG 664 I$.

    2 o< 282